
An urban commercial centre is an important carrier of urban vitality and an integral part of urban spatial structure. While promoting stock planning and construction, building a multi-level urban commercial centre system is vital in urban construction activities. Guiding urban polycentricity has become an important strategy and it is crucial for relieving the pressure on urban population, traffic and environment1,2,3. The study of commercial centre identification and its comprehensive strength at the city level is conducive to understanding the vitality level of a city, judging the rationality of urban spatial layout, and providing a basis for preparing urban territorial and spatial planning, residential area planning, commercial centre system planning, and traffic special planning.

Traditional commercial centre studies generally use the central place doctrine at the city level based on experience4,5,6 or random sampling7 to determine the target population and subsequently study its size6, service area4,6 composition of businesses7 and classification7. The applicability of traditional research methods diminishes with increasing size of the city. Furthermore, some scholars have attempted to analyse the shop** centre locations at the micro-community level from the perspective of the quality of retail supply to consumers and the effect of shop** on the environment8. However, research at the city level is challenging due to the limitations of traditional data access difficulties.

With the application of big data in urban and rural planning, some scholars have begun using big data such as POI (Point of Interest)9 and night-time light data10 to identify urban spatial structure11 and explore the connection among urban centres12, moreover, some scholars have used big data to further refine the functions of urban centres and study the spatial distribution of employment and commercial centres from the city level13,14. POI data have been used to analyse the spatial structure and clustering characteristics of urban commercial centres15,16, and further analyse their spatial and temporal evolution characteristics17. The spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of urban commercial centres in Shanghai and Dongguan were simulated by using taxi GPS data and localised contour tree method to delineate the boundaries of urban commercial centres18,19. A commercial spatial distribution map was generated using software location check-in data, and the density of commercial distribution is determined by using kernel density analysis20. These studies were mostly performed from the perspective of the basic conditions of the commercial centres, in which the strength of the commercial centres was quantitatively analysed according to the area of the commercial centres21, accessibility of traffic22 and number of POI23,24. Furthermore, with the enrichment of research data, some scholars have investigated the attractiveness of commercial centres to customers, i.e. customer consumption behaviour25,26,27,28,29. In this perspective, the strength of commercial centres is quantitatively analysed based on the number of customers per unit area

Table 1 Data acquisition list.

Data processing

The mobile phone signalling data are processed to extract the user usage records within the central city of Hefei. Users who appear more than eight times in 16 days are marked as active users, and 2.81 million active users are identified, accounting for 29.7% of the total population of Hefei. By analysing the stay data of 16 days, the place where users stay for the longest duration and appear most frequently from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on the second day is marked as the residence33. Furthermore, the stay data of six rest days is analysed. Assuming that the opening hours of commercial centres are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., the location where users stay for more than half an hour during that period in six days was marked as a recreation place. A total of 930,000 users with identifiable residences are obtained, and 1.86 million recreation trips with identifiable recreation places are extracted, forming a table of recreation-residence function links (Table 2). The above rules are deductive in nature, and although there are certain errors, they can still reflect the commercial activity behaviour of residents and better reflect the travel relation between residences and commercial centres.

Table 2 Table of functional links between recreation and residence for a particular user.