Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is currently the standard of care for early breast cancer surgery. The status of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) is one of the most powerful outcome predictors of the disease. Modern SLN map** techniques include the administration of blue dyes (e.g., patent blue, methylene blue, or isosulfan blue), radioactive colloids (e.g., 99mTc-sulfur colloid or 99mTc-phytate) or a combination of both, which serves as the gold standard. For blue dye, the invisibility of the SLN deep within the axilla requires substantial exploration of the wound and a longer learning curve. On the other hand, the limited accessibility and higher cost of radiocolloids, coupled with the potential radiation exposure for healthcare professionals, pose obstacles to the adoption of radioisotope-based SLN map** methods. The lack of real-time imaging capability also makes the procedure difficult to standardize.

Given the aforementioned concerns, ICG was first used as a dye in 1999 and as a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging agent in 2005 in SLNB for breast cancer.1,2 ICG fluorescence-guided SLNB (ICG-SLNB) has advantages such as precise localization of the skin incision site, easy tracking of lymphatic vessels to the axillary lymph nodes, high identification rates of the SLNs and low incidence of adverse reactions.3,4,5 The high consistency of ICG and radioisotopes in SLN detection guarantees the oncological safety of this technique.6 In a recent meta-analysis that compared ICG-SLNB with radioisotope and blue dye-guided SLNB in breast cancer surgery, ICG-SLNB was not inferior to the dual tracer technique (combined radioisotope and blue dye) or radioisotope alone but was superior to blue dye alone.7

Despite the advancements made in ICG-SLNB for breast cancer in recent years, the following crucial limitations associated with this technique need to be addressed: (1) aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) emission of ICG8—the ICG molecules tend to aggregate, resulting in reduced fluorescence emission; (2) diffusion of injected ICG into adjacent tissues—ICG can slowly diffuse into surrounding tissues such as subcutaneous fatty tissue if the procedure exceeds a duration of 30 min, leading to increased background noise levels;2,9 and (3) unstable pharmacokinetics of ICG in lymphatic vessels—the rate of ICG transportation in lymphatic vessels is unstable.10 These fluctuations in the transportation rate can undermine its effectiveness as a tracer and compromise surgeons’ confidence. As a result, operating room lights often need to be turned off, which is inconvenient and raises safety concerns during surgeries. Additionally, the lack of optimization and standardization in the administration of ICG poses limitations in the development of medical NIR imaging devices.11,12

To overcome these challenges, we propose a bold approach that involves substituting distilled water, the stock solvent for ICG (Diagnogreen®), with Voluven®. Voluven® is a synthetic colloid composed of 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4 in 0.9% sodium chloride, primarily used for plasma volume replacement to restore blood volume. This is the first study to utilize Voluven® as the solvent for ICG in fluorescence image-guided surgery. The rationale for the use of Voluven® lies in the hydrophobic interactions between the HES colloids present in Voluven® and ICG.Endpoints” below) was significantly worse than the previous concentration group. This translational research is the result of the phase I study.

The Repetitive Injection-Observation Protocol

During the surgical procedure, a repetitive injection-observation protocol was implemented (see Fig. 2). A 5-ml syringe was filled with the prepared ICG solution and connected to a winged infusion set. The needle of the winged infusion set delivered a subareolar injection (see Fig. 3). With the Stryker SPY-PHI (Stryker Corporation, Kalamazoo, MI) portable handheld NIR imaging system, 0.5 ml of the ICG solution was infused slowly. The filling of the solution into the areola and drainage to the subcutaneous lymphatic system was observed. If the whole areola was filled and the lymphatic duct traveling toward the axilla was observed, the winged infusion set was fixed in place using sterile 3M tape. If the lymphatic duct traveling toward the axilla was not observed within 2 min, the needle tip position was adjusted to another quadrant by the surgeon. The injection and observation were repeated. Light palpation of the breast was performed if draining seemed stationary. Injection example videos are provided in the supplementary files (see Vid. S1 for ICG:Voluven® and Vid. S2 for ICG:water).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Flowchart detailing the repetitive injection-observation protocol

Fig. 3
figure 3

(a) Schematic diagram illustrating the needle placement of the winged infusion set. (b) Bright view showing a 66-year-old woman undergoing SLNB with the new protocol (ICG:Voluven®, 0.25 mg/ml). The needle of the winged infusion set was inserted subcutaneously beneath the areola. (c) The corresponding ICG fluorescence image obtained by the Stryker SPY-PHI NIR imaging system

Conventional Tracer Selection and the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Procedure

Given that ICG is not yet an FDA-approved dye for breast cancer SLN map**, an FDA-approved primary tracer was used, forming a dual-tracer map** technique. Since the study goal was to evaluate the performance of the Voluven®-assisted ICG solution in SLN map** of breast cancer, we carefully avoided synchronous injection of multiple tracers at the same location to prevent interaction between the drugs affecting the outcome evaluation. Peritumoral blue dye (Patent Blue V®) was selected as the primary (conventional) tracer for SLN map**.

We usually waited for at least 5 min after blue dye injection and then initiated the SLNB procedure. All blue nodes were removed. ICG-fluorescent SLNs were retrieved sequentially, guided by the fluorescent lymphatic ducts. It is a known fact that ICG fluorescence guided SLN biopsy tends to retrieve more nodes than the conventional methods, and there are considerations of over-extensive dissection to the axilla.7,16 Therefore, during the procedure, the first three fluorescent nodes receiving drainage from the breast were retrieved. If additional sequential nodes were observed during NIR fluorescence imaging, the first three nodes were sent for frozen section analysis. Further dissection was not carried out if the frozen section was reported to be benign.

Measurement of Signal-to-Background Ratio (SBR)

All lymph node images were taken using the SPY-PHI NIR fluorescence mode (grayscale SPY mode) with a medical HDMI video recorder. The SBR values of the lymph nodes were measured by ImageJ bundled with Java 1.8.0_172 software. R version 4.2.2 (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) was used for plotting.


The primary endpoint was the number of retrieved lymph nodes and SBR under the SPY-PHI imaging system. Other endpoints included the areola-to-axilla traveling time (AAT) of ICG fluorescent lymphatics (the time from the development of subcutaneous lymphatic fluorescence to the fluorescence reaches the axillary fascia), the status of blue dye and ICG fluorescence in retrieved SLNs, and any adverse effects of this injection procedure.