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Environment, Development and Sustainability

A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development

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Collections and calls for papers

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Circular Business Models and Sustainability Strategies

The transition to a markedly more circular and resource-efficient economy requires a more widespread penetration of circular business models, in which environmental pressures associated with economic product...
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Energy & Environment: Technologies, Markets and Policies

The sustainable energy transition requires a multidisciplinary vision bringing together different actors and knowledge fields. This topical collection aims to reinforce the importance of analysing the multid...
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Just Transition for a Sustainable Future

The International Conference on Energy and Environment has been organized since 2013. Since the first edition we aimed to bring a multidisciplinary vision to the topics of energy and environment, with a spec...
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Open for submission
15 August 2024 - 30 September 2024

Pathways to Carbon Neutrality

Carbon neutrality is a state of net zero carbon dioxide emissions, which can be achieved by carbon removal from the atmosphere or reduced emission from its sources. Many countries have pledged to reach carbo...
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Progress in Green Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development consists of both natural environmental changes as well as changes caused by humans. Green growth, more energy efficiency, cleaner energy technologies and sustainable development are r...
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Sustainable Energy Challenges

Climate change and sustainability are challenging energy systems to new levels of innovation, in terms of technology, regulation, and social values. It is relevant to develop research, through an interdiscip...
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Urban Mining for Environmental & Resource Sustainability

Urban mining has a close relation to environmental and resource sustainability. It is foreseen to be an effective solution for a circular economy and industrial ecology, ultimately leading to reach urban sus...
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