
Soil respiration: factors, mechanisms, methodological and regional aspects

Soil respiration (SR), which is often identified with CO2 emissions from the soil to the atmosphere, is one of the main fluxes in the global carbon cycle. Occupying more than 1/9 of the land, Russian terrestrial ecosystems play a significant role not only in the formation of global carbon fluxes and pools but also contribute considerably to the formation of uncertainties in estimates of the main components of the global carbon balance. Taking into account that soil respiration is connected with climate by a system of direct and feedback relationships, obtaining updated estimates of the SR values in different regions of the Russian Federation is of particular relevance today. Soil respiration depends on the physical and chemical properties of the soil and is a function of such abiotic factors as soil temperature and moisture, which determines its clear bioclimatic confinement and high temporal variability. On the territory of Russia, soil respiration studies have a long history and vast geography. By now, a huge amount of experimental material has been accumulated, which is professionally presented on the pages of this collection. The created collection covers a wide range of issues: from theoretical and methodological works related to the concept of soil respiration to experimental ones that were carried out in various regions of Russia and neighboring countries. Keywords: microbial and root respiration, CO2 emission and production, soil organic matter, organic carbon pools and fractions, natural and anthropogenically disturbed ecosystems, soil temperature and moisture, abiotic and biotic factors, statistical and simulation modeling, land use and climate change


  • Dr., Assoc. Prof. Irina Kurganova

    Irina Kurganova, principal researcher of the Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author and coauthor of over 180 publications, including 5 monographs and 45 WOS publications. Research interests include Biogeochemistry, Ecology, Global estimates of carbon balance and CO2 emission of Russian territory, CO2 and N2O fluxes from soils, C-sequestration and C pools in soils, SOM stability, effect of land use and climate changes, databases and soil empirical modeling. Leader of national and international projects on soil CO2 emission and carbon balance in ecosystems.

  • Corresponding member of RAS, Prof. Valery Kudeyarov

    Valery Kudeyarov, head of Department, principal researcher of the Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author and coauthor of over 400 publications, including 7 monographs and 70 WOS publications. Scientific interests include soil science, agrochemistry, biogeochemistry, ecology, carbon balance on Russian territory, carbon fluxes from Russian agroecosystems, carbon and nitrogen cycles in soil-plant systems. Member of Editorial boards of Russian scientific journals.

Articles (59 in this collection)