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    Spontaneous Breakdown of Conformal Symmetry

    Let us consider a scalar field φ(x) in a Minkowski space. Suppose that along with a conformally in variant vacuum % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % fea...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Approximate Methods of Calculating Critical Indices

    Conformal symmetry is one of the principles underlying the modern phase transition theory. In this chapter we solve the problem of an approximate computation of critical indices by means of conformal theory me...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Contribution of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Interactions into the General Solution of Ward Identities

    The conformal partner of the current is the vector field A μ (x) with dimension % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaagCar...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Conformal Invariance in Gauge Theories

    Let A μ be a gauge field in a 4-dimensional Euclidean space with values in the algebra of the gauge group G. Let us consider the tensor field 1.1

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Global Conformal Symmetry and Hilbert Space

    This chapter has two goals: 1. To obtain general expressions for conformally invariant Wightman functions and Green functions; 2. To study the structure of a Hilbert space of conformally invariant field theory.

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Ward Identities

    Let φ(x) be a scalar field in Minkowski space. Consider its variations under the action of a group G, which is meant to represent either the space-time transformations group (Poincaré or conformal) or the interna...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Dynamical Sector of the Hilbert Space

    As shown in section 5 of the Chapter II, the Hilbert space M of the conformal theory represents a direct sum of subspaces % MathType!MTEF!2!1!...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Goals and Perspectives

    The hypothesis that the fundamental laws in Nature have the scale and conformal symmetries has been very attractive to many physicists. The idea is interesting by the fact that the conformal symmetry is the hi...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Special Features of Conformal Transformation of Current, Energy-Momentum Tensor and Gauge Fields

    In this Chapter we consider the conformal QED in four dimensional space. The dimensions of potential and current 1.1 % MathTyp...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)

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    Euclidean Formulation of the Conformal Theory

    A conformal group of Euclidean space is locally isomorphic to the SO(D + 1, l) group. All its irreducible representations are classified by the values of Casimir operators, which have the same formal expressions ...

    Efim S. Fradkin, Mark Ya. Palchik in Conformal Quantum Field Theory in D-dimensions (1996)