
The key evolutionary step leading to the pandemic virus was the acquisition of the furin polybasic motif at the spike glycoprotein S1/S2 junction by a progenitor of SARS-CoV-2. In the first SARS-CoV-2 clinical isolates it was proline (P), arginine (R), arginine and alanine (A) (PRRA) [1,2,3,4,5]. Two of its features draw attention: (i) PRRA is absent in other known sarbecoviruses (lineage B beta-coronaviruses), including the newly discovered coronaviruses in bats from Laos and Vietnam, which are the closest known relatives of the covid virus [6, 7]; and, (ii) it introduced the pair of arginine codons (CGG-CGG), whose usage is extremely rare in coronaviruses [8, 9]. With an occurrence rate of only 3%, the arginine CGG codon is considered a minority in SARS CoV-2 [10, 11]. On the other hand, Laos and Vietnam bat coronaviruses contain receptor-binding domains that are almost identical to that of SARS-CoV-2 and can therefore infect human cells despite the absence of the furin cleavage motif [6, 7]. Based on these data, the aim of this work is to provide a detailed sequence analysis between the SARS-CoV-2 S gene insert encoding PRRA and the human mRNA transcripts [12, 13]. The result showed a 100% match to several mRNA transcripts suggesting the hypothesis of a probable human origin of the PRRA coding sequence acquired through recombination by a progenitor of the SARS-CoV-2.

Results and discussion

SARS-CoV-2 S gene 12-nucleotide insert and human mRNA transcripts

With coordinate based on SARS-CoV-2 reference sequence [14], the S gene 12-nucleotide fragment encoding the PRRA polybasic motif is located within the TCA S680 codon. Figure 1 shows the two possibilities: “CT CCT CGG CGG G” or “T CCT CGG CGG GC” depending on whether the insertion took place between positions 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 of the TCA codon, respectively. Here the reverse complement of the two possible S gene inserts have been included in the similarity analysis with the mRNA transcripts. In the creation of new SARS-CoV-2 particles in infected human cells, both ssRNA(+) and ssRNA(−) SARS-CoV-2 genomes that coexist through the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) [16] are equally important with respect to a possible recombination with human mRNAs.

Fig. 1
figure 1

SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein polybasic furin cleavage site. Fragment of a multiple sequence alignment covering the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein polybasic furin cleavage site. The first line at the top indicates the positions, in a P14-P6’ nomenclature, of the canonical structure of a furin site in a given protein. The specific cleavage site is between positions P1 and P1’. The core regions is between positions P6–P2’ and there are two flanking solvent accessible regions: P7–P14 and P3’–P6’ [15]. Part A. Fragment of the protein multiple sequence aligment including Laos bat Rhinolophus coronaviruses BANAL-52 (GISAID, EPI_ISL_4302644: 21512–25,321), BANAL-103 (GISAID, EPI_ISL_4302645: 21498–25,294), BANAL-236 (GISAID, EPI_ISL_4302647: 21538–25,344), Vietnam bat Rhinolophus pusillus Rp22DB159 coronavirus (GenBank: WLJ60537.1 coded by OR233302.1:21533..25342 genome), Bat coronavirus RaTG13 (GenBank: QHR63300.2 coded by MN996532.2: 21560..25369 genome) and the reference SARS-CoV-2 sequences (isolates Wuhan-Hu-1 and WH04) [14]. The SARS-CoV-2 polybasic insert (PRRA) is denoted in bold. Strictly conserved amino acids are denoted by *. The amino acid position is indicated at the numbers on the right. Part B. Fragment of the codon alignment. For simplicity, from the Laos coronavirus only the BANAL-52 sequence has been included. The two possibles 12 nucleotide fragment encoding PRRA inserted within the S680 codon are highlighted in yellow and orange, respectively. The S680 TCA codon is denoted in green. The differences at the third codon position are denoted in gray. The protein and genome sequence position is indicated at the numbers on the right

Sequence analysis showed that the SRAS-CoV-2 S gene 12-nucleotide fragments, potentially involved in the PRRA coding, 100% match to several NCBI human mRNA RefSeq transcripts (Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4).

Table 1 Human NCBI NM_RefSeq Transcripts (curated protein coding) that match the CTCCTCGGCGGG SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage insert
Table 2 Human NCBI NM_RefSeq Transcripts (curated protein coding) that match the TCCTCGGCGGGC SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage insert
Table 3 Human NCBI NM_RefSeq Transcripts (curated protein coding) that match the CCCGCCGAGGAG (CTCCTCGGCGGG reverse complement) SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage insert
Table 4 Human NCBI NM_RefSeq Transcripts (curated protein coding) that match the GCCCGCCGAGGA (TCCTCGGCGGGC reverse complement) SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage insert

Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 show the curate RefSeq mRNA protein-coding human transcripts, labelled “NM_” that matched the S gene insert. They group together 44 human genes and their variants. All of the human mRNA fragments matching the 12-nucleotide viral sequences are located in specific exons. No functional trend has been observed in the gene products. Also, these genes are distributed throughout all chromosomes. This suggests that these human transcripts could be good candidates as donors of mRNA template in a potential recombination link to a SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage motif. However, the presence of the CGG-CGG in these human mRNA transcripts does not necessarily imply there would be an arginine pair in the gene product. It may not be in the reading frame.

Tables 1S-4S show the results extended to the four series of human mRNA RefSeq transcripts: NM_ (curated mRNA protein-coding), NR_ (RNA non-protein-coding), XM_ (predicted model protein-coding) and XR_ (RNA predicted model non-protein-coding).

Tissue-specificity of genes whose mRNA transcripts 100% match viral sequences

The set of human genes whose mRNAs match the SARS-CoV-2 S gene PRRA coding region (Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4) can be grouped into two categories in terms of tissue-specificity: (i) ubiquitous and highly expressed; and (ii) specific to target organs or tissues of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. As an example, Fig. 2 shows some examples of tissue specificity. In the first group, the alpha subunit of the ATPase F1 (ATP5F1) gene encodes the catalytic core of the mitochondrial ATP synthase; and the ubiquitin specific peptidase 21 (USP21) gene-encoding protein cleaves ubiquitin for recycling in intracellular protein degradation. In the second group there are genes with a tissue specificity in the brain, kidney, prostate and testis, which are targets in virus infection [17] (e.g., MEMO1, SALL3, TRIM17, CWC15). However, some genes must be highlighted as unique and highly expressed in the testis (e.g., CCDC187, FAM71E2, GAB4, PRDM13).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Tissue specificity of human genes matching SARS-CoV-2 S gene coding PRRA insert. Examples of tissue specificity of human genes (shown in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4) whose transcripts match 100% with SARS-CoV-2 S gene insert encoded the PRRA polybasic furin motif. Expression pattern based on the Human Protein Atlas RNA-seq normal tissues NCBI BioProject Accession: PRJEB4337 ID: 231263. Data were download from NCBI Human Genome Resources, assembly GRCh38.p14. Units of transcript expression are normalized reads per kilobase of transcript, per million mapped reads (RPKM)

Hypothesis of probable human origin of the SARS-CoV-2 polybasic furin cleavage site

The 100% match between the S gene insert encoding the furin polybasic motif and some human mRNA transcripts suggests that a recombination between the viral and human RNA could be the origin of that S gene insert. This is the proposal of the hypothesis on the probable human origin of the SARS-CoV-2 polybasic furin cleavage mptif, which agrees with a possibility already put forward by R. F. Garry and co-workers [1] that a progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 passed to humans, acquiring the PRRA during undetected human-to-human transmission.

Recombination is the common method by which viruses acquire new skills [18]. In this case the skill was the ability to interact with the human furin serin protease, which further aids the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into human cells.

Evidence supporting the hypothesis

Evidence 1. Synonymous base substitution at the SARS-CoV-2 S gene arginine codons CGG-CGG

The arginine pair of the furin polybasic motif is essential for the SARS-CoV-2. It is evolutionarily strictly conserved. Although mutations of the variants also extend to the PRRA, the RR pair remains e.g., Delta P/R (RRRA), Omicron P/histidine, H (HRRA). In contrast, this key arginine pair is encoded by the “extremely rare” CGG-CGG codons in coronaviruses. So, everything suggests an evolutionary pressure in that point of the SARS-CoV-2 S gene.

Sequence analysis shows that a synonymous base substitution in the furin arginine pair code actually occurs. Based on the NCBI Virus database, a large sample of spike glycoprotein squences (with release date from January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2023) 8459 out of 3,494,735 (0.2420%) protein sequences showed arginine codon usage bias in one of the CGG-CGG codons (Table 5S). Also, based on data from the GISAID database, 155 out of 78,085 (0.1985%) showed the same arginine codon usage bias (Table 6S). The sequences that have a synonymous base substitution in one of the CGG arginine codons at the furin arginine pair cover several SARS-CoV-2 lineages and geographic regions.

When the analyses focused on specific SARS-CoV-2 lineages, results were significant. Based on a GISAID sample of isolates from the XBB.1.16.20 lineage 75 out of 354 (21.19%) showed a synonymous base substitution in the second arginine codon of the furin polybasic motif, the CGG-CGG code has mutated to CGG-CGT. Isolates from the EE.2 lineage, 533 out of 1021 (52.20%) the CGG-CGG was replaced by CGA-CGG. Furthermore, isolates from the CQ.2, CQ.1 and CQ.1.1 lineages the 100% of the analysed spike glycoprotein sequences showed arginine codon usage bias in one of the CGG pair. The results were as follows: CQ.2 lineage, 286 out of 287 (99.65%); CQ.1516 out of 516 (100%); CQ.1.1117 out of 177 (100%). Table 7S shows basic information of these SARS-CoV-2 lineage isolates.

These results suggest a SARS-CoV-2 S gene trend towards an arginine codon usage bias encoding the spike glycoprotein furin polybasic motif.

Evidence 2. PRRA-like insertions in the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein sequence

Once SARS-CoV-2 emerged, the question is whether there have been further spike glycoprotein insertions similar to that of the furin polybasic motif in a SARS-CoV-2 progenitor. Based on the NCBI Virus database, the analysis of 2,315,308 spike glycoprotein sequences with no ambiguous characters showed many other PRRA-like insertions throughout the sequence, in the different spike glycoprotein structural domains (Fig. 3). Table 5 shows the inserted fragment, its position and the identification of the involved sequence. These insertions are PRRA-like because they satisfy the following requirements: (i) the S gene insert encoding a given S protein insert has to 100% match to human mRNA transcripts; and (ii) the related genes have to be ubiquitous and highly expressed genes or specific genes of target organs or tissues of virus infection.

Fig. 3
figure 3

PRRA-like insertion along the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. PRRA-like insertion positions in the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. With coordinate based on SARS-CoV reference sequence [14], boxes on the top show the sequence positions of the PRRA-like insertions. The SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein structural domains and cleavage sites are indicated. Protein length: 1273. At the bottom the S1 subunit and S2 subunit in each spike glycoprotein monomer are indicated. The coordinates of some of the domains are in parentheses. Acronyms: S1, subunit 1; S2, subunit 2; SP, signal peptide; NTD. N-terminal domain; RBD, receptor binding domain; SD1, subdomain 1; SD2, subdomain 2; FP, fusion peptide; HR1, heptad repeat 1; HR2, heptad repeat 2; TM, transmembrane region; IC, inracellular domain. Cleavage sites: S1/S2, R685/S686, by host (human) furin, paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme (FURIN); S2’, R815/S816, by host transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) orcathepsin L (CTSL). The figure has been created based on data from [19,20,21]

Table 5 Spike glycoprotein PRRA-like insertions from SARS-CoV-2 isolates

As an example, the S247 serine S, arginine R, tryptophan W, methionine M (SRWM) insert at the N-terminal domain is discussed (Fig. 4). Unlike PRRA, the acquisition of the SRWM insert was probably not associated with a known gain-of-function. Regarding the SRWM insertion, any sequencing errors could be ruled out. In the study sample, the insert has been identified in 331 SARS-CoV-2 isolates, having 15 different submitters from 15 different organizations. All isolates were from USA, but from 26 different states (collection dates November 2022–March 2030). Table 8S shows detailed information of the SRWM related virus isolates. Like the furin PRRA insertion, the SRWM coding region and its reverse complement 100% to several human mRNA transcripts. Table 6 summarizes the related genes which are also ubiquitous and highly expressed or specific of target organs or tissues of virus infection. Figure 5 shows examples of tissue-specificity of these genes.

Fig. 4
figure 4

SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein SRWM insert at the N-terminal domain. Header of a fragment the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein multiple sequence alignment including the reference sequences [22] and sequences identified with the S247 SRWM insert (coordinate based on reference sequence) at the N-terminal domain. The total number of sequences in the multiple alignment is 331, however, for simplicity the figure only shows a part. Sequence are identified by SARS-CoV-2 GenBank genome accession and S gene coordinates. The insert is highlighted in yellow. At the top, the reference sequences are shaded in grey. Dashes denote gaps. The numbers on the right indicate sequence position

Table 6 Human genes whose mRNA 100% match the SARS-CoV-2 S gene insert encoding the spike glycoprotein N-terminal domain SRWM motif
Fig. 5
figure 5

Tissue specificity of human genes matching SARS-CoV-2 S gene coding SRWM insert at the N-terminal domain. Example of human gene tissue-specificity of genes (referenced in Table 6) whose mRNA transcripts 100% match the SARS-CoV-2 S gene insert encoding the S protein N-terminal domain SRWM insert. Data were download from NCBI Human Genome Resources, assembly GRCh38.p14. Transcript expression units are normalized reads per kilobase of transcript, per million mapped reads (RPKM)

Table 9S and Fig. 1S show details of further PRRA-like insertions in the N-terminal domain (T109, insert ILWW; T299, insert AVPY), in the ACE2 receptor binding domain (RBD) (V483, insert EVQF) and in the furin cleavage site itself (N679, insert GIAL).

The spike glycoprotein PRRA-like insertions strongly suggest a recombination between the SARS-CoV-2 genome and human mRNA transcripts within an infected human cell. In this sense, the acquisition of PRRA may not have been a single event of recombination. As well as the S gene insert encoding the PRRA motif, the S gene inserts encoding the S protein PRRA-like inserts do not appear to be of viral origin.


The 12-nucleotide fragment of the SARS-CoV-2 that encoded the first identified spike glycoprotein furin polybasic motif (PRRA) 100% matches to several human mRNA transcripts. This is the basis for the hypothesis of the probable human origin of that fragment that was imprinted into the viral S gene. The hypothesis fits with the possibility that a progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 passed to humans, acquiring the PRRA during undetected human-to-human transmission.

The hypothesis is supported by:

  • The knowledge that Laos and Vietnam bats host the closest known relatives to SARS-CoV-2 can infect human cells despite the absence of the furin cleavage motif [6, 7].

  • The nature of human genes whose transcripts 100% match the furin S gene insert. They are ubiquitous and highly expressed genes or specific of target genes of tissues virus infection.

  • Synonymous base substitution at the SARS-CoV-2 furin arginine pair CGG-CGG codon, suggesting a SARS-CoV-2 evolution to adapting the arginine codon usage.

  • PRRA-like insertions at the spike glycoprotein strongly suggest that the fragments inserted in the S gene that encode them do not have a viral origin and were acquired by recombination. The PRRA acquisition may not have been a single event of recombination.


The source of information was: (i) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Virus database, SARS-CoV-2 Data Hub [23] and (ii) Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data (GISAID) database [22, 24]. The reference SARS-CoV-2 S Gene and spike glycoprotein sequences were retrieved from the SARS-CoV-2 reference genomes: (i) Wuhan-Hu-1 isolate, GenBank: QHD43416.1 coded by MN908947.3:21563–25,384; and (ii) GISAID, EPI_ISL_406801 isolate, genome hCoV-19/Wuhan/WH04/2020: 21551–25,370 [14]. A pipeline of scripts in Perl for data management has been created. The rationale of this work was based on the following tasks:

Task 1. Getting sequences

NCBI SARS-CoV-2 spike glyprotein sequences and coding regions were retrieved from the NCBI Virus database. GISAID SARS-CoV-2 spike glyprotein sequences and coding regions required data parse by executing several chained programs. Briefly:

  • Download the complete genomes of the virus isolates

  • To retrieve the genome regions covering the S gene (coordinates between 20,000–26,000).

  • Using NCBI BLASTn [25], to identify the spike glycoprotein coding region: start and end coordinates. Query: flanking regions of the reference NCBI S gene; subject: the set of genomic regions downloaded from the GISAID database covering the S gene.

  • Based on the start- and end-coordinates, to retrieve the S gene region from the downloaded GISAID genomic regions.

  • To translate forward three frames of the retrieved S gene regions (coding region).

  • To identify the proper translation reading frame (no ambiguous characters, no stop signals). As a result, the spike glycoprotein sequences have been obtained.

  • Based on the proper reading frame, to adjust the spike glycoprotein coding regions. As a result, the S gene sequences have been obtained.

Task 2. Similarity analysis between the SARS-CoV-2 S gene insert encoding PRRA and the human mRNA transcripts

The human transcripts database was download from NCBI Human Genome Resources (RefSeq Transcripts, GRch38, download date 05/08/2023). The Reference Sequence (RefSeq) collection provides a comprehensive, integrated, non-redundant, well-annotated set of sequences, including genomic DNA, transcripts, and proteins [12]. The downloaded version had 184,489 mRNA sequences grouped in four accession series, denoting the following: “NM_”, curated mRNA protein-coding trancripts (66,826 sequences); “NR_”, RNA non-protein-coding trascripts (20,584); “XM_”, mRNA predicted model protein-coding transcript (69,354); and “XR_”, RNA predicted model non-protein-coding transcript (27,725). The sequence analysis similarity was performed using the SARS-CoV-2 S gene 12 nucleotide insert as a query. For each SARS-CoV-2 S gene 12-nucletide insert PRRA coding, and for each human mRNA RefSeq transcript sequence a 12-nucletide window was run through the entire human mRNA sequence. The 100% match were reported.

Task 3. Arginine codon usage bias or synonymous base substitution in the arginine pair of the SARS-CoV-2 furin site

Because the insertion of the PRRA created a novel RRAR furin cleavage site (with another R after the A in the sequence) that introduces two arginine codons CGG–CGG, using the “RRAR” query sequence that was run as four position window through the entire protein sequence the spike glycoprotein RRAR motif was identified. The protein RRAR motif position was multiplied by three to obtain the corresponding S gene codons. The cases in which the pair of the arginine codons were different from CGG-CGG were recorded.

Task 4. To identify PRRA-like insertions in the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein sequences

NCBI Virus protein sequences were downloaded with the following filters: host human, ambiguous characters (X) 0, and sequence length 1260–1300. Using a Perl script, the downloaded protein sequences were grouped into blocks of 4000 sequences to be used thorough the EMBL Clustal Omega tool [26], which can align up to 4000 sequences or a maximum file size of 4 MB. The reference SARS-CoV-2 spke glycoprotein sequences were included in each block. Then, using another Perl script, each large multiple sequence alignment was computationally analysed. The spike glycoprotein sequences generating four or more gaps strictly conserved in all other sequences in the block were identified. Then, the coding region of the identified sequences (having the insert) and the reference S gene sequence were aligned using the HIV Sequence Database Codon Alignment v2.1.0 tool [27, 28]. The nucleotide fragment encoding the protein insert was identified.

Task 5. Tissue-specificity of human genes related to the SARS-CoV-2 PRRA and PRRA-like insertions

The human genes under study were those whose mRNAs had made a 100% match with the S gene inserts. Tissue specificity was retrieved from the Human Protein Atlas RNA-seq normal tissues (HPA RNA-seq normal tissues. NCBI BioProject, Accession: PRJEB4337 ID: 231263). In this BioProject, based on 95 human individuals, the normal human gene expression was determined in 27 different normal human organ or tissues. Data were download from NCBI Human Genome Resources, assembly GRCh38.p14. Units of transcript expression are normalized reads per kilobase of transcript, per million mapped reads (RPKM). The results are shown in bar graphs.