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    Records of bentfin devil ray, Mobula thurstoni, in a marine protected area in Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic: implications for the species’ distribution and local conservation strategies

    The bentfin devil ray (Mobula thurstoni) is a migratory elasmobranch species with a wide distribution range. Despite the recent increase in mobulid research, critical habitats and home ranges are still being iden...

    Nayara Bucair, Sibele Mendonça, Camila Araújo in Environmental Biology of Fishes (2022)

  2. No Access

    Chapter and Conference Paper

    Generating Formal Software Architecture Descriptions from Semi-Formal SysML-Based Models: A Model-Driven Approach

    The critical nature of many complex software-intensive systems requires formal architecture descriptions for supporting automated architectural analysis regarding correctness properties. Due to the challenges ...

    Camila Araújo, Thais Batista in Computational Science and Its Applications… (2021)

  3. No Access

    Chapter and Conference Paper

    Empowering SysML-Based Software Architecture Description with Formal Verification: From SysADL to CSP

    Software architecture description languages (ADLs) currently adopted by industry for software-intensive systems are largely semi-formal and essentially based on SysML and specialized profiles. Despite these AD...

    Fagner Dias, Marcel Oliveira, Thais Batista, Everton Cavalcante in Software Architecture (2020)