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  1. Article

    Open Access

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Molecular Expression Pattern and Intercellular Interactions in the Glial Scar Response to Spinal Cord Injury

    Nerve regeneration in adult mammalian spinal cord is poor because of the lack of intrinsic regeneration of neurons and extrinsic factors – the glial scar is triggered by injury and inhibits or promotes regener...

    Leilei Gong, Yun Gu, **aoxiao Han, Chengcheng Luan, Chang Liu in Neuroscience Bulletin (2023)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    Spatiotemporal variation characteristics of livestock manure nutrient in the soil environment of the Yangtze River Delta from 1980 to 2018

    The pollution problem caused by surplus livestock manure nutrient is becoming more and more serious; thus, analyzing characteristics of the temporal and spatial patterns of livestock manure nutrient and assess...

    Shuyan Zhao, Yujiao Chen, **aomin Gu, Mengru Zheng, Ziyi Fan, Dan Luo in Scientific Reports (2022)