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Extended Data Fig. 2: Global information after BBKNN batch correction and ISG scores throughout clusters/subclusters. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 2: Global information after BBKNN batch correction and ISG scores throughout clusters/subclusters.

From: Map** systemic lupus erythematosus heterogeneity at the single-cell level

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Bar plot displaying the cell composition of the 20 clusters. b, Bar plot highlighting the individual (n = 44) cell abundances across clusters (n = 20) after BBKNN batch effect correction. c,d, Heatmap representing Pearson correlation between individuals (n = 44; c) or SLEDAI categories (d) based on overall scRNA seq dataset. The hierarchical clustering was based on the first 50 PCs. Red and blue colors, indicate positive and negative correlation, respectively. e,f, ISG scores across the clusters (n = 20; e) or SCs (n = 37; f). Based on the average expression IFN modules M1.2, M3.4, M5.12, ISG scores have been calculated for each cell, across the clusters (e), or SCs (f). Erythrocyte cluster was a negative control.

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