
The expected future slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in response to anthropogenic climate change can have profound impacts on global and regional climate4 and the thick black line is the CMIP6 subset model mean, both estimated using Fisher’s Z-transformation. b A scatter plot of the maximum rTIOcov-SSTAMOC correlation and time lag for the mean relationship in each CMIP6 model. Those of the CMIP6 subset are plotted in circles and those not in the subset are denoted with an “x”. The colorbar depicts mean AMOC strength at 45 °N within the model, which is only available for a few of the subset models and the 3 standard deviation thresholds are denoted with dashed magenta lines. The observed ERSST v5, HadiSST v1, and COBE v2 correlations are denoted with yellow stars within (b). A complete list of the corresponding models can be found in Supplementary Table 1. c, d as (a), but for rTIOcov-AMOC45N and AMOC45N-SSTAMOC, respectively. The thick black line indicates the mean correlation value across all models. Potential temporal offsets between correlation maxima are reflected in the black error bars, which represent the mean correlation value, mean maximum correlation time lag, and the respective 1–99% confidence intervals of the correlation peaks identified in each of the CMIP6 models using Fisher’s Z-transformation.