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Volumes and issues

Search all Review of Philosophy and Psychology articles
  • Volume 15

  • Volume 14

  • Volume 13

    • Issue 4

      Special Issue: Predictive Processing and Consciousness (pp. 797–1037)

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Special Issue: Self-consciousness Explained (pp. 1–425)

    • Issue 1

      Special Section: Belief, Introspection, and Constituted Kinds (pp. 1–125)

  • Volume 12

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Skilled Action Control

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Replicability in Cognitive Science

  • Volume 11

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Computationalism Meets the Philosophy of Information

    • Issue 2

      Memory as Mental Time Travel

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 10

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Sensory Categories (articles 1-5)

    • Issue 2

      Pathologies of Self-Awareness

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 9

  • Volume 8

    • Issue 4

      Key Topics in Philosophy of Language and Mind

    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Consciousness and Inner Awareness

  • Volume 7

  • Volume 6

    • Issue 4

      Cognitive Penetrability: Modularity, Epistemology, and Ethics (Jenkin & Siegel) | Mental Actions and Mental Agency (Fiebich & Michael)

    • Issue 3


    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Pictorial and Diagrammatic Representation

  • Volume 5

  • Volume 4

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Artifact Categorization

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Distributed Cognition and Memory Research

  • Volume 3

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Consciousness and Moral Cognition

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      The Body Represented/Embodied Representation

  • Volume 2

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Social Cognition: Mindreading and Alternatives

    • Issue 2

      Joint Action: What is Shared?

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 1

    • Issue 4

      Folk Epistemology

    • Issue 3

      Special Issue: Psychology and Experimental Philosophy (Part II) / Guest Editors: E. Machery, T. Lombrozo & J. Knobe

    • Issue 2

      Special Issue: Psychology and Experimental Philosophy (Part I) / Guest Editors: E. Machery, T. Lombrozo & J. Knobe

    • Issue 1

      Special Issue: Objects and Sound Perception / Guest Editors: Nicolas J. Bullot and Paul Egré
