
The past two decades have seen increasing interest in the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the assessment of cardiovascular disease, including congenital heart disease (CHD) [1]. Computational fluid dynamics models enable realistic calculation of patient-specific blood flow conditions and provide valuable insights into pathological hemodynamics. These models can also be used to predict hemodynamic response to interventions, thereby aiding therapeutic planning.

The patient specific anatomies needed for CFD are often derived from three dimensional (3D) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), particularly cardiac and respiratory gated whole-heart sequences. This is because whole-heart images have the sharp borders and high contrast necessary for semi-automated segmentation of cardiovascular structures.

Automatic or semi-automatic segmentation methods based on shape models or level-set algorithms have existed for years [2,3,4]. However, they often require some type of user input or manual post-correction, rely on priors which are not readily available, or may struggle to adapt to abnormal anatomies (e.g., CHD). Thus, segmentation remains one of the most user-intensive and time-consuming parts of the CFD workflow, and one of the barriers to greater clinical use.

Recently, it has been shown that machine learning (ML) can accurately segment ventricles and great vessels from CMR images [5,6,7]. Quantitative metrics derived from ML segmentations (e.g., ventricular volumes) compare well with manual segmentations [8, 9] and these techniques are now entering clinical practice. However, the effectiveness of ML segmentation for CFD has not previously been investigated.

The aims of this study were to: (i) Develop a ML method for simultaneous segmentation of the aorta and pulmonary arteries from whole heart CMR images in patients with pediatric or adult CHD, (ii) Compare conventional and ML segmentations using traditional image-based scores, (iii) Compare CFD metrics derived from both conventional and ML segmentations, and (iv) Investigate the association between image-based scores and CFD errors.



Ninety cardiac triggered, respiratory navigated, 3D whole heart, balanced, steady state, free precession (WH-bSSFP) data were collected from previously scanned children and adults with paediatric or CHD (excluding patients with single ventricles). All patients were scanned on a 1.5 T CMR scanner (Avanto, Siemens Healthineers AG, Erlangen, Germany) using a conventional WH-bSSFP sequence [10]. The imaging protocol was as follows: orientation: sagittal, matrix size: 256 × 144 × 96 (head-foot, anterior–posterior, left–right), acquired voxel size: 1.6 mm (isotropic), flip angle: 90°. Image acquisition was accelerated using GRAPPA (factor of 2 along phase encoding dimension) and partial Fourier (factor of 6/8 along both phase and slice encoding dimensions). The use of retrospectively collected training and test data was approved by the local research ethics committee, and written consent was obtained from all subjects/guardians (Ref: 06/Q0508/124).

Additionally, 10 external examples were retrospectively collected from a different centre. These were scanned on a 1.5 T CMR scanner (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands) with the following imaging protocol: orientation: axial, matrix size: 240 × 240 × 110 (left–right, anterior–posterior, head-foot), acquired voxel size: 1.44 mm (isotropic), flip angle: 90°. Image acquisition was accelerated using SENSE (reduction factor of 2) and partial Fourier (6/8). Collection of this data and sharing with our site was approved by the local research ethics committee, and written consent was obtained from all subjects/guardians (Protocol No. X20-0237 & 2020/ETH01333).

Ground truth segmentation

Reference standard conventional segmentation of the aorta and pulmonary arteries was performed using a semi-automatic technique with manual correction (Plug-ins built in Horos v4.0, sponsored by Nimble Co LLC d/b/a Purview, Maryland, USA). Initial segmentation was done using the fast level-set method [2]. This requires the user to: (i) set a threshold, (ii) place seeds in the vessel of interest and (iii) add blocking regions to prevent segmentation of unwanted structures. The quality of this initial segmentation is dependent on both the underlying anatomy and the image quality, but manual correction is always required to remove unwanted structures and clip vessels. The proximal limit of both the aortic and pulmonary artery segmentations was the semi-lunar valve. The distal limit of the segmentations were the diaphragmatic level of the aorta, and hilar branches of the pulmonary arteries. Head and neck arteries were manually removed at their origin.

All 90 datasets were segmented by a primary observer (RJ—10 years’ experience in CMR post-processing). We refer to the primary observer’s segmentations as the ground truth (GT). In addition, a secondary observer (VM—19 years’ experience in CMR post-processing) segmented 10 of these images (test set, see below) to investigate inter-observer variability. We refer to these as the second observer (SO) data. The 10 external examples were segmented by the secondary observer only following the same procedure.

Data preparation

Prior to ML training, the pixel intensities of the WH-bSSFP data were normalized (range [0, 1]). The aortic and pulmonary binary segmentation masks were concatenated in the channel dimension and combined with a third channel containing a binary “background” mask (one-hot encoding). The images and 3-channel segmentation masks were either centrally cropped or symmetrically zero-padded to a fixed matrix size of 160 × 96 × 64 (superior-inferior, anterior–posterior, left–right). Finally, the image-label pairs were randomly split into a training set (70 examples, 78%), a validation set (10 examples, 11%) and a test set (10 examples, 11%). This split was used to maximize the size of the training set, while providing sufficient data for validation and statistical analysis.

The examples from the external test set were reoriented, interpolated and cropped to match the orientation, matrix size and voxel size of the in-house data.

Network architecture

A U-Net [11] convolutional neural network was used to simultaneously segment the aorta and pulmonary arteries from WH-bSSFP data. The network architecture is shown in Fig. 1. Each convolutional layer was followed by a batch normalization layer and a rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation. Downscaling was performed using max-pooling layers and upscaling was performed using transpose convolution layers. The number of convolutional filters after the first layer was set to double after each downscaling layer and halve after each upscaling step. The final convolutional layer has three filters (equalling the number of possible classes—aorta, pulmonary artery and background), followed by a softmax activation. Final predicted labels were obtained by assigning each pixel to the class with the highest probability.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Parameterized network architecture. The height of the blocks represents changes in spatial resolution while the width represents the number of filters or channels. The figure shows the three network parameters whose value was optimized: initial filters, layers per block and scales. This example is shown with 2 layers per block and 3 scales. BN batch normalization

Training, hyperparameter optimization and evaluation

The network implementation and training scheme were parametrized to allow investigation of multiple hyperparameter values, with the full search space shown in Table 1. We used the Hyperband algorithm [12] to perform efficient hyperparameter optimization. This method samples the search space randomly and adaptively allocates more computational resources to the most promising hyperparameters combinations. Dice score was used by the Hyperband to assess performance and choose the final model.

Table 1 Hyperparameter search space

The neural network and related functionality were implemented and trained using TensorFlow [13].In particular, the model implementation, losses and metrics are available in TensorFlow MRI [14], an open-source framework developed in-house Weights were initialized using He’s method [15] and optimized using the Adam algorithm [16]. Training, including hyperparameter optimization, took ~ 24 h on an Nvidia Titan RTX GPU with 24 GB of onboard RAM (Nvidia Corporation, Santa Clara, California, USA).

The optimized ML model was evaluated on the test dataset against the GT segmentations (ML vs GT). The accuracy of segmentation was quantified using several image-based segmentation metrics: Dice score, Intersection over Union (IoU), Hausdorff distance (HD) and average surface distance (ASD). Each metric was computed independently for each vessel. Additionally, the same metrics were calculated for the secondary observer’s segmentation against the GT (SO vs GT), and between the ML model and the SO (ML vs SO).

To assess generalization ability to data from other sources, the ML model was also evaluated on the external test set. We computed the same set of metrics (Dice, IoU, HD and ASD) between the ML predictions (Ext-ML) and the GT segmentations (we refer to these as Ext-SO, because the manual segmentation was performed by the same person as the SO data).

Prior to evaluation, ML masks were filtered to remove all but the largest connected component, as identified using 3D connected component labelling with 26-connectivity [17]. This postprocessing step was used to eliminate small background regions which had been misclassified as vessels.

Surface and volume meshing pipeline

The resultant segmentation masks were converted into finite element volume meshes, using the processes shown in Fig. 2. The masks (GT, ML and SO) were first transformed into surface meshes, by applying the marching cubes algorithm (implemented in VMTK), and then re-meshed and smoothed with consistent parameters. The surface meshes were clipped manually at inlets and outlets to create planar surfaces; 30 mm extensions were added to ensure the fluid flow in the region of interest was fully developed and capped at the ends to generate close surfaces. These were meshed with tetrahedral elements to build the final unstructured grid for CFD analysis. The grid resolution was determined through a sensitivity analysis (see Additional file 1).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Automatic mesh processing pipeline from segmentation to computational flow dynamica (CFD) analysis, followed by post-processing to reshape the data in a consistent format between subjects (99 planes from inlet to outlet containing average pressure and velocity)

To assess the effect of the manual clip** of the anatomies on the CFD, the simulations from the ML segmentations were also re-run using the same inlet and outlet locations as the GT data, defined by overlaying the GT clipped geometry to the corresponding ML geometry.

Computational fluid dynamics and boundary conditions

CFD simulations were carried out using the solver Fluent (v19.0, Ansys, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA). Blood was modelled as an incompressible Newtonian fluid with density 1060 kg/m3 and 0.004 Pa∙s dynamic viscosity [18]⁠. Vessel walls were considered rigid, and no-slip conditions were imposed. A laminar, steady-state model was selected to simulate blood flow at peak systole [19, 20]⁠. A generalisable inlet condition for the aorta and pulmonary artery was applied to all subjects with a uniform (plug) inlet velocity profile of 0.66 m/s for the aorta and 0.57 m/s for the pulmonary artery [21]⁠. The outlets for all cases were assumed to be at zero pressure and the convergence criteria was set at 10–4 for the residual errors. Simulations were run on a Dell workstation, with a Xeon CPU E5-2630 (24 processors at 2.3 GHz), 32 Gb RAM and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.

CFD post-processing and analysis

To compare the flow field between the pairs of different unstructured meshes (ML vs GT, SO vs GT and ML vs SO), correspondence was created by subdividing each vessel with 99 planes orthogonal to the centrelines, calculated in VMTK, and equally distanced. Static pressure and velocity magnitude were averaged in each plane (see Fig. 2) and a percentage error was calculated for each plane pair, using ML as reference (GT in the comparison between SO and GT). The mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE) for pressure and velocity were computed for each vessel pair.

Statistical analysis

Shapiro–Wilk tests were used to test the normality of the different segmentation metrics and CFD errors, grouped by vessel (aorta and pulmonary artery), and segmentation pair (ML vs GT, ML vs SO and SO vs GT). Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to compare the pressure and velocity errors for the ML vs GT group. Mann–Whitney U-tests were used to compare segmentation metrics and flow field errors between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, for the ML vs GT group. Friedman tests for repeated measurements were performed to compare segmentation metrics and flow field errors between the ML vs GT, ML vs SO and SO vs GT groups, for both aorta and pulmonary artery segmentations. Significant Friedman test results were followed up by pairwise Wilcoxon post-hoc tests. Additionally, Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to compare ML vs GT and SO vs GT metrics for both aorta and pulmonary artery segmentations. Mann–Whitney U-tests were used to compare Ext-ML vs Ext-SO segmentation metrics against ML vs SO metrics. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to compare the pressure and velocity errors for the manually clipped ML vs GT data and the equally clipped ML vs GT data. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the linear relationship between each pair of a segmentation metric (i.e., Dice, IoU, HD or ASD) and a flow field error (pressure or velocity MAPEs), for both aorta and pulmonary artery segmentations. The p-value was calculated for each comparison to test non-correlation. Throughout this work, a p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Hyperparameter optimization

A total of 124 hyperparameter configurations were sampled during the neural network optimization procedure (see Additional file 2). The best performing configuration was as follows: scales = 3, layers per block = 2, initial filters = 64, learning rate = 3.46 × 10–4, batch size = 2, and loss function = focal Tversky. This model was selected and used in all further experiments.

ML segmentation

The ML segmentation was successful in all 10 test datasets. The specific diagnoses for these patients were: repaired tetralogy of Fallot (n = 1), repaired Tetralogy of Fallot with mild right pulmonary artery stenosis (n = 1), Marfan syndrome with dilated aorta (n = 1), Marfan syndrome with pectus excavatum (n = 1), dilated pulmonary artery (n = 1), bicuspid aortic valve with dilated aorta and unrepaired VSD (n = 1), repaired double outlet right ventricle with right sided arch (n = 1), unrepaired atrial septal defect (n = 1), aortic regurgitation with dilated aorta (n = 1), post Ross procedure with mechanical aortic valve (n = 1). Inference time for the ML model was approximately 160 ms for simultaneous segmentation of aorta and pulmonary arteries (compared to approximately 30 min for manual segmentation of aorta and pulmonary arteries). There was good agreement between the ML and GT segmentation with a median Dice score of 0.945 (interquartile range: 0.929–0.955) for the aorta and 0.885 (0.851–0.899) for the pulmonary arteries. The Dice score was significantly higher for the aorta than the pulmonary arteries (p = 0.002) with similar findings observed for IoU, HD and ASD (Fig. 3A–D).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Segmentation metrics and flow field errors. Three segmentations are compared in a pairwise fashion: machine learning (ML), ground truth (GT) and second observer (SO). A, B Confusion-based similarity metrics: dice score and IoU. C, D Distance-based similarity metrics: Hausdorff distance (HD) and average surface distance (ASD), measured in pixels. E, F CFD-derived pressure and velocity mean average percentage errors (MAPE)

The best, median and worst segmented images in terms of Dice score are shown in Fig. 4. The three main differences were: (i) the length of the vessel segmented, (ii) differences in pixel labelling that resulted in small deviations of the vessel border, and (iii) small protrusions at origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries in the ML segmentations of the aorta.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Test set segmentation overlays. Predicted and ground truth masks are overlayed over the original images for the best, median and worst test cases. Aorta and pulmonary artery masks are shown in red and blue, respectively. Multiplanar reformats of the original 3D volume were manually selected on a case-by-case basis to be most informative. Best case had Ross procedure and mechanical aortic valve, the median case had an atrial septal defect and the worst case had a dilated pulmonary artery

The aortic inter-observer Dice score (SO vs GT) was 0.949 (0.916–0.960) and was not significantly different from ML vs GT (p = 0.575). The pulmonary Dice score for the SO vs GT was 0.882 (0.870–0.894) and was also not significantly different from ML vs GT (p = 0.721). The ML vs SO Dice score was 0.933 (0.924–0.944) for the aorta, which was not significantly different from ML vs GT and SO vs GT (p = 0.741), and 0.843 (0.791–0.860) for the pulmonary arteries, which trended towards being lower than ML vs GT and SO vs GT (p = 0.061).

The ML segmentation was also successful in the external dataset. The specific diagnoses for these patients were: cardiomyopathy (n = 4), normal anatomy (n = 1), repaired tetralogy of Fallot (n = 1), left pulmonary artery stenosis (n = 1), anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (n = 1), repaired coarctation of the aorta with hypoplastic arch (n = 1), bicuspid aortic valve with severe AR and dilated aortic root (n = 1). The best, median and worst examples from the external test set are shown in Fig. 5. There was reasonable agreement between the Ext-ML and Ext-SO segmentations, with a median Dice score of 0.913 (0.889–0.927) for the aorta and 0.751 (0.728–0.797) for the pulmonary arteries. Agreement was significantly lower than ML vs SO for the pulmonary arteries (p = 0.011), but not for the aorta (p = 0.089). Similar findings were observed for IoU, HD and ASD (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5
figure 5

External test set segmentation overlays. Predicted and ground truth masks are overlayed over the original images for the best, median and worst test cases. Aorta and pulmonary artery masks are shown in red and blue, respectively. Multiplanar reformats of the original 3D volume were manually selected on a case-by-case basis to be most informative. Best case had normal anatomy with gothic arch, the median case had bicuspid aortic valve and the worst case had mild left pulmonary artery stenosis

Fig. 6
figure 6

Segmentation metrics. The model’s segmentation (ML) is compared with the an observer’s segmentation (SO) for two different datasets: our original data (ML vs SO) and an external test set from a different site and vendor (Ext-ML vs Ext-SO). A, B: Confusion-based similarity metrics: dice score and intersection-over-union (IoU). C, D Distance-based similarity metrics: Hausdorff distance (HD) and average surface distance (ASD), measured in pixels

CFD metrics

There was overall good agreement in CFD metrics calculated using ML and GT segmentations (Fig. 3E, F). The median MAPE for pressure and velocity in the aorta were 10.1% (interquartile range: 8.5–15.7%) and 4.1% (3.1–6.9%) respectively, and for the pulmonary arteries 14.6% (11.5–23.2%) and 6.3% (4.3–7.9%). Pulmonary artery MAPEs trended towards higher values compared to aortic MAPEs, but this did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.081 for pressure and p = 0.093 for velocity). However, pressure was more sensitive than velocity to different segmentations, with pressure MAPE being ~ 2.5 × greater than velocity MAPE (p < 0.001).

Figure 7 shows the surface meshes of test cases with the highest and lowest CFD MAPE, as well as pressure and velocities along the length of each vessel. Figure 8 shows pressure and velocity fields calculated using both ML and GT manual segmentations. The main difference in the surface meshes (particularly for the worst cases) were associated with the inlets and outlets (angle and size) and these differences propagated into pressure and velocity fields.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Best and worst cases for aortas and pulmonary arteries (PA). Graphs show planar-averaged metrics along the length of the vessels, starting from the inlet. Black geometries correspond to ground truth, whereas red correspond to predictions. Best aorta case had atrial septal defect and the worst had a repaired double outlet right ventricle with right arch. The best PA has a bicuspid aortic valve with dilated aorta and unrepaired ventricular septal defect and the worst is a Marfan syndrome with dilated aorta

Fig. 8
figure 8

Best and worst aorta and pulmonary artery predictions. Flow fields of pressure and velocity displayed

SO vs GT (inter-observer) and ML vs SO pressure and velocity MAPEs were of a similar magnitude to the errors from the ML segmentations (Fig. 3E, F, p > 0.2). When the clip** planes of the GT segmentations were used on the ML geometries, the median pressure and velocity MAPEs were reduced to 8.0/3.1% (p < 0.01) for the aorta, and to 1.0.4/3.7% for the pulmonary artery (p < 0.01) (see Additional file 3).

Figure 9 illustrates the relationship between the segmentation metrics and the CFD errors on the ML vs GT comparison. No significant correlations were found between any of the metrics, either for the aorta or the pulmonary arteries, for either manual or equally clipped data.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Flow errors against similarity metrics. The figure shows a scatter-plot matrix where each point corresponds to a subject. In the abscissas, two confusion-based metrics, Dice and IoU, and two distance-based metrics, the Hausdorff distance and the average surface distance, measured in pixels. In the ordinates, the pressure and velocity mean average percentage errors (MAPE). All values are for the ML vs GT comparison. Red and blue colours identify aorta and pulmonary artery data, respectively. Trend lines are least-squares polynomial fits of degree 1. For Dice and IoU, higher is better (more similar). For Hausdorff distance, average surface distance and pressure and velocity MAPEs, lower is better


In this study, a deep neural network was trained to simultaneously segment the aorta and pulmonary arteries from 3D CMR data. As its primary purpose was to provide patient specific anatomies for CFD models, we evaluated accuracy using conventional image-based segmentation metrics and resulting errors in CFD measures. The main findings were: (i) The proposed network achieved high performance in terms of image-based segmentation metrics, (ii) There was reasonable agreement between CFD models derived from the ML and GT manual segmentation, (iii) These errors were similar in magnitude to those observed between two different manual segmentations, and (iv) There was no relationship between the segmentation metrics and the resulting CFD errors.

ML segmentation

In data from the same distribution as the training data, the segmentation model achieved comparable or better performance than previously reported 3D ML segmentation of the great vessels, including in patients with CHD [6, 22]. This suggests that the chosen network architecture and subsequent hyperparameter optimization were sufficient for accurate segmentation. Nevertheless, there were some differences between the GT and ML segmentations and visual inspection reveals three main types of error. The first error was a tendency for ML to start and stop segmenting at slightly different points in the vessel compared to the GT. The second type of error was the presence of “bumps”, due to the segmentation masks bleeding out at the locations of arterial branches, particularly in the aorta. Both these errors can be considered failures to properly demarcate vessel limits, rather than failures to correctly label blood pool pixels. The third type of error was inaccurate labelling of blood pixels at the vessel border, resulting in subtle differences in surface geometry. It should be noted that none of these patients had very abnormal pulmonary vascular or aortic anatomy, which was necessary to ensure that CFD models could be created from the segmentations. However, further testing on complex CHD is necessary if segmentation models are to be used more widely. Extension to complex CHD may require further enhancements, and several strategies could potentially help improve the ML segmentation accuracy and generalizability. These include increasing the amount and heterogeneity of training data, or performing data augmentation, both of which improve generalizability and performance of ML models [23, 24]. Another interesting option might be the inclusion of statistical shape models [25, Limitations

Our study has several limitations. One of the main limitations of this study was that a simplified CFD model was applied across all subjects (laminar, steady state with no patient-specific parameters). This was done to better isolate the effect of segmentation differences on the resulting CFD model. However, it does limit the patient specific aspect of these comparisons and in the future, boundary conditions for each subject (such as velocity profiles taken from phase contrast CMR) could be incorporated into the model. Furthermore, now that we have demonstrated good agreement using simple CFD models, the utility of ML segmentation for more complex CFD models should be investigated.

Another limitation is that the methods used for comparison don’t necessary account for the full flow field. We used plane-averaged pressures and velocities along the length of the centreline to quantitatively compare different CFD models. However, this averaging does lead to a loss of localized details in the flow fields. Additionally, the slice locations were determined independently for ML, GT and SO models, so there may not be an exact one-to-one correspondence. In future studies, particularly if using more complex CFD models, new metrics of CFD errors that capture subtle deviations will need to be developed.


A convolutional neural network was developed, optimized and trained for segmentation of the aorta and the pulmonary arteries in 3D CMR. The segmentation network was validated for its primary purpose: the creation of CFD models and calculation of flow fields. Segmentation errors in terms of Dice, IoU, HD and ASD as well as derived pressure and velocity field errors were in the range of human inter-observer variability. The proposed method could help to automate clinical hemodynamic assessment workflows and improve their robustness.