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AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis

A Journal of the German Statistical Society

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis, a journal of the German Statistical Society, is published quarterly and presents original contributions on statistical methodology, applications and review articles. It offers researchers in current and emerging fields a forum to introduce, disseminate and promote new ideas in statistics and to stimulate the active discussion in the research field. This also includes exciting new methodological developments in traditional areas.

AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis has three designated sections:

Statistical Applications
The Statistical Applications section includes papers that address novel and challenging applied research questions using novel forms of statistical modeling, an innovative combination of analytical techniques, or recently developed but underutilized methods. Applications that rely on established statistical methodology and do not contain an innovative methodological contribution do not fall within our scope. Traditionally, social science and especially business and economics applications are at home in AStA, but submissions from other application areas such as engineering and environmental sciences or life sciences including medicine are explicitly encouraged.

Statistical Methodology
The Statistical Methodology section publishes original articles dealing with the development of new statistical methods of great interest to both applied and theoretical statisticians. Contributions should be illustrated by substantial application and focus on methodology relevant to statistical modeling and analysis. Contributions on computational aspects or at the interface with data science, statistical learning, and machine learning are also welcome within the scope of AStA, while purely theoretical contributions or contributions with a mathematical focus are not among the priorities of AStA.

Statistical Reviews
The Statistical Reviews section welcomes review articles from all areas of theoretical and applied statistics, including statistical computing and software. Special attention is given to review articles that summarize areas that are currently undergoing particularly dynamic development. A review article should usually include a numerical comparison or illustration using real data.
In addition, the journal regularly publishes thematic call-for-papers. The current editorial team intends to continue the successful tradition of publishing special issues and continues to solicit proposals from guest editors and contributors for future special issues.

Authors submitting a manuscript should indicate for which section their work is intended. Articles can only be submitted for publication for one section at a time. Manuscripts that have already been published or that are under review by another journal will not be considered for publication. All submissions can be accompanied by online supplemental material and authors are encouraged to provide data and code for their analyses which will be published on the journal website.

Officially cited as: AStA Adv Stat Ana
