
Short tandem repeats (STRs), also known as microsatellites, are DNA sequences composed of either identical (perfect) or highly similar (imperfect) short repetitive units (Supplement Fig. 1) [1]. By definition, the length of the repeated unit is usually shorter than 6bp [2]. STRs are typically flanked by patternless sequences. Since their first characterization in vivo, STRs have been found throughout the genome of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes [3,4,5]. Under the common definition of STR, more than 3% of human genome reference contains STR sequences, and about 90% of known human genes contain at least one STR locus within the protein-coding regions [2, 6].

STR variants include both nucleotide and length changes, resulting in both mismatches and repeat insertion/deletions (rINDELs). The slippage model first proposed by Kornberg is one widely accepted mechanistic model explaining the high mutation rate at STRs compared to non-STR regions [2, 7, 8]. This model posits that the length of the STR repeat sequence can either expand (increase repeat number) or contract (decrease repeat number) due to a mispairing of the repetitive sequence in the nascent strand to the template strand during DNA replication. This mispairing creates a loop in either the nascent or template strand thus leading to a larger or smaller tandem repeat number in the newly formed DNA strand. In most cases STRs vary by only a single repeat addition or subtraction, but in some cases the STR loci can expand or contract by several thousand repeats [9, 10]. Such length variations may cause structural disruption and result in altered gene expression when they happen within protein coding or non-coding regulatory regions [11,12,13]. The majority of research into the biological relevance of STRs focuses on the impact of the size of STRs, or the total number of repeated DNA units on each allele at the STR locus [9, 10]. Pathogenic STR expansions cause multiple severe human neurological disorders, including Huntington disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), fragile X syndrome, and Friedreich ataxia [14,15,16,17,18]. Interestingly, the length of the expansion has been shown to vary in different tissues and cells within the same individual which gives rise to mosaicism [18,19,20]. In fact, mosaicism has been reported in both clinical cases and mouse models for multiple disease associated STR loci [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,29,30,31].

The unique properties of STRs make the genoty** of these sites extremely challenging. Historically STRs genoty** was done using repeat-primed polymerase chain reaction (RP-PCR) and southern blotting, however, these approaches are inefficient and require advance knowledge of the target site [32,33,34]. Genome sequencing technologies offer the potential for a more efficient and more cost-effective way to genotype STRs genome-wide and without bias. Short read sequence outputs have been adopted more widely because application of the emerging long reads sequencing technologies are still limited by cost and high sequencing error rates [35]. Although small STR expansions or contractions can be identified via standard variant calling pipelines as small insertion-deletion variants, the robustness and accuracy of the genotype can be significantly affected by the structural complexity of the STRs, especially when the variant size exceeds the sequenced read lengths [36]. Efforts have been made to develop computational tools specifically for STR realignment and variation calling [37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46], but significant challenges still exist. Many of the STR calling pipelines require the user to provide target STR loci with inflexible input requirements. A recently developed tool ExpansionHunter Denovo does not require information of STR loci and allows for an unbiased screen. ExpansionHunter Denovo uses only paired reads composed of one read map** to the flanking region and one read mapped to only the region of repeated sequence to detect signals of expansions. This approach only applies to long expansions limiting the ability to genotype specified STR loci when they have no or only small size variations [47]. Furthermore, to our knowledge there are very limited options to detect mosaicism at STR loci which has been observed in some individuals [20]. While the link between somatic mutations and cancer and neurological disorders has been well established, the full contribution of somatic STR variants in disease is yet to be revealed [20, 48, 49]. Given the high mutability of STR variants, post-zygotically acquired pathogenic STR expansions and contractions, which would give rise to mosaicism, may be more involved in disease risk than currently appreciated [25, Full size image

Finder module

The purpose of this module is to identify the genomic coordinates to extract the repeat and flanking sequences for the STRs the user seeks to genotype. There is no limit to the number of STR sites that can be interrogated. Since the exact sequence of an STR may vary due to the presence of mismatches in some of the repetitive sequences or incomplete repeats (Supplementary Fig. 1), providing exact STR boundaries can be difficult and imprecise. Therefore, in addition to the repeat unit, LUSTR requires only the approximate position of the targeted STR, which can merely include sufficient repeats as seeds to initiate the search. Using this information LUSTR searches the reference sequence for both perfect and imperfect repeats around the given positions, periodically extends the repeats, and automatically determines the boundaries between flanking and repeat sequences using default or user-defined parameters that specify how permissive the user wants to be regarding the extent of mismatch and gaps (Supplementary Fig. 2). The LUSTR-defined genomic coordinates, sequences associated with the targeted STRs, and the parameters used to generate the list will then be carried to the following modules.

RefCreator module and extractor module

Given the unique requirements for the alignment of sequencing reads at STR loci, LUSTR requires de novo map** of raw reads to STR loci. Based on the sequences determined by the “Finder” module using the user-defined parameters (Supplementary Fig. 1), the “RefCreator” creates separate references from the flanking and the repeat sequences, as well as artificial references composed by perfect repetitive units of target STRs. In case of unavailability of the original raw reads (.fastq), LUSTR provides the “Extractor” module to pull all of the raw reads from bam files using a single command regardless of the way the bam files are sorted. Alternatively, users can choose samtools or other existing tools to prepare the raw reads after the bam files are sorted by reads ID. The map** of the raw reads to STR references can then be done by existing tools such as bwa with appropriate parameters for STRs (defined in the user manual), to provide primary alignments as sam or bam files for the following LUSTR modules. Quality control can be applied either before or after the map** to reduce false signals in the subsequent steps. Note that this de novo map** step, as well as the “Finder” module, are unique to LUSTR to increase calling accuracy.

Realigner module

LUSTR then uses the “Realigner” module to map any unmapped reads and to map the unmapped portions of partially mapped reads from the previous step. Specifically, when the majority of the read is from a flanking sequence, the “Realigner” module will try to align the remaining part to the repeat sequence using the periodic Smith-Waterman algorithm. When the majority of the read is from a repeat sequence, the “Realigner” module will try to align the remaining part to the flanking sequence using the regular Smith-Waterman algorithm. Reads with non-contiguous realignment will be presented as split portions of the read belonging to up-stream flanking, repeat, and down-stream flanking regions of a STR. To analyze each STR in the subsequent step, all realigned reads are categorized according to the STR regions they map to, allowing for single reads to map to multiple different locations if homologous sequences exist. Paired-end reads unable to be mapped to the same target STR(s) are discarded.

Caller module

In the last step, the “Caller” module collects the information from the alignment procedures described above and lists each potential repeat size at the STR locus that is supported by at least one read. Alleles with repeat sizes short enough to be supported by spanning reads will be determined directly, while the size of long repeats (those exceeding read length) will be estimated by taking the ratio of the number of reads realigned to the flanking and the repeat regions. The quality of the calls can then be determined by inspection of the number of realigned reads and the randomness of their distribution at the STR loci following default or user-provided thresholds. By categorizing pairs supporting each of the potential alleles, the “Caller” module estimates the fraction of each allele, allowing for the possibility of somatic STR variants. Considering the complexity of STRs, the “Caller” module returns the genoty** results in plain text format, which can be easily converted to VCF or other file formats if needed. Furthermore, the “Caller” module also integrates an option to narrow down the STR candidates by generating a list with alleles meeting user-customized thresholds in several features, such as the expansion size, call quality, and allele fraction. Additionally, in the presence of bias detected between upstream and downstream flanking sequences, the “Caller” module will also provides a warning message for users to investigate potential off-targets or complex mutations close by.