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    The COVID-19 Outbreaks in the German Meat Industry: A Culturalistic Explanation

    This chapter explains the series of outbreaks of the Corona disease among posted workers that occurred in the German meat industry in 2020. Drawing on Max Weber’s ideal-type methodology, we “rationalized” the ...

    Michaela Haase, Anne Schade in Community, Economy and COVID-19 (2022)

  2. No Access


    Towards polariton blockade of confined exciton–polaritons

    Cavity–polaritons in semiconductor microstructures have emerged as a promising system for exploring non-equilibrium dynamics of many-body systems1. Key advances in this field, including the observation of polarit...

    Aymeric Delteil, Thomas Fink, Anne Schade, Sven Höfling in Nature Materials (2019)

  3. No Access


    Signatures of a dissipative phase transition in photon correlation measurements

    Understanding and characterizing phase transitions in driven-dissipative systems constitutes a new frontier for many-body physics 18 . A generic feature of dissipative phase t...

    Thomas Fink, Anne Schade, Sven Höfling, Christian Schneider in Nature Physics (2018)