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Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities

Publishing model:
Open access


Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities (SCSC) is an open-access journal at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, addressing urban challenges, and promoting sustainability through innovative smart technologies and green solutions.

  • Promotes knowledge heterogeneity and cross-disciplinary research collaborations.
  • Advances the development of low-carbon, resilient, and smart sustainable cities.
  • Ensures prompt publication of highest quality and innovative research.
  • Contributes to SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities.

  • Shuilong Shen
12,816 (2023)

Societies and partnerships

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Journal updates

  • Article Processing Charges (APCs)

    Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities is fully sponsored by Shantou University. Authors do not need to pay an article processing charge.

  • Call for Editors and Editorial Board members

    If you are interested in joining the editorial team, please send your CV and cover letter to shantou_scsc@stu.edu.cn or shen_scsc@stu.edu.cn  (please provide the subject following the format: Editor Application_ your name_ your institute’s name)

Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  1. Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
  2. Baidu
  4. CNKI
  6. Dimensions
  7. EBSCO
  8. Google Scholar
  9. Naver
  10. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  11. Portico
  12. ProQuest
  13. TD Net Discovery Service
  14. Wanfang
Copyright information
