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  1. No Access


    Improved green and red GRAB sensors for monitoring dopaminergic activity in vivo

    Dopamine (DA) plays multiple roles in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes via a large network of dopaminergic projections. To dissect the spatiotemporal dynamics of DA release in both dens...

    Yizhou Zhuo, Bin Luo, **nyang Yi, Hui Dong, **aolei Miao, **xia Wan in Nature Methods (2024)

  2. No Access


    A gradual temporal shift of dopamine responses mirrors the progression of temporal difference error in machine learning

    A large body of evidence has indicated that the phasic responses of midbrain dopamine neurons show a remarkable similarity to a type of teaching signal (temporal difference (TD) error) used in machine learning...

    Ryunosuke Amo, Sara Matias, Akihiro Yamanaka, Kenji F. Tanaka in Nature Neuroscience (2022)

  3. No Access


    Dopamine neurons projecting to the posterior striatum reinforce avoidance of threatening stimuli

    Midbrain dopamine neurons are well known for their role in reward-based reinforcement learning. We found that the activity of dopamine axons in the posterior tail of the striatum (TS) scaled with the novelty a...

    William Menegas, Korleki Akiti, Ryunosuke Amo, Naoshige Uchida in Nature Neuroscience (2018)

  4. No Access


    Galanin neurons in the medial preoptic area govern parental behaviour

    Mice display robust, stereotyped behaviours towards pups: virgin males typically attack pups, whereas virgin females and sexually experienced males and females display parental care. Here we show that virgin m...

    Zheng Wu, Anita E. Autry, Joseph F. Bergan, Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida in Nature (2014)

  5. No Access


    An excitatory paraventricular nucleus to AgRP neuron circuit that drives hunger

    The AgRP-expressing neurons in the arcuate nucleus drive food-seeking behaviours during caloric restriction; a mouse study of monosynaptic retrograde rabies spread and optogenetic circuit map** reveals that ...

    Michael J. Krashes, Bhavik P. Shah, Joseph C. Madara, David P. Olson in Nature (2014)