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  1. No Access


    Simultaneous diffusion of Re(VII) and Se(IV) in compacted Tamusu clay by capillary method

    This paper presents the first laboratory-based, simultaneous diffusion experiments of Re(VII) and Se(IV) in Tamusu (TMS) clay, using the capillary method. We determined diffusion coefficients (Da) and adsorption ...

    Hui Zhang, Ju Wang, Wangsuo Wu, Mingbao Luo in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Che… (2024)

  2. No Access


    Numerical Simulation of the Creep Behavior of Beishan Deep Granite Tunnel under the Coupling Thermal - Stress Field

    This study conducts a three-dimensional numerical simulation of the creep behavior of deep granite tunnels at 560 meters underground during the coupled thermal-stress process, with an aim to elucidate the effe...

    Jiawei Wang, Ju Wang, Zhichao Zhou, Peng Wu in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2024)

  3. No Access


    Safety assessment in the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes (HLWs): a geochemical study of uranium complexes in deep groundwater in granites from Beishan, China

    To clarify the species of uranium and its effect on the safety assessment in the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes (HLWs), we presented geochemical simulations of Beishan deep groundwater in Gansu Prov...

    Peng Wu, Ju Wang, Hui Ling, Zhichao Zhou in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Che… (2024)

  4. Article

    Open Access

    Purinergic P2X3 receptors in the carotid body as new therapeutic targets for controlling heart failure

    Heart failure is associated with multiple mechanisms, including sympatho-excitation, and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Enhanced carotid body chemoreflex function is strongly related to exces...

    **meng He, Zhichao Zhou in Purinergic Signalling (2024)

  5. No Access


    Massively parallel single-cell sequencing of diverse microbial populations

    Single-cell genetic heterogeneity is ubiquitous in microbial populations and an important aspect of microbial biology; however, we lack a broadly applicable and accessible method to study this heterogeneity in...

    Freeman Lan, Jason Saba, Tyler D. Ross, Zhichao Zhou, Katie Krauska in Nature Methods (2024)

  6. No Access


    Regional groundwater flow pattern in fractured bedrock with a high-level radioactive waste repository: numerical simulation of the **nchang site, northwestern China

    The **nchang site in northwest China has been selected as a potential deep geological repository for spent high-level radioactive waste (HLW) due to its low-permeability granite bedrock. Predicting the charact...

    Lulu Li, Qiulan Zhang, Zhichao Zhou, Yali Cui, Yu Zhao, **gbo Zhao in Hydrogeology Journal (2023)

  7. Article

    Open Access

    Metagenome-based metabolic modelling predicts unique microbial interactions in deep-sea hydrothermal plume microbiomes

    Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are abundant on the ocean floor and play important roles in ocean biogeochemistry. In vent ecosystems such as hydrothermal plumes, microorganisms rely on reduced chemicals and gases...

    Dinesh Kumar Kuppa Baskaran, Shreyansh Umale, Zhichao Zhou in ISME Communications (2023)

  8. No Access


    Formation mechanism of deep groundwater at the **nchang site of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal in China

    The formation mechanism of deep groundwater is a key issue for the safety assessment of the high-level radioactive waste repository. The circulation characteristics and age of deep groundwater at the **nchang ...

    Zhichao Zhou, Ju Wang, Rui Su, Yonghai Guo in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Che… (2023)

  9. No Access


    The recognition of multi-components signals based on semantic segmentation

    The separation and recognition of radar signals are crucial in a complex electromagnetic environment, especially multi-component radar signals. However, most existing algorithms can only recognize dual-compone...

    Changbo Hou, Dingyi Fu, Lijie Hua, Yun Lin, Guowei Liu, Zhichao Zhou in Wireless Networks (2023)

  10. Article

    Open Access

    Global patterns of diversity and metabolism of microbial communities in deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits

    When deep-sea hydrothermal fluids mix with cold oxygenated fluids, minerals precipitate out of solution and form hydrothermal deposits. These actively venting deep-sea hydrothermal deposits support a rich dive...

    Zhichao Zhou, Emily St. John, Karthik Anantharaman, Anna-Louise Reysenbach in Microbiome (2022)

  11. Article

    Open Access

    Erythrocytes from patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction induce cardioprotection through the purinergic P2Y13 receptor and nitric oxide signaling

    Red blood cells (RBCs) are suggested to play a role in cardiovascular regulation by exporting nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity and ATP under hypoxia. It remains unknown whether such beneficial effects of RBCs are...

    Tong Jiao, Aida Collado, Ali Mahdi, Juliane Jurga in Basic Research in Cardiology (2022)

  12. No Access


    Purinergic activation in response to hemodynamic force directs heart valve development

    **n Cao, Zhichao Zhou in Purinergic Signalling (2022)

  13. Article

    Open Access

    Correction to: Genome-resolved evidence for functionally redundant communities and novel nitrogen fixers in the deyin-1 hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

    Jie Pan, Wei Xu, Zhichao Zhou, Zongze Shao, Chunming Dong, Lirui Liu in Microbiome (2022)

  14. Article

    Open Access

    Similarity measurements of B cell receptor repertoire in baseline mice showed spectrum convergence of IgM

    The B cell receptor (BCR) repertoire is highly diverse among individuals. Poor similarity of the spectrum among inbred baseline mice may limit the ability to discriminate true signals from those involving spec...

    Hongkai Wu, Zhichao Zhou, Shi **e, Rong Yan, Mingxing Gong, **ngui Tian in BMC Immunology (2022)

  15. Article

    Open Access

    METABOLIC: high-throughput profiling of microbial genomes for functional traits, metabolism, biogeochemistry, and community-scale functional networks

    Advances in microbiome science are being driven in large part due to our ability to study and infer microbial ecology from genomes reconstructed from mixed microbial communities using metagenomics and single-c...

    Zhichao Zhou, Patricia Q. Tran, Adam M. Breister, Yang Liu, Kristopher Kieft in Microbiome (2022)

  16. Article

    Open Access

    Genome-resolved evidence for functionally redundant communities and novel nitrogen fixers in the deyin-1 hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

    Deep-sea hydrothermal vents represent unique ecosystems that redefine our understanding of the limits of life. They are widely distributed in deep oceans and typically form along mid-ocean ridges. To date, the...

    Jie Pan, Wei Xu, Zhichao Zhou, Zongze Shao, Chunming Dong, Lirui Liu in Microbiome (2022)

  17. Article

    Open Access

    Purinergic interplay between erythrocytes and platelets in diabetes-associated vascular dysfunction

    Cardiovascular complications in diabetes are the leading causes for high morbidity and mortality. It has been shown that alteration of purinergic signaling contributes to diabetes-associated cardiovascular com...

    Zhichao Zhou in Purinergic Signalling (2021)

  18. Article

    Open Access

    Ecology of inorganic sulfur auxiliary metabolism in widespread bacteriophages

    Microbial sulfur metabolism contributes to biogeochemical cycling on global scales. Sulfur metabolizing microbes are infected by phages that can encode auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) to alter sulfur metaboli...

    Kristopher Kieft, Zhichao Zhou, Rika E. Anderson, Alison Buchan in Nature Communications (2021)

  19. Article

    Open Access

    Adenosine and adenosine receptor-mediated action in coronary microcirculation

    Adenosine is an ubiquitous extracellular signaling molecule and plays a fundamental role in the regulation of coronary microcirculation through activation of adenosine receptors (ARs). Adenosine is regulated b...

    Ying Zhang, Bernhard Wernly, **n Cao, S. Jamal Mustafa in Basic Research in Cardiology (2021)

  20. Article

    Classification of COVID-19 by Compressed Chest CT Image through Deep Learning on a Large Patients Cohort

    Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) has spread globally quickly, and has resulted in a large number of causalities and medical resources insufficiency in many countries. Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reac...

    Ziwei Zhu, Zhang **ngming, Guihua Tao in Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational … (2021)

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