
In the nuclei of eukaryotes, a fine balance has to be struck between compressing the genome to fit within strict size constraints and allowing functional elements to interact with transcription factors and effect the varied transcriptional profiles of distinct cell types present in the body [1, 2]. The end result of this balance is that most of the genome is tightly wound into nucleosomes, while some regions are left accessible to interact with proteins. Importantly, the specific regions of DNA that are made accessible change across cell types. Several assays have been developed to measure this accessibility genome-wide, including deoxyribonuclease I sequencing (DNase-seq, [3]), micrococcal nuclease sequencing (MNase-seq, [4]), and more recently the “Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin sequencing” (ATAC-seq, [5]). Due to lower input requirements and a simpler protocol, ATAC-seq in particular has become a popular choice to profile chromatin accessibility in a variety of settings (e.g. [6, 7]).

In ATAC-seq, nuclei are isolated and permeabilized with a detergent cocktail and then incubated with a hyperactive mutant of the Tn5 transposase to insert short oligos into the accessible regions of their chromatin and thereby simultaneously fragment DNA and “tag” the fragment ends with sequencing adapters (a process called “tagmentation”, [5]). Next, the tagmented DNA is purified, amplified, and then analyzed using next-generation sequencing. In generating and analyzing ATAC-seq data, there are a host of metrics that have been employed to evaluate data quality. During library generation, a critical step is the visualization of the amplified library either on a gel or capillary electrophoresis system (e.g. Agilent Bioanlayzer) to examine the fragment size distribution. Because Tn5 does not insert adapters into DNA wrapped around histones, ATAC-seq libraries will exhibit a characteristic nucleosomal periodicity in the fragment sizes representing successive integer numbers of nucleosomes. Too much smearing or a weak “ladder pattern” on the gel can be indicative of the disruption of chromatin integrity prior to tagmentation. Another quality control (QC) check prior to sequencing is the number of PCR cycles required to amplify the library. To avoid overamplification, the PCR reaction is usually monitored to determine the appropriate number of cycles on a real-time PCR instrument. A given sample source will generally have a consistent number of required cycles (assuming a set number of nuclei is used), and deviations from this cycle can be indicative of problems.

After sequencing, multiple data-based QC metrics have also been used to measure ATAC-seq library quality. Two commonly used metrics for quantifying signal-to-noise ratio are transcriptional start site (TSS) enrichment and fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP). The former parameter is calculated as the fold-enrichment of the peak of Tn5 insertion events near the TSS of genes genome-wide relative to the average read depth at some specified distance from the TSSs - typically 1000 or 2000 base pairs (bp) [8, 9]. The latter parameter is calculated as the fraction of all unique mapped reads that overlap some reference set of expected peaks of accessibility (this reference can be independently determined or can be identified based on the sample undergoing QC). Other metrics include a sub-nucleosomal score, which quantifies the enrichment of fragments smaller than 150 bp relative to fragments larger than 150 bp, since short fragments tend to exhibit a higher FRiP. Additionally, the percent of reads map** to the mitochondrial genome (%mito) can be quite high depending on the protocol used. Therefore, %mito is often included as a way to measure the amount of data dedicated to chromatin accessibility versus mitochondrial coverage. Finally, the estimated library complexity is sometimes used as a proxy for enzyme efficiency.

Since 2013, when the original ATAC-seq assay was developed [5], several improvements (e.g. Omni-ATAC [10]) and variations (e.g. THS-seq [11]) have been published, including several versions with single-cell resolution [12,13,14,15]. Across this work, major components of the assay have been changed, including the lysis buffer used to isolate nuclei, the buffer used during enzymatic tagmentation of chromatin, the enzyme used (in addition to commercial enzyme, several methods for production of in-house enzyme have been published [16, 17]), and the temperature of the enzymatic reaction. There have even been modifications to work with formaldehyde-fixed samples (e.g. [18,19,20,S7e, f). We further downloaded all ChIP-seq peak sets available from ENCODE for transcription factors (TFs) profiled in unstimulated GM12878 and used a hypergeometric testing framework to identify enrichments of overlap with ENCODE ChIP-seq peaks for ATAC-seq peaks that were “missing” (i.e. that were reproducibly identified in three other conditions, but not observed in the condition of interest; see Methods for details). In total, 73 different ChIP-seq peak sets were available and designated as “good” quality by ENCODE (Table S3). This analysis revealed a subtle (yet significant) enrichment for overlap with CCCTC-Binding Factor (CTCF) and cohesin components across most conditions at 37 °C (Nextera and Omni buffers at 37 °C for native samples and all 37 °C conditions for fixed samples; Fig. S8a, b; Table S4). Read density plots of these regions indicate that the “missed” sites are generally lowly accessible across all conditions (Fig. S8c, d). We interpret these results as indicating that in general peaks not detectable in any given condition are not biased towards a specific class of regulatory element. However, there appears to be a subtle reduction in power to detect a small subset of CTCF and cohesin sites at 37 °C.

A common quantitative framework for analysis of transcriptomic and epigenomic data is to consider the correlation between replicate samples in the quantitative measures of a set of commonly defined features (such as genes or a peak set). To enable this, the peaks identified in each condition were merged to establish a common peak set that was used to generate a matrix of the number of reads overlap** each peak for each sample. This matrix of quantitative peak accessibility was transformed with a variance stabilizing transformation algorithm in DESeq2 (see Methods), and then we conducted principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering (visualized with a heatmap) to evaluate how the samples correlated with each other (see Methods). We did this for the fixed and native samples separately. Analyzing the data this way indicated the same structure as observed by the individual quality metrics. Overall, the correlation among samples was high (Pearson’s r ranges: 0.88–0.98 for native samples and 0.91–0.96 for fixed samples), however the samples clustered based first on reaction temperature and then by THS buffer versus the other two buffers for both native and fixed cells (Fig. S9a, b). For PCA, the first component stratified the native samples by both temperature and THS and accounted for 85% of the observed variation (Fig. S9c). For fixed samples, the first component captured 31% of the variation and stratified samples by reaction temperature as well, while THS was separated from other conditions along the second principal component (Fig. S9d).

Reaction temperature and buffer bias regulatory element detection

Given the results above and noting that peaks from different classes of regulatory elements are not equally accessible [25], we wondered if these differences in the ability to identify peaks might impact the functional annotations that might be enriched in peak sets from various conditions. To explore this further, we returned to the ChIP-seq peak sets we had downloaded from ENCODE (Table S3), and evaluated how well our ATAC-seq data covered these TF peaks. We first examined how well each of our ATAC-seq samples overlapped with ChIP-seq data in general. To do so, we merged the peaks from all ChIP data and intersected our ATAC-seq reads with those merged peaks - calculating the Fraction of Reads in Peaks from all ChIP data (FRiP-ChIP, Fig. S10a, b). We found that the pattern of variation for FRiP-ChIP across all samples strongly resembled the pattern of FRiP scores, which is attributable to the high degree of overlap between ChIP-seq peaks and DHS peaks. To distinguish between signal compression and potential bias in functional regions covered by ATAC-seq in the various protocols, we next intersected our ATAC-seq data with individual TF peak sets. In this case we divided the number of reads overlap** ChIP peaks for a particular TF by the number of reads overlap** any ChIP-seq peak to calculate the Fraction of Reads for a specific TF (FRiP-TF). We chose this approach because our simulations indicated that intersecting sample reads with external peak calls is robust to read depth. After normalizing the FRiP-TF scores row-wise (i.e. by transcription factor), we hierarchically clustered the samples to identify trends in the coverage of different TFs across the various conditions (see Tables S5 and S6 for the matrix of FRiP-TF score in native and fixed samples, respectively). For native samples, we found that the major axis of variation involved an interaction between THS buffer and temperature (Fig. 3a): THS buffer samples at 55 °C were an outlier for poor coverage across all TF peak sets, while THS buffer samples at 37 °C had the highest coverage for most TF peak sets (relative to other buffers at 37 °C), including a cluster of CTCF ChIP-seq peak sets (cluster 4, Table S5) and two clusters of factors that included components of the cohesin complex and general TFs such as TATA-binding protein (TBP) and Pol II (clusters 2 and 3, Table S5). The other two buffers (Omni and Nextera) were largely indistinguishable from each other and showed the best enrichment for a cluster of enhancer-associated factors (including p300) at 37 °C (cluster 1, Table S5). For fixed nuclei, the picture was different to some extent (Fig. 3b). In this context, samples clustered first by temperature. As with the native nuclei, THS buffer resulted in different profiles than the other two buffers (although the effect was less apparent at 55 °C). Tagmentation at 37 °C provided better coverage for enhancer-associated features (cluster 1, Table S6), while tagmentation at 55 °C increased coverage at CTCF sites and promoter-associated factors (clusters 2 and 4, Table S6). One difference for fixed nuclei was that cohesin-associated regions were better covered at 37 °C (cluster 6, Table S6). Considering genome segmentation tracks produced by ENCODE presented a slightly different picture: in native samples, tagmentation at 37 °C did a better job covering all classes of segmentation, except for repressive elements and regions of transcription. In fixed samples, 37 °C better covered all classes of ENCODE genome segmentations except for TSSs and regions of transcription (Fig. 3c, d).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Coverage of TFs and genome segments varies by condition. a Heatmap of row-normalized coverage (native samples) for 73 ChIP-seq datasets from ENCODE. Z-scores capped at +/− 1.5. Color bars above heatmaps indicate conditions. b Heatmap of row-normalized coverage (fixed samples). c Heatmap of row-normalized coverage for ENCODE genome segments (native samples). d Heatmap of row-normalized coverage for ENCODE genome segments (fixed samples). Abbreviations in (c, d) - TSS: Predicted promoter region including TSS; E: Predicted enhancer; WE: Predicted weak enhancer or open chromatin cis regulatory element; CTCF: CTCF enriched element; R: Predicted Repressed/Low Activity region; T: Predicted transcribed region; PF: Predicted promoter flanking region

Because the standardized values can distort the actual variation observed across samples, we calculated the median absolute deviation (MAD), a robust measure of variability, for each factor. Overall, the amount of variation in FRiP-TF was ≤1% for most samples for any given factor (median MAD = 0.007 for native samples, median MAD = 0.010 for fixed samples; Fig. S10c), suggesting that changes in coverage of particular factors in different conditions are subtle even though they are pervasive. In comparison to the FRiP-TF, the native samples showed higher variance across different segments (median MAD = 0.020), while the fixed samples did not (median MAD = 0.005, Fig. S10d).

chromVAR identifies enriched motifs in specific conditions

Because these effects on ChIP-seq peak and genome segmentation coverage were somewhat unexpected, we decided to take a theoretically less biased, orthogonal approach to validate the observation. To do so, we implemented the chromVAR pipeline [26] to score coverage of individual motifs genome-wide and looked at whether specific motifs had distinct patterns of accessibility that correlated with experimental conditions. chromVAR transforms ATAC-seq data by annotating each peak of accessibility with the presence or absence of a database of TF binding motifs and then calculating the deviation from expected coverage for individual motifs genome-wide. These deviations are also corrected for GC content bias and sparsity through simulations. In this way, chromVAR uses a normalized, background-corrected matrix of the number of reads overlap** peaks that contain specific motifs summarized across the genome as input. The framework is designed to work with single-cell chromatin accessibility data and therefore we reasoned that it should be robust for bulk data with ~ 1 to 7 million reads per sample, as in our case. In principle, this approach should correct for artifacts in motif enrichment that are driven by inherent differences in FRiP and read depth in the different conditions. Clustering samples on chromVAR deviation scores assorted native samples into four clusters representative of the Omni and Nextera buffers at the two temperatures and distinct clusters for THS buffer at the two temperatures (Fig. S11a). Fixed samples were sorted into two main clusters indicative of temperature alone (Fig. S11b). To visualize the similarity of usage patterns for individual motifs across the samples, we generated a t-stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) of the deviation scores in chromVAR. This analysis indicated that individual motifs exhibited differential patterns of accessibility across conditions and that groups of motifs were most enriched in specific conditions (Fig. 4). Stratifying by the major clusters of conditions identified in this analysis (four for native samples and two for fixed samples), we tested for significant differences in deviation scores for each motif and found that many motifs had significant changes in coverage for specific clusters at an adjusted p-value threshold of 1 × 10− 3. In native samples (Fig. S12a-d and Table S7), the cluster representing Omni and Nextera at 37 °C (“cluster 1”, Fig. S12a) had 80 motifs with significantly increased accessibility and 61 motifs with significantly decreased accessibility relative to the other samples. The cluster representing Omni and Nextera at 55 °C (“cluster 2”, Fig. S12b) had 59 motifs with increased accessibility and 12 motifs with decreased accessibility at the designated threshold. The cluster representing THS 55 °C (“cluster 3”, Fig. S12c) had 42 motifs with significant increased accessibility (notably, the transcriptional repressor REST was ranked in the top 5), and 163 motifs with significant decreased accessibility. The cluster representing THS at 37 °C (“cluster 4”, Fig. S12d) had 80 motifs with increased accessibility and 21 motifs with decreased accessibility. In fixed nuclei, which only had two clusters, we identified 80 motifs with significantly increased accessibility at 37 °C and 124 motifs with significantly increased accessibility at 55 °C (Fig. S12e and Table S8).

Fig. 4
figure 4

t-SNE of motif usage across conditions for both native and fixed samples. Each point represents an individual motif. After generating deviation scores for all 386 motifs across all conditions, t-SNE was used to visualize the relationship between motifs. Points are colored by the cluster of conditions (defined by hierarchical clustering of samples) in which that motif is most enriched. The top five most enriched motifs for each cluster are annotated on the plot. For native samples (a), four clusters of conditions were identified: “cluster 1” = Nextera and Omni buffers at 37 °C (orange), “cluster 2” = Nextera and Omni buffers at 55 °C (blue), “cluster 3” = THS buffer at 55 °C (green), “cluster 4” = THS buffer at 37 °C (pink). For fixed samples (b), two clusters of conditions were identified: “cluster 1” = 37 °C (orange), “cluster 2” = 55 °C (blue). The mean deviation score of the cluster each motif was most enriched in is indicated by the level of transparency. Abbreviations: N: Nextera buffer; O: Omni buffer; T: THS buffer


Since 2013, there have been many different variations in the ATAC-seq protocol reported, including THS-seq and Omni-ATAC. In addition, groups have reported protocols for working with both native and fixed nuclei, and even different reaction temperatures (both 37 °C and 55 °C). Furthermore, there are a variety of ways to evaluate the quality of the data generated by ATAC-seq. To date, there has not been a systematic evaluation of many of these variables, or of the QC measures employed. To facilitate a better understanding of how protocol choices impact QC metrics and the utility of the quality metrics themselves, we designed a series of experiments using a common cell line and a matrix of conditions: three reaction buffers (Omni, Nextera, and THS), two reaction temperatures (37 °C and 55 °C), two enzyme sources (in-house and commercial), and two fixation states (native and fixed). In addition, we tested the 12 native conditions in nuclei isolated from mouse lung tissue (also considering two different nuclei input numbers in this case).

We determined that Omni and Nextera buffers performed best across two different sample types, were largely interchangeable with each other (regardless of the other conditions), and that those buffers with reactions at 37 °C for native nuclei consistently provide the highest data quality. While we have not evaluated individual components here, one possible explanation for the differences observed in THS buffer at 55 °C in native nuclei is the presence of potassium in the buffer, which has previously been shown to affect chromatin compaction [27]. For fixed samples, 55 °C seemed to outperform 37 °C, except that the fraction of the library dedicated to mitochondrial reads was significantly higher at 55 °C. We were somewhat surprised by this observation, as some of our previous single-cell work (in Drosophila embryos, [20]) with fixed samples tagmented at 55 °C had very low mtDNA yields. The difference in species notwithstanding, this raises the possibility that washing the nuclei after tagmentation (prior to reverse crosslinking) may eliminate some of the contaminating mtDNA. It is also worth noting however that this higher mitochondrial burden may be desirable in some instances, given the recent demonstrations that mtDNA mutations can be used to trace cell lineage and infer pathogenic cell states [28,29,30]. In general, native samples allowed for the identification of more peaks than fixed samples, even at the same read depth. Finally, the differences between commercial enzyme and in-house enzyme were minor.

We also took the opportunity to evaluate how related individual QC metrics were, including: TSS enrichment, FRiP, sub-nucleosomal score, % mitochondrial reads, and estimated complexity. While there were correlations between them in certain conditions, the relationships were complicated and there are apparent interactions between the tested conditions that affect how these metrics are related. Fixation, temperature, and the use of THS buffer had the largest apparent effects on the QC metric relationships. Taken together, we recommend several metrics for evaluating any new samples, particularly TSS enrichment (which does not require an experimentally determined reference), FRiP (which is most directly related to peak calling), and %mito (which indicates the fraction of data generated that is informative), as these appeared the most informative in our experience. Sub-nucleosomal score in particular seems to be an inconsistent indicator of data quality. We suspected it might be useful for several reasons: (1) it was correlated with FRiP and TSS enrichment in our simulations (Fig. S2a), (2) the original ATAC-seq paper noted an enrichment of TSS-overlap** reads from sub-nucleosomal fragments [5], and (3) a common single-cell ATAC-seq analysis pipeline uses a related metric to filter out low-quality cells [31]. While we found sub-nucleosomal score correlated with FRiP and TSS enrichment within a condition, it was unreliable in our data across conditions and cell types (e.g. Fig. 2 and Fig. S6). Therefore, we do not recommend its use as a QC metric.

Finally, we noted that the choice of buffer and temperature had profound effects on the biology observed - skewing how well our data covered peaks of different functional classes and individual TF motifs. This discrepancy was not explained simply by power to detect individual peaks, as one of the methods we employed (chromVAR) was explicitly designed to control for this kind of confounding. Instead, it seems that the chromatin accessibility itself is affected by experimental choices, which influences the ability of Tn5 to insert. In light of this, researchers should take care in deciding on the appropriate protocol for their system and especially in comparing results from different studies.

There are several caveats to this work. The first is that we only evaluated conditions in one cell line and one tissue. It is likely that different cell types will be influenced by different components, and so researchers should consider trying several protocols when working with a new cell type. Second, because we tested so many conditions, we did not sequence each library as deeply as would be typical for biological experiments. We strove to design the downstream analysis to be robust to read depth, but it is possible that this influences some of our results.


In summary, we have identified a set of preferred conditions for performing ATAC-seq (Omni or Nextera buffer at 37 °C in native nuclei) and recommend a set of QC metrics (rather than any individual one) for evaluating the data (including TSS enrichment, FRiP, and %mito). In addition, we provide a detailed protocol for working with formaldehyde-fixed samples updated for use with the Omni-ATAC modifications that we hope will be useful to the community. Finally, we have uncovered artifacts that may lead to subtle batch effects that should be taken into account when designing ATAC-seq experiments.


Cell culture conditions and fixation

The GM12878 cell line (Coriell Cell Repository) was cultured at 37 °C with 5% CO2 in RPMI 1640 medium (GIBCO, cat. no. 11875–093) containing 15% FBS (GIBCO, cat. no. 10437–028), 100 U/ml Penicillin Streptomycin (GIBCO, cat. no. 15140–122). Cells were counted and split to 300,000 cells/ml three times a week, and ~ 2 million cells were harvested on Day 4 after waking culture to perform ATAC-seq and all cells were harvested 1 week later for fixation. Each replicate of ATAC-seq data was generated with independent cell stocks, but the native and fixed datasets shared the same cell stocks.

On the day of fixation, cells were washed and resuspended in 9.2 ml of RPMI medium without additives, then crosslinked with 270 μl of 37% formaldehyde (1% final, VWR, cat. no. MK501602) for 10 min at room temperature. The fixation reaction was quenched by adding 500 μl of 2.5 M glycine (0.125 M final, Sigma, 50,046-50G) and incubated for 5 min at room temperature, and then on ice for 15 min. The fixed cells were collected and resuspended in the freezing buffer, which contains 50 mM Tris-HCI (pH 8.0, Invitrogen, cat. no. 15568025), 5 mM Magnesium Acetate (Sigma, cat. no. 63052), 25% glycerol (VWR, cat. no. RC3290–32), 0.1 mM EDTA (Fisher, cat. no. AM9260G), 5 mM DTT (Fisher, cat. no. P2325), 2% protease inhibitor (Sigma, cat. no. P8340). Then, 2 million cells per aliquot were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen for long-term storage.

Tn5 production and purification

To produce the in-house Tn5, we adapted the strategy of using an N-terminal 6xHis-Sumo3 tag based on the protocol in [16]. First, we reconstructed an expression plasmid containing the sequences described in the original paper. We did so by using the pTXB1-Tn5 plasmid (Addgene #60240) as a template to amplify the Tn5 DNA with the primer sequences of 5′-GATCGGATCCATGATTACCAGTGCACTGCATCG-3′ and 5′-GATCAAGCTTTTAGATTTTAATGCCCTGCGCC-3′. The PCR product was digested with BamHI and HindIII, and then ligated into a pETM11-SUMO-SNCA-GFP plasmid (Addgene #107292) that had been linearized by the BamHI and HindIII digestion as well. This plasmid now containing Tn5 in-frame with the 6xHis-Sumo3 tag was then transferred to the BL21 (DE3) codon + RIL E. coli strain (Stratagene) for protein expression. The protein expression and purification process was a modification of protocol described in [16]. First, a single colony was picked from an agar plate to inoculate a starter culture in 50 ml of Luria Broth (LB) growth media with 30 μg/ml kanamycin and 34 μg/ml chloramphenicol. The starter was cultured at 37 °C overnight with shaking at 225 rpm. On the following day we monitored the growth of the culture by measuring optical density at 600 nm (OD600). When the OD600 of the starter culture reached 0.5, we diluted the culture in 1 L of Terrific Broth (TB) supplemented with 1% glucose and 0.4% glycerol to an OD600 of 0.05 in a 2.8 L flask. We then monitored the culture for ~ 2 h until it reached an OD600 of 0.5. At this point, the culture was transferred to 18 °C (shaking at 225 rpm) for 30 min. After equilibration, IPTG (final concentration of 0.2 mM) was added to the larger culture to induce expression of Tn5. After culturing overnight at 18 °C, cells were harvested by centrifuging at 14,000 r.c.f for 30 min at 4 °C, decanting the media, and frozen as a pellet at − 80 °C. Cell pellets were resuspended in running buffer (50 mM Tris pH 7.4, 800 mM NaCl, 20 mM imidazole, 1 mM TCEP and 10% glycerol) supplemented with protease inhibitors (final concentrations: 20 μM Leupeptin, 14 μM Pepstatin A, 2 mM PMSF), lysed by sonication (VirTis Virsonic 600) in the presence of 10 μg/ml Bovine Pancreatic DNase, cleared by centrifuging 30,000 r.c.f for 30 min at 4 °C, and the cell lysate was concentrated using an Amicon Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter Unit (10,000 NMWL). The sample was then loaded on an equilibrated His-Tag purification column (HisTrap FF Crude 5 ml, Cytiva) on a Akta Pure chromatography system to collect Tn5 protein. After washing the column with running buffer, Tn5 was eluted off the column with elution buffer (50 mM Tris pH 7.4, 800 mM NaCl, 250 mM imidazole, 1 mM TCEP and 10% glycerol). Fractions were analyzed via SDS-PAGE and the fractions containing Tn5 were pooled. To remove the 6xHis-Sumo3 tag, we added the 6xHis-tagged SenP2 to the pooled elution fractions in a 1:1000 mass ratio and incubated overnight at 4 °C. The digested enzyme was loaded onto another His-Tag purification column to collect the untagged Tn5 as flow-through and remove SenP2. The digested Tn5 was then concentrated and equilibrated into a buffer containing 20 mM MES (2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid) pH 6 and 100 mM NaCl, and then further purified using cationic exchange (UNOsphere S-column) followed by size exclusion chromatography (Superdex® 200 Increase 10/300 GL, Sigma-Aldrich, cat. no. GE28–9909-44) equilibrated with SEC buffer (50 mM Tris pH 7.5, 800 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.2 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT). Finally, the enzyme purity was checked via SDS-PAGE. Purified enzyme was diluted to 0.6 mg/ml in SEC buffer and then diluted 1:1 with 100% glycerol supplemented with 800 mM NaCl, for a final storage buffer concentration of 25 mM Tris pH 7.5, 800 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT and 55% glycerol. The final product was stored at − 20 °C.

Tn5 loading

The linker oligos Tn5ME-A, Tn5ME-B and Tn5MErev (Table 1) from [17] were ordered from IDT and resuspended in the annealing buffer containing 50 mM NaCl, 40 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0 at a final concentration of 100 μM. The procedure of annealing linker oligos and loading them to Tn5 followed the protocol as described in [16]. Briefly, one volume of Tn5ME-A or Tn5ME-B was mixed with one volume of Tn5MErev, and then incubated with the following PCR program: 95 °C for 5 min; slowly cool down to 65 °C (0.1 °C/sec); 65 °C for 5 min; then slowly cool down to 4 °C (0.1 °C/sec). The annealed linker oligos were stored at − 20 °C. To load the Tn5, we added 1 μl of each annealed linker (50 μM) to 20 μl of the Tn5 stock (0.3 mg/ml), and incubated the oligo-Tn5 mixture at 23 °C for 30 min with shaking in an Eppendorf thermomixer at 350 rpm. The loaded Tn5 was stored at − 20 °C for no longer than 2 months before the experiment.

Table 1 The sequences of Tn5 linker oligos

ATAC-seq on native GM12878 nuclei

We adopted the general Omni-ATAC protocol [10] but modified the components according to our designs (Fig. 1A). All centrifuging steps were performed at 500 r.c.f for 5 min at 4 °C in a fixed-angle centrifuge, unless specified. In general, ~ 2 million native cells were collected and washed using 4 ml 1X PBS (pH 7.4, Gibco, cat. no. 10–010-023) supplemented with 0.04% BSA (PBSB), and then resuspended in 200 μl of ATAC-seq lysis buffer. Lysis buffer was made by supplementing ATAC resuspension buffer (RSB) with detergents (see below). RSB buffer is 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5, Invitrogen, cat. no. 15567027), 10 mM NaCl (Invitrogen, cat. no. AM9759) and 3 mM MgCl2 (Invitrogen, cat. no. AM9530G) in nuclease free water. RSB was made in bulk and stored at 4 °C long-term. On the day of the experiment, the ATAC lysis buffer was made by adding 0.1% IGEPAL (Sigma, cat. no. I3021), 0.01% digitonin (Invitrogen, cat. no. BN2006), and 0.1% Tween-20 (Bio-Rad, cat. no. 1610781) to RSB. Detergent percentages reported are final concentrations. After resuspending cell pellets in the lysis buffer, they were incubated on ice for 3 min, and then the lysis was stopped by adding 1 ml RSB containing 0.1% Tween-20. Nuclei were then centrifuged at 500 r.c.f for 10 min at 4 °C and resuspended in 200 ul of PBSB. The nuclei were counted and diluted to 3100 nuclei/μl with PBSB. Since the nuclei are sensitive to osmotic pressure and will inflate in Trypan blue solution, we found that adding nuclei to 2X Omni buffer (see Table 2) followed by adding 1 volume of Trypan blue improves the integrity of the nuclei for counting. 6.6 μl of diluted nuclei (20,460 total nuclei) were transferred to 12.4 μl of transposition reaction (10 μl 2X buffer (see Table 2 for detailed recipe for each buffer), 0.2 μl of 1% digitonin, 0.2 μl of 10% Tween-20, and 2 μl of H2O). We then added 1 μl of transposase to the transposition mix containing nuclei. Note that we had previously determined the relative efficiency of the two enzymes via qPCR (Fig. S13). Based on this titration, the in-house Tn5 was first diluted to 87 μg/ml with water and then 1 μl was added to the tagmentation reaction. 1 μl of the commercial enzyme was added as is. Tagmentation was carried out on a thermocycler at either 37 °C or 55 °C for 30 min. Tagmented DNA was cleaned up using Zymo DNA Clean and Concentrator-5 columns with 5X binding buffer (Zymo, cat. no. D4004). 5 μl of purified DNA out of 10 μl purified product was amplified in a 25 μl PCR reaction containing NEBNext PCR master mix (1X final), 0.5X SYBR Green and 1.25 μM of Ad1 primer from [5] and 1.25 μM of an N7 primer containing custom barcodes (Table S9). Samples were amplified on a Bio-Rad CFX Connect Real-time cycler using the following program: 72 °C for 5 min; 98 °C for 30s; cycling at 98 °C for 10 s, 63 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 1 min; samples were monitored and stopped when it appeared that their exponential amplification was leveling off. At this point the samples were allowed to incubate at 72 °C for an additional minute to fully extend the library. All native samples were stopped after 9 cycles and fixed samples were stopped after 10 cycles. PCR products were cleaned up with AMPure XP beads. A double size selection was performed to remove DNA fragments larger than ~ 1500 bp (with 0.4X AMPure XP beads) and smaller than ~ 100 bp (with 1.5X AMPure XP beads). To do this, we added 25 μl of Qiagen Buffer EB to each PCR reaction to bring the volume to 50 μl, and then added 20 μl of beads (homogenizing the mixture well by pipetting), followed by a 5 min incubation at RT. The samples were then put on a magnet stand to bind the beads. 68 μl of the supernatant was transferred to a new 1.5 ml tube and an additional 53 μl of beads were added to the supernatant and resuspended thoroughly (we estimated that 19.4 μl of the 68 μl transferred supernatant was bead buffer and 48.6 μl was sample, so to get to 1.5X beads for the second selection we needed to add an additional 72.9–19.4 μl of beads, which we rounded off to 53 μl). After another 5 min at RT, the samples were placed on the magnet to clear the beads and the supernatant was discarded. Beads were washed twice with 200 μl of 80% EtOH (made fresh for each experiment). After the second wash, the beads were briefly spun and any residual ethanol was removed. The beads were then put back on the magnet stand and air dried for 1 min. Then, beads were removed from the magnet and resuspended in 22 μl of Buffer EB, incubated for 2 min at RT and then placed on the magnet stand again. 20 μl of supernatant was transferred to a new tube. Following this AMPure size selection, the ATAC-seq libraries were quantified by Qubit 1X dsDNA HS Assay Kit and run on a 6% PAGE gel prior to sequencing.

Table 2 Recipes for buffers tested

ATAC-seq on fixed GM12878 nuclei

The frozen, fixed cells (~ 2 million) were incubated in a 37 °C water bath until thawed (~ 1 min). After thawing, the cells stored in 1 ml freezing buffer were diluted with 3 ml of PBSB. The fixed cells were collected by centrifuging at 500 r.c.f for 10 min at 4 °C, resuspended again in 1 ml PBSB, and then centrifuged at 500 r.c.f for 5 min at 4 °C to wash the cells. Following washing, the nuclei were isolated and tagmented as described in the ATAC-seq protocol for native samples described above. After tagmentation, crosslinks were then reversed for the fixed, tagmented nuclei by adding 60 μl of reverse-crosslinking buffer containing 0.067% SDS and 1.33 mg/ml Proteinase K (Qiagen, cat. no. 19133) in Qiagen Buffer EB (final concentration of 0.05% SDS and 1 mg/ml Proteinase K) directly to the tagmentation reactions, and incubating the samples at 65 °C for 15 h in a thermomixer with shaking at 1000 r.p.m. Following crosslink reversal, tagmented DNA was purified, amplified and size-selected as described in the ATAC-seq protocol for native samples.

Mouse lung dissection and storage

Mice were euthanized via exsanguination confirmed by cervical dislocation. All animal activity was approved by the University of Arizona IACUC. Whole mouse lungs were dissected from 3 male C57BL/6 J mice that were 24 weeks old. The dissected tissues were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and then transferred to − 80 °C for long-term storage.

Nuclei isolation from mouse lungs

The nuclei isolation procedure was performed following the single-nucleus isolation protocol described in [32]. In brief, we cut a ~ 0.1–0.2 g piece from the lung sample removed from − 80 °C and kept it on dry ice until use. The tissue block was thawed almost completely on ice for 1 min, and then injected with 1 ml of cell lysis buffer, which was made of 1x cOmplete protease inhibitor cocktail (1 tablet per 10 ml solution, Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. 11,836,153,001) in Nuclei EZ prep buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. NUC101), into the center of the tissue with a 30G needle and syringe. Following lysis buffer injection, the tissue was chopped into small pieces with scissors and then transferred along with the lysing buffer into a gentleMACS C tube (Miltenyi Biotec, Cat. 130–096-334). An additional 1 ml of lysing buffer was added into the C tube to make a final volume of 2 ml. The minced tissue was then homogenized using a gentleMACS tissue dissociator by running the ‘m_lung_01’ program followed by the first 20 s of the ‘m_lung_02’ program. After homogenization, tissue lysate was briefly centrifuged to reduce foam and then passed through a 40 μm cell strainer in a 50 ml tube. After passing the sample through, the strainer was rinsed with 4 ml of washing buffer (PBS with 1% BSA). The nuclei were counted with Trypan blue in the presence of 2X Omni buffer (see “ATAC-seq on native GM12878 nuclei” for details), and centrifuged at 500 r.c.f for 5 min at 4 °C. Then, we removed the supernatant and resuspended the nuclei to a concentration of 4–5 million nuclei/ml in a nuclei freezing buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HCI (pH 8.0, Invitrogen, cat. no. 15568025), 5 mM Magnesium Acetate (Sigma, cat. no. 63052), 25% glycerol (VWR, cat. no. RC3290–32), 0.1 mM EDTA (Fisher, cat. no. AM9260G), 5 mM DTT (Fisher, cat. no. P2325), and 2% protease inhibitor (Sigma, cat. no. P8340). 1 ml aliquots of the nuclei were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and then transferred to a liquid nitrogen dewar for long-term storage.

ATAC-seq on mouse lung nuclei

The mouse lung nuclei were removed from the liquid nitrogen dewar and thawed in a water bath at 37 °C for 1 to 2 min until only a tiny ice crystal remained. Then, we transferred the 1 ml of nuclei stored in freezing buffer to a 15 ml tube containing 3 ml RSB washing buffer (RSB supplemented with 0.1% Tween-20 and 0.1% BSA), centrifuged nuclei at 500 r.c.f for 10 min in a pre-chilled (4 °C) swinging-bucket centrifuge, and then removed supernatant. After supernatant removal, the nuclei were resuspended with 1 ml RSB washing buffer and then filtered with a 40 μm Flowmi Cell Strainer (SP BEL-ART, cat. no. 136800040) followed by centrifugation at 500 r.c.f for 5 min at 4 °C. Again, the supernatant was aspirated, and the nuclei were resuspended in 150 ul PBSB and then counted with Trypan blue as mentioned before. After counting, the nuclei were diluted either to a concentration of 20,000 nuclei per 6.6 ul or 1000 nuclei per 6.6 ul with PBSB, and then processed with 12 ATAC-seq protocols (3 tagmentation buffers by 2 transposition temperatures by 2 Tn5 enzymes) as described in the section describing “ATAC-seq on native GM12878 nuclei”, generating a total of 24 ATAC libraries for each replicate mouse lung. The sample barcodes used for each condition and replicate are listed in Table S9.


The 96 ATAC-seq libraries of the GM12878 cell line and 72 libraries of mouse lungs were pooled separately and sequenced with 2 × 76 bp reads in two independent runs on an NextSeq 550 Platform using the High Output Kits.

ATAC-seq data analysis

The specific programs (and their version) used in data analysis were as follows: Trimmomatic v0.36 [33], SAMtools v1.4 [34], Picard v2.20.2 [35], Bowtie2 v2.2.9 [35, 36], MACS2 v2.1.2 [24], bedtools v2.28.0 [24, 37], deepTools v3.5.1 [38], R v4.0.4 [39], DESeq2 [40], and chromVAR [26].

The paired-end reads were preprocessed using trimmomatic to trim the Nextera adaptors and low-quality reads with the parameter setting as “LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:10 MINLEN:20”. The trimmed reads were then mapped to either the hg19 human genome or mm10 mouse genome reference contingent upon the sample source using Bowtie2. The parameters “-X 2000” and “-3 1” were used to restrict the maximum fragment length of 2000 bp and trim 1 base from the 3′ end of each read before alignment (we found a perfect match between forward and reverse reads from a read-pair could lead to inaccurate library quality metrics). Following map**, only the reads confidently (MAPQ ≥10) mapped to assembled nuclear chromosomes, and in proper pairs (we used the “-f3” and “-F12” options in SAMtools) were preserved for downstream analysis. Picard “MarkDuplicates” was then used to remove duplicate reads and estimate library complexity.

Peak calling

To call peaks with deduplicated reads, we combined nuclear genome-mapped reads for all 4 replicates from the same condition and subsampled each combined file to the minimum number of reads observed for any condition (6,046,132). Then, MACS2 was used to call peaks with deduplicated bed files, considering a 200 bp window centered on the read start using the parameters "--nomodel --keep-dup all --extsize 200 --shift -100". Because each peak may have multiple summits (and will therefore be listed multiple times in the resulting peak bed file), the peaks output from MACS2 were then merged into a single peak set for each sample using bedtools “merge”. To examine the effects of deduplication on peak calling, we subsampled 6,254,654 reads (including duplicates) from each sample, which is the minimum number of reads observed for any condition, and then called peaks using MACS2 with the "--keep-dup auto" option. The peaks shared by two peak calling protocols and the peaks unique to each were identified by bedtools "merge" with the "collapse" function.

Calculation of ATAC-seq QC metrics


The FRiP score was determined using a merged peak set that combined two replicates of GM12878 DHS hotspots obtained from the ENCODE consortium (ENCFF235KUD and ENCFF491BOT) [23]. The reads overlap** the DHS peak reference were counted using bedtools “intersect” with “-u” option. Mitochondrial reads were removed before calculating FRiP.

TSS enrichment

The human and mouse TSS coordinates were obtained from the Gencode human reference v38 [41] and Gencode mouse reference vM23 [42], respectively. To build TSS references, we first collected the most upstream base (accounting for strand) of each transcript using a custom R script, and then only the TSSs of gene types and transcript types listing the following terms were included: “protein_coding”, “lncRNA”, “IG_C_gene”, “IG_D_gene”, “IG_J_gene”, “IG_LV_gene”, “IG_V_gene”, “IG_V_pseudogene”, “IG_J_pseudogene”, “IG_C_pseudogene”, “TR_C_gene”, “TR_D_gene”, “TR_J_gene”, “TR_V_gene”, “TR_V_pseudogene”, “TR_J_pseudogene”. We also excluded transcripts with a tag of “readthrough_transcript” or “PAR”. These filters were similar to the filtering strategy used by the 10X single-cell ATAC-seq pipeline [43]. The TSS enrichment score was calculated as defined by ENCODE [8]. Briefly, the read depth at each position of a 4000 bp window centered on the TSSs was calculated, and then normalized by dividing by the average read depth in the 100 bp at each end of this window in 1 bp bins. The TSS enrichment score was determined by the maximum value of the normalized read depth in the 200 bp upstream of the TSS.

Sub-nucleosomal score

The matrices of insert size distribution were created by Picard “CollectInsertSizeMetrics” using deduplicated reads. For the simulation results, insert sizes were actually calculated directly from the bed files. The sub-nucleosomal score is calculated by the ratio between the maximum fragment counts < 150 bp and the maximum fragment counts > 149 bp.

Estimated complexity

As described in ATAC-seq data analysis, the library complexity was estimated by Picard “MarkDuplicates” after filtering out unmapped and mitochondrial reads.


The percent mitochondrial reads was calculated by dividing the total number of reads map** to the mitochondrial genome by the total number of reads after adaptor trimming (note that this calculation occurs before removing duplicate reads).

Simulation of ATAC-seq QC metrics

The two replicates of GM12878 ATAC-seq data were downloaded as raw fastq files from the Omni-ATAC study ([10]; SRA accessions: SRR5427887 for GM12878-OmniATAC-RepA and SRR5427886 for GM12878-OmniATAC-RepB), and processed as described in the ATAC-seq data analysis section, except without optical duplicate detection during deduplication since the read names were not available in the raw fastq files. The deduplicated bam files from each replicate were merged using SAMtools "merge", and then converted into a single bed file to call peaks. The repetitive peaks resulting from different summits were further collapsed with bedtools “merge” to construct a master peak set. We then intersected the read pairs in the bed file with the master peak set to identify read pairs that overlapped peaks. The read pairs with at least one end overlap** the master peak set were assigned to the “signal” set and the read pairs with neither end overlap** the master peak set were assigned to the “background” set using bedtools “pairToBed”. Subsequently, we subsampled either “signal” reads or “noise” reads from these two sets and merged them to create a series of synthetic datasets with defined FRiPs (10 to 90% in 10% increments) and read depths (from 10 million to 50 million reads in 5 million read increments). Reads were kept in pairs during the subsampling process. For each of the synthetic datasets, we identified intrinsic peaks for each of them, calculated the FRiPs determined either by the master peak set (“aggregate FRiP”) or intrinsic peak set (“subsample FRiP”), and quantified TSS enrichment and sub-nucleosomal score as described in the calculation of ATAC-seq QC metrics.

Functional enrichment analysis

ChIP-seq enrichment

For ChIP-seq enrichments, we downloaded all available unstimulated GM12878 ChIP-seq datasets that were designated as “good” quality by ENCODE [44]. The analysis for enrichments of overlap with ChIP-seq peaks for ATAC-seq peaks “missing” from each condition was performed with a hypergeometric test using the "phyper" function in R. The background rate of overlap was determined using a master ATAC peak set that merged all peaks called in each condition and filtered out any peaks only observed in one or two conditions. The bedtools "merge" function was used to merge peaks. Peaks that overlapped by even 1 bp were considered the same peak in this analysis. The p-value determined by the hypergeometric test was adjusted for multiple testing using the "BH" method [45] implemented in the "p.adjust" function in R. The adjusted p-value cutoff to determine significant enrichment was 0.05. The fold-enrichment for overlap with each ChIP-seq dataset was calculated by dividing the frequency of “missing” ATAC-seq peaks overlapped by ChIP-seq peaks in each condition by the frequency of ATAC-seq peaks overlapped by ChIP-seq peaks observed in the master peak set. Overlaps were determined by the bedtools "intersect" function.

To visualize the read density across ChIP-seq peaks, we first generated a coverage track (bigWig) for each condition that concatenated the deduplicated reads from all 4 replicates using the "bamCoverage" module from deepTools [38] with the following parameter settings: "--binSize 1; --normalizeUsing CPM". For read density plots, we standardized all ChIP-seq peak windows to a 4000 bp window centered at the midpoint of the peaks, and evaluated the read coverage across all those genomic regions using "computeMatrix" (deepTools). Regions with zero read depth across all ATAC-seq samples were excluded. The "plotHeatmap" function (deepTools) was used to visualize the read density at each region. Read density plots were sorted in descending order by the mean read density value per region.

For calculating enrichments for each sample, we calculated the number of reads overlap** with each ChIP-seq dataset using bedtools “intersect” with the “-u” option, and then divided these counts by the total number of reads that overlapped with any ChIP-seq peak set to calculate the FRiP-TF for each TF. The hierarchical clustering and heatmap visualization were generated using the "pheatmap" package in R and implementing the “ward.D2” clustering method.

Genome segmentation enrichment

A consensus merge of the genome segmentations produced by the ChromHMM and Segway software was obtained from ENCODE [46]. For each sample, the first base at the 5′ end of each read was intersected with the genome segmentation tracks using bedtools “intersect” to annotate the reads with one of the seven different segmentation categories. The number of reads within each category was divided by the total number of deduplicated reads for each sample.

Principal component analysis

To create a common set of peaks for PCA, we combined all replicates from the same condition and downsampled them to 6,046,132 reads (the minimum number of unique reads observed for any condition) for each condition to call peaks with MACS2. After that, all peaks were merged together to form a non-overlap** peak set using bedtools “merge”. A peak-count matrix was then generated using deepTools “multiBamSummary” with peaks as rows and samples as columns. The count data was log2-transformed and normalized with respect to library size using the “rlog” function in DESeq2, and then the top 5000 most variable sites were used to conduct PCA. The log-transformed counts were also used to calculate pairwise sample correlation across all peak sites for hierarchical clustering and heatmap visualization of samples.


For chromVAR analysis, we resized all peaks identified from each condition to a uniform width of 500 bp, centered them at the summit, and removed overlap** peaks using the “readNarrowpeaks” function in chromVAR. A matrix of fragment counts per sample for each peak was then created with deduplicated reads, and used as an input for the chromVAR analysis pipeline. The human motifs were obtained from JASPAR core database and used to annotate the peaks. “Background” peak sets that comprise similar GC content and average accessibility for each peak were created and used to compute a bias-corrected deviation for each motif with the default chromVAR settings. Then, we used the bias-corrected deviation to cluster samples and identify significantly differentially accessible motifs for each cluster following the standard chromVAR pipeline. To visualize motif similarity, we performed t-SNE using the “deviationsTsne” function with “perplexity” equal to 10.