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Extended Data Fig. 6: Neurog3 heterozygous animals do not display metabolic phenotypes. | Nature Metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 6: Neurog3 heterozygous animals do not display metabolic phenotypes.

From: Interaction between the gut microbiota and colonic enteroendocrine cells regulates host metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 6

(a) Body weight curve of Neurog3fl/fl or Neurog3R/fl regular chow-fed male mice (n = 6 Neurog3fl/fl or 22 Neurog3R/fl mice). (b) Weight curve for 8-week-old Neurog3fl/fl or Neurog3R/fl HFD-fed (n = 5 Neurog3fl/fl or 16 Neurog3R/fl mice) and 16-week-old regular chow-fed male mice (n = 6 Neurog3fl/fl or 31 Neurog3R/fl mice). (c) IPGTT and body weight (n = 5 mice). Mean values are represented by bars and individual values by jitter plots. Error bars are ± s.e.m. Two-tailed unpaired t-test used for all pairwise comparisons.

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