
1 Introduction

Yam is a collective name of tuber crops belonging to the genus Dioscorea. In 2018, the global yam production was around 72.6 million tons (FAOSTAT 2018). The major yam species include Dioscorea rotundata, D. alata, D. trifida, D. polystachya, and D. esculenta (Arnau et al. 2010). White Guinea yam (D. rotundata) is the most important yam worldwide, mainly grown in West and Central Africa, especially Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, the region known as the “yam belt”, which accounts for ∼92.5% of the total world yam production (FAOSTAT 2018). Yam is a staple crop in many tropical countries, and it also plays important roles in society and culture of the people in the major yam-growing regions (Coursey 1972; Obidiegwu and Akpabio 2017; Obidiegwu et al. 2020). However, due to its localized importance, yam has been regarded as an “orphan crop” and received considerably less research attention compared to the major crop species.

The genetic improvement of yam is urgently needed for the food security of yam-growing regions, but it is constrained by various abiotic and biotic factors (Mignouna et al. 2003). For example, the entire genus Dioscorea is characterized by dioecy, with male and female flowers borne on separate individuals, which imposes obligate outcrossing to the species in the genus. Due to its dioecy, farmers clonally propagate yams to maintain its germplasms, and true seeds are rarely used as the starting materials for planting. However, this clonal propagation reduces the genetic diversity, which causes the vulnerability to plant diseases. Also, the clonal propagation causes the difficulty of purging deleterious mutations from the germplasms like in cassava (Ramu et al. 2017). To achieve effective yam improvement by overcoming these constraints, we need to answer key questions in yam genetics and genomics including: (1) what is the genetic relationships between cultivated yams and their wild relatives, and how the domestication of yam happened? (2) how to deploy Dioscorea genetic diversity to improve agronomic traits of cultivated yams? (3) how dioecy of Dioscorea is genetically controlled and how we can manipulate it to make an efficient cross breeding? Thanks to the recent development of genome sequencing technologies, we can now address these questions using population genomics approaches. In this chapter, we review the latest findings of the domestication of yam from population genomics perspectives.

2 The Genus Dioscorea: Its Origin and Botanical Characteristics

The genus Dioscorea, which consists of approximately 630 species, is the largest one in the family Dioscoreaceae of monocotyledons (WCSP 2020). It is widely distributed in the tropical and temperate regions and occurs in diverse environments from forests to grasslands (Wilkin et al. 2005; Maurin et al. 2016; Viruel et al. 2016). Several studies have been conducted on the phylogenetic relationships of species in Dioscorea. Previously, intrageneric taxa have been proposed based on morphological characters (Uline 1898; Knuth 1924; Prain and Burkill 1936, 1939; Burkill 1960; Huber 1998). However, diagnostic keys and delineation of taxa varied according to the authors. Recently, phylogenetic analyses have been conducted based on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences and nuclear gene sequences (for review, see Noda et al. 2020). Noda et al. (2020) provided a large-scale phylogenetic tree containing 183 species and proposed dividing Dioscorea into two subgenera (Dioscorea and Helmia), with 11 major clades and 27 sections/species groups.

Dioscorea likely originated in the Laurasian Palaearctic between the Late Cretaceous and the Early Eocene (Fig. 1). In the Eocene and Oligocene, Dioscorea expanded to the southern region by long-distance dispersal or migration by land bridges. In the Oligocene and Miocene, main Dioscorea lineages experienced divergence events on a worldwide scale. In the Miocene and Pliocene, some lineages dispersed into new areas. The number of biogeographical speciation events seems to have decreased after the Quaternary period began (Maurin et al. 2016; Viruel et al. 2016; Couto et al. 2018).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Biogeographical origin and distribution of Dioscorea species (Viruel et al. 2016). (a) Dioscorea likely originated in the Laurasian Palaearctic in the Late Cretaceous and the Early Eocene (1) and then dispersed from Asia to South America (2). (b) In the Oligocene and Miocene, Dioscorea mainly expanded to the southern region. (c) Some lineages dispersed into new areas in the Miocene and Pliocene, but speciation events decreased in the Quaternary. (d) Geographical distribution in the present era. (Maps are based on C. R. Scotese’s PALEOMAP project;

The majority of Dioscorea species are perennial herbaceous climbers with simple or compound leaves and reproduce sexually and/or clonally (Fig. 2). Flowers in Dioscorea are mostly dioecious with male and female flowers borne on separate individuals, and multiple sex-determination systems were reported in the genus (see Table 2 and Sect. 6). Most species produce winged seeds and capsular, six-seeded fruits, while some species have wingless seeds, samaroid or berry fruits (Caddick et al. 2002; Noda et al. 2020). In addition to sexual reproduction, Dioscorea species propagate clonally by bulbils, rhizomes, or tubers. Bulbils are aerial tubers that are formed in the axils of leaves or bracts of some Dioscorea species (Fig. 2f). They are mainly consumed as food, but also used as folk medicine in many cultures (Ikiriza et al. 2019). Bulbils are generally brown-colored and have small tubercles over their surface, but their shape and size vary in the different species (Murty and Purnima 1983). D. bulbifera (also known as aerial yam) is the major bulbil-producing species and is characterized by considerable bulbil shape diversity (Terauchi et al. 1991). Rhizomes and tubers represent morphologically diverse structures that serve as underground starch storage organs (Fig. 3). Because these storage organs serve as food sources for various wild animals, they have evolved defense traits. For example, D. praehensilis has crown roots with spines to protect tubers from burrowing or digging animals (Fig. 3c). Some species of the African clade have thick corky barks covering the pachycaul structure that may provide protection against fire and herbivores (Scott 1897; Maurin et al. 2016). In addition, Dioscorea species produce diverse secondary metabolites such as saponins, alkaloids, and tannins that serve a variety of functions including defense against herbivores (Coursey 1967). Chemical components of some species have medicinal values (Liu et al.

Table 1 The various ploidy levels of Dioscorea species