1 Introduction

Bedside lung ultrasound (LUS) is widely used as a diagnostic and monitoring tool in critically ill patients [1, 2]. LUS score (LUSS), based on examination of twelve chest areas, has been extensively validated for lung aeration assessment but has shown essential limitations. For instance, when used to quantify heterogeneously distributed lung diseases such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary contusion or ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), LUSS can generate different scores due to the high dependency of the operator in evaluating the intermediate LUS scores pattern (LUSS 1 and 2) [3, 4]. Some authors also suggest that the coalescence of B lines (LUSS score 2) is inappropriate, as it overestimates pulmonary aeration loss [5,6,7]. Furthermore, in inhomogeneous lung pathology, the intercostal space chosen within the same thoracic area and the score assigned when different pathological patterns coexist can lead to high-scoring variability, affecting the results’ reproducibility.

A non-standardized approach (e.g. different intercostal spaces analyzed from the same thoracic area), the presence of confounding factors (e.g. different imaging parameters and types of probe) and the subjectivity of the analysis can increase inter- and intra-observer variability [8].

Finally, LUSS is time-consuming and not strictly suitable in emergency contexts or in uncooperative patients.

2 Aims

Considering the need for a standardized, quick, and easily repeatable lung evaluation tool, we propose a Visual Lung Ultrasound Protocol (VLUP). It consists of a continuous transverse scan along all explorable intercostal spaces of the anterior, lateral and posterior thoracic region (Fig. 1; Video 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

VLUP standardized transversal approach. The continuous sliding transversal scan is performed from the first intercostal space to the last viewable, along the midclavicular and the mid-axillary lines. The scapular line is used as a scan guide in evaluating the posterior chest wall

We designed VLUP as a lung point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) assessment. So, we described two exemplary clinical cases to test the utility of the VLUP protocol to monitor pulmonary pathology and solve significant patient management issues quickly.

3 Methods

3.1 Ultrasound technique

VLUP evaluates a wide pleural surface using an intercostal ultrasound scan with a standardized transversal approach. The linear probe is slid on the thoracic wall from one intercostal space to the other, in anterior, lateral and posterior thoracic regions. The continuous sliding transversal scan is performed from the first intercostal space to the last viewable, along the mid-clavicular and the mid-axillary lines. (Fig. 1) The scapular line is used as a scan guide in evaluating the posterior chest wall.

Each intercostal space is displayed for 1–2 s at least. A video clip is then recorded for each patient noting the date and region scanned [Video 1]. Comparative visualization of the clips performed on different days allows a quick evaluation of the pulmonary pathology development [Video 2].

We suggest to use a linear probe in normal weight patients and a convex probe in obese ones, due to its greater penetration capacity. The depth must be set greater than twice the depth of the pleura in order to see the first A-line and quickly identify airy regions.

3.2 Technical application

We have experienced the utility of the VLUP protocol in monitoring various pulmonary pathologies, such as ARDS, VAP, pulmonary edema and pulmonary contusion, both in adult and child patients.

In addition, we have verified the correlation with other diagnostic imaging tools, primarily computed tomography (CT) and radiography [Video 1].

The following describes VLUP application in two clinical cases of acute respiratory failure due to bilateral pneumonia in patients admitted to our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at IRCCS S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, in 2023.

This study was conducted following ethical guidelines of the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki and guidelines for Good Clinical Practice. Informed consent from each patient was obtained. Finally, we have attached more explanatory ultrasound images and videos of the two cases, performed and then compared by a single trained physician, with expertise on LUS. We use a General Electric LOGIQ S8 ultrasound machine with a L3-12-D linear probe to realize US exams.

3.3 Cases’ description

3.3.1 Case 1 [Video 2

A 57-year-old woman was hospitalized for acute on chronic liver failure secondary to alcoholic disease; there were no other diseases in the medical history. The hospitalization was complicated by a bilateral bacterial pneumonia requiring mechanical ventilation; the CT scan showed diffuse ground-glass opacities, while the bronchial wash culture resulted positive for extended-spectrum beta-lactamase Escherichia Coli, so the patient began antimicrobial therapy with ertapenem. The first VLUP evaluation (day 1) was characterized by diffuse B-profile and bilateral confluent subpleural consolidations. The second VLUP assessment (day 2) showed the extent of right apical consolidations ( C-profile) despite a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) > 10 cmH2O. We then performed guided LUS recruitment maneuvers, gradually increasing the insufflation pressure until the airway opening pressure was reached [Video 3] and increasing the PEEP following the ultrasound protocol proposed by Tusman et al. [9].

In this case, the day 1 and day 2 LUS scores remained unchanged (LUSS 24) due to a slight improvement in left lung ventilation. Considering alone, LUSS value underestimated the worsening of pulmonary regional aeration and the need for recruitment maneuvers. Conversely, apical consolidation was quickly identified by visually comparing the VLUP of day 1 with that of day 2 [Video 2], suggesting optimization of ventilation pressures.

The patient’s clinical conditions improved after the treatment with the targeted antibiotic therapy, with progressive clinical improvement and weaning from mechanical ventilation within five days, so the ICU discharged the patient.

3.3.2 Case 2 [Video 4

A 62-year-old man was hospitalized for aspiration pneumonia, with a predominantly perihilar involvement, as shown in the CT scan. The patient suffered from a liver alcoholic cirrhosis complicated with oesophageal varices, ascites and recurrent encephalopathy.

Aspiration pneumonia is a condition classically underestimated by LUS as the pathology does not reach the pleura. LUS showed separate B-lines and small areas of confluent B-lines ( B-profile), without any consolidation (Fig. 2; Video 4). Due to the non-homogeneous ultrasound pattern, LUSS assumed different values according to the operator who performed the exam (range from 8 to 14).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Transverse lung ultrasound approach in aspiration pneumonia with perihilar involvement. The scan was performed along the mid-axillary line (video 2 shows VLUP anterior scans from the same patient). Transverse ultrasound scan allows for visualization of a larger pleural surface without rib interruption. The pleura is only partially involved and ultrasound underestimates the damage. VLUP showed separate B-lines and small areas of confluent B-lines, without any consolidation (non-homogeneous ultrasound pattern)

In this case, VLUP provided a more complete and panoramic view of inhomogeneous lung disease and allowed us to monitor the pneumonia evolution accurately by visualizing the comparative extension of pleural injury. A chest CT scan confirmed the bilateral interstitial pneumonia with diffuse consolidations and pleural effusions.

The patient required high flow nasal cannula and non-invasive ventilation (NIV); the bronchial wash culture resulted positive for Escherichia Coli, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, and Enterobacter Cloacae. He was treated with steroids and targeted antimicrobial therapy with piperacillin-tazobactam, linezolid and prophylactic anidulafungin for 6 days, until complete recovery.

4 Discussion

LUS is recommended to assess the severity and progression of lung disease over time [1, 2]. The most validated quantitative evaluation tool is LUSS, which evaluate the regional aeration of twelve thoracic areas, graded between 0 and 3 [1]. Nonetheless, it has demonstrated some limits over time and several modified scores have been proposed [7, 9]. Case 2 shows how LUSS can generate variable scores if different pathological ultrasound patterns coexist in the same chest area or the same ultrasound scan, as in inhomogeneous lung disease (Video 6, Video 7). Furthermore, LUSS images are often not directly compared due to the difficulty of memorizing and archiving the twelve images or to the limited time available, especially in emergencies. In these cases, the total LUSS value is used alone (without images), although it has a limited role in monitoring the regional evolution of lung damage, as shown in case 1.

The requirement for a rapid POCUS lung evaluation has grown and it has been recently recommended for pleural effusion, pneumonia, and interstitial syndrome diagnosis [10,



Computed Tomography


Intensive Care Unit


Lung Ultrasound


Lung Ultrasound Score


Non-Invasive Ventilation


quantitative-Lung Ultrasound Score


Visual Lung Ultrasound Protocol


Positive End-Expiratory Pressure


Point-of-care Ultrasound


Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome


Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia


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Authors and Affiliations



AB conceived the presented idea and wrote the manuscript. CF, EZ and GV conceived the presented idea and encouraged AB to investigate this theme. IS, GN and FS wrote the manuscript and performed manuscript revision. AS supervised the findings of this work. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Irene Sbaraini Zernini.

Ethics declarations

Ethical approval

Ethics committee approval was not necessary because VLUP is used in daily clinical practice in our ICU. Informed consent from each patient was obtained for acquisition and publication of data and images.

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Informed consent from each patient was obtained.

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Informed consent from each patient was obtained.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Electronic supplementary material

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Supplementary Material 1: Video 1. VLUP in patient with ARDS – mid-clavicular view. The continuous sliding transversal scan is performed along the right mid-clavicular lines (right anterior thoracic regions). VLUP demonstrates diffuse coalescent B-profile and confluent consolidations. The severity of lung involvement is similar to CT.


Supplementary Material 2: Video 2. VLUP evaluation in patient with ARDS. VLUP performed in the same anterior scans (along the right mid-clavicular line) on two successive days (day 1 and day 2). VLUP clearly showed the extent of apex consolidations.


Supplementary Material 3: Video 3. LUS recruitment maneuvers. When the airway opening pressure is reached, there is an improvement in pulmonary aeration with a clear reduction in consolidated areas.


Supplementary Material 4: Video 4. VLUP in aspiration pneumonia with perihilar involvement. The scan was performed along the bilateral mid-clavicular line (Fig. 2 shows VLUP lateral scans from the same patient). The pleura is only partially involved and ultrasound underestimates the damage. VLUP showed separate B-lines and small areas of confluent B-lines, without any consolidation (non-homogeneous ultrasound pattern).


Supplementary Material 5: Video 5. Area of suspected hyperinflation in a patient with ARDS (A-lines > 5 and decreased pleural sliding).


Supplementary Material 6: Video 6. Pneumonia with a non-homogeneous ultrasound pattern: in the same thoracic area there may be different LUSSs in different intercostal spaces.


Supplementary Material 7: Video 7. Pneumonia with a non-homogeneous ultrasound pattern: in the same thoracic area there may be different LUSSs in different intercostal spaces.

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Bianchini, A., Zernini, I.S., Notini, G. et al. Visual lung ultrasound protocol (VLUP) in acute respiratory failure: description and application in clinical cases. J Clin Monit Comput 38, 741–746 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10877-024-01144-3

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