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Aims and scope

SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine is a broadly based, peer reviewed journal publishing in all disciplines of clinical medicine and their subspecialties. The journal serves the international medical community for the dissemination of information connecting research, theory and practice in these fields.

The editorial process of SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine does judge on research and education value: all valid research including longer and brief reports, case studies, negative and positive results, study protocols will be considered (see all formats considered below). Reviewers are asked to focus on the validity of the data and conclusions presented to ensure that results are accurately reported. The journal reviews each submission from a ‘sound science’ perspective.
The journal meets international research integrity standards.

SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine welcomes submissions from a wide range of medical fields from basic and translational research, clinical studies and methods and research to health care delivery.
The following article types are considered for publication:

  • Research
  • Brief report
  • Case report
  • Image
  • Review
  • Perspective
  • Study protocols
  • Editorials
  • Correspondence
  • Matters arising
  • Hypothesis
  • Comment
  • Consensus article
  • Methodology
  • Meeting report
In addition to direct submissions, SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine welcomes papers that have been referred from Springer Nature’s prestigious clinical medicine journal portfolio.

