
At the half of the twentieth century, the discovery of DNA structure brought the demand to sequence it [1,2,3]. The two most popular methods Sanger and Maxam–Gilbert were introduced based on chain termination reactions and chemical cleavage analysis, respectively [4,5,6,7]. The Sanger method which depends on termination of the growing nucleotide chain with dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) dominated the traditional Maxam–Gilbert method [8, 9, 32, 33]. It was also used by automation and mass in the human genome project (HGP) [10,11,12]. Due to technological shortcomings, the human genome was not possible to be fully sequenced in 2003 [13, 14]. Recently, the gapless next-generation sequencing (NGS) in a T2T consortium makes it possible to address the whole-genome parts. NGS is one of the sequencing technologies that made possible the advance in Oxford Nanopore sequencing with ultra-long-read capacities [15, 16].

Pocket-sized nanopore sequencers, which do not need a reverse transcription process and do not require a high-skill data entry approach, are becoming in need following their introduction for commercial purposes in 2014 [17, 18]. The technology enabled viral genome sequencing during the outbreaks of the Ebola virus in remote areas of West Africa and the Zika virus in the deeply forested regions of Brazil [19, 20]. These days it is used in China to sequence and identify SARS-CoV-2 [60].

PacBio RS II as the first commercialized third-generation DNA sequencers that works by enabling the direct observation of DNA synthesis has the advantage of sequencing long-read lengths, high consensus accuracy, a low degree of bias, simultaneous capability of epigenetic characterization and is useful for direct detection of base modifications such as methylation [36, 38, 44, 47, 50, 54,55,56]. Generally, PacBio RS II is ideal for whole-genome sequencing, targeted sequencing, complex population analysis, RNA sequencing, and epigenetic characterization. PacBio RS II works without PCR amplification and offers the advantages of providing long-read lengths (> 20 kb) and maximum read length (> 60 kb) over first and second-generation platforms. PacBio system is also capable of directly detecting and discriminating epigenetic modifications [28, 54]. Moreover, many hybrid sequencing strategies have been developed and coupled with PacBio to make it more affordable and scalable. The noticeable limitations of PacBio include lower throughput, higher error rates, and higher cost per base [51,52,53].

In PacBio single nucleotide sequencing, four fluorescent-labeled nucleotides with distinct emission spectrum are added to the chip called SMRT cell, and a zero-mode wavelength light pulse is captured when a base is added (Fig. 2). The pulse is then interpreted as a base sequence [38, 54].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Principle of single-molecule real-time sequencing. A A single molecule of DNA template-bound Phi 29 is immobilized at the bottom of the zero-mode waveguide nanophotonic structure, which is illuminated by laser light. B Diagrammatic order of the phospho-linked dNTP association cycle. (1) Phospho-linked nucleotide forms a binding with a template in the polymerase active site. (2) Advancing fluorescence output on the analogous color channel. (3) Phosphodiester linkage formation releases the dye binder phosphate product followed by the ending of zero-mode waveguide nanophotonic fluorescence pulse. (4) Translocation of polymerase enzyme to the next nucleotide of the template strand. (5) Binding of the next cognate nucleotide on the active site of polymerase to continue the cycle [57, 58]. Image reprinted from [57] with permission of the publisher (Order license ID: 1164215-1, 25 Nov 2021)

The most recent (NGS) sequencing with nanopore technology (majorly discussed in this review) has a thin membrane structure that holds nanoscale holes. When biological molecules smaller than the nanopore pass through the hole, it detects the potential charge of individual molecules passing through it [31, 61, 62]. The four various companies are competing to dominate the NGS market based on their price, method, and average reading length (Table 1).

Table 1 Comparison of different NGS technologies. Adapted from [36]

The development of Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology

In 2012, nanopore technology started to be applicable for RNA sequencing with reverse transcription and amplification methods. Following that, Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) developed a device based on an array of biological nanopores that enable reliable decoding of long sequences with an acceptable error rate, low cost, and better miniaturization [64, 94]. Its long-read sequencing capacity makes it a landmark in the history of sequencing [63,64,65,66]. The sequencing is a direct, highly parallel, real-time, single-molecule method that manifests an improved reading length of nucleotides [155]. However, due to stability and processivity issues, the A-family DNAP was replaced by B-family DNAP, i.e., Phi 29 [156]. The bacteriophage phi29 DNA polymerase (phi29 DNAP) has a high affinity for DNA substrates and works well with α-HL and MspA pores [157]. Unlike polymerase, helicases with the ability to bind single-stranded nucleic acids require a partial duplex where the new nucleotides are added to the 3′ end of the primer [158]. Helicase has also a better affinity, can eliminate double reading bases and skip** due to fluctuation in synthesis rate, and exhibits the proofreading trait of Phi 29-DNAP [159, 160] (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9
figure 9

HEL308—helicase as motor protein translocating ssDNA A shows the mechanism and B Domain organization and motions of HEL308. The two (recombination protein A) RecA 1 and 2 domains compose the motor part; here, ATP binds between them and drives or rectifies the mechanochemical cycle, and the auxiliary ratchet domain makes several contacts with ssDNA and may offer determinants of the potential sequence specificity [159, 160]. Image adapted from [159]

An integrated nanopore platform with a nanobead structure was reported to decelerate DNA movement and the noise is reduced by a polyimide layer along with a controlled dielectric breakdown (CDB) process for nanopore fabrication [161]. The second way of controlling translocation relied on regulating the driving voltage as mentioned above, and adjusting pore geometry and experimental conditions is helpful [162,163,164].

Adjusting pore geometry

Limited pore geometries were the factors that forced research to expand into solid-state nanopores, which can give diversity in pore shape. But, they have reduced spatial resolution due to the required thickness needed for membrane stability [107, 119, 165]. Decreasing the nanopore diameter to almost the same size as that of ssDNA, i.e., 1.4 nm, decreases the translocation speed to 1.4 microsecond/base, making narrowing the nanopore one effective way to improve translocation [166]. When the pore diameter is reduced, the amplitude of current signals from DNA increases. Compared to cylindrically shaped nanopores on a continuum modeling system, conical-shaped nanopores produce greater signal amplitudes from biomolecule translocation [167].

Adjusting experimental conditions

The ultrafast translocation speed of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in solid-state nanopores is one of the predicaments, and there are various ways to decelerate the speed [161, 166, 168], one of which is controlled dielectric breakdown (CBD) with a divalent metal cation especially Ca2+ provides a silicon nitride nanopore with a deceleration of 100 microseconds per base [169]. Pore-dwelling time was shown to be increased by varying electrolyte cationic species and solution molarities. For solid-state pores, when the cation size decreases from K+ to Na+ to Li+, translocation time strongly increases both for dsDNA and ssDNA and that is due to the stronger binding capacity of smaller cations to the DNA strand [170]. Slowing down of DNA translocation velocity using a LiCl salt gradient and nanofiber mesh was implemented to maintain the DNA molecule in the sensing time of nanopores. Compared to other alkali solutions, LiCl can extend the dwell time by 20 ms (five times longer than NaCl and KCl) for which it reaches 100 ms when the concentration increases and the nanofiber mesh further retards it by 162 to 185 ms [171]. Lowering the translocation speed of ssDNA by using 15-fold increases in LiCl salt concentration brings counter-ion binding and effective lowering of the overall charge of DNA, which in turn lessens the electrophoretic driving power of the system to slow down the translocation velocity. Lowering the translocation enhanced resolution until it allows 5’mC to be distinguished from C without using methyl-specific labels is mandatory [172]. On the other side, decreasing the KCl concentration from 1 to 0.1 M resulted in a shorter time to pass through the nanopore and oppositely longer transit time was gained with a low concentration of MgCl2 in silicon nitride nanopore systems [173].

Enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio SNR

The major hurdle in the progression of nanopore technology is noise in the ionic current, limiting the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Solid-state nanopores have the highest SNR due to the large currents at which they can be operated and the relatively low noise at high frequencies. Still, the translocation speed slowdown plays a major role and MspA was shown to increase the SNR > 160 fold [174] (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Noise in biological and solid-state nanopores. Image adapted from [174]

Nanopore noise power spectral density (PSD) is composed of 1/f noise: white noise, dielectric noise, and amplifier noise, each dominating at different frequencies. When we see the origin of the noise, 1/f noise is due to surface and bulk effect; white noise is from thermal and shot effect; dielectric noise from dielectric membrane current leakage and amplifier noise are due to capacitance in the chip and amplifier [184]. Low SNR due to technological limitations of the nanopore sequencers makes it unable to read and determine the required nucleotide sequences [182].

Expanding the range too long reads

To sequence unambiguously spanning repetitive elements of the genome, long reads are required for increasing a significant length [187, 188]. The method of pipetting reagents as slowly as possible to minimize shearing force and preserve long DNA templates during library preparation was developed and called SNAILS (a slow nucleic acid instrument for long sequences) [187]. SNAILS implements automating the slow pipetting of library preparation reagents to increase the consistency and throughput of long-read nanopore sequencing [187, 189]. Focusing on DNA extraction and enzymatic reactions to further increase the read length, it is possible to transform from 50 to 70 kb of mechanical shearing to 90 to 100 kb reads of transposase-mediated fragmentation [190].

At the beginning of the millennium, the initial draft of the human genome was not completed and remained as such until the Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology complements the PacBio sequencing [191]. So, we see the complete set of human genomes sequenced. The remaining 8% of the genome addressed by the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) consortium included: gapless assemblies for all 22 autosomes plus chromosome X, all centromeric satellite arrays, and the short arms of the five acrocentric chromosomes [16, 192]. Long-read sequencing gets into inaccessible parts of the genome such as centromeres [101], telomeres, and acrocentric genomic regions [193]. In those regions, massive arrays of tandem repeats predominate and manifest the highest mutation rates both in germline and soma makes [194]. Identification of those techniques allowing access to the regions was a blessing for genomic analysis research and industry [101].

Computational advancements

Computational analysis in sequencing experiments has various tools [104, 105]. But their selection needs to be clear, and separate tools are required for individual steps. Managing and integrating the tools is also difficult. Combining tools to pipelines might help and play a role in map** sequencing reads, calculating methylation levels, and distinguishing differently methylated positions or regions [106]. Since movement was slow to allow identification of individual nucleotides, the other challenge was creating a well-controlled ratchet of the nucleotide through the pore [87, 107, 108].

Nanopore sequencers can generate enormous amounts of data within a short period due to the development of computational systems that incorporate nanopore chemistry and base calling software [182, 184]. The software performs sequencing and reading of nucleotide fragments followed by two approaches: read map** and de novo assembly [345]. Read map** is an alignment of reads against the reference genome to identify variations in the sequenced genome [383]. De novo assembly is used to combine the reads for building the original sequence in the absence of a reference genome [384]. In 2014, Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) launched a beta-testing program for the MinION followed by the development of novel computational approaches for base calling, data handling, read map**, de novo assembly, and variant discovery of this new generation of data [15, 195]. These approaches improve the de novo sequencing of genomes and make possible the investigation of structural variants with unrivaled accuracy and resolution. The advancement can also reduce the higher error rate of nanopore sequencing techniques [196].

Nanopore chemistry software

A change in sequencing chemistry of sequencers like MinION and GridION has shown a valuable improvement in error rates. Before the production of MinION, sequencing through the biological nanopore allows 1D sequencing of a template strand up on unwinding the double strands by motor protein [182, 387]. However, early models of MinION provided 2D sequencing software that incorporates proofreading of both strands (Template and complimentary), realized due to ligation of hairpin structure to the DNA strands. The accuracy of the 2D read has been more than 5% of the 1D read (read of the template strand alone) [64]. Recently, ONT has developed 1D2 sequencing software that permits the sequencing of the template and complementary strands without physical ligation. Due to this change, 1D2 has shown an increase of 7% accuracy than 1D software [182, 385, 386].

Base calling software

A base calling that involves the computational process of converting the obtained raw current signals to nucleotide sequences is very important for the detection of epigenetic modifications [388]. Hence, ONT has gone through various development stages of base calling software. The base calling was obtained from fragmented current data using HMM at the early stages of development, followed by the implementation of a recurrent neural network in 2016 [389]. Raw current data have been used to collect base calling in 2017. As the accuracy demand increased, updated flip-flop and customized base calling models were practiced in 2018 and 2019, respectively [184, 390].

Real-time base calling can be simplified as the current formats like BAM/CRAM (Binary alignment map/Compressed reference alignment map) are unable to completely reach the ultra-long reads [77]. Up to five neighboring bases influence the current level of a single DNA strand that traverses through MspA [185]. Such kind of limitations inspired to use of the most dynamic programming such as the Viterbi algorithm [186]. Of course, genoty** accuracy is racing short-read sequencing instruments and it is because of insufficiency to discriminate between heterozygous and homozygous alleles. This urges a need for structural variant genoty** tools for long, single-molecule sequencing reads [77]. The computational program of MinION has identification steps to convert base calling electronic data into the required nucleotide sequences [63]. First, the motor protein found above the nanopore unwinds the dsDNA to make proper passage of the ssDNA through the nanopore (Fig. 12A). Second, the ionic current signals obtained from the nucleotide reading are segregated into mean, standard deviation, and length (Fig. 12B). Those signals have a constant sampling frequency of 5000 Hz. Third, the segregated results are then transferred to the machine learning approach box for translating into the template and adjunct signals (Fig. 12C). Finally, the sequence of signals results in a display with the computer device (Fig. 12D). The performance of each step can be evaluated through graphs based on throughput, read length, and accuracy (Fig. 12E, F, G, H) [195].

Fig. 12
figure 12

Steps for computational sequencing of DNA using a nanopore. Image reprinted from [195] with permission of the publisher (License ID: 1164222-1, 25 Nov 2021)

Current challenges and opportunities of nanopore sequencing technology

The two challenges that need to be solved in nanopore sequencing are enzyme turnover and the interval in which the nanopore current is released [67, 186]. The enzyme turnover is used for the identification of successive bases in the sequence stochastic, giving an imperfect ratchet in which the interval between each advance of DNA is variable [197]. Some of the intervals may be so short, overlooked in system noise, or repetitive sequences of identical bases may not be recognized in long intervals. Improved ratcheting mechanisms for accurate nanopore sequencing might solve the issue [186].

Solid-state nanopores modification and functionalization for mimicking some of the important biological pore characteristics are advancing. However, nanopores are single-use only and require more effort to achieve reversible functionalization [198, 199]. Therefore, a hybrid biological/artificial nanopore is the most promising strategy to combine robustness and selectivity [200,201,202]. Nanopore technology in terms of consensus base calling accuracy is unable to compete with other sequencing platforms [203, 204]. Single-molecule sequencing (SMS) has trouble producing sufficient signals, and as a result, the error rates of the individual sequencing reads are higher than SBS sequencing data [205, 206]. Of course, nanopores enabled genome-wide and transcriptome-wide analysis on top of these base modifications in epigenomics. Additionally, as a nanopore technology being applied to protein sequencing too, for proteomics, the opportunity brings the multi-omics to a single platform, which would be nanopore sequencing, the future of sequencing for all applications including in human health and medicine [207,208,209].

The competition with PacBio and the biggest market shareholder Illumina is enormous. Although high-coverage sequencing is required in SMRT, detection with high accuracy is possible using low-coverage reads in nanopore sequencing [209, 210]. It has been easy for Oxford Nanopore to defeat both Illumina and PacBio on the battlefields of legal charges; it seems to continue as such due to super-packed patents held by Oxford Nanopore Company for producing, hunting, and claiming for more than a decade [211,212,213].

Even though many solutions emanate to the challenges as mentioned in Sect. 3, the decade-long journey of nanopore sequencing technology challenges remains still concerning for the adepts working on the technology. Daniel Branton once predicted in his “the potential and challenges of nanopore sequencing” paper in 2008, those similar challenges still exist, but great advancements have been made too [108].

Workflow for Nanopore sequencing

All relevant regulations for working with human subjects should be compiled before sample and library preparation for nanopore sequencing proceeds [214]. Extraction of nucleic acids followed by library preparation and base calling was subsequently performed [66]. Before sequencing and assembling large DNA fragments from short DNA oligonucleotides, a general step is increasing the nanopore sequencing throughput of small DNA amplicons [214, 215] (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13
figure 13

The workflow for nanopore sequencing. Image adapted from [216]

Map** of nanopore reads is done by alignment to the reference genome with Minimap2. For reads matching known genes, the gene name is added to the corresponding SAM record using the Sicelore Add Gene Name Tag method; here, the genes are annotated with their nanopore read sequence and read qualities [217] (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Workflow and period for MinION nanopore sequencing and assembly process. The estimation was based on a rapid barcoding sequencing kit, which could pool twelve samples in a single run. Base calling and de novo assembly are dependent on the computer’s capacity used. Image adapted from [351]. a Discrimination of C and mC structures with the help of MBD1 protein. The methylation occurs in the fifth carbon position of the cytosine ring structure, and most of the mC nucleotides are found in the CpG island region of the gene. b Diagrammatic detection model of the mC during nanopore sequencing of DNA. The identification is based on utilizing ionic current differences obtained from the application of the required voltage

Map** epigenetic heterogeneity in tumor

Roles of epigenetic sequencing in tumor heterogeneity

When we looked at the physiological functions of the TET proteins and their mechanisms of regulation of DNA methylation and transcription, out of the three TET genes TET1 and TET2, expression levels were shown to be low in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues [314].

Bisulfite sequencing (BS-Seq) is based on the reactivity difference between methylated cytosine and unmethylated cytosine brought by bisulfite treatment that deaminates unmethylated cytosine to uracil (U), while the methylated one preserves itself [315], so that, during PCR amplification, methylated cytosine remains cytosine, while unmethylated cytosine would be read out as T [314].

Though the base-resolution bisulfite method is the one taken as a gold standard, so far, it had flaws because of the harsh chemical treatment nature, degrades the majority of the DNA, and limits the library of generated epigenetic sequencing [316]. Bisulfite sequencing has many integral faults starting from missing to distinguishing between 5mC and 5hmC [317]. Bisulfite sequencing also provides combined signals such as reduction of sequence complexity leading to low map** rates, uneven genome coverage, and inherent biases [314, 318]. Those drawbacks occur because 95% of the total cytosine in the mammalian genome is converted to thymine [314]. The most serious problem inherent in base-resolution sequencing and awaiting a possible solution to ameliorate is the degradation of the majority of the DNA during bisulfite treatment and the low conversion efficiency. The bisulfite conversion is also blind to distinguish between 5mC and 5hmc [319].

Alternative to bisulfite techniques, there have been bisulfite-free and base-level resolution sequencing methods like TET-assisted pyridine borane sequencing (TAPS) and are developed for both 5mC and 5hmC [316, 320]. TAPS combines TET oxidation of 5mC and 5hmC to 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC) with pyridine borane reduction of 5caC to dihydrouracil (DHU) [321]. The C-to-T transition completes when PCR converts DHU to thymine and TAPS detects modifications directly with high sensitivity and specificity, without affecting unmodified cytosine [322]. The method preserves up to 10 kilobases long that enable cheaper methylome analysis [316].

Another method based on oxidative bisulfite sequencing (oxBS-Seq) applies the oxidation capability of potassium perruthenate (KRuO4) to produce 5fC and through bisulfite treatment converts into U and the conversion rate is 94.5% [314]. Finally, the 5hmC level and position can be obtained by subtracting the oxBS-Seq from the BS-Seq [323,324,325]. Potassium perruthenate is more damaging than potassium ruthenate, and the latter is more helpful for nanoscale genomic map** in limited biological and clinical samples [320]. This method is claimed to be able to detect cell-free DNA (cfDNA) of healthy donors and cancer patients, showing base-resolution hydroxymethylomes in the human cfDNA for the first time [314, 311].

The complexity of library preparation and incomplete chemical conversion biases increased due to the bisulfite used to convert unmethylated cytosines to uracil [25, 336]. Illumina-based sequencing fails short of short-read lengths that hinder allele-specific methylation. On the other hand, PacBio long-read sequencing lacks high sequence coverage, limiting it from sequencing the methylated nucleotides. However, Oxford Nanopore sequencing is becoming the most advanced to fit into the situation [25].

Nanopore sequencing for epigenetic tumor heterogeneity

Nanopore sequencing advancing epigenetic map**

Methylation of DNA is one of the commonest epigenetic modifications that can be used in epigenetic map** [337, 338]. Methylation also plays a vital role in mammalian gene cell expression [339, 340]. These roles include cell development, aging, and regulation of tumor suppressor genes [341,342,343]. However, most DNA sequencing technologies are unable to differentiate methylated and unmethylated nucleotides in a DNA strand [25, 344]. However, the discovery of the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencer allows the sequence of methylated regulatory marks without special sample preparation, and with long-read single-molecule nature [345]. This feature makes MinION easier to study allele-specific methylation in heterogeneous cancer samples [25, 54, 346]. Limitations such as multiple nucleotides signal due to at a time entry of 5 nucleotides into the pore and current overlap** of methylated and unmethylated bases are identified [186]. Those drawbacks are resolved upon designing base-caller computational hidden Markov model (HMM) software [64, 347]. Based on the visibility of different current distributions, the software allows distinguishing three modified cytosine (C, 5mC, and 5hmC) and two modified adenine variants (A and 6-mA) [348,349,350]. Despite the incorporation of HMM, clear detection of DNA methylation by solid nanopore sensors constructed from two-dimensional (2D) graphene or molybdenum disulfide has also widened the validity of the process [351]. Furthermore, to detect the mC nucleotide upon passing through the nanopore, labeling of DNA methylation site by an adaptor of methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins (MBD1) is also mandatory (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19
figure 19

Direct reading of DNA methylation by nanopore sequencing. The ionic current is changed as single-stranded DNA passes through the pore; having a methyl group and small changes due to methylation are interpreted by a new set of algorithms. Image reprinted from [25] with permission of the publisher (Request ID: 600061678, 27 Nov 2021)

For studying CpG methylation and chromatin accessibility on long fragments of DNA, nanopore sequencing allows detecting sequencing difficult regions for characterization of genomic elements such as repetitive elements [352, 353]. Looking for the CCN1 gene (a poor prognosis correlated gene in colorectal cancer), methylation heterogeneity was observed in three enhancer regions with the highest activity in Enhancer 3 which is responsible for CCN1 up-regulation. The only way to decipher this is using the long-read nanopore technology [346]. By using nanopore sequencing data, the most complete human methylome is produced through long-read chromatin accessibility measurements (nanoNOMe) paired with CUT and RUN data [354, 355]. The hypomethylated region is extremely inaccessible and paired to CENP-A/B binding [354]. However, long reads interrogated allele-specific long-range epigenetic patterns in complex macro-satellite arrays existent in X chromosome inactivation can be deciphered. This single-molecule measurement clustered read based on the methylation status of epigenetically heterogeneous and homogenous provides a framework to investigate the most ambiguous regions of the human genome [354].

Augmenting the DNA bisulfite method with high-throughput sequencing technologies has widened the range to genome-wide DNA methylation than limited to CpG sites and CpG islands [356, 357]. Genome-wide DNA methylation studies show differential methylation at the genomic sites like promoters, CGIs, and respective elements [358]. Those differential methylations are sources of various clonal cell populations that create heterogeneity [359, 360]. The easiest method to identify modifications has a positive impact on epigenetics and excellent reproducibility and correlation with bisulfite sequencing. Suggestions are saying that nanopore sequencing could become the gold standard for detecting methylation patterns. As the short-read bisulfite sequencing demands differential methylation assessment, statistical methods which we lack now in long-read sequencing extend even to allow nanopore sequencing modifications in haplotypes [77, 361].

MethyQA software package solves the glitch that occurs when the unmethylated cytosine is converted into U and T while using the bisulfite conversion technique [360, 362]. Alleviated by this software, NGS technologies can output the methylation sequencing data having quality issues like: low per-base sequencing at the 3′ end, PCR amplification bias, and low bisulfite conversion rates [362, 363].

5hmC detection limitation deterred the assessing of 5hmC physiological functions and its role in demethylation pathways [364]. The limitation also affects the deep identification role performed by 5hmC: location, regulation of transcription, replication, and epigenetic reprogramming [365]. So, such determination of 5hmC functions demands the development of single-molecule DNA sequencing technologies for which nanopore sequencing best fits [365, 366].

Accuracy measurements for the detection of epigenetic modifications through nanopore sequencing

Out of the discussed methods above, the Oxford MinION nanopore sequencing model with HMM (hidden Markov model) is reported to have the capacity to differentiate among all the modified bases of Cytosine [63, 347]. With better improvements of HMM, HMM-HDP (hidden Markov model with hierarchical Dirichlet process) model has been developed, incorporating accuracy measurements of the modified bases detected by MinION sequencing (Fig. 20a–d) [64, 348, 367]. The model discriminates among all five C5 cytosine variants based on ionic current measurements from low throughput nanopore sensors [368]. In HMM-HDP, the base modifications are detected as changes in the ONT-MinION’s ionic current signal. MinION frequently records ionic currents to divide them into segments called events. The design models each event as a nucleotide striking of length called K-mer [369]. Each K-mer has an alliance with a distribution of ionic currents in Picomas (PA). The individual C, mC, and hmC bases are classified from the synthetic nucleotide regions to measure the accuracy of detections through a change of ionic current signal. After detection of changes in the model, the distribution of the ionic current signal has to be measured to determine segregational strength (Fig. 20e–h). The model also incorporates map** of 5mC from CC(A/T) GG motifs and 6 mA from GATC motifs using E. coli genomic DNA [367].

Fig. 20
figure 20

a–d Accuracy result of the MinION detection of cytosine methylation variants found in the synthetic oligonucleotides. Outputs from the classification of 6,966 C, 294 5mC, and 467 5hmC strands were sequenced in similar MinION flow cells. a Pre-read accuracy distribution results expressed by comparing normal distributions as Maximum-likelihood estimates (MLE) and HDP model distributions. Distributions are shown by triangles. b Across all cite three-way classification (C, mC, and hmC) of the template and co-template reads. c Confusion matrix showing the performance of HMM-HDP three-way cytosine classification on template reads of synthetic oligonucleotides. d Correlation between the log-odds of correct classification and the mean pairwise Hellinger distance between the methylation statuses of the 6-mer distributions overlap** a cytosine. eh Variation between the ionic current distribution and effect of reading quality for left (6 mA in GATC) and right (5mC in CC(A/T) GG) motifs. The ionic current distribution between A and 6-mA (e) and C and 5mC (f) has shown a difference. Ionic current levels from 100 alignments are shown as a histogram g for A and 6-mA and h for C and mC. Learned probability densities of HDP are shown as curves. Image is Reprinted from [348] with permission of the publisher (Request ID 600061677, 27 Nov 2021)

Single-cell tumor epigenetic map** using nanopore sequencer

The field of single-cell epigenomics is in its infancy. But, due to the increasingly recognized importance of intercellular heterogeneity in tumors with the rapid pace of technological development, it is expected to show enormous progress over the next few years [370]. Single-cell epigenomics incorporates epigenetic profiling with the isolation of single-cell, barcoding it, and high-throughput sequencing of the isolated cell genome [371]. Since epigenetically modified genes are shown in most cancer cells, it is essential to use simple and lower-cost methods to identify these modifications [372]. Nanopore sequencing with recently upgraded technologies has been the easier and preferable method to detect the epigenetic modifications that occur in a specific cancer type of various organs [373].

Deletions, amplifications, inversions, and translocations of nucleotides in a DNA sequence are the four DNA replication-related causes of gene mutations. Nanopore sequencing can be used to detect the heterogeneity of tumors as a result of these changes, which led to the anticipated alterations during epigenetic modifications [391]. Additionally, nanopore sequencing is highlighted as one of the primary areas of focus for the next-generation approaches to understand the heterogeneity of cancer [392].

Beyond previously accolade genetic alterations, tumor heterogeneity derived by epigenetic reprogramming causes drug-resistant subpopulations of tumor cells [374]. It shows the need for single-cell epigenetic technology capacity to truck drug-induced tumor evolution for the timely intercession of the treatment [293]. In hepatocellular carcinoma, identification of the modification status of tumor suppressor genes using nanopore sequencing showed around 10 potential tumor suppressor gene candidates and the glucokinase gene, more validated to involve in HCC development [375]. Nanopore sequencing allows whole-genome sequencing with the possible identification of epigenetic modifications in lung cancer cell line LC2/ad gene [376]. It also allows the detection of epigenetically modified genes in various cancer types (Table 5).

Table 5 Nanopore sequencing for epigenetic modification study of various cancer types

Main results in the epigenetics-cancer field that nanopore technology allowed

Nanopore sequencing (NGS) is still in its infancy as a tool for cancer research, and applications in molecular cancer research are particularly lacking. Of course, NGS technologies are more suited for use in the investigation of fields like plant science and microbiology. However, employing cell lines as a study medium is gradually being applied to human samples [395,396,

Data availability

Data available in this review manuscript (figures and tables) have got permission for reprinting from the publishers.











Bisulfite/oxidative bisulfite sequencing


Bisulfite pattern analysis


Controlled dielectric breakdown


CpG island methylator phenotypes


Cytolysin A

CpG islands:

Cytosine followed by guanine residues


Colorectal cancer


Curli-specific gene product G


DNA methyltransferases


Histone acetyltransferases


Hepatocellular carcinoma


Histone deacetylases


Histone demethylases


Human Genome Project


Hydroxymethylation DNA immunoprecipitation


Histone methyltransferases


Hidden Markov model


Hidden Markov model with hierarchical Dirichlet process


Klenow fragment


Long noncoding RNAs


Mycobacterium smegmatis porin A


Nocardia farcinica peptide A/B


Next-generation sequencing


Outer membrane protein F


Outer membrane protein G


Oxford Nanopore Technologies


Polymerase chain reaction


Power spectral density


Suberoyl anilide bishydroxamide


Sequence by synthesis


Second-generation sequencing


Single-molecule real-time


Single-molecule sequencing


Slow nucleic acid instruments for long sequencer


Signal-to-noise ratio




TET-assisted bisulfite sequencing


TET-Assisted pyridine borane sequencing


Ten–eleven translocation family proteins


Trichostatin A


Tumor suppressor genes




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In addition, we thank Dr. Tibebe Antonios for revising and commenting on the final version of this paper.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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YW and BA conceptualized, wrote, and reviewed the manuscript, organized and constructed tables and figures, and requested permission for reprinted figures and tables; SA, ST, MF, EK, TK, MD, EY, TG, TN, EA, DO, and AD selected the title, reviewed the final draft, and critically revised and structured the manuscript for important intellectual content; and BD reviewed and commented on the final draft of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Ahmed, Y.W., Alemu, B.A., Bekele, S.A. et al. Epigenetic tumor heterogeneity in the era of single-cell profiling with nanopore sequencing. Clin Epigenet 14, 107 (2022).

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