
Siderophores, including those produced by bacteria, are chelating compounds with a high affinity for iron. Their main biological function is to improve the bioavailability and uptake of this crucial element in conditions of iron limitation [1,2,3,4]. Bacterial siderophores could also play other biological roles, including non-iron metal transport, toxic metal sequestration, signaling, or protection from oxidative stress. Thus, they have gained the attention of various branches of industry, trying to harness their potential in numerous applications [2, 3, 5, 6]. Bacterial siderophores are considered to be one of the plant-growth-promoting (PGP) agents [2, 7,8,9]. Their role is to enhance the bioavailability of iron in the soil, which is crucial for proper plant nutrition [2], as well as to stimulate soil microbiota and biocontrol phytopathogens [1, 9,10,11,12,1.

Table 1 Carbon and nitrogen sources in media used for siderophores production (C:N ratio = 7:1)

Media containing various carbon and nitrogen sources (CSA, CASN, EtASN, EtSA, GASN, GCl, GNO, GlASN, GlSA) in seven C:N ratio variants (1:2, 2:1, 3:1, 5:1, 7:1, 10:1, 20:1) were used to examine their influence on siderophores production. Ratio 7:1 (Table 1) was regarded as reference, and other ratios were prepared by increasing or decreasing concentrations of carbon source, while kee** N concentration unchanged. Bacteria were cultivated for 3 days in respective media (pH 7.0) at 10 °C with rotary shaking set to 150 rpm. Initial culture OD600nm was set at 0.06. Conditions were selected according to optimization experiments described in Additional file 1. All experiments were performed in triplicates, using 96-well microplates. The three best variants from every microplate experiment were selected for verification in increased culture volume. For this purpose, bacteria were cultivated for 3 days in conditions identical to the respective microplate assay, with the only difference in the volume of used medium (200 ml). Measurement of microorganisms quantity (CFU ml−1), pH and siderophores concentration (CAS assay) were taken every 24 h of the experiment.

Determination of siderophores productivity of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B

To perform a screening estimation of the efficiency of siderophores production in bacterial cultures in various media, CAS (chrome azurol S) reagent was used according to the spectrophotometric method measuring overall siderophores concentration in samples described by Schwyn and Neilands [32]. All measurements were performed in triplicates. The bacterial cultures were centrifuged (8000 rpm for 5 min), and supernatants were added in a 1:1 ratio to the CAS reagent and incubated in darkness for an hour. An automated microplate reader was used to measure the absorbance at 630 nm. A standard curve was obtained using deferoxamine mesylate salt (Sigma-Aldrich), which also served at a concentration of 0.025 mM as a positive control. A sterile medium was used as a negative control.

To determine the concentration of pyoverdine, HPLC analyses were conducted. These analyses were performed for metabolites obtained using selected media: GASN, GCl, GSA, GlSA, GlASN, and CSA after 3 days of cultivation. Bacterial cultures were centrifuged (8000 rpm, 5 min), then supernatants were separated from the biomass and stored in sterile 50 ml tubes in 4 °C for further use. The liquid fractions were transferred to individual tubes and 40 µl of a FeCl3 solution (1 M) was added to each tube. The HPLC analyses were carried out using the procedure described by Bultreys et al. [33]. Commercially available pyoverdine from a Pseudomonas fluorescens strain (Sigma Aldrich, USA) was used as a standard.

Chemical analysis of SAM produced by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B

The qualitative and semi-quantitative characteristics of SAM were performed with the use of GC–MS analysis. Analyses were performed for metabolites obtained using all studied media after 3 days of cultivation. Bacterial cultures were centrifuged (8000 rpm, 5 min), then supernatants were separated from biomass and stored in sterile 50 ml tubes in 4 °C for further use. All experiments were performed in triplicates.

Extraction of organic compounds from the aqueous phase

Organic compounds were extracted from 100 ml of the cell-free aqueous phase of the bacterial cultures and chemical control samples using 25 ml of chloroform in a separatory funnel for 3 min. This procedure was repeated three times. Chloroform extracts were dried with anhydrous Na2SO4, evaporating the solvent under an N2 stream. Samples were then derivatized with 0.5 ml of BSTFA:TMCS, 99:1 (Supelco, USA), for 30 min at 70 °C. A blank sample was prepared according to the same procedure.

Analysis of extractable organic compounds—gas chromatography analysis

The separation of organic compounds was performed using an Agilent 7890A Series Gas Chromatograph interfaced with an Agilent 5973c Network Mass Selective Detector and an Agilent 7683 Series Injector (Agilent Technologies, USA). A 5 µl sample was injected with split 1:5 (sample; carrier gas) by 0.3% SD to an HP-5MS column (30 m × 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm film thickness, Agilent Technologies, USA) using He as the carrier gas at 1 ml min−1. The ion source was maintained at 250 °C; the GC oven was programmed with a temperature gradient starting at 100 °C (for 3 min), and this was gradually increased to 300 °C (for 2 min) at 6 °C min−1. Mass spectrometry analysis was carried out in the electron-impact mode at an ionizing potential of 70 eV. Mass spectra were recorded from m/z 40 to 800 (0–39 min).

Selection, identification, and classification of organic compounds

Peaks that indicated an area not less than 0.1% of the total area of the total ion current chromatogram were selected for identification. The identification was performed with an Agilent Technologies Enhanced ChemStation (G1701EA ver. E.02.00.493) and The Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data (version 3.2, Copyright 1988–2000 by Palisade Corporation with, 8th Edition with Structures, Copyright 2000 by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) using a 3% cutoff threshold.

The selected peaks representing organic compounds whose mass spectra indicated compliance with reference mass spectra equal to or higher than 80% were identified. The rest of the organic compounds representing lower compliance (< 80%) were assigned only to the major classes of organic compounds based on the presence of characteristic and dominating fragmentation ions (aromatic hydrocarbons– m/z 65, 77, 78, 79; aliphatic hydrocarbons—m/z 43, 57, 71, 85, 99; alcohols—m/z 45, 59, 73, 87; aldehydes—m/z 44, 58, 72; carboxylic acids—m/z 43, 45, 57, 59, 60, 71, 73, 85, 87). Those organic compounds present in extracts of three repetitions of each sample were selected for further analysis.

The effect of SAM on seeds germination

The influence of SAM on the rate and efficiency of seeds germination was investigated. For this purpose pea, beetroot, and tobacco seeds were pre-soaked for 30 min in 100 ml of: (i) metabolites solutions produced by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B on GASN, GCl, GSA, GlSA, GlASN or CSA medium according to the procedure described in paragraph 4.1, (ii) sterile GASN, GCl, GSA, GlSA, GlASN or CSA medium and (iii) distilled water (control). After 30 min the seeds were drained off, and 25 seeds were placed on a glass petri dish containing lignin soaked with 125 ml of (i) metabolites produced by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B on studied media supplemented with Knopp nutrient solution (3 mM Ca(NO3)2, 1.5 mM KNO3, 1.2 mM MgSO4, 1.1 mM KH2PO4, 0.1 mM EDTA—Fe, 5 μM CuSO4, 2 μM MnSO4 × 5H2O, 2 μM ZnSO4 × 7H2O, 15 nM (NH4)6Mo7O24), (ii) sterile GASN, GCl, GSA, GlSA, GlASN or CSA media supplemented with Knopp nutrient solution, (iii) Knopp nutrient solution. To ensure a comparable level of nutrients in obtained metabolites and initial media, the amount of carbon source was reduced by half in the sterile media variant, according to experimentally estimated usage during siderophores production. Each variant was performed in four repetitions. The seeds were incubated in the dark for 7 days at 20° C. Every day the number of germinating seeds was counted. Germination percentage (GP) was calculated using the following equation [34]:

$$GP\left[\%\right]=\frac{total \,number\, of \,seeds \,germinated}{total \,number \,of \,seeds \,per \,petri\, dish} \times 100$$

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using RStudio 2022.02.2 software [35]. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at p ≤ 0.05 was used to test the significance of the differences in groups during optimization and germination experiments. To test pairwise differences in groups Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) tests were used at p ≤ 0.05. The results were presented on graphs obtained with ggplot2 v3.3.5 [36].


Analysis of genomic potential to use various carbon sources

Genomic analysis of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B performed in our previous studies showed that this strain can obtain energy by metabolizing carbohydrates through glycolysis, oxidative and non-oxidative phases of the pentose phosphate cycle, Entner-Doudoroff glucose catabolism, d-galactonate degradation, and glycogen degradation, as well as beta-oxidation of fatty acids and degradation of acylglycerols [28]. In order to estimate the full metabolic potential of the strain showcased in phenotype profiling, in-depth genomic analysis was carried out to identify genetic determinants associated with carbon conversion pathways. The obtained data indicated the ability to degrade various compounds e.g., (i) monosaccharides (e.g., xylose transformed by xylose isomerase to d-xylulose and in the next steps to ribulose-5-phosphate, which is intermediate of pentose phosphate pathway) and disaccharides (d-trehalose transformed by trehalase to glucose), (ii) alcohol sugars (d-mannitol transformed by mannitol 2-dehydrogenase to d-fructose and glycerol transformed by glycerol kinase into glycerone-phosphate. Both products could be involved into glycolysis), (iii) amino sugars (n-acetyl-d-glucosamine transformed by n-acetylglucosamine PTS system to N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate and in the three next steps to d-fructose-6-phosphate, which is glycolysis intermediate), (iv) alcohols (dihydroxyacetone transformed by multi phosphoryl transferase to glycerone-phosphate) and (v) carboxylic acids (including fumaric acid and acetic acid transformed to acetyl-CoA respectively by fumarate hydratase in the first step and malate synthase in second step, and acetate-CoA ligase). Genomic analysis also revealed the remarkable ability to use amino acids as a carbon source, including the majority of proteinogenic amino acids (70.00%). l-Alanine and l-Serine could be transformed into pyruvate (by alanine-synthesizing transaminase and l-serine ammonia-lyase, respectively) and eventually enter the Krebs cycle. Most other proteinogenic amino acids used as C-source could enter the Krebs cycle transformed into its intermediates: oxoglutarate, oxaloacetate or Acetyl-CoA. Moreover, several dipeptidases were identified in Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B. A list of enzymes identified for carbon compounds was included in the Additional file 2.

Phenotype profile of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B regarding the using of various C, N, S, P sources

During a PM assay, a wide array of 395 compounds was tested as a source of essential nutrients for bacterial growth (Fig. 1). We estimated growth on each compound using the parameter of maximum curve height (mch) [30]. The threshold level for positive growth result was calculated separately for all carbon (PM01 and PM02), nitrogen (PM03), phosphorus, and sulfur sources (PM04). For each nutrient source the positive threshold was set at 5.00% of the maximal value of mch obtained in given experiment. Obtained results showed the broad metabolic potential of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B, which exhibited growth using 52.11% of carbon, 94.74% of nitrogen, 93.22% of phosphorus, and 100.00% of sulfur sources tested in this study.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Results of BIOLOG phenotypic profiling assay of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B for carbon source (A), nitrogen source (B), phosphorus source (C) and sulfur source (D). Color scale shows the maximum curve height parameter (mch)

Among all tested nutrients, the use of carbon by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B was the most selective (Fig. 1A). Positive growth signals were observed in 99 of 190 tested carbon sources. Particular compound groups were more preferential for bacterial growth than others. The strain was able to grow using all tested fatty acids and esters as a C source. It also showed the ability for the use of the majority of tested d-monosaccharides (83.33%), amino acids (70.00%), carboxylic acids (65.00%), nucleosides (60.00%) and l-monosaccharides (57.15%). ANT_H12B was less adapted to use amino sugars (33.33%), alcohol sugars (33.33%), trisaccharides (33.33%), disaccharides (30.00%), amines (20.00%), polymers (18.00%). The growth of the strain was not observed in the presence of amides. Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B was able to metabolize the vast majority of examined nitrogen sources (Fig. 1B). Growth was exhibited in 90 of 95 tested compounds (94.74%), belonging to various chemical groups, including peptides (100.00%), proteinogenic L-amino acids (100.00%), proteinogenic D-amino acids (100.00%), non-proteinogenic amino acids (100.00%), amino sugars (100.00%), nucleosides (83.33%), amines (81.81%) and inorganic compounds (75.00%).

The phenotypic assay showed the versatility of phosphorus (Fig. 1C) and sulfur (Fig. 1D) metabolism in Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B. All 30 tested sulfur sources were suitable for bacteria growth, with no distinctive difference in growth rate between organic or inorganic compounds. Regarding phosphorus, the strain used 55 of 59 tested P-sources. Positive results were observed in all nucleoside phosphates samples, 90.00% other organic and 85.71% inorganic compounds.

Optimization of medium composition for siderophores production—screening tests

Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B was able to grow using the majority of tested carbon (glucose, glycerol, citric acid) and nitrogen sources (l-asparagine, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate) (Fig. 2A). Only the use of ethanol as a carbon source resulted in inhibited growth. C:N ratio significantly influenced observed bacterial growth (ANOVA test F = 64.52, p-value = 2.14 × 10–9). Pairwise statistical analysis showed no significant differences between 20:1, 10:1, 7:1, and 5:1 ratios, in which the most intense bacterial growth was observed.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Optimization of medium composition. Results for tested media (GASN, GSA, GCl, GNO, GlSA, GlASN, EtSA, EtASN, CASN, CSA) in seven C:N ratio: A culture density (OD600nm at the end of cultivation), B pH (measured at the end of cultivation), and C the highest measured siderophores concentration

Media composition strongly influenced the pH of the culture (Fig. 2B). Inorganic nitrogen sources (ammonium sulfate, chloride, and nitrate) combined with glucose, glycerol, and ethanol resulted in the acidification of the media. The lowest pH was observed with the use of glucose, reaching the level of 4–5 after 3 days. pH in media with glycerol and ethanol was slightly higher, and after 3 days, it reached 6–6.5. The magnitude of acidification increased with a rising C:N ratio. l-asparagine as a nitrogen source or citric acid as a carbon source were alkalization factors. The highest pH (> 8) was observed when citric acid (CASN, CSA) and glycerol (GLASN) were used as carbon sources. In these media, pH was not significantly affected by the change in the C:N ratio. The alkalization rate was lower with the use of glucose (GASN) and ethanol (EtSA), and the pH level dropped to neutral (EtSA) or even slightly acidic (GASN) with the increase in the C:N ratio.

Siderophores production over 200 μM was observed with the use of the majority of tested carbon (glucose, glycerol, citric acid) and nitrogen (l-asparagine, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride) sources (Fig. 2C). Only in media with ethanol as a carbon source and ammonium nitrate as a nitrogen source, significantly lower siderophores concentrations (below 100 μM) were observed compared to other tested variants. Therefore, media EtSA, EtASN, and GNO were excluded from further testing. C:N ratio was also an important factor influencing significantly siderophores production (ANOVA test F = 10.43, p-value = 4.52 × 10–10). Three most optimal C:N ratios for siderophores production were selected using pairwise statistical tests: 2:1, 3:1, and 5:1 for GASN, GSA, GCl, GlSA, and GlASN media, 3:1, 5:1 and 7:1 for ClASN medium and 5:1, 7:1 and 10:1 for CSA medium. For every tested medium 1:2, C:N ratio was the least efficient variant, where siderophores production was strongly inhibited and fell under 100 μM.

Optimization of medium composition for siderophores production—verification tests

Five media (GCl, GSA, GlSA, GlASN, CSA) that promoted the highest siderophore production in optimization tests, and GASN medium as a reference, were selected for verification tests in larger volume. Based on optimization test results, three optimal variants of the C:N ratio were chosen for every tested medium. Significant differences were observed between media in siderophores production after 3 days (ANOVA test F = 63.12, p-value = 4.44 × 10–9). Pairwise analysis revealed that the highest siderophores biosynthesis was associated with GSA and GCl (average 503.00 μM and 496.00 μM, respectively). The second group included media with lesser efficiency of siderophores production, which were GASN, GlASN, and GlSA (average 431.00 μM, 407.00 μM, and 401.00 μM, respectively). The least amount of siderophores was produced with use of CSA (average 329.00 μM). Among media containing glucose (GASN, GCl, GSA), significantly higher siderophores production was observed with the use of C:N ratios of 3:1 and 5:1. In other media C:N ratio did not affect siderophores production. According to these results, variants of media allowing for maximal production of siderophores with the lowest C:N ratios (GASN 3:1, GSA 3:1, GCl 3:1, GlSA 2:1, GlASN 2:1, and CSA 5:1) were selected for further tests.

The effect of medium composition on the pyoverdine concentration

Metabolites produced on selected media were analyzed using HPLC to estimate the exact concentration of pyoverdine in each sample. The results showed similar patterns to the CAS assay with 512.60 μM concentration in GSA, 509.30 μM in GCl, 450.20 μM in GASN, 380.40 μM in GlASN, 271.40 μM in GlSA and 223.50 μM in CSA medium. Pyoverdine production was also calculated as the yield of product in terms of biomass (μM siderophores g−1 biomass): 950.19 in GCl, 945.76 in GSA, 819.83 in GlASN, 773.54 in GASN, 710.47 in GlSA and 359.32 in CSA (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

HPLC analysis of pyoverdine content in tested media. Results shown for concentration in bacterial culture A and pyoverdine/biomass ratio (B)

Chemical characteristic of SAM produced by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B

The GC/MS analyses were performed to identify SAM with potential plant growth-promoting traits. We selected producing media according to the results of optimization experiments (GSA 3:1, GCl 3:1, GlASN 2:1, GlSA 2:1, CSA 5:1, and GASN 3:1 as the reference). Among detected compounds, fatty acids, other organic acids, alcohols, esters, indolic acid and its derivatives, sugars, nitrogen-containing organic compounds, sulfur-containing organic compounds, hydrocarbons, and aromatic compounds were observed (Table 2). A semi-quantitative estimate of the total concentration of each group was made and the specific species of each compound identified under the other classification were described (with a minimum probability match of 70%). Fatty acids were the dominant group of compounds in metabolites obtained from every media, except CSA, with concentrations ranging from 40.48 mg L−1 (CSA) to 225.96 mg L−1 (GASN). The majority of detected fatty acids were long-chained (14–18 carbon atoms). Both unsaturated (9-octadecenoic acid, cis-13-octadecenoic acid, cis-9-hexadecenoic acid, cis-9-Octadecenoic acid, trans-13-octadecenoic acid, trans-9-octadecenoic acid) and saturated (3-hydroxymyristic acid, 3-trimethylsiloxymyristic acid, n-pentadecanoic acid, hexadecenoic acid, tetradecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid) fatty acids were observed. The most abundant long-chain fatty acids, detected in all samples, were hexadecenoic acid, cis-9-hexadecanoic acid, and dodecanoic acid. Medium-chain fatty acids were also identified (6–12 carbon atoms), including saturated (3-hydroxydecanoic acid, dodecanoic acid, hexanoic acid, nonanoic acid) and unsaturated (2-octenoic acid) compounds.

Table 2 Chemical class/concentrations of selected metabolites produced by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B, based on GC/MS analysis

In metabolites obtained from CSA medium dominant group of compounds were organic acids other than fatty acids (118.90 mg L−1). However, mainly due to the presence of 1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate. Organic acids other than fatty acids were also detected in significant amounts in metabolites from GASN medium (48.95 mg L−1) and in much smaller quantities in GlASN (8.37 mg L−1), GSA (4.14 mg L−1), and GlSA (2.51 mg L−1).

Indoleacetic acid (IAA) and its derivatives were identified in all tested media. The highest concentration of IAA was measured in GASN (0.026 mg L−1) and GlASN (0.013 mg L−1) medium. In media containing inorganic nitrogen source, IAA concentrations were lower (GSA- 0.0075 mg L−1, GCl—0.0025 mg L−1, GlSA—0.0054 mg L−1, CSA—0.0026 mg L−1).

The effect of SAM on seed germination

Seed germination tests were performed to reveal the effect of SAM on plant (beetroot, pea, and tobacco) growth. Media for metabolites production were selected based on the best results obtained from optimization experiments regarding siderophores production. Seeds germination percentage (GP) was similar among all tested variants for the first two days in beetroot and pea and three days in tobacco. On the third day of the experiment in pea treated with metabolites GP was higher than in control and sterile media variants (33.16% and 14,16% respectively) and the number of germinated seeds was significantly higher (ANOVA test F = 12.35, p-value = 0.013, Fig. 4A). For metabolites treated beetroot also on the 3rd day GP was 11.00% higher than control, 14.16% higher than in sterile media, and the number of germinated seeds was significantly higher (ANOVA test F = 24.74, p-value = 0.0025; Fig. 4B). A similar effect was observed for tobacco on day 4, with GP higher in metabolites treated seeds than in control and sterile media variants (35.16% and 43.83% respectively) and the number of germinated seeds was significantly higher (ANOVA test F = 7.16, p-value = 0.028, Fig. 4C).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Germination test results for A peas, B beetroot, and C tobacco. Significant differences between experimental groups in every day were estimated using ANOVA test and are represented by asterisk above respective group in given day (***− p < 0.001, **− p ≤ 0.01, * − p ≤ 0.05, no asterisk − p > 0.05)


Phenotype profile of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B

Results of genomic and phenotypic analysis showed the metabolic versatility of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B. We identified various enzymes involved in the metabolism of organic compounds, which provide the ability to use them as a carbon source in main pathways of energy metabolism. Many of these organic compounds are particularly abundant in the Antarctic environment, thus the ability to use them is an important adaptation of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B to survive in harsh regions. For example, trehalose, mannitol, and glycerol are frequently found in Antarctic soil because, as a compatible solute, one of their profound biological roles is osmo- and cryo-protection, especially important in cold environments [37,38,39]. These compounds could be used as a C source by ANT_H12B due to the presence of genes encoding e.g., trehalase, mannitol 2-dehydrogenase, and glycerol kinase.

We confirmed the genomic-based hypothesis of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B metabolic versatility during PM tests. This strain exhibited great metabolic flexibility, which could be regarded as outstanding among other members of the genus Pseudomonas. Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B was able to use 52.10% of tested carbon sources. Other members of the genus Pseudomonas obtained lower results during their respective tests, including environmental strains e.g., Pseudomonas putida from vineyard soils was able to use 30.50% of C sources [40], eight Pseudomonas strains isolated from rhizosphere were able to use 18.10–23.60% of C sources [41] and clinical isolate Pseudomonas stutzeri, was able to use 26.80% of C sources [42]. Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B shared with other Pseudomonas strains the ability for the efficiently use organic acids, while exceeding their capability of metabolizing carbohydrates and amino acids. The carbon source usage of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B was also remarkable compared to other soil microorganisms, including Rhodococcus (37.90–38.95% of C sources) [43], Rhizobium (35.80%) [44] and Sinorhizobium meliloti (40.00%) [45]. Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B was also able to use a vast majority of nitrogen sources (94.70%), which exceeded the ability of Pseudomonas stuzeri (77.90%) [42], Rhizobium (approximately 54.30%) [44], Rhodococcus (approximately 65.30%) and Sinorhizobium meliloti strains (approximately 88.00%) [45].

We demonstrated the ability of Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B to use peptides and amino acids both as a carbon and nitrogen source, confirming results obtained during genomic analysis, in which we identified many genes encoding enzymes involved in amino acid and protein metabolism. Such ability is characteristic of many psychrotolerant bacteria since the main nitrogen input to soil in polar environments is in the form of proteins or short peptides, which decomposition is slower due to low temperatures [46]. Short peptides are one of the biggest contributors of the soil-dissolved nitrogen pool of polar environments. Microbial communities can directly take them up and subject them to further decomposition inside the cells [46,47,48]. Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B exhibited adaptation to these conditions possessing several dipeptidases and enzymes that allow for further transformation of amino acids to main metabolic pathways intermediates and use them as C and N sources.

The efficiency of siderophores production by Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B

Bacterial siderophores production varies significantly. Some bacteria can biosynthesize in culture media approximately 10 M of siderophores (Azotoacter vinelandii) [49], while others exhibit a production rate of 1.6 mM (Streptomyces olivaceus) [50]. However, the concentration of siderophores in culture media usually ranges between 100 and 200 µM [9]. This diversity is driven by various factors e.g., culture conditions, medium composition, and bacterial taxonomy [9]. Significant differences can also be observed in closely related microorganisms, even in the same species, e.g., three different strains of Azotobacter vinelandii producing siderophores in concentrations of 10 [49], 140 [51], or 360 µM [51]. Members of the Pseudomonas genus are described as efficient producers of greenish-pigmented siderophores – pyoverdine [52]. However, the diversity of pyoverdine production is also observed within this taxon. Moderate pyoverdine producers can obtain concentrations of 25-80 µM [53], while more efficient strains described in the literature are able to obtain 260-300 µM [54, 55]. In this context, Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B producing as high as 510 μM, can be regarded as a very efficient bacterial siderophores producer, with its outstanding pyoverdine biosynthesis rate among other Pseudomonas bacteria. Moreover, we performed detailed HPLC analysis to confirm qualitatively and quantitatively pyoverdine production. Unfortunately, in many studies, pyoverdine concentration is estimated only using CAS assay, which is valuable as a screening method, but it lacks precision in siderophores quantification since chelating compounds other than siderophores could affect its results [56].

Temperature is one of the most critical factors influencing bacterial culture dynamics, and it also significantly impacts siderophores' production efficiency. It has been reported in several studies that the optimal temperature for siderophores production is often similar to optimal or sub-optimal for bacterial growth [9]. The majority of described siderophores producers are mesophilic bacteria with a preference for moderate temperatures in the range of 25–37 °C [9, 57, 58]. Although many psychrotolerant or psychrophilic microorganisms has been described as siderophores producers, the specific data about their productivity and characteristics are scarce and describe this process only in a qualitative approach. In our study, we characterized siderophores production in low temperatures in more detail, including biotechnological aspects of culture conditions and a quantitative approach. Results showed that Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B, an example of a psychrotolerant microorganism, exhibits very efficient pyoverdine production in a broad range of temperatures (4–22 °C). This flexibility could benefit biotechnological use since extensive temperature control is not required [9].

The composition of the growth medium, particularly the carbon and nitrogen sources, plays a crucial role in siderophores production [59]. Carbon, being a major component of biomass, significantly affects genetic and physiological processes, leading to varied qualitative and quantitative composition of produced metabolites [15,16,17]. In the case of siderophores production, many microorganisms exhibit a preference for gluconeogenic substrates (organic acids), especially those from the Pseudomonas genus [9, 16]. It has been proposed that gluconeogenic substrates increase metabolic fluxes toward the Krebs Cycle, providing an increased supply of pyoverdine intermediates [16]. However, contrary to those observations, Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B exhibited the highest siderophores production when glycolytic substrate (glucose) was used. This finding suggests that the metabolic profiles of psychrotolerant bacteria can differ significantly, even in microorganisms from the similar taxon [

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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We gratefully thank prof. Łukasz Dziewit for his valuable scientific advices and Dariusz Bronisz for the language correction.


This work was supported by (i) the National Centre for Research and Development (Poland) in the frame of the LIDER program, grant no. LIDER/13/0051/L-11/NCBR/2020, (ii) European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the Regional Operational Program for the Mazovia Region for the years 2014–2020, grant no. RPMA.01.02.00–14-b491/18, (iii) University of Warsaw, Excellence Initiative—Research University (Poland), grant no. BOB-IDUB-622–199/2022.

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Conceptualization: MM, ŁK, KD-A; Data curation: MM, ŁK, TK, RS; Formal Analysis: MM, ŁK, TK, RS; Funding acquisition: KD-A; Investigation: MM, ŁK, TK, RS; Methodology: MM, ŁK, TK, RS, KD-A; Project administration: KD-A; Resources: KD-A; Supervision: KD-A; Validation: MM, ŁK, TK, RS, KD-A; Visualization: MM; Writing—original draft: MM, TK, RS; Writing—review & editing: MM, ŁK, TK, RS, KD-A. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to K. Debiec-Andrzejewska.

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M.M., Ł.K., R.S. and K.D-A. are holders of a patent application related to this work (P.442029).

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Additional file 1.

Optimization of physicochemical and biological conditions for efficient siderophores production.

Additional file 2.

 List of enzymes involved in carbon metabolism identified in Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B genome.

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Musialowski, M., Kowalewska, Ł., Stasiuk, R. et al. Metabolically versatile psychrotolerant Antarctic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. ANT_H12B is an efficient producer of siderophores and accompanying metabolites (SAM) useful for agricultural purposes. Microb Cell Fact 22, 85 (2023).

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