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Structural Chemistry

Computational and Experimental Studies of Chemical and Biological Systems

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Collections and calls for papers

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Column: Foundation of Structural Science

Building upon and following the example of our successful column “Paradigms and Paradoxes,” coordinated by Consulting Editor Joel F. Liebman, Structural Chemistry opens a new column, “Foundation of Structura...
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Column: Paradigms and Paradoxes

For a long time the Paradigms and Paradoxes column has been very successful in the pages of Structural Chemistry. In this collection you can find the articles that were published in this column over the year...
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Submission deadline

Featured Articles: Click and Bioorthogonal Chemistry

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022 was awarded jointly to Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and K. Barry Sharpless "for the development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry". This collection from S...
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Featured Articles: Quantum Dot Materials

Free access at least until May 10, 2024 - Open Access, where applicable, on a permanent basis The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 was awarded jointly to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Aleksey Yekimov "fo...
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Special Issue: Bonding and Structure

This is a cordial invitation to participate in the special collection of contributions, “Bonding and Structure,” in the Springer Nature international journal Structural Chemistry. The title of this special c...
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Special Issue: Evolving Structural Chemistry

Our primary purpose in launching this new journal 30 plus years ago was to elevate the level of publishing of the structural chemistry literature, especially as far as peer reviewing was concerned. It was al...
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