The 3rd Asian Thermal Spray Conference (ATSC-3) was held in Singapore, November 6-7, 2008 at the Nanyang Executive Centre (NEC), Nanyang Technological University. Following hard after the success of the inaugural ATSC in Nagoya, Japan in November 2005, and the 2nd ATSC in Gyeongju, Korea in November 2006, this meeting in Singapore witnessed the sustained development of thermal spray technology across Asia. The 3rd ATSC included papers from thermal spray researchers in India for the first time. In fact, the Plenary Talk was delivered by Dr. G. Sundararajan, Director of the Advanced Research Center for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ACRI), on recent developments in cold spray technology.

This special issue of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology features a section of selected papers from the 3rd ATSC representing the recent advances made in the understanding of the cold spray process and the role played by salient process parameters and environment on the characteristics and properties of coatings and particles. We are confident that, while much remains to be studied on the mechanisms and phenomenon of certain thermal spray processes, considerable in-roads have been made through assiduous application of modeling and extensive experimental workouts in many fledgling thermal spray laboratories across Asia. As the global economies begin the tentative climb out of recession, it is not too ambitious to expect that more applications will be sought out by those who seek innovative ideas using thermal spray technology. The 4th ATSC will be held in **án, the ancient capital of China October 22-24, 2010.

We are confident that ATSC will grow as a forum for the exchange of information, sharing of stimulating ideas for research, technical developments and businesses, and provide an affordable gateway to the international community of thermal spray researchers and industry for the coming generations in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.