
Special Issue: 3rd Asian Thermal Spray Conference (ATSC-3)

Special Issue published in December 2009, Vol. 18, No. 4 of Journal of Thermal Spray Technology


  • K.A. Khor

    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • Seiji Kuroda

    National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

  • Changhee Lee

    Hanyang University, Korea

  • You Wang

    Harbin Insitute of Technology, China

Articles (31 in this collection)

  1. Editorial

    Authors (first, second and last of 4)

    • K. A. Khor
    • Seiji Kuroda
    • You Wang
    • Content type: Editorial
    • Published: 31 October 2009
    • Pages: 465 - 465