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Clinical and Translational Imaging

Official Journal of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Publishing model:


Clinical and Translational Imaging is a dedicated platform for clinical practice and translational research in molecular imaging.

  • Offers a comprehensive overview of validated applications and optimisation of imaging procedures.
  • Covers ethical guidelines, including declarations of conflict of interest and adherence to the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 concerning Human and Animal Rights.
  • In partnership with the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN), providing free access to AIMN members.
  • Emphasizes on the integration of technologies ranging from morphological to functional and in vivo biochemical imaging.
  • Targets clinical practitioners and professionals involved in preclinical development of molecular imaging for application in human subjects.

  • Laura Evangelista
Impact factor
2.3 (2023)
5 year impact factor
2.0 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
4 days
221,154 (2023)

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  21. Semantic Scholar
  22. TD Net Discovery Service
  23. UGC-CARE List (India)
  24. Wanfang
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© Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
