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Evolutionary, Comparative and Functional Morphology

Publishing model:

Aims and scope


The journal publishes original research papers, reviews and method papers. While reviews should be designed as comparative surveys, summarizing the current knowledge from an evolutionary perspective, method papers should present new approaches or reviews on methods used in animal morphology. The research papers should be based on morphological investigation of invertebrates and vertebrates at the macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural level, including embryological studies, with emphasis on:

  • Comparison: Studies comparing morphological and anatomical structures in an evolutionary context
  • Function: Studies relating structure and function
  • Integration: Studies on the relation between structural-functional systems of animals and their general biology
  • Evolution: Studies on the evolution of morphological and anatomical structures on the basis of sound phylogenies
  • Development: Studies on the spatiotemporal formation of morphological and anatomical structures

