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    Aldopentoses as new substrates for the membrane-bound, pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent glycerol (polyol) dehydrogenase of Gluconobacter sp.

    Membrane-bound, pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase (GLDH, or polyol dehydrogenase) of Gluconobacter sp. oxidizes various secondary alcohols to produce the corresponding ketones, such ...

    Toshiharu Yakushi, Yuka Terada, Seishiro Ozaki in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2018)

  2. No Access


    Bioactive volatile compounds from marine algae: feeding attractants

    Chemical communications play an important role in plants, fungi, and algae. Volatile organic compounds in marine algae are released into the seawater. These compounds play a role as either pheromones or allelo...

    Yoshihiko Akakabe, Tadahiko Kajiwara in Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium (2009)

  3. No Access


    Coffee pulp koji of Aspergillus sojae as stable immobilized catalyst of chlorogenate hydrolase

    Chlorogenate hydrolase (EC, CHase) was highly induced in mycelia of Aspergillus sojae AKU 3312 grown in Czapek medium containing either instant coffee powder or coffee pulp as inducer. No CHase formation...

    Osao Adachi, Yoshitaka Ano, Yoshihiko Akakabe in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2008)