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An International Journal on Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems

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Located at the confluence of two rapidly advancing domains, GeoInformatica provides an effective forum for disseminating original and fundamental research and experience in the expanding uses of computer science for spatial studies.
Contemporary Earth studies require more and more sophisticated computing tools, and computer processing of Earth observations through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) currently attracts a great deal of attention from governmental, industrial and research worlds.
The journal covers spatial modeling and databases; human-computer interfaces for GIS; digital cartography; space imagery; parallelism, distribution and communication through GIS; spatio-temporal reasoning and more.

GeoInformatica presents the most innovative research results in the application of computer science applied to geographic information systems.

  • Shashi Shekhar,
  • Elisa Bertino,
  • Chris Brunsdon
Impact factor
2.2 (2023)
5 year impact factor
2.1 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
45 days
107,576 (2023)

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  1. ACM Digital Library
  2. ANVUR
  3. Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
  4. BFI List
  5. Baidu
  7. CNKI
  9. Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology
  10. DBLP
  11. Dimensions
  12. EBSCO
  13. EI Compendex
  14. Engineering Village – GEOBASE
  15. Gale
  16. Google Scholar
  17. INSPEC
  18. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  19. Naver
  20. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  21. Portico
  22. ProQuest
  23. SCImago
  24. SCOPUS
  25. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  26. Semantic Scholar
  27. TD Net Discovery Service
  28. UGC-CARE List (India)
  29. Wanfang
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