
Lung adenocarcinoma is the most malignant diagnosed cancer and is the leading cause of cancer death in men worldwide, followed by colorectal and liver cancer1,2. Lung cancer has various preferential sites for metastasis, such as the liver, brain, and bones3. Patients with metastatic lung adenocarcinoma have a poor prognosis and usually survive for fewer than 5 years4. The epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a common mechanism underlying lung cancer cell motility and progression5. It facilitates metastasis by promoting lung cancer cell invasion, migration, and resistance to apoptotic stimuli. Therefore, inhibition of the EMT suppresses metastasis and progression of lung cancer6.

Coumarins, which are well-known condensed benzoheterocycles, are used as medicinal chemicals because they are easily synthetically transformed into a large variety of functionalized structures7. They have various purposes, such as synthesis of medicines8; laser dyes; and compounds with antifungal9, antibacterialFull size image