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Extended Data Fig. 4: An inducible model of colonic EEC loss recapitulates the hyperphagia induced obesity phenotype. | Nature Metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 4: An inducible model of colonic EEC loss recapitulates the hyperphagia induced obesity phenotype.

From: Interaction between the gut microbiota and colonic enteroendocrine cells regulates host metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 4

(a) Schematic representation of the inducible colonic EEC deficiency model. Created with BioRender.com. (b) Representative genoty** gels of novel Neurog3 floxed allele. (c) Targeting strategy for generation of novel Neurog3 conditional floxed allele. (d) qRT-PCR of Neurog3 along regions of the mouse bowel (10 weeks of age, n = 3 mice). Statistics derived from biological replicates. (e) Body weight curve and (f) food intake for vehicle (Veh) or tamoxifen (TMX) treated iEECΔCol male mice on a regular diet (n = 8 mice). (g) Body weight curve and (h) food intake for iEECΔCol or tamoxifen (TMX) treated non-Cre control mice on a regular diet (n = 7 No Cre or 8 iEECΔCol mice). Mean values are represented by bars and individual values by jitter plots. Error bars are ± s.e.m. Two-tailed unpaired t-test used for all pairwise comparisons. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.

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