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  1. Article

    Open Access

    NR1 Splicing Variant NR1a in Cerebellar Granule Neurons Constitutes a Better Motor Learning in the Mouse

    As an excitatory neuron in the cerebellum, the granule cells play a crucial role in motor learning. The assembly of NMDAR in these neurons varies in developmental stages, while the significance of this variety...

    Ting Tan, Linyan Jiang, Zhengxiao He, Xuejiao Ding, in The Cerebellum (2024)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    Continuous immunosuppression is required for suppressing immune responses to xenografts in non-human primate brains

    Continuous immunosuppression has been widely used in xenografts into non-human primate brains. However, how immune responses change after transplantation in host brains under continuous immunosuppressive admin...

    Su Feng, Ting Zhang, Zhengxiao He, Wenchang Zhang, Yingying Chen in Cell Regeneration (2024)

  3. Article

    Open Access

    Combined effect of microbially derived cecal SCFA and host genetics on feed efficiency in broiler chickens

    Improving feed efficiency is the most important goal for modern animal production. The regulatory mechanisms of controlling feed efficiency traits are extremely complex and include the functions related to hos...

    Zhengxiao He, Ranran Liu, Mengjie Wang, Qiao Wang, Jumei Zheng, Jiqiang Ding in Microbiome (2023)

  4. Article

    Open Access

    Dominant changes in the breast muscle lipid profiles of broiler chickens with wooden breast syndrome revealed by lipidomics analyses

    Chicken is the most consumed meat worldwide and the industry has been facing challenging myopathies. Wooden breast (WB), which is often accompanied by white stri** (WS), is a serious myopathy adversely affec...

    Ranran Liu, Fuli Kong, in Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology (2022)