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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

Official Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM) and the Korea Society of Waste Management (KSWM)

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Journal updates

  • The winners of JMCWM Outstanding Paper Award 2023

    We are pleased to announce the selected 5 papers for the award among about 541 Original and Review Articles published in JMCWM during 2020-2022. The award is given to outstanding papers to acknowledge their scientific contribution to JMCWM. Congratulations to all the awardees. 

    Editors of JMCWM,
    Toshiaki Yoshioka, Junya Yano , Shinichi Sakai

  • The winners of JMCWM Outstanding Paper Award 2020

    We are pleased to announce the selected 5 papers for the award among about 450 Original Articles published in JMCWM during 2017-2019. The award is given to outstanding papers to acknowledge their scientific contribution to JMCWM. Congratulations to all the awardees. 

    Editors of JMCWM,
    Shinichi Sakai, Masaki Takaoka, Toshiaki Yoshioka

  • Leading Reviewers Award

    On behalf of Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JMCWM), we are delighted to announce the winners of Leading Reviewers Award.

    Leading Reviewers Award has been established to honor our reviewers, who made outstanding contributions, based on both the quantity and quality, to support JMCWM. This time we recognize 5 out of our reviewers as awardees.

    Reviewers offer their professional services using their time to maintain the high quality of the Journal. We express our sincere gratitude to the awardees as well as all the other reviewers.

    **won Park, Jae Young Kim

    Kazuhiro Takamizawa, Masaki Takaoka

    Toshiaki Yoshioka,  Shinichi Sakai

    The Main Editorial Members of JMCWM
