Background & Summary

The human cell has one pair of sex chromosomes and 22 pairs of other chromosomes. Abnormalities in the total number or structure of chromosomes are referred to as chromosomal aberrations and are the leading cause of genetic disorders1. The conventional sampling method is amniocentesis, during which amniotic fluid from the uterus is aspirated under sonographic guidance. Approximately one in 150 babies have chromosomal abberations2. Common chromosomal aberrations occur on chromosomal pair 13 (trisomy 13), which is associated with Patau syndrome, pair 18 (trisomy 18), which is associated with Edwards syndrome, and pair 21 (trisomy 21), which is associated with Down syndrome. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, these chromosomal aberrations cause 50%–60% of early miscarriages. Karyoty** is clinically important in prenatal genetic diagnosis3.

Karyoty** is a diagnostic method in which characteristic dark and light bandings of chromosomes are visualised on images for examination by physicians or senior technicians. Abnormality is determined according to the number and structure of abnormal chromosomes and sex-related chromosomes. The procedure typically takes approximately 20 min for an experienced examiner. The examiner needs to sort, cut, orient, and rearrange the map** of a raw chromosomal cell, and at least four chromosomal images need to be processed for an individual subject to ensure a correct diagnosis. Chromosomal analysis is labour intensive and is an urgent issue because of increasing shortages of medical manpower. Automated chromosome classification systems are scarce. Most current systems are based on artificial intelligence (AI) approaches involving machine learning and deep learning4,5,6,7. Earlier studies on chromosome classification were based on segmenting overlaps and adherent chromosomes and employed conventional methods like border detection8,9, the watershed method10, and straightening of bent chromosomes11,12. These methods depended heavily on image preprocessing, resulting in distorted chromosome features that could result in misdiagnoses. Recent research in this field has a growing preference for chromosome prototypes over preprocessing.

Chromosomes are classified by basically one of two approaches. The first approach involves the analysis of single chromosomes. This requires a human examiner, takes substantial time and effort, and is often complemented by background image segmentation and noise suppression13. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)14,15 may be used for classifying images; however, the accuracy is unsatisfactory due to low data volume. This approach, due to its repetitiveness and the variability of chromosome features, has limited clinical application. The second approach involves the analysis of original images by using deep learning–based object detection models16,17,18,19,20 to identify and classify chromosomes. For example, DeepACEv221 requires no manual preprocessing and uses object detection as the backbone to frame and classify individual chromosomes, and this is followed by final confirmation and manual editing by a human examiner. This approach is clinically more applicable. In the literature, chromosome images are relatively easy to identify and classify from chromosome images. Despite the simplicity of these images, an examiner must spend substantial time and effort to identify the chromosomes. An automatic chromosome recognition system is essential for handling more difficult images for better clinical application.

The application of AI models for medical imaging is constrained by the complexity of medical images. In a clinical setting, an incomplete AI model would not be practically useful and may even decrease staff productivity. In the event of an incomplete database, the trust of experts and patients cannot be gained22. Many examples of AI in medical research require a large database to improve the credibility and stability of the AI model23,24,25,26,27.

We have developed here a detector called the ‘Automated Chromosome Detector Based on Metaphase Cell Images Using Deep Learning’ that is capable of locating and classifying chromosomes in images. The images used in this study have more chromosome overlaps and adherences than those used in other studies. Chromosome overlaps and adherences can be confusing for specialists. A probabilistic two-stage algorithm was adopted to improve chromosome detection accuracy. The method was trained and validated using data from 5,000 chromosomal images of fetuses. High accuracy (98.88%) was achieved—higher than that achieved by experienced specialists.

The chromosomal images and annotations used to train the detector have been provided in this study. This is the first publicly available large database of chromosome annotations. The database contains 2,000 annotations for single chromosomes and 5,000 annotations for 24 chromosomes [Fig. 1b,c, respectively]. We also provide criteria for defining difficult images and notes from our experts on classifying chromosomes as a series of common points in the clinical recognition of difficult images. What we provide is a good benchmark dataset for researchers in this field that can expedite technical development in this application area. For example, using 5,000 annotations for 24 chromosomes, better accuracy can be achieved. These images can also help develop algorithms and expert recommendations for those images that are difficult to examine. Finally, single chromosome segmentation data can help segment chromosome overlap and adherence or to standardise the orientation of the short arms of chromosomes for examination by clinicians.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example of a raw chromosome image with three annotated datasets. (a) Original chromosome image taken from fetal amniotic fluid; (b) annotation of single chromosomes; (c) annotations of 24 chromosome categories.


Data overview

Our dataset contains three collections, 5,000 annotations of 24 chromosome categories, 2,000 annotations of single chromosome categories, totalling 229,852 chromosomes. The data set was compiled from the data of 1,598 fetuses of pregnant women undergoing prenatal chromosomal studies between 2014 and 2021 at the Cytogenetic Laboratory, Department of Women’s Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital. These data collections were approved by the Internal Review Board of Taichung Veterans General Hospital (IRB no. CE20369B). We informed all subjects and obtained their consent to use their data in relevant research.

Each collection contains a file of images and a file of annotations. Content includes the file name, image size, file path, category, and object box coordinates or segmentation coordinates for each chromosomal image. All chromosomal annotations represent markers made by an assistant trained for 3 months by specialist technicians within the department, and the results were acceptable. When the chromosomal images were collected, they were visually inspected and contained no personal information that could be linked to the subjects.

Annotation methods

We used the Image Labeler apps in Matlab software (version: 2022a) to annotate the chromosomal images. Once finished, all annotations, image addresses, categories, and annotations were stored separately in the Matlab default storage format, gTruth. When another computer language is needed for annotation, the gTruth format is converted to the xml file format. For easy reference, an image is saved as a separate xml file with the same header name (e.g. 104011.jpg is saved as 104011.xml).

In addition to the basic chromosome information, each original chromosome image is accompanied by a karyotype (Fig. 2). First, each chromosome is identified by its characteristics and checked against the karyotype for accuracy. At the end of each chromosome image, the number of chromosomes is checked for accuracy. Finally, each chromosome annotation is checked by another marker to ensure that the correct total number of chromosomes is recorded.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Karyotype (46, XY) produced by an expert processing from the original chromosome map.

Definition of difficult image for recognition

The 5,000 chromosomal notes contain simple and difficult images for identification. A difficult image combines the senior technicians’ perception and identification results of our model. The classification in this study is intended to help other users to develop models that are more compatible with clinical applications. Three kinds of difficult image features are illustrated in Fig. 3a–c. The three definitions of difficult features adopted by the cytogenetic technician are described as follows:

  1. a.

    Multiple chromosomal overlaps: overlaps of two chromosomes can be easily handled by the examiner and by the model, whereas an overlap of more than two chromosomes makes identification difficult.

  2. b.

    Suboptimal banding: in the event of dull colour and unclear features, the examiner needs to adjust the microscope preference to turn images darker; also with poor staining, the dark and light bands appear dull.

  3. c.

    The chromosome is too elongated: for example, if point c often occurs at the same place as point b, the elongated chromosome stretches the band feature and is more prone to overlap.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Examples of difficult image according to three definitions. (a) Multiple chromosomal overlaps; (b) suboptimal dark and light banding; (c) excessively elongated chromosomes.

Data Records

Images and their associated annotations are publicly available on CELL IMAGE LIBRARY, which is a well-known website with a diverse library of cellular images (data set link: We stored images and annotations in folders with the structure shown in BOX 1. The xml format is shown in BOX 2. All 24 chromosome annotations are stored in the file ‘24_chromosomes_object’. Table 1 shows the number of each chromosome type in the data set. Annotations are stored in the annotation files, and images are stored as JPEG files. We categorised the data set into simple and difficult images according to our assessment criteria. The number and proportion of simple and difficult images in the training and test sets are shown in Table 2. The annotated files (xml) of the data sets are stored under the simple file and difficult file directories accordingly.

Table 1 Details of individual chromosomes (training set and testing set).
Table 2 Difficulty and simple image scale.

Single chromosomal annotations are stored in the ‘single_chromosomes_object’ files. Annotations and images are stored in the folders for annotation files and JPEG files, respectively. This data set only provides users with a distinction between chromosomes and backgrounds. Chromosomes are not classified; therefore, having the same number of annotations for the 24 chromosomes is not required.

Three additional csv files are provided. One records the image file names and related descriptions corresponding to the normal cases of chromosomes (file name: normal.csv), another records the cases of abnormal numbers (file name: number_abormalities.csv), and the other records the cases of structural abnormality (file name: structural_abormalities.csv). These relevant descriptions contain information on which pairs of chromosomes are abnormal in number or structure. This information will allow researchers in the field of chromosomal abnormalities to make better use of our database. Table 3 shows the total cases of normal, abnormal number, and structural abnormality in our data set.

Table 3 Total cases of normal, abnormal number, and structural abnormality in our data set.

Comparison with other data sets

Table 4 compares our data set with other chromosome data sets7,10,Full size image

Table 5 shows the detection accuracy for each of the 24 chromosome categories. Detection accuracy was higher than 98.5% for all categories except for pair G22, chromosome X, and chromosome Y, for which the detection accuracy was still higher than 97.4%. The reason for the lower accuracy is that their body size is relatively short compared to the other chromosomes and they are easily covered or overlapped by other chromosomes and not easily detected.

Table 5 Detection accuracy of 24 chromosome categories (testing set).

Figure 5 shows the curve of number of images and model accuracy (%). We started recording with 81.79% accuracy by using 800 images. After increasing the number of images, the accuracy increased dramatically and reached 98.87% by using 2,000 images and 98.91% by using 5,000 images. This result shows that if the number of images in the data set is not large enough, the model cannot achieve good accuracy. Moreover, the images in our proposed data set were all obtained by using the G-banding method. This method uses an AI model that can determine cases with abnormal chromosome numbers or structural variations. In other words, our data set allows researchers to develop highly accurate and clinically practical assisted chromosome detection systems without using chromosome painting images that require expensive and special image analysis systems. This also explains the necessity and value of our data set.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Curve of number of images and model accuracy (%).

Highly accurate AI models are useful in clinical settings; however, they must be trained with large data sets containing images of sufficient complexity. No public chromosome image database with a large number of complex images is available. Furthermore, validating a model is difficult; even if a model can achieve 100% accuracy in a small, private data set, its clinical practicability may not be high. However, our data set exceeds that of existing public data sets in terms of quantity and the complexity of images it contains. Such a data set can be used to verify whether a developed model is actually clinically usable. In addition, considering current clinical regulations, AI cannot completely replace doctors or medical examiners. Most AI is still employed in decision-making assistance roles. Therefore, a model that can feasibly be applied in a clinical setting may be able to increase confidence to a level at which experts finally decide to trust it.

In a previous study, among fetuses with chromosome aberrations, 144 (69.56%) had trisomy 13, trisomy 18, trisomy 21, or sex chromosome disorder, and 63 (30.44%) had balanced translocation, unbalanced abnormality, inversion, or marker chromosome31. Because cases of chromosomal structural abnormalities are relatively rare in the general population, few images with chromosomal structural abnormalities are present in our data set. To allow researchers to develop AI models capable of detecting abnormalities in chromosome structure in the future, we will continue to increase the data on abnormalities in chromosome structure in our data set. To expand our data set, we have organised another four high-quality cytogenetic laboratories in Taiwan and will work together to build a better data set that can be used in clinical applications.