About this book series

The 21st century has been characterized by a global rush to engage African countries. Unlike in the past, globalization has given African countries options to select and diversify their engagements. Though traditional powers are still trying to reinforce their links, African countries have generally found it more empowering to reduce their traditional dependence and develop more equitable relations with counties of the South, especially with emerging economies. Different regions and countries of the world find different opportunities and challenges in their attempts to engage the African region. Similarly, African countries, along with the African Union and other regional organizations, find different advantages in diversifying their traditional dependence. However, the new engagements have neither replaced the traditional engagement of Africa, nor are they wholly unproblematic from African perspectives. In this context, it is essential to understand and analyse emerging Africa’s global engagements. 

To that end, this series will cover important countries and regions, including traditional powers, that engage African countries, the African Union and African regional organisations. The book series will also address global and regional issues that exclusively affect African countries. Books in the series can be either monographs or edited works.

Expected Content:

The series will focus on the following aspects, among others:

  • In its current global engagement, is Africa still a “helpless” player? Who dictates the terms of Africa’s new engagement, and how it impacts various African countries?
  • In the current competition between traditional powers and emerging economies to engage Africa, is Africa’s global engagement merely undergoing a geographical shift, or is it moving toward increasingly equitable international relations? How traditional powers have re-strategised themselves to retain their influence on Africa and how Africa is responding to them?
  • How is Africa involved in the issues of global governance and how it negotiates and navigates its positions on issues of global concerns?
  • Multidisciplinary perspectives connecting African countries with other parts of the world through culture, literature, music, and art.
  • Electronic ISSN
    Print ISSN
    Series Editor
    • Ajay Dubey

    Book titles in this series

    1. India’s Africa Policy

      Challenges of a Millennia-Old Relationship

      • Philipp Gieg
      • Copyright: 2023

      Available Renditions

      • Hard cover
      • Soft cover
      • eBook