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  1. Article

    EuGH-Urteil zu KI-Entscheidungen

    Thomas Fuchs in Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD (2024)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    Understanding Sophia? On human interaction with artificial agents

    Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) create an increasing similarity between the performance of AI systems or AI-based robots and human communication. They raise the questions:

    Thomas Fuchs in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2024)

  3. Article

    Open Access

    Understanding as explaining: how motives can become causes

    The distinction of „understanding“ and „explaining“, formulated by Karl Jaspers in his „General Psychopathology“, has had a lasting effect on psychiatry. As a result, phenomenological, hermeneutic, or psychody...

    Thomas Fuchs in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2023)

  4. Article

    Open Access

    Wall-shear-stress measurements using volumetric µPTV

    Accurately determining the wall-shear-stress, \(\tau _\textrm{w}\) τ ...

    Thomas Fuchs, Matthew Bross, Christian J. Kähler in Experiments in Fluids (2023)

  5. Article

    Open Access

    Defocusing PTV applied to an open wet clutch: from macro to micro

    Defocusing particle tracking velocimetry (defocusing PTV) is applied in various levels of magnification to investigate the flow in an open wet clutch with radial grooving. The magnifications range from ...

    Robin Leister, Thomas Fuchs, Jochen Kriegseis in Experiments in Fluids (2023)

  6. Article

    Open Access

    LEGO calibration targets for large-FOV particle image velocimetry

    Particle image or particle–tracking velocimetry nonintrusively provides velocity field information, and the proposition large field-of-view (FOV) measurements are highly attractive from an experimental standpo...

    Agastya Parikh, Thomas Fuchs, Matthew Bross, Christian J. Kähler in Experiments in Fluids (2023)

  7. No Access


    Why Does Mental Illness Exist? Reflections on Human Vulnerability

    This chapter investigates more fundamentally the conditions of possibility for humans to become mentally ill in the first place. The fact that persistent mental disorders do not occur in free-living animals speak...

    Thomas Fuchs in The Vulnerability of the Human World (2023)

  8. Article

    Open Access

    The not-yet-conscious

    Not only our conscious expectations, wishes and intentions are directed towards the future, but also pre- or unconscious tendencies, hunches and anticipations. Using a term of Ernst Bloch, they can be summariz...

    Thomas Fuchs in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2022)

  9. Article

    Open Access

    A Case for Playful Engagement: Synchrony and Interaction Quality During Mirroring in ASD. Conceptual Framework and Case Study

    The social challenges in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can present as qualitative differences in interactions that make individuals on the autism spectrum appear less engaged with others. Limited interaction...

    Elizabeth Manders, Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs in American Journal of Dance Therapy (2022)

  10. Article

    Open Access

    Movement markers of schizophrenia: a detailed analysis of patients’ gait patterns

    Motor abnormalities occur in the majority of persons with schizophrenia but are generally neglected in clinical care. Psychiatric diagnostics fail to include quantifiable motor variables and few assessment too...

    Lily Martin, Kevin Stein, Katharina Kubera in European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinic… (2022)

  11. Article

    Open Access

    Existing function in primary visual cortex is not perturbed by new skill acquisition of a non-matched sensory task

    Acquisition of new skills has the potential to disturb existing network function. To directly assess whether previously acquired cortical function is altered during learning, mice were trained in an abstract t...

    Brian B. Jeon, Thomas Fuchs, Steven M. Chase, Sandra J. Kuhlman in Nature Communications (2022)

  12. No Access


    Pseudoparalyse des M. quadrizeps durch arthrogene Inhibition nach MPFL-Plastik

    Es wird ein Fall vorgestellt, bei dem es nach einer MPFL-Plastik mit N.-femoralis-Block zu einer Parese des M. quadrizeps mit einem Kraftgrad von 0/5 gekommen ist. Die Physiotherapie blieb erfolglos. Eine neur...

    Martin Häner, Sebastian Bierke, Thomas Fuchs, Prof. Dr. med. Wolf Petersen in Knie Journal (2022)

  13. No Access


    Exploring phenomenological interviews: questions, lessons learned and perspectives

    Svetlana Sholokhova, Valeria Bizzari in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2022)

  14. Article

    Open Access

    The disappearing body: anorexia as a conflict of embodiment

    Anorexia nervosa is often regarded primarily as a disorder of the body image, with affected individuals submitting themselves to the dictate of a predominant model of slenderness. However, even though this fre...

    Thomas Fuchs in Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity (2022)

  15. Article

    Open Access

    Addition of shock wave therapy to nail dynamization increases the chance of long-bone non-union healing

    Long-bone non-unions after intramedullary nailing can be treated by nail dynamization or focused high-energy extracorporal shock wave therapy (fESWT). The objective of this study was to assess the effect of th...

    Josef Stolberg-Stolberg, Thomas Fuchs in Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (2022)

  16. No Access


    Human and Artificial Intelligence: A Critical Comparison

    Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics increasingly call into question the distinction between simulation and reality of the human person. On the one hand, they suggest a computeromorphic understanding ...

    Thomas Fuchs in Intelligence - Theories and Applications (2022)

  17. No Access


    The Psychiatric Assessment: First Person, Second Person, and Third Person Perspectives

    The establishment of criteriological diagnostic systems since the 1980s has increased the reliability of psychiatric diagnosis. On the other hand, the limits of this approach for clinicians and researchers are...

    Thomas Fuchs, Eugenio Dalpane in The Clinician in the Psychiatric Diagnostic Process (2022)

  18. No Access


    Warum gibt es psychische Krankheit?

    Die Frage, warum es psychische Krankheit gibt, lässt sich mit Verweis auf biologische, psychologische oder soziale Bedingungen, Faktoren und Zusammenhänge beantworten. Die psychiatrische Anthropologie fragt hi...

    Thomas Fuchs in Brücken zwischen Psychiatrie und Philosophie (2022)

  19. No Access


    Zwischenleibliche Diagnostik

    Die Einführung operationalisierter Diagnosesysteme hat zwar zu einer Präzisierung der Diagnostik geführt, jedoch auch zu einem Rückgang psychopathologischer Erfahrung und Intuition. Daher sollten phänomenologi...

    Thomas Fuchs in Psychotherapeutische Diagnostik (2022)

  20. Article

    Open Access

    White paper on peanut allergy – part 1: Epidemiology, burden of disease, health economic aspects

    Peanuts are Leguminosae, commonly known as the legume or pea family, and peanut allergy is among the most common food allergies and the most common cause of fatal food reactions and anaphylaxis.

    Lars Lange, Ludger Klimek, Kirsten Beyer in Allergo Journal International (2021)

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