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Extended Data Fig. 2: Colonic EEC deletion is specific. | Nature Metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 2: Colonic EEC deletion is specific.

From: Interaction between the gut microbiota and colonic enteroendocrine cells regulates host metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 2

(a) Volcano plot of differentially expressed genes of bulk transcriptomics from colon of WT and EECΔCol mice and corresponding cellular enrichment in the Tabula muris database (only statistically significant cellular enrichments are shaded in blue, n = 3 mice). (b) qRT-PCR of Gcc along regions of the mouse bowel for the same samples shown in Extended Data Fig. 1b. Statistics derived from biological replicates. (c) qRT-PCR of Insl5 along regions of the mouse bowel for the same samples shown in Extended Data Fig. 1b. Statistics derived from biological replicates. (d) qRT-PCR of Pyy along regions of the mouse bowel for the same samples shown in Extended Data Fig. 1b. Statistics derived from biological replicates. (e) qRT-PCR of Muc2 (a goblet cell related marker) along regions of the mouse bowel for the same samples shown in Extended Data Fig. 1b. Statistics derived from biological replicates. Mean expression values are represented by bars and individual values by jitter plots. Values are expressed as fold of the average of wild-type animals in the duodenum. Error bars are ± s.e.m. Two-tailed unpaired t-test used for all pairwise comparisons.

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