
PUD refers to the acid-induced injury of the digestive tract, occurring mainly in the stomach (GU) or proximal segment of the duodenum (DU) with bleeding, perforation or gastric outlet obstruction as the major complication. PUD is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders, with a lifetime prevalence rate of approximately 5–10% in the general populationMethods) reached the significance threshold for PUD or any subtype, of which 9 were new (Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 3). Analysis of the X chromosome identified one known locus at GUCY2F7 for PUD, DU and GU (Supplementary Table 3). Thirteen nonoverlap** significant loci were identified in sex-stratified analysis (thirteen for men and one for women; Supplementary Table 3).

Replication was conducted in individuals from three independent studies, namely BBJ1-12K (1,001 cases), BBJ2-42K (3,637 cases) and TMM13-50K (a population-based study (5,388 cases); Supplementary Table 1 and Methods). The replication datasets were imputed using the 1KG Phase 3 panel and tested for associations of autosomal variants with the same settings as in discovery GWASs. Among the nine new lead variants associated with PUD or subtypes, four were nominally associated (P < 0.05) with PUD or its subtypes in the same direction in at least two replication datasets. Notably, five new loci were replicated in the population-based dataset (P < 0.05 in the same direction; Supplementary Table 4).

Next, we performed an east Asian-specific meta-analysis combining the discovery GWASs and three replication GWASs (ncase = 29,739; ncontrol = 240,675). Fixed-effect meta-analyses using the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method were performed for PUD and PUD subtypes. The genomic inflation factors (λgc) and linkage disequilibrium (LD) score regression (LDSC)14 intercepts ranged from 1.03 to 1.08 and from 1.01 to 1.02, respectively (Supplementary Table 5), indicating no substantial bias. In the EAS-specific meta-analysis, we detected 25 nonoverlap** risk loci associated with PUD or any subtype, including 11 additional new loci (Table 1, Supplementary Fig. 4 and Supplementary Table 6).

Table 1 Significant loci associated with PUD or PUD subtypes from genome-wide meta-analyses

Finally, we collected publicly available European GWASs of PUD and its subtypes using samples from FinnGen and UK Biobank (UKB)5,12,15 (Supplementary Table 7). After quality control (QC) and harmonization (Methods), a fixed-effect, IVW, cross-ancestry meta-analysis (52,032 cases of PUD and 905,344 controls) was performed, combining the Japanese and European studies. Six additional loci for PUD and DU reached the genome-wide significance level (P < 5.0 × 10−8; Table 1, Fig. 2, Supplementary Table 8 and Supplementary Fig. 5). Furthermore, we performed a cross-ancestry meta-regression utilizing MR-MEGA (Meta-Regression of Multi-AncEstry Genetic Association)16 and identified 23 known and described new loci mentioned above in the east Asian-specific and cross-ancestry meta-analyses (Supplementary Table 9). In total, we identified 25 nonoverlap** new loci for PUD and its subtypes in the east Asian-specific and cross-ancestry meta-analyses (Supplementary Fig. 6), although one new locus identified in the discovery stage was not significant in any of the meta-analyses (Supplementary Table 2).

Fig. 2: Manhattan plot of the cross-ancestry meta-analysis for PUD.
figure 2

Two-sided P values were derived from the cross-ancestry meta-analysis of 52,032 cases and 905,344 controls of EAS or EUR ancestry. Meta-analysis was performed using the IVW method under the fixed-effect model. For variants above the top light-gray dashed line (−log10(P) > 20), values are rescaled. Lead variants are annotated with the nearest gene name(s). New loci are highlighted in red. Variants are plotted against GRCh37 (hg19). The bottom dark-gray dashed line indicates the genome-wide significance threshold (P < 5.0 × 10−8). Variants with −log10(P) < 2 were omitted.

Cross-ancestry comparison

With the large available datasets for PUD and its subtypes in EAS, we investigated the shared and distinct risk loci for PUD in EAS and EUR individuals. We compared the per-allele effect sizes of lead variants associated with PUD or any of the subtypes available for both ancestries (Methods). The effect sizes for PUD showed a relatively high correlation (27 variants with minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.01 in both populations; r = 0.79) between the two ancestries, although we detected 9 variants (9 out of 27 effect-size differences (difference in log(odds ratio (OR)) > 0.05); Fig. 3a and Supplementary Table 10). The high correlation remained after the winner’s curse (WC) corrections (Methods, Supplementary Table 11 and Supplementary Fig. 7). To further examine the difference in genetic architecture of PUD between east Asians and Europeans, we conducted a cross-ancestry genetic correlation analysis using Popcorn17 (Methods). The genetic impact was significantly different from 1 (null hypothesis: ρgi = 1) for PUD (Fig. 3b; genetic impact correlation ρgi = 0.65, P = 3.0 × 10−4), indicating the difference in genetic architecture of PUD across ancestries. For the subtypes, effect sizes for DU showed a higher correlation (r = 0.79) across ancestries compared with that for GU (r = 0.63; Supplementary Fig. 8 and Supplementary Table 10). The genetic correlation of GU was relatively low (ρgi = 0.45, P = 7.3 × 10−3), whereas the genetic architecture of DU did not show a significant difference across ancestries (ρgi = 0.72, P = 9.6 × 10−2; Supplementary Table 12).

Fig. 3: Cross-ancestry effect-size comparison and genetic correlation analysis.
figure 3

a, Per-allele effect-size (logarithm of ORs) comparison using east Asian-specific and European-specific summary statistics for PUD. Lead variants associated with PUD or any subtype in east Asian-specific, European-specific or cross-ancestry meta-analysis were selected for comparison. Two-sided P values were derived from the ancestry-specific meta-analyses. The most significant associations were shown if overlap** variants existed (interval <500 kb). Data are presented as effect-size estimates (log(OR)) ± s.e.m. Variants with nominally significant heterogeneity (Cochran’s Q test; two-sided Phet < 0.05) were denoted by the black marker edges. The gray dashed line represents the fitted linear regression line with annotation at the bottom right (P value is derived from a two-sided Student’s t-test for the slope). Pearson’s r is shown. b, Cross-ancestry genetic correlation for PUD, GU and DU estimated by Popcorn. The gray dashed line indicated the null hypothesis (ρ = 1). Asterisks indicate estimates that were significantly <1 (two sided; FDR < 5%). Data are presented as genetic correlation estimates ± s.e.m. Sample sizes are provided in Supplementary Table 12.

Characterization of PUD-associated loci in east Asians

To explore the secondary signals at the identified loci, we conducted a stepwise conditional analysis using COJO18 with an in-sample LD reference for EAS (Methods). We detected four additional independent signals reaching genome-wide significance (P < 5.0 × 10−8) for PUD and three independent signals at the PSCA locus for DU (Supplementary Table 13). The PSCA locus had the largest number of independent associations (three for PUD, four for DU and two for GU and BU). Near the CDX2 and GAST loci, two of the previously reported loci in European individuals5, we detected independent signals at PDX1 (Fig. 4a) and JUP2 (Fig. 4b) loci, respectively (Supplementary Tables 13 and 14).

Fig. 4: EAS-specific secondary signals at PDX1 and JUP.
figure 4

a, Regional plot at PDX1CDX2 locus for PUD association from east Asian-specific meta-analysis. Variants are colored to match the lead SNPs in the highest LD and the extent of LD with the lead variant is shown by a color gradient (red or blue). PIP was derived from fine-map** analysis. Variants are plotted against GRCh37 (hg19). Chromatin states (core 15-state model) are shown for three related tissue types, namely stomach mucosa, duodenal mucosa and pancreas. BivFlnk, flanking bivalent TSS/Enh; Enh, enhancers; EnhBiv, bivalent enhancer; EnhG, genic enhancers; Het, heterochromatin; ReprPC, repressed polycomb; ReprPCWk, weak repressed PolyComb; Quies, quiescent/low; TssA, active transcription start site (TSS); TssAFlnk, flanking active TSS; TssBiv, bivalent/poised TSS; Tx, strong transcription; TxFlnk, transcription at gene 5ʹ- and 3ʹ-ends; TxWk, weak transcription; ZNF/Rpts, ZNF genes & repeats. b, Regional plot at GAST-JUP locus for PUD association from east Asian-specific meta-analysis.

We conducted a fine-map** analysis using SuSiE19 to identify the causal variants. We searched for nonsynonymous variants in 95% credible sets to link the disease-associated loci to potential alteration of protein functions. A total of ten nonsynonymous variants at six nonoverlap** loci were identified, six of which were in new loci for PUD and its subtypes (Supplementary Table 15). Of those, rs2233580 (PAX4; p.R200H; combined annotation-dependent depletion (CADD)20 score = 29.8) was also associated with type 2 diabetes. The variant was common (MAF > 0.05) in 1KG EAS but almost monozygotic in non-EAS populations. Rs4745 (EFNA1; p.D159V; posterior inclusion probability (PIP) = 0.05 for DU; CADD score = 15.2) was common in EAS and EUR and associated with GC. This was the lead variant of cis-splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTLs) for EFNA1 in the stomach and was in high LD with rs4072037 (ref. 21) (lead sQTL variant for MUC1 in the stomach; LD r2 = 0.74 in 1KG EAS). In addition to the missense variants, we found rs4390169 in the credible set (upstream of EFNA1; PIP = 0.06 for DU; in high LD with rs4745, LD r2 = 0.99 in 1KG EAS and EUR) to be the lead variant of cis-protein QTL (pQTL) in plasma for EFNA1 (ref. 22).

In the credible sets of previously reported ABO and FUT2 loci for PUD2,5, we identified rs8176719 (lead variant at ABO locus) and rs1047781 (in the credible sets at FUT2 locus; PIP = 0.63). Deletion of rs8176719 resulted in the O-allele, whereas rs1047781 (p.I140F) was an EAS-specific common variant (MAF = 0.439 in 1KG EAS) and its A-allele determined the FUT2 secretor status. We performed a logistic regression analysis to investigate the correlation of ABO blood group and FUT2 secretor status with PUD. Blood group O (OR = 1.14, P = 6.0 × 10−14) and nonsecretor status (OR = 1.17, P = 2.9 × 10−11) were significantly correlated with a higher risk of PUD, which was consistent for all PUD subtypes (Supplementary Table 16). To investigate the potential interactions between blood group O and nonsecretor status, logistic regression analysis including an interaction term was performed. However, significant interactions (P < 0.05/8, Bonferroni’s correction) were not detected between blood group O and nonsecretor status (Supplementary Table 17).

Overlap of eQTL and pQTL with risk variants for PUD

To detect the functionally relevant genes, we searched the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) v.8 datasets21 for overlap of lead cis-expression QTLs (eQTLs) with PUD signals or their LD proxies (LD r2 > 0.6 in 1KG EAS or EUR)23. The most significant eQTL hits for a gene within each tissue type were interpreted (Supplementary Fig. 9). We identified an overlap of new variants with eQTLs associated with IHH, PLCL2, PTGER4, ZNF322, HIATL1, FAM211B and GGT1 in the stomach.

We searched five recent large-scale pQTL datasets22,24,25,26,27 from serum or plasma for overlap of cis- or trans-pQTL with PUD signals or their LD proxies. We observed overlaps with 88 unique significant pQTL associations, most of which (93.1%) were trans-pQTL and involved the lead SNP at the ABO locus (Supplementary Table 18). The cis-pQTL alleles in LD with PUD risk alleles were associated with increased levels of EFNA1 and OBP2B, and decreased levels of NHEJ1, ABO and GGT1 (the cis-pQTLs overlapped with the cis-eQTLs mentioned above for EFNA1, OBP2B, NHEJ1 and GGT1). For trans-pQTLs in LD with the lead variants, we observed links with multiple proteins, including F8, F10, PROS1 (blood coagulation related) and trefoil factor family peptides (which play important roles in response to gastrointestinal mucosal injury). Additional analysis suggested plausible proteins and pathways (Supplementary Note and Supplementary Table 19).

Genetic correlation and pleiotropic effects

We conducted cross-trait LD score regression28 to evaluate the genetic correlation across PUD-related traits (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Table 20). DU and GU showed significantly high genetic correlations (rg = 0.79, false discovery rate (FDR) <5%) with each other, as expected. Although not statistically significant (FDR < 5%), GU showed a positive genetic correlation with GC (rg = 0.17), whereas DU was negatively correlated (rg = −0.14). We also investigated the genetic correlation of PUD with dietary habits29 and complex traits in BBJ30,31 (Methods); no significant genetic correlation was observed between PUD and other complex traits in EAS (FDR < 5%; Supplementary Figs. 1012 and Supplementary Table 21).

Fig. 5: Effect-size comparison of distinct variants and genetic correlations across PUD-related traits in the east Asian population.
figure 5

a, Genetic correlation among PUD, PUD-related phenotypes and risk factors. *Two-sided P < 0.05; **FDR < 5%. The square size in each cell is proportional to −log10(P). HP infection status determined by anti-HP IgG level; GU_HP+, HP+ GU; GU_HP, HP GU. b, Effect-size comparison for PUD using summary statistics from HP-stratified analysis. PUD(HP+), HP+ PUD; PUD(HP), HP PUD. c, Per-allele effect-size (log(OR)) comparison using EAS-specific summary statistics for DU and GU. Lead variants and secondary signals associated with PUD or any subtype in the EAS population were selected for comparison (GWAS P values are two sided). The most significant associations were shown if overlap** variants existed (interval <500 kb). Only variants with MAF > 0.01 are shown. Black marker edges denote variants with nominally significant heterogeneity (Cochran’s Q test; two-sided Phet < 0.05). The gray dashed line represents the fitted linear regression line with annotation at the bottom right (P values are derived from two-sided Student’s t-tests for the slopes). Pearson’s r is shown. d, Effect-size comparison between DU and GC. Effect sizes for DU were obtained from the EAS-specific meta-analysis. GC summary statistics were obtained from previous GWASs conducted in BBJ1. In bd, data are presented as effect-size estimates (log(OR)) ± s.e.m.

To investigate the pleiotropic effects of distinct variants, we performed a phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) lookup using previous large-scale GWASs in a Japanese population7. Among the 27 available lead variants associated with PUD and its subtypes, 16 reached the genome-wide significance threshold for at least one trait (P < 5.0 × 10−8). From them, 12 variants were associated with at least 2 traits after Bonferroni’s correction (P < 8.6 × 10−6; Supplementary Figs. 1315 and Supplementary Table 22). Both type 2 diabetes (two at SND1PAX4 locus and one at GAST locus) and GC (EFNA1, PTGER4 and PSCA loci) shared three significant variants after Bonferroni’s correction (P < 8.6 × 10−6) with PUD or its subtypes (Supplementary Fig. 16).

HP-stratified analysis

To examine the differences in genetic architectures between HP-induced and HP-unrelated peptic ulcers, we conducted HP-stratified association tests for PUD in HP+ and HP individuals from TMM-50K (Methods and Supplementary Table 23). For the distinct PUD signals identified in the EAS population (29 variants with MAF > 0.01), per-allele effect sizes for PUD between HP and HP+ status were highly correlated (Fig. 5b; slope = 0.84, s.e.m. = 0.07, r = 0.91; Supplementary Fig. 17 and Supplementary Table 24). We identified one lead SNP (rs12792379), specifically associated with HP+ PUD, at CCKBR (OR = 1.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.05–1.34 for HP+ PUD; OR = 1.01, 95% CI = 0.92–0.11 for HP PUD) and one HP GU locus near ZNF169 (rs12347577; Cochran’s Q test, Phet < 0.05). On the other hand, the lead variants in the most significant locus at PSCA did not show significant heterogeneity in effect sizes (Phet < 0.05). Colocalization analysis suggested that HP+ PUD and HP PUD shared the causal variant in PSCA (PP4 > 0.8 for PUD; Supplementary Table 25).

Genetic analyses revealed heterogeneity of GU

To further explore the similarities and differences of genetic architecture between GU and DU, we first compared the effect sizes of distinct signals identified in east Asians (lead variants and independent secondary variants) for GU and DU (Fig. 5c and Supplementary Fig. 18). Notably, the effect sizes for GU showed a strong correlation with those for DU (29 variants with MAF > 0.01, r = 0.92), which was concordant with the high genetic correlations described above. However, the effect sizes for GU were systematically smaller than those for DU (intercept = 0.01, slope = 0.43 and s.e.m.slope = 0.03), with 19 variants (19 of 29 = 65.5%) showing significant heterogeneity (Phet < 0.05) in Cochran’s Q test (Supplementary Table 26). To further verify the findings and avoid potential biases for the comparisons, we compared (1) the effect sizes of distinct signals of GWASs in TMM-50K, FinnGen15 and UKB12, (2) the effect sizes generated by excluding BU samples in the association tests in BBJ1-180K (that is, no common case in the comparison) and (3) TMM-50K-derived statistics with BBJ1-180K-derived statistics (that is, no common control in the comparison). In any of these comparisons, GU showed high correlation (for variants with MAF > 0.01, r = 0.75–0.90) with DU, although with smaller effect sizes than DU (Supplementary Figs. 1921 and Supplementary Tables 2729). Furthermore, we utilized SBasyesS32 to estimate the SNP heritability and polygenicity (defined as the proportion of SNPs with nonzero effects) using HapMap3 (ref. 33) SNPs from EAS-specific summary statistics (Methods). Approximately 0.22% of the variants were estimated to have nonzero effects for PUD. Compared with DU, GU showed moderately higher polygenicity but lower heritability (PiGU = 0.24%, PiDU = 0.10%; Supplementary Figs. 2223 and Supplementary Table 30). The results demonstrated that GU and DU showed a high genetic correlation with most risk loci shared and suggested higher heterogeneity of GU34.

Finally, using the summary statistics derived from TMM-50K, we generated polygenic risk score (PRS) models with PRS-CS35 comprising 1,029,637 variants and tested the PRS in BBJ1-180K for associations with PUD or PUD subtypes to investigate the genetic overlap among PUD and PUD subtypes. Compared with HP+ PRS, HP PRS generally showed stronger associations with PUD or PUD subtypes. The strongest association was between DU PRS and DU (OR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.20–1.25, ΔR2 = 0.94%). DU PRS (OR = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.06–1.10, ΔR2 = 0.13%) showed a stronger association with GU than GU PRS (OR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.03–1.06, ΔR2 = 0.05%; Supplementary Table 31). The results further validated that GU shares risk loci with DU while having higher heterogeneity than the latter.

Pleiotropy of PUD risk variants on GC

Considering that DU appears to be a protective factor against GC, we conducted two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR)36 to evaluate the causality of PUD or its subtypes on GC. Summary statistics for GC in EAS were obtained from a previous study in BBJ1-180K, which included approximately 6,500 cases30 (Methods). Summary statistics for PUD and its subtypes were obtained by conducting a meta-analysis combing three replication datasets. Although PUD and its subtypes showed significant (P < 0.05/15, Bonferroni’s correction) protective effects against GC using the IVW method (Supplementary Table 32), MR-Egger analysis suggested significant pleiotropy for the instruments (Supplementary Table 33). MR-PRESSO37 was utilized to correct for the horizontal pleiotropic variants (ranging from six to seven for each exposure). The outlier-corrected MR showed no significant effects of PUD or its subtypes on GC (Supplementary Table 34). We note that splitting samples and removing outliers may cause power loss (Supplementary Fig. 24).

To evaluate the pleiotropic effects of PUD risk variants on GC risk, we compared the effect sizes of distinct signals in EAS between PUD subtypes and GC. For 23 available variants existing in both datasets, we found the effect sizes for DU to be negatively correlated with that for GC (slope = −0.33, s.e.m.slope = 0.10; Fig. 5d, Supplementary Table 35 and Supplementary Fig. 25). It was noteworthy that lead variants linked to EFNA1 (encoding Ephrin A1, a member of the EFN family), PTGER4 (encoding the receptor for prostaglandin E2) and PSCA showed relatively strong but opposite effects on DU and GC (Supplementary Table 35). This suggested that the alleles of these variants, which increased the risk for PUD, could decrease the risk for GC. When removing the three variants from the regression, negative correlation was not observed for the 20 variants (slope = −0.06, s.e.m.slope = 0.10; Supplementary Fig. 25), indicating that negative correlation between DU and GC was largely affected by the three variants.

Gene-based and gene-set analysis

Gene-level analysis using MAGMA38,39 (Methods) detected 29 genes significantly associated with PUD (P < 6.5 × 10−7; Supplementary Table 36), 45 genes associated with DU and 15 genes associated with GU, in the EAS population. In total, 47 distinct genes were associated with PUD or PUD subtypes. Multiple genes identified in gene-level analysis were reportedly related to GC (PTGER4 (ref. 40), PRKAA1 (ref. 41), GNAQ42, GNAS43, NHEJ1 (ref. 44), IHH45 and JUP46). Based on the gene-level statistics, we additionally performed pathway enrichment analysis and identified one gene set after Bonferroni’s correction (nikolsky_breast_cancer_8q23_q24_amplicon, including genes within amplicon 8q23-q24 identified in a study of breast tumors47; P < 8.0 × 10−7; Supplementary Table 37).

Tissue- and cell-type specificity analysis

We tested the tissue-level specificity employing MAGMA39 with GTEx v.8 datasets21 in EAS individuals to investigate the tissue types related to PUD and its subtypes. Significant genetic enrichments (FDR < 5%) were observed in the stomach, pancreas, small intestine and kidney for PUD, in the stomach, pancreas and prostate for DU and in the stomach for GU (Fig. 6a and Supplementary Table 38).

Fig. 6: Tissue- and cell-type specificity analysis.
figure 6

a, Associations across PU phenotypes and 30 general tissue types analyzed using MAGMA with east Asian-specific summary statistics and the GTEx v.8 dataset. The −log10(P) (one-sided P values) are shown. b,c, Associations between PUD and cell types in the stomach and duodenum analyzed using MAGMA (b) and LDSC (c) (testing for enrichment of the 10% most specific genes in each cell type). IVW meta-analysis combined statistics from east Asian and European ancestries for each method. The x axis shows −log10(P) (one-sided P values) derived from meta-analyzed estimates. In a, b and c, the red bars imply significant associations after corrections for each analysis (FDR < 5%). Only the ten most significant associations for each phenotype are shown.

To further characterize specific cell types associated with PUD in the gastric and duodenal tissues, we utilized publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets of the human stomach and duodenum48. We performed cell-specificity analysis using LDSC49 and MAGMA in EAS and EUR individuals, respectively (Methods). To increase statistical power, we conducted a fixed-effect meta-analysis combining EAS and EUR results for each method (Methods and Supplementary Figs. 2631). For PUD, we found that stomach D cells reached the significance threshold (FDR < 5%) in the analyses of both MAGMA and LDSC (Fig. 6b,c and Supplementary Tables 39 and 40). In addition, duodenal enterochromaffin cells (EC cells), stomach antral EC cells and stomach tuft cells were significantly (FDR < 5%) associated with PUD, as per MAGMA (Fig. 6b). Somatostatin produced by stomach D cells inhibits the secretion of a variety of gastrointestinal hormones, including the gastrin secreted by stomach G cells which stimulates gastric acid secretion. EC cells secrete serotonin (5-HT, a neurotransmitter) with diverse gastrointestinal functions and tuft cells (chemosensory epithelial cells) secrete interleukin-25, driving the type 2 immune response to parasitic infection. Together, the findings suggested the important role of gastrointestinal hormone regulation and immune response in PUD etiology.


Our GWAS meta-analyses of PUD and PUD subtypes discovered 33 autosomal susceptibility loci, of which 25 had not been reported in previous GWASs (19 in east Asian-specific analysis and 6 in cross-ancestry analysis). The loci were mostly shared across ancestries with strong correlations of effect sizes. Our cross-ancestry analysis emphasized the high genetic correlation of DU and suggested the heterogeneity of GU across ancestries. The larger effect sizes of MUC1 and MUC6 in populations of EUR ancestry are in reasonable agreement with their critical roles in the protection from NSAID-induced injury, given the much lower prevalence of HP infection in western countries compared with that in east Asian populations50.

Multiple new loci (PAX4 (ref. 51), PDX1 (ref. 52), IHH53 and SLC22A3 (ref. 54)) and reported loci (CCKBR, CDX2 and GAST) were found to be related to cell differentiation or gastrin signaling. By integrating scRNA-seq datasets, we identified the association of PUD with certain hormone-secreting cells, including stomach D cells (somatostatin) and stomach antral and duodenal EC cells (5-HT). The potential roles of D cells and EC cells are discussed in Supplementary Note. Our results also showed the signal at CCKBR (encoding the receptor for gastrin) to be HP+ specific. The PUD risk allele of the lead SNP (rs12792379) is in LD with the eQTL allele associated with higher CCKBR expression in multiple tissues21, including esophagus mucosa. It has been widely shown that HP-elicited cytokines stimulate gastrin release55. It is likely that the increased gastrin level induced by HP will interact with altered expression in CCKBR, leading to dysregulated gastric acid secretion and altered susceptibility to apoptosis56,57. Taken together, our results provided genetic evidence of gastrointestinal cell differentiation and hormone regulation being critical in PUD etiology.

As expected, we observed high genetic correlation between GU and DU and nominally significant genetic correlations between PUD and its risk factors (Supplementary Note); effect-size comparisons demonstrated that GU shared risk loci with DU, but had smaller effect sizes than DU. Polygenicity of GU was higher than that of DU. SNP-based heritability estimate for DU (liability scaled) was almost twice as high as for GU. In addition, DU PRS showed a stronger association with GU than GU PRS in east Asians. The results revealed the genetic difference between GU and DU and reflected a higher heterogeneity of GU58,59,60.

We found three variants (linked to EFNA1, PTGER4 and PSCA) to have relatively large pleiotropic effects on DU and GC. EFNA1 suppresses tumor growth whereas PGE2 supports tumor growth by promoting angiogenesis40,61. PUD risk alleles resulted in increased levels of EFNA1 and reduced levels of PTGER4, whereas GC risk alleles were associated with a decreased level of EFNA1 and an increased level of PTGER4. This suggested that the risk alleles of variants at EFNA1 and PTGER4 for GC (nonrisk alleles for PUD) potentially benefited peptic ulcer healing while imposing an increased risk for GC through upregulated cell proliferation and angiogenesis. In addition, we also detected multiple PUD risk, cancer-related genes (for example, IHH, GNAS, NHEJ1, JUP and MECOM), which provided potential targets contributing to the different outcomes of PUD or GC. No causal effects were identified in the outlier-corrected MR in the present study, which may suffer from the power loss caused by sample split and removal of variants. Further research is warranted on the protective role of DU against GC.

Although we identified multiple associations, the present study has several potential limitations. First, the phenotypic information of PUD and subtypes was obtained via interviews and reviews of medical records. However, the prevalence rate of PUD was consistent with that in previous epidemiological studies; our study replicated most of the previously identified loci and the new biological findings are feasible, which suggested the relatively high reliability of the results. Second, due to the lack of information about the chronological order of PUD onset and anti-inflammatory drug use at PUD onset in the present study, the specific interaction of NSAIDs with host genetic factors was underexplored. Third, detailed information on the anatomical site of the ulcers or the strains of HP was not available. Fourth, the variants identified by fine-map** and the overlaps in association signals identified by lookup approaches might result from tagging distinct causal variants, and the meta-analysis fine-map** using BBJ1-180K as LD reference might be miscalibrated62, which should be interpreted cautiously. Despite the Biobank-scale cohort for HP-stratified analysis, the statistical power is still limited for certain analyses. Even though our subtype analysis revealed the overall similarities and differences in genetic architecture, a large sample size and more detailed classifications are still warranted to elucidate the potential heterogeneity further.

In summary, the present study approximately quadrupled the number of risk loci for PUD and its subtypes and improved our understanding of the genetic architecture of PUD. The findings provided insight into the biological pathways involved in PUD pathogenesis and potential links between PUD and GC. We demonstrated that, besides HP-related loci, host genetic factors potentially involved in gastric hormone regulation, cell differentiation and proliferation might play important roles in PUD pathogenesis. Our single-cell analysis further revealed the association of 5-HT-secreting EC cells, somatostatin-secreting stomach D cells and stomach tuft cells with PUD, indicating their key role in PUD etiology.


Study participants

We included four cohorts for east Asian-specific meta-analysis including BBJ1-180K, BBJ1-12K and BBJ2-42K from the BioBank Japan Project10, and TMM-50K from Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank63. Further details on each cohort are described in Supplementary Note. Sample overlap was checked in BBJ1-180K, BBJ1-12K and BBJ2-42K by merging three datasets and estimating the identical-by-descent sharing, and the number of potentially overlap** samples is minimal (<0.06%; Supplementary Fig. 32).

The clinical characteristics of these cohorts are provided in detail in Supplementary Table 1. The research project was approved by the ethics committees at the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo (application no. 29-74-A0215) and Iwate Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Iwate Medical University (application no. HG H25-2).

Phenotype definition

In the present study, we assessed PUD, which is a combination of the two major subtypes, namely DU and GU. Cases with PUD were obtained from the combination of individuals with any of the two major PUD subtypes (DU and GU). Clinical information for cases with GU and DU was obtained via interviews and reviews of medical records using a standardized questionnaire in BBJ1-180K, BBJ1-12K and BBJ2-42K, and by self-administered questionnaires in TMM-50K63.

Individuals with comorbidities of GU and DU were additionally categorized into group BU. Individuals without a given diagnosis of peptic ulcers or any HP-related diseases (GU, DU or GC) were used as control samples (Supplementary Table 1). The cohorts and phenotypes that were first reported in the present study have been summarized in Supplementary Table 41.

Genoty** and imputation

All samples included in the east Asian-specific analysis are genotyped using commercially available genoty** arrays. QC of autosomal genotypes was performed as described previously. Detailed information on genoty** arrays and QC procedures are provided in Supplementary Note64.

Pre-phasing was conducted using Eagle2 (v.2.4.1; Imputation was performed with Minimac4 (v.1.0.2; using the 1000 Genomes Project Phase 3 (ref. 11) v.5 (1KGp3v5) ALL panel ( BBJ1-12K and BBJ2-42K were additionally imputed with the 1KG high-coverage reference panel66 (GRCh38). For chromosome X, haplotypes were pre-phased for men and women, and variants were imputed separately in men and women using the same software. Imputed variants with R2 < 0.3 were excluded in the association analysis. More than 12 million variants were included in the discovery-stage association analysis.

Genome-wide association analysis

Single-variant association analysis was performed with SAIGE (v.0.44;, which implements a generalized mixed model with SPA correction controlling for case–control imbalance and cryptic relatedness. The regression included age, sex and the top ten PCs as covariates. For step 1, LD-pruned genotyped variants (PLINK–indep-pairwise 50 5 0.2, with MAF > 1% were used to estimate the null models with leave one chromosome out (LOCO). Variants with MAC < 20 were excluded from the association tests (step 2). For sex-stratified analysis, single-variant association analyses were performed with SAIGE, adjusting for the same set of covariates other than sex in men and women.

For association tests of the X chromosome, variants were tested separately in men and women using the corresponding null models estimated by autosomes in each sex. Haploid-based dosages of the nonpseudo autosomal region of men were multiplied by 2. The results for each sex were then meta-analyzed using IVW methods implemented in METAL software (v.2011-03-25,

Genome-wide significant loci were determined by iteratively extending 500-kb flanking regions around the most significant variant until no genome-wide significant variant (P < 5.0 × 10−8) was detected within the extended regions. The most significant variant in each locus was selected as the lead variant. Loci for different traits with lead variants within 500 kb of each other were considered the same, denoted by the most significant lead variant from the locus. Significant variants in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region (GRCh37, chromosome 6: 25–34 Mb) were counted as one locus due to the complexity of the region.


We performed LDSC (v.1.0.0; to examine the bias caused by confounding factors, such as population stratification or cryptic relatedness. We employed the LD scores provided by authors for the east Asian population, which were estimated from 1KG EAS individuals. To convert observed-scale heritability to liability-scale heritability, the population prevalence rates in east Asian populations were set to 6.2%, 6.9%, 10.8% and 1.8% for DU, GU, PUD and BU, respectively. The prevalence rates were estimated from the population-based TMM-50K and were similar to those in previous epidemiological studies16 was used to perform cross-ancestry meta-regression with four axes of genetic variation derived via multidimensional scaling. P values were recalculated using the χ2 statistic due to the lack of support in MR-MEGA for P < 1.0 × 10−14.

Genetic correlation estimation

To assess the genetic correlation between PUD and common binary traits and quantitative traits in east Asian populations, we used cross-trait LDSC28 with LD scores estimated from 1KG EAS individuals. East Asian summary statistics were obtained from previous GWASs in BBJ29,30. The MHC region was excluded.

To evaluate the cross-ancestry correlations of genetic effect for PUD and subtypes between EAS and EUR, Popcorn (v.1.0: was used with pre-computed cross-ancestry LD scores estimated from 1KG EUR and EAS populations. For these analyses, meta-analyzed summary statistics of PUD in EAS and EUR for HapMap3 SNPs (without the MHC region) were used.

Blood group and secretor status interaction analysis

ABO blood groups for unrelated individuals used in discovery-stage GWASs in BBJ1-180K (KING kingship coefficient72 <0.0884, n = 164,613) were inferred from two genotyped variants described previously2. Secretor status was inferred using the best-guess genotype of imputed variants rs1047781 (p.Ile140Phe)73, where AA or AT genotypes are secretors and TT are nonsecretors. Logistic regression was performed to examine (1) the association of blood group or secretor status with PUD and (2) blood group O-secretor status interaction. Details on the logistic regression are described in Supplementary Note.

Conditional analysis by COJO

GCTA-COJO (v.1.93.2; was employed to perform conditional analysis in each significant locus identified in EAS-specific meta-analysis of PUD and subtypes. We constructed an LD reference panel using the best-guess imputed genotype of 20,000 randomly selected and unrelated individuals of east Asian ancestry from BBJ1-180K. Stepwise model selection was conducted first to select independent association signals (P < 5.0 × 10−8) and a joint analysis of these selected signals was performed next. Variants with MAF > 0.01 were included in the analysis.

Fine-map** and variant annotation

Fine-map** was conducted using SuSiE (v.0.11.92; with default configurations while allowing ten putative causal variants within each locus. Unrelated individuals (KING kingship coefficient <0.0884, n = 171,085) from BBJ1-180K were used as LD reference, computed by LDstore (v.2.0; based on the imputed dosages.

We defined regions based on the 3-Mb window centered at the lead variants and merged them if the window overlapped. Only variants with R2 ≥ 0.5 were included in fine-map**. We reported the missense variants in credible sets, which have a 95% probability of harboring one causal variant.

Variants identified in the GWASs were annotated using ANNOVAR (v.2020-06-07; -protocol refGene,avsnp150,clinvar_20200316; Chromatin states (core 15-state model) for stomach mucosa and duodenum mucosa were obtained from the Roadmap Epigenomics Project76. Allele frequencies for variants not available in population-specific meta-analysis were obtained from the Genome Aggregation Database77 ( or the 1KG. LocusZoom78 was used to create the region plot.

HP-stratified analysis

To investigate the interaction of HP with host genetic factors for the development of peptic ulcers, we performed HP-stratified analyses in HP+ and HP individuals from TMM-50K. HP infection status was determined by anti-HP serum immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibody, measured by the latex agglutination immunoassay. Individuals with anti-HP serum IgG antibody titer ≥10 U ml−1 were categorized as HP+. Association tests were performed with the same settings as in the discovery-stage GWASs. Cochran’s Q and I² statistics (calculated by R package metafor v.3.4: were used to test the effect-size heterogeneity between HP+ and HP GWASs for each subtype. As stratified analysis could reduce power and lead to false-negative results, we estimated the power of GWASs of HP PUD for the identified HP+-specific variant. (Supplementary Fig. 36).

Colocalization analysis was conducted using the coloc package (v.5.1.0; for each significant locus identified in EAS meta-analysis under a single causal variant assumption. For loci with multiple independent signals identified in the conditional analysis, coloc was applied to the signals identified by SuSiE81.

Estimation of polygenicity using SBayesS

To estimate the polygenicity (defined as the proportion of SNPs with nonzero effects) and the strength of negative selection (defined as the relationship between MAF and effect sizes, and denoted by S) for PUD, we utilized SBayesS from GCTB software (v.2.0: SBayesS employs a Bayesian mixed linear model and reports the posterior means of SNP-based heritability, polygenicity estimates and a metric that indicates negative selection.

An LD reference panel for EAS was constructed using the approach described previously32. For a crosstrait comparison of polygenicity estimates in EAS, we included 42 binary traits of BBJ1 in the analysis35. Details of the construction of the LD reference and parameters for SBayesS are provided in Supplementary Note30.

PRS construction and evaluation

PRS models for PUD and PUD subtypes were constructed in east Asians. We used the summary statistics derived from replication GWASs and HP-stratified analysis in the population-based Japanese cohort TMM-50K. PRS-CS (v.2021-Jun-4, and Python (v.3.8.8) were employed to compute PRS models using HapMap3 SNPs with an EAS-specific LD reference panel from the 1KG. Global shrinkage parameters were obtained from the data by PRS-CS using a fully Bayesian approach (PRS-CS-auto). We applied the models in BBJ1-180K and then tested the associations of PRS with PUD and PUD subtypes using logistic regression adjusted for age, sex and the top five PCs. We evaluated the predictive ability of each PRS model by its improvement of the area under the curve and R2 on the liability scale82 over a base model that includes age, sex and the top five PCs.

Two-sample MR analysis

MR analysis was performed using TwoSampleMR36 to evaluate the causality of PUD or its subtypes on GC. To avoid sample overlap between the exposure and outcome, we conducted an additional meta-analysis combing GWASs for PUD and its subtypes in BBJ1-12K, BBJ2-42K and TMM-50K. A total of 23 available independent variants identified in the EAS-specific meta-analysis were used as instrumental variables. To avoid bias caused by weak instruments, we further estimated per-variant F statistics for each exposure and removed variants with F < 10 from the instrumental variables for the exposure. MR-PRESSO37 was employed to correct for the horizontal pleiotropic variants. The summary statistics for GC were obtained from the previous study conducted in BBJ1-180K30. Statistical power for MR was approximately estimated using methods described previously83. Compared with MR using all available variants, the pleiotropic outlier correction may result in insufficient power (Supplementary Fig. 24).

Gene-based analysis and pathway analyses

Gene-based and pathway analyses were performed using MAGMA (v.1.08: implemented in FUMA (v.1.3.8: An LD reference panel constructed from 1KG EAS population was used. A total of 19,033 protein-coding genes (ENSEMBL84 v.92) were tested. The results of the gene-based analysis were then employed to conduct gene-set enrichment analysis with a total of 15,485 curated gene sets and gene ontology terms from MsigDB65 v.7.0. We conducted pairwise comparisons of the −log10(P) values generated by MAGMA, using a range of window sizes to evaluate the robustness of the association results in gene-based, tissue-type specificity and cell-type specificity analyses discovered by MAGMA; the effect of window size selection was marginal (Supplementary Figs. 3739).

Per-allele effect-size comparison

For pairwise effect-size (logarithm of ORs) comparison among PUD, PUD subtypes and GCs in the EAS population, we selected the nonoverlap** (interval between adjacent variants >500 kb) lead variants identified by EAS-specific meta-analysis and the independent signals identified by COJO analysis. For loci associated with two or more phenotypes, we selected the most significant associations (lead variants with the lowest P value) for comparison. Effect sizes in EAS-specific meta-analysis were used for PUD and PUD subtypes. Summary statistics for GCs were obtained from a previous study in BBJ1-180K13. For cross-ancestry comparison of variant effect sizes, we included all nonoverlap** lead variants associated with PUD or any subtypes in population-specific meta-analysis or cross-ancestry meta-analysis. Associations, with the lowest P values, of loci associated with more than one phenotype were selected for comparison and effect sizes in the population-specific meta-analysis were used. Cochran’s Q test was used to test heterogeneity across the effect sizes. In addition, we compared the WC-corrected effect sizes of the lead variants identified in the EAS meta-analysis in the present study and the variants reported in UKB5 using the methods described previously85,86.


To investigate whether variants associated with PUD were also associated with other human complex traits in EAS, statistics of the nonoverlap** lead variants and secondary signals for 215 case–control and quantitative traits were obtained from BBJ PheWeb ( The LD proxy (LD r2 > 0.6) with the highest r2 estimated from 1KG EAS was used if a variant was unavailable in the datasets. After multiple-test corrections, the significance threshold was set to P < 8.6 × 10−6.

Tissue- and cell-type specificity analysis

MAGMA38 gene-property analysis implemented in the SNP2GENE method of FUMA39 was employed for tissue-type specificity analysis with gene expression profile from the GTEx v.8 dataset21. A total of 54 nondiseased tissue types and 30 general tissue types were tested. Tissue types with an FDR < 5% were considered significant.

To identify the cell types associated with PUD in the stomach and duodenum, processed scRNA-seq datasets of the human stomach and duodenum were obtained from a previous study48, which filtered for cells with >1,500 transcripts per cell and genes expressed by at least three transcripts in at least one cell. A total of 13,980 genes for 19 cell types in the stomach and 17 cell types in the duodenum were included in the study. The top 10% most specifically expressed genes based on fold-change (defined as the average transcript counts of all cell types except the target cell type divided by the average transcript counts of the target cell type) were extracted for each cell type. SNPs in cell-type-specific genes were used to compute partitioned LD scores in the 1KG Phase 3 EAS or EUR population. The gene coordinates were extended by a window size of 100 kb to capture the effects of regulatory elements. Stratified LDSCs49 were performed using the partitioned LD scores of cell-type-specific genes, partitioned LD scores of all available genes in the dataset and the baseline model of 53 annotations for each ancestry on HapMap3 SNPs, excluding the MHC region (downloaded from

We performed gene-set enrichment analysis using MAGMA with the cell-type-specific gene sets described above. We used 1KG Phase 3 EAS and EUR population datasets as reference panels. Variants with MAF < 0.01 or in the MHC region were excluded from the analysis. The gene coordinates were extended by window sizes of 35 kb upstream and 10 kb downstream. IVW meta-analysis was performed using statistics of both ancestries for each method to increase statistical power. P values were calculated using the one-tailed test. Cell types with FDR < 5% within each expression dataset were considered significant.

The eQTL and pQTL analyses

To characterize the effect of variants on gene expression level, we extracted LD proxies (with LD r2 > 0.6) in EAS or EUR 1KG Phase 3 with the lead variants and secondary signals in EAS. We extracted only significant SNP–gene pairs with FDR < 5% (pre-computed by the authors) from GTEx v.8 (ref. 21). We checked the overlap between the lead variants and secondary signals (including proxies) and cis-eQTL variants in GTEx v.8. The most significant cis-eQTL association for each gene in each tissue was selected for interpretation.

To characterize the effect of variants on protein level, we extracted LD proxies (with LD r2 > 0.6) in EAS or EUR 1KG Phase 3 with the lead variants and secondary signals in EAS. We extracted genome-wide significant SNP–protein associations from five published, large-scale pQTL studies in recent years22,24,25,26,27, conducted in individuals of mainly European ancestry. We then checked the overlap between the lead variants (including LD proxies) with cis- and trans-pQTL. The most significant association for each protein was selected for interpretation.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.