
Traumatic peripheral nerve injury remains a challenging clinical dilemma because of the frequent failure of nerve regeneration, and consequently, limited neurologic recovery1,2. Despite the innate genetic regeneration programs of peripheral nerves3,4, severe traumatic injuries often result in the formation of a neuroma or neuroma-in-continuity (NIC), a pathophysiologic consequence hallmarked by perineurial encapsulation of small unmyelinated axons, failed distal axon regeneration, robust fibrotic tissue deposition, and aberrant ion channel distribution5,6,7,8. Persistent presence of immune cells, such as phagocytic macrophages and T-cells, has also been observed in the context of human neuroma specimens and is implicated in potentiating painful phenotypes9,10,11. This microenvironment is believed to inhibit axonal growth and may be analogous to the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury, where axonal regeneration is limited by scar formation, unresolved inflammation, and a dearth of trophic support molecules12,13. Unfortunately, beyond the categorization of neuroma pathology, little is understood about the mechanisms precipitating neuroma formation and associated regenerative failure.

Advances in next-generation RNA sequencing (RNAseq) have elucidated pivotal insights underpinning homeostasis and pathogenesis while identifying specific targets for mechanistic perturbation and therapeutic development14. Application of these tools has recently shifted to the processes of neural regeneration, with examination of the molecular portraits of brain15,16,17, spinal cord18,19,20, and dorsal root ganglia21,22,23 to enhance our understanding of the activated transcriptional programs associated with successful nerve regeneration. Studies have also elucidated the molecular programs governing regeneration in peripheral nerves, specifically highlighting functional and biological pathways in Wallerian degeneration (WD) that lead to axon regeneration and functional recovery24,25,26,27,28,29. Lamentably, these insights in successful nerve regeneration models may not be applicable to the dismal failures of clinical injuries, as evidenced by the dearth of therapeutic intervention strategies30. Therefore, deconstructing the molecular underpinnings of the pathophysiologic condition may reveal novel transcriptional signatures to guide prognostic biomarker discovery or identify mechanistic targets to prevent neuroma formation and imminent neurologic consequences, such as chronic pain and limited functional recovery.

To address the translational gap from basic science models to clinical injuries, we have created and validated a laboratory model of rapid-stretch nerve injury, which is the predominant mechanism associated with traumatic nerve injury and neuroma formation in the clinical setting2. Biomechanical31, histologic32, and behavioral33 outcomes faithfully recapitulate the neuroma phenotype and neurologic deficits found in the clinical population. Expanded comparison to traditional models of crush, transection, and delayed transection repair has delineated recovery profiles specific to the rapid-stretch mechanism of injury and associated neuroma pathophysiology34. To further this understanding at the molecular level, we sought to elucidate genetic signatures associated with NIC formation and identify critical pathways associated with the transition from favorable regeneration towards pathologic remodeling. Here, we present insights into the aberrant regenerative program through a temporal examination of genetic activity and application to downstream biological and functional pathways.


Survey of genomic expression profiles

After rupture injury, there was a dramatic increase in genetic activity, with upregulated genes peaking at day 2 (D2) and declining linearly over time; this pattern was mirrored by downregulated genetic activity patterns (Fig. 1a). Despite the decrease in differentially expressed genes (DEGs), at the final timepoint (D48) there remained a large number of DEGs versus baseline. In contrast, although sham injury also demonstrated marked increase in DEGs in the acute phase after surgery, DEGs returned to baseline expression patterns.

Figure 1
figure 1

Global genetic expression profiles of differentially expressed genes across timepoints. (a) Differential expression is determined by DESeq analysis (DESeq2 version 1.30.0) ( with a false discovery rate of 5% and adjusted p-value < .05. A dramatic increase in genetic activity is observed 6 h after injury in both Rupture and Sham injury states. Day 2 (D2) demonstrates peak activity, followed by a linear decline for both comparisons. For Rupture vs. Control, although there is a temporal decrease in activity, 2834 genes remain upregulated and 2603 downregulated at the terminal timepoint, 48 days after injury. In comparison, Sham returns to Control expression levels. The activity of up- and downregulated genes present antithetical activation patterns. (b) The PCA plot is a dimensional reduction method to visualize similarity of genetic expression profiles in the dataset (RStudio 4.2.1: highcharter 0.9.4. Rupture and Sham demonstrate similar clustering for days 0 and 2, while divergence ensues by day 7. After this schism, rupture injury demonstrates a unique clustering pattern for the remaining timepoints. Distinct clustering profiles are observed for all timepoints, aside from the expected Sham clustering with Control by day 48, which reflects return to homeostasis.

Global changes in genetic expression were further delineated through principal component analysis (PCA), which aims to deconstruct multidimensional differences in gene expression to elucidate similarities in genetic activity profiles (Fig. 1b). Collectively, samples for each timepoint for the different injury severities demonstrated reliable clustering patterns, except that the sham injury was indistinct from control by D48. Interestingly, sham and rupture demonstrated relatively tight clustering for D0 and D2, then decoupled into distinct profiles for the remaining timepoints, indicative of unique genetic programs starting by D7.

Cluster analysis through Euclidian distance matrix map** was performed to identify gene clusters demonstrating similar temporal activity profiles (Fig. 2a). Five clusters were distinguished that broadly bifurcated into 2 temporal activation patterns: (1) immediate up- or downregulation (Clusters 1 and 4) and (2) delayed up- or downregulation (Clusters 2, 3, 5). Gene clusters were then subject to Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) to identify metabolic and canonical signature pathways (Fig. 2b).

Figure 2
figure 2

Cluster analysis to visualize the broad temporal patterns of genetic expression profiles with similar activity and application to IPA canonical pathways. (a) Cluster analysis and heatmap representation identified 5 clusters of genes demonstrating similar expression patterns across experimental timepoints (RStudio 4.2.1: pheatmap 1.0.12. Clusters 1 and 4 reflect immediate changes in activity patterns, with Cluster 1 switching from up- to downregulation by 6 h after injury and Cluster 4 demonstrating the inverse pattern of down- to upregulation. Clusters 2, 3, and 5 depict delayed changes in activity; Clusters 2 and 5 express upregulated activity for control and then transition to downregulation by D2, while the inverse is observed for Cluster 3. Uniquely, Cluster 5 remains the most distinct from control expression levels at the terminal timepoint, while the other clusters return to similar expression profiles as their control counterparts. (b) Genes derived from the clustering were then subjected to IPA canonical pathways analysis (QIAGEN Inc., to elucidate representative pathways, with the top 5 significant pathways presented. Down D0 (Cluster 1) genes mostly associate with fibrosis pathways and those implicated in neuronal specific activity. Metabolic regulation paths align with Down D2 (Cluster 2), whereas cell cycle regulation pathways are implicated with Up D2 (Cluster 3). Immune-related signatures dominate Up D0 (Cluster 4) whereas Down D2 + (Cluster 5) implicates pathways with both metabolic and neuronal underpinnings.

The immediate downregulated genes (Cluster 1; decreased D0 with partial return to control expression at D48) were grossly associated with neuronal signaling pathways, such as Axonal Guidance Signaling and Netrin Signaling (Fig. 2b). Immediate upregulated genes (Cluster 4; increased D0 with partial decrease to control expression at D48) demonstrated immunologic signatures, with the top statistically significant pathways implicating cytokine signaling (IL-10, IL-6), T cell activity (Th1 and Th2 Activation Pathway), and the innate immune response (Granulocyte Adhesion and Diapedesis, HMGB1 Signaling). Delayed downregulation genes (Cluster 2; decreased D2 with partial return to control expression at D48) aligned with pathways implicated in metabolic regulation. Cluster 3 (increased D2 with partial return to control expression at D48) genes were associated with cell-cycle pathways and a second wave of the immune response. Finally, Cluster 5 (decreased D2 and no substantial return to control expression at D48) genes were related to pathways primarily involved in neuronal processes, such as Synaptogenesis and Glutamate Receptor Signaling, although the most significant path was associated with metabolic dysregulation, i.e., Superpathway of Cholesterol Biosynthesis. Importantly, in contrast to the other clusters, which chiefly resolved towards the control activity state, Cluster 5 genes had persistently decreased expression and involved axonal pathways in IPA canonical pathways analysis.

Pathway and functional analysis of differentially expressed genes at distinct timepoints

To develop a framework for understanding pathways involved in neuroma formation, DEGs were subject to Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), IPA canonical pathways analysis, and IPA diseases and functions analysis. Utilization of two different analysis platforms, each with unique methods of attributing genetic activity to pathways, permits a corroborative framework for results.


DEGs between the rupture and control groups were subjected to GSEA analysis, broadly demonstrating early and prolonged upregulation of inflammatory gene sets such as Complement, IFNγ Response, and TNFα Signaling via NFκβ in the rupture group. A modest increase in angiogenesis occurred at early timepoints, while a notable increase in genes associated with myogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation occurred from D7 to D48. Consistent upregulation of Apoptosis and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition was also present. In contrast, pathways associated with metabolism were downregulated across all experimental timepoints (Fig. 3a).

Figure 3
figure 3

Temporal genetic signatures of pathologic neuroma-in-continuity formation subject to pathway analysis. (a) GSEA (version 4.1.0, Broad Institute, San Diego, CA) presents positive enrichment of pathways involved in the inflammatory response through the terminal timepoint of day 48 (D48). Pathways associated with negative enrichment are profusely metabolic. (b) Top 5 statistically significant (p < .05) IPA canonical pathways (QIAGEN Inc., upregulated at each timepoint. For D0 and D2, a majority of pathways are associated with inflammatory response. Cell cycle and neuronal pathways emerge at D7 and persist through D14. At the terminal timepoint (D48) and neuroma pathology, DEGs align with neurodegenerative pathways while the inflammatory response remains enriched. (c) Top 5 statistically significant IPA canonical pathways downregulated at each timepoint, which are predominately metabolic. (d) Through IPA diseases and functions analysis, we identified six categories associated with neuroma formation across timepoints. Sub-annotations of specific diseases and functions, out of total number of sub-annotations per day, were used to create a percent representation for each category. Inflammatory response is highly implicated for all timepoints. Both the muscle and neurologic disease categories increase in percent representation overtime. Fibrosis was limited in presentation compared with other categories, yet present for timepoints D0 through D14. Finally, both cell death and cellular growth and proliferation were depicted across all timepoints. (e) At the terminal endpoint, the neuroma microenvironment is highly associated with categories involved in cell death, neurologic disease, and the inflammatory response. Representative genes associated with the top functions are indicated.

Ingenuity canonical pathways analysis of DEGs

IPA canonical pathway analysis applies the experimentally derived genetic expression profiles to well-defined canonical cell signaling and metabolic pathways to identify significant associations and predicted activation states (Fig. 3b,c). In the acute phase after injury (D0 and D2), the majority of upregulated canonical pathways were significantly associated with the inflammatory response, such as TREM1 Signaling and IL-17 Signaling. In comparison, D7 was hallmarked by increased paths associated with the cell cycle and paths associated with neuronal activity, such as CREB Signaling in Neurons. Integration of neuronal, inflammatory, and cell-cycle pathways presented for significant upregulation for D14. Finally, persistent inflammatory response on D48 was highlighted by significant upregulation of pathways such as Neuroinflammation Signaling (Fig. 3b). Downregulated pathways were predominately associated with metabolism (Fig. 3c). Inhibition of extracellular matrix degradation was also implicated, with significant downregulation of the Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteases for multiple timepoints (D0, D7, D14), while axonal regeneration signatures, e.g. Synaptogenesis Signaling Pathway, were decreased at D48 (Fig. 3c).

Diseases and functions analysis of DEGs

In addition to IPA pathway analysis, diseases and functions analysis was utilized to provide broad biological and pathophysiologic context, with the goal of identifying relative influence or change over time from injury (Fig. 3d). Broad categories are defined by IPA, with further stratification into sub-annotations of specific diseases and functions. In our data set, six categories were identified to have robust longitudinal representation: Cell Death, Inflammatory Response, Cellular Growth and Proliferation, Neurological Disease, Skeletal and Muscular System Development and Function (“Muscle”), and Fibrosis. To deconstruct these specific categories and assimilate into tangible patterns, a part-to-whole approach was employed; the counts of sub-annotations for each broad category, out of sub-annotations for all categories, was calculated per day and represented as a percent. Inflammatory Response predominated the transcriptional landscape across all timepoints until tapering at D48 (Fig. 3d). Representation of Neurologic Disease increased over time, with the highest proportion of representation on D48. Cellular Growth and Proliferation demonstrated an inverse relationship compared with Neurologic Disease, with the highest proportions in the acute and early timepoints (D0–D7) and decreases for the later timepoints. Cell Death was parabolic, with a higher proportion at D0 and then decrease until D7, and then increase for the later timepoints with peak representation by D48.

D48 overlap** pathways and critical genes

Because many genes overlap or coordinate in function, we investigated the frequency of overlap of genes considered critical in IPA to provide an assessment of which genes are involved in the interplay of the predominant pathways in our dataset. Described simply, we sought to identify specific genes suspected of participating in the mature neuroma pathology. Collectively, the categories of Inflammatory Response, Neurologic Disease, and Cell Death displayed the highest overlap in gene products at the terminal endpoint (D48) where we have previously demonstrated mature neuroma formation. Therefore, we further examined the degree to which these gene products were shared with multiple categories or were unique to the category in the mature pathophysiologic neuroma (Fig. 3e). Inflammatory Response and Neurologic Disease presented the highest sharing of genes (24.8%), followed by unique expression profiles for Neurologic Disease (23.1%) and Inflammatory Response (21.5%). Cell Death genes were primarily shared with Neurologic Disease (14.9%) or all the represented categories (7.4%). Genes of Neurologic Disease were predominated by ion channel representation (KCNQ2, SCN9A, KCNC1, KCNA4, CHRNA1, GRIA1, NPY2R), whereas Inflammatory Response embodied a mêlée of chemokines/cytokines (CXCL3, CXCR6), immune-specific receptors (CD180, CD22, CD5L), and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP3, MMP12). Finally, key overlap** genes between all 3 categories were those implicated in activated immune responses, such as CD28, CD4, KLRB1, and TYROBP, and also growth factors such as CNTF and TGFA.

Interaction model to identify genes distinctly significant to rupture injury

To define the cardinal genes associated with neuroma formation, we employed an interaction model to identify the statistically significant genes distinct or influential to the rupture-injury state as compared with the sham injury. Sham injury is an acute inflammatory response associated with the surgical procedure but not neurologic injury, as clearly demonstrated by resolution of gene expression between D7 and D48 and subjection of DEGs to IPA diseases and functions analysis (Supplementary Fig. S1). This approach permits specific identification of pathways associated with the neuroma microenvironment to identify distinctions that might be otherwise too nuanced to appreciate with the overwhelming inflammatory response.

The significant genes determined by the interaction model were then subject to IPA network analysis, which constructs de-novo networks based on the interconnectedness of genes in the dataset and the premise that highly interconnected genes reflect germane biological networks. These networks were then independently overlaid with IPA canonical pathways (Supplementary Fig. S2) and IPA diseases and functions (Fig. 4) to provide context of how the de novo-constructed genetic networks are related to traditionally established biologic and molecular pathways. Identified pathways from both overlays predominately aligned with 5 motifs: Vascularity, Neuronal, Fibrosis, Cell Death, and Inflammation. Overlaying both IPA canonical pathways and IPA diseases and functions to the network analysis permits independent corroboration of the de novo-constructed networks to downstream biological function.

Figure 4
figure 4

Significant genes distinct to the rupture injury state for (a, b) day 0 vs. day 2 and (c, d) day 2 vs. day 7, subjected to Ingenuity network analysis (QIAGEN Inc., for construction of de novo genetic networks of highly interconnected genes representative of significant biological function. Overlay with diseases and functions pathways permits elucidation of how these networks are associated to the downstream biological functions. Red represents significant upregulation; green, downregulation; orange, predicted activation; blue, predicted inhibition. Grey indicates the gene is not in the isolated dataset, but identified as highly related per network analysis. Five motifs were identified to which pathways repeatedly align: vascularity, Neuronal, Fibrosis, Cell Death, and Inflammation. Only pathways of a p-value < 1 × 10–5 are shown and annotated to the identified motifs. (a) The top network pathways with predicted activation are largely associated with vascularity (Angiogenesis, Vasculogenesis, Proliferation of Endothelial Cells), neuronal processes (Neuritogenesis, Growth of Axons, Cell Movement of Schwann Cells, Cell Viability of Motor Neurons), fibrosis, and inflammation (Activation of Phagocytes, Chemoattraction), while there is conflicting enrichment of cellular death profiles (Activation: Necrosis, Apoptosis; Inhibition: Neuronal Cell Death). (b) The second highest network implicates activation of cell death (Necrosis, Apoptosis) and inflammatory pathways (Cellular Infiltration by Lymphocytes, Cellular Infiltration by Mononuclear Leukocytes), inhibition of fibrosis, and predominately inhibition of neuronal pathways (Differentiation of Neural Cells, Myelination, Formation of Nodes of Ranvier). (c) Top network pathways are overwhelmingly inhibitory and align with neuronal fibrosis (Scar tissue), and cell death (Necrosis) motifs. (d) The second highest network presents pathways that predominately predict activation of inflammatory pathways, yet inhibition of cell death and fibrosis.

We focused on IPA diseases and functions analysis as this analysis employs a predication algorithm to determine activation/inhibition of downstream biological function states based on relative contribution of DEGs in our dataset to the genes in the established disease/function pathways (Fig. 4). Only pathways with a p-value < 1 × 10–5 are presented and annotated to the identified motifs. Furthermore, we selected the transition between D0 and D2 (Fig. 4a,b) and D2 to D7 (Fig. 4c,d) , when the pathways diverged on PCA, thereby focusing on the early events that discriminated outcomes. The top network for D0 vs. D2 (Fig. 4a) largely predicted activation of pathways associated with Vascularity, Neuronal, Fibrosis, and Inflammation. Cell Death paradoxically predicted global activation yet specific inhibition of Neuronal Cell Death. Critical hub genes with significant upregulation included CCL11, GDNF, VEGFA, INHBA, and GFRA1. Significantly downregulated hub genes included FGF4, CNMD, SLCO1C1, and FGFR2. Critical hub genes with predicted inhibition included P38 MAPK, FBXO32, and MAL while predicted activation included JNK, P2RY6, HS6ST1, CHR1, and Histone H3. The second highest network for D0 vs. D2 (Fig. 4b) presented activation of cell death and inflammation pathways and predicted inhibition of fibrosis pathways. Although neuronal pathways presented conflicting activation/inhibition patterns, pathways were largely associated with neuronal inhibition, such as activation of a negative pathway. Critical hub genes with significant upregulation included SLC6A1, SCN4A, WNT16, MOBP, TPPP, BFSP2, and CYP4F12, while significantly downregulated hub genes included GDNF, UTP14C, and ALDH1A3. Critical hub genes with predicted inhibition included SOX2, NFASC, MAG, RPTOR, and CTNNB1, while only MYH6 demonstrated predicted activation. For the top network of D2 vs. D7 (Fig. 4c), we observed reversal of the patterns described on D0 vs. D2; pathways aligning to neuronal, fibrotic, and cell death motifs largely predicted inhibition, while there was limited significant annotation to vascular or inflammatory paths. Critical hub genes with significant upregulation included CAV3, DES, and SGCA. Significantly downregulated hub genes included KCNJ10, PMP22, GFAP, CNTN, and SNAP25. The second top network for D2 vs. D7 (Fig. 4d) largely predicted activation of inflammatory-related paths and inhibition of fibrosis and cell death–related pathways. Critical hub genes with significant activation included SERPINB1, CHRNA1, CXCL6, TREM1, and SCX. Significantly downregulated hub genes included PYRY2, FGL2, EPHB6, EPHA6, and GJB1.

Immunofluorescence for protein corroboration

Structural changes

Longitudinal and multiple independent genetic analyses identified repeating motifs of Neurologic Disease, Inflammation, Fibrosis, Muscle, Cell Proliferation, and Cell Death. Because these categories were globally represented in GSEA and other IPA analyses, key molecules were assessed through immunofluorescent histology for protein corroboration. Molecules that are often used clinically stood out among the implicated genes in the pathways and thus were used to provide a translational comparison (Fig. 5). The microarchitectural features of Neurologic Disease demonstrated progressive decline in axons (anti-NF200) and myelin (anti-MBP). Thus, inverse correlation between protein expression and representation of neurologic disease in the diseases and functions analysis in Fig. 2 was observed. MYH4 was frequently associated with the muscle pathways yet is also present in the myotubules of many cellular species; thus, the identification of muscle-specific pathways is at risk of misattribution. MYH4 demonstrated apparent overlap with NF200 at D0, D2, and D14 after injury as well as in control samples. Limited expression was observed from D7 to D48 within the nerve. Thus, although the increase in transcript expression could be attributed to small quantities of muscle surrounding the neuroma, which cannot be resected in a gross manner without risking compromising the neuroma itself, immunofluorescent staining suggests MYH4 is common within other cellular origins. Genetic patterns of fibrosis were identified throughout multiple analyses, and aberrant fibrotic deposition is a hallmark of clinical neuroma pathology. In particular, collagen is a well-known component of the endoneurial tubules; thus, we sought to corroborate multiple types in the pathologic progression. Col1a is the predominant collagen of the collagenous fiber type while Col3a is associated with reticular fiber types. By D2, we observed alterations in collagen expression, hallmarked by disorganized matrix deposition that persists longitudinally throughout our timepoints (Fig. 5).

Figure 5
figure 5

Immunofluorescent corroboration of GSEA and IPA analysis. Longitudinal slices of sciatic nerve were obtained at 10 μm and images acquired at × 200. Log2fold change values from the raw data are presented for transcript to protein comparison. Repeating motifs of neurologic disease, fibrosis, and muscular pathways, were identified through multiple pathway analyses. Neurologic disease was corroborated with axonal (anti-NF200) and myelin sheath (anti-MBP) staining. Expression between these markers is complementary: both demonstrate a dramatic decrease in expression over time. MYH4 is represented in multiple muscle categories, yet as a myosin, has functional multiplicity in the cytoskeleton, which is exemplified by apparent overlap with NF200 at day 0 (D0), D2, and D14, along with control specimens. Fibrosis presents with pathological remodeling as early as 2 days post-injury. Col3a has minute representation in the control nerve, with fluctuations in expression and aberrant deposition over the time course of injury progression. Col1a demonstrates decreased protein expression D2 and D7, followed by increased intensity and disordered remodeling. At D48, both collagens depict intense staining and dearth of microtubule delineation. Scale bar, 50 μm.

Immunologic changes

Inflammatory pathways ubiquitously presented across analysis platforms with significant upregulation across timepoints (Fig. 6). CD11b is a pan-granulocyte marker with robust expression after injury—corroborative of the persistent activation of inflammatory paths in the genetic analysis. Pockets of these cells were observed on D2 and D7 that clustered in locations on the exterior of the nerve with some internal infiltration. Surprisingly, robust expression was still observed on D14; although topographically, these cells may exist interior of the formed neuroma, they remained localized to the exterior boundary and were segregated from the apparent dead ends of injured nerve (Supplementary Fig. S3). CD68 presents as a marker for activated M1-like (pro-inflammatory) macrophages, which we observed transition into the nerve by D2, increase in size by D7, develop a “foamy” phenotype at D14, and then decrease in size yet remain in the neuromatous tissue through D48. Interestingly, at this terminal endpoint, CD68 staining appeared fragmented. CD4 is a marker for T-helper cells and dendritic cells in the mouse and thus suggests crosstalk to adaptive immunity. Interestingly, we observed high expression on D2 surrounding the CD11b pockets. Although mRNA expression levels increased by D7 and D14, this did not translate to a functional protein per immunofluorescent staining. At D48, we visualized clusters of CD4 within the neuroma, yet morphologically distinct cells from D2, thus potentially representing a different cell type at this time. DAPI expression appeared to correlate with increased immune cell infiltration. Interestingly, we observed denuclearized DAPI deposited along the exterior of the nerve and dramatic intensity. By D2, robust cellularity was observed on the exterior of the nerve, yet the DAPI largely delineated distinct nuclei when compared with D0. At D7, we observed the infiltration of this cellularity, which persisted through D48.

Figure 6
figure 6

Immunofluorescent corroboration of temporal inflammatory signatures associated with neuroma formation. Immunofluorescence images acquired at × 400 for inflammatory markers and × 200 for DAPI. Cd11b is a pan-granulocyte marker; robust increase in transcript expression is observed acutely after injury, as corroborated by immunofluorescent staining. Expression persists through day 14 (D14), with gradual decline and minute expression by D48. CD68 is a marker for activated macrophages, expression compared with cd11b is delayed with a peak at D2, and gradual decline in transcript expression through D48. An expanded and “foamy” phenotype is observed for D7 and D14 that attenuates with time. Notably, persistence of CD68 is observed in the pathologic neuroma state at the D48 endpoint. CD4 is commonly associated with T-helper cells yet also is a marker for dendritic cells. Pockets of CD4 labeled cells converge with those of cd11b at the early timepoints. In contrast to transcript expression levels, protein corroboration was not observed for D7 and D14. Importantly, we see the reemergence of positive staining at D48, although the phenotype is markedly divergent. DAPI is a nuclear marker and displays a dynamic expression pattern. At our earliest timepoint, intense staining is observed on the exterior of the nerve, notably with undefined nucleic staining. D2 through D7 demonstrate cellular accumulation on the exterior of the nerve, reflected by increased cellularity internally. By D14, cellular infiltration is profound and this hypercellularity persists through D48. Scale bar, 50 μm.


The regenerative capacity of peripheral nerves is well defined in basic science models, yet failed neurologic recovery continues to plague clinical outcomes. This translational gap may in part be explained by the predominance of animal models investigating mechanisms of successful regeneration. Probing the mechanisms underpinning pathologic nerve regeneration may reveal previously unidentified and underappreciated pathways governing failed regeneration and thereby present as novel targets for therapeutic intervention.

The current investigation sought to further interrogate this pathophysiologic focus by applying RNAseq to identify significantly implicated transcripts and annotate their functional capacity to downstream signaling pathways. To our knowledge, this study is the first transcriptional study of NIC pathophysiology. Here, we have identified inflammatory, cellular death, fibrotic, and neurodegeneration signatures that diverge from pathways identified by traditional models of successful nerve regeneration. These insights afford numerous downstream investigations for future interrogation, with the potential to guide prognostic biomarker heuristics or targeted therapeutic intervention.


Recently, molecular-level assessments of nerve regeneration and WD have ubiquitously revealed substantial enrichment of pathways associated with inflammation Independent analyses were employed to provide an additional layer of validation. GSEA was performed using pre-ranked RNA differential expression data from DESEQ and ENSEMBL hallmarks and chip platforms, resulting in longitudinal comparisons of up- and downregulated gene sets between rupture and control91. For IPA, differentially expressed genes were uploaded into the IPA software, and core analysis was run using a p-value < 0.05 and fold change > 2 or <−2 threshold to identify analysis-ready molecules. These molecules were then overlaid with the Ingenuity pathway knowledge base (IPKB), which employs a right-tailed Fischer’s exact test to identify statistically significant canonical signaling pathways and biological functional activity associated with the gene set. IPA network analysis was also implemented to identify de novo gene network signatures. This analysis employs the assumption that highly interconnected interactions are likely reflective of considerable biological function and thus may reveal functions that may not be captured in traditional, a priori analyses (such as the canonical pathways or diseases and functions)92. Additionally, the networks generated can also be overlaid with either diseases and functions or canonical pathways to provide context of how the de novo-constructed genetic networks are related to traditionally established biologic and molecular pathways.

Histologic validation

A separate cohort of animals was subjected to nerve injury as described above for corroborative immunofluorescence histology on proteins of interest regarding pathways and cell populations identified in the RNAseq analyses. Specifically, we sought to corroborate the repeating motifs of Neurologic Disease, Skeletal and Muscular System Development and Function (abbreviated “Muscle”), Fibrosis, Inflammatory Response, and Cellularity.

Timepoints were determined a priori with an n > 5 per timepoint (total n = 34). Upon harvest, nerves were placed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 30 min then transferred to 30% sucrose overnight before embedding in OCT compound, frozen, and stored at − 80 °C. Longitudinal slices were acquired at 10 μm, and corroborative immunofluorescent staining was performed for genes identified in paths of both GSEA and IPA analyses.

To visualize the microarchitectural features of neurologic disease transcripts, myelin (anti-MBP, 1:500, ab123500, Abcam, Cambridge, UK) and axons (anti-NF200, 1:500, N0142 (N52), Sigma, St. Louis, MO) were examined. Myosin (anti-MYH4 1:1000, Sigma M7523) was stained to corroborate the Muscle category. Pathways implicating fibrosis were validated with staining for collagen1a (anti-Col1a, 1:800, Abcam ab34710), the major collagen of collagenous fibers, and collagen3a (anti-ER-TR7 1:500, Abcam ab51824), the predominant collagen of reticular fibers. All primaries were paired with appropriate secondaries. Images were acquired at × 200 on confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM 800, Jena, Germany) and processed using Zeiss Zen 2.3 software. For the inflammatory response, pan-granulocyte staining against ITGAM (anti-CD11b 1:500, Abcam ab8878), phagocytic proinflammatory macrophages (anti-CD68, 1:500, NBP2-33,337, Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO), and pan helper T-cell (anti-CD4 1:100, Abcam ab183685) were used as corroborative evidence for transcripts implicated in overlap** pathways, with images acquired at × 400. Finally, cellularity, with particular emphasis on the exterior of the nerve, was optimized to nuclei with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining and acquired at × 200.