
Pre-messenger RNA (mRNA) splicing (hereafter RNA splicing) is one of the most important post-transcriptional processes for eukaryotic gene expression1 and is required for plant and animal development2,3. Compared with animal development, plant development not only depends heavily on proper environmental conditions, but also is negatively impacted by adverse environments4,5. The effects of environmental factors on plant development involve the functions of multiple plant hormones including auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) and abscisic acid (ABA)4,5. The hormonal regulation of environmental effects on development is largely controlled by transcription factors4, as well as epigenetic processes involving microRNA, DNA methylation and histone methylation4,5. RNA splicing is carried out by the spliceosome, a complex of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins6 and involves the recognition of GU-AG or AU-AC consensus at the exon–intron boundaries by splicing factors (SRs)7. Splicing factors and regulators are important for several plant processes, including flowering time8, circadian rhythms9, stress response10 and plant defence11. However, relatively little is known about transcript-specific regulation of splicing for genes that are essential for development. Furthermore, molecular mechanisms of specialized factors for regulation of RNA splicing remain largely unknown.

The exon ends are recognized by SRs to ensure accurate splicing in plants and animals6,12. In addition, SRs bind to specific motifs in pre-mRNAs, termed exon splicing enhancers and/or intron splicing enhancers, to initiate spliceosome assembly13,14. Exon sizes are less variable than intron sizes, averaging 150 nucleotides in vertebrates and 180 nucleotides in plants15,16,17,18. Exons with typical sizes and exon splicing enhancers can associate with the spliceosome for efficient splicing19,20, whereas shorter exons generally lack sufficient sequence motifs and require additional regulators for accurate splicing21. Unusually short exons (<51 nucleotides), called micro exons, are widely found in both plants (for example, >8,000 in ~6,000 Arabidopsis genes) and animals (~13,000 in humans)22,23. Such micro exons have been found to be essential15,16,24; for example, in humans and mice, conserved micro exons have been found in brain-specific transcripts and implicated in neurogenesis and brain functions22,23.

In plants, the importance of micro exons in gene functions has been suggested by their identification in 10 diverse species25 and by their presence in genes crucial for transcriptional regulation, cell division, stress response, protein modification and metabolism22,23,25,26,27. Specifically, micro exons are generally found in MIKC (MADS domain, I region, K domain, and C-terminal domain)-type MADS-box (an acronym of MCM1, AGAMOUS, DEFICIENS and SRF) genes and AP2 (APETALA2) family members encoding putative transcription factors from analyses of 63 plant species27. These genes include all core floral homeotic genes, AGAMOUS (AG), APETALA1 (AP1), APETALA2 (AP2), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) and SEPALLATA4 (SEP4), and their micro exons are conserved across angiosperms27. Micro exons in MADS-box genes encode portions of the K domain27, which is important for tetramerization28,29. Indeed, the reduced inclusion of such a micro exon in the floral MADS-box gene SEP3 caused abnormal flower development28,30. In addition, AP2 family genes containing conserved micro exons include those in the AP2 subfamily (such as TARGET OF EAT1 (TOE1)) and the ERF subfamily (such as SMALL ORGAN SIZE1 (SMOS1)), which are also required for normal development in Arabidopsis and rice27,31. Moreover, a conserved nine-nucleotide micro exon encoding a portion of the AP2 domain in WRI1 (WRINKLED1) is crucial to fatty acid synthesis in Arabidopsis and plants27,32. However, regulators for micro-exon retention have not been reported for any transcripts in plants.

Only a few studies have identified factors regulating micro-exon splicing in animals. In humans and mice, transcriptome analyses of multiple tissues identified >2,500 alternative splicing (AS) events and the micro exons of 3–27 nucleotides affected by AS are highly conserved and potentially regulatory in brain development22. The retention of such micro exons was increased in tissue culture expressing the neuronal splicing factor nSR100/SRRM4, suggesting that nSR100 promotes micro-exon inclusion in some mRNAs; this was further supported by the finding that brains of individuals with autism have both reduced nSR100 levels and misregulated splicing of micro exons22. The RNA-binding protein RBFOX1 was found to bind to intronic sequences adjacent to 145 brain-specific micro exons, suggesting a role in regulating the inclusion of micro exons; in addition, a poly-pyrimidine-binding protein, PTBP1, was reported to reduce the retention of micro exons23. However, the mechanisms of these three RNA-binding proteins in regulating micro-exon splicing remain unclear. Moreover, animal splicing factors for micro exons of 27–50 nucleotides have not been reported. Furthermore, exons slightly larger than micro exons (51–100 nucleotides) are also found in plant and animal genomes (for example, Arabidopsis, rice and human)15,16,18 and defined as small exons in this study. Splicing of small exons might also be facilitated by additional factors; for example, the N1 exon in the mouse c-src gene and the IDX exon in the human LGH gene are inefficiently spliced in vitro by reconstituted spliceosomes, whereas artificially extending the N1 exon to 109 nucleotides increased its retention efficiency20,33. These observations suggest that the proper splicing of small exons also benefits from additional regulation33, but such regulators have not been reported in either plants or animals.

Pre-mRNA sequence characteristics also impact accurate splicing, such as intronic poly-pyrimidine tracts, which are generally required for splicing and recognized by known SRs: SRp40, SF2, SRp55, SC35 and U2AF65 in humans14. For micro exons, the aforementioned nSR100, RBFOX1 and PTBP1 proteins are suggested to bind poly-pyrimidine (poly(Y)) motifs in the neighbouring introns to regulate micro-exon splicing for a small fraction (hundreds) of animal genes with micro exons22,23. Notably, the replacement in imperfect poly(Y) tracts of a purine by a pyrimidine in the upstream introns improved retention of short internal exons19, suggesting the importance of such sequence characteristics in diverse transcripts for normal splicing. However, sequence motifs in the exons and their binding proteins for micro-exon splicing in plants and animals remain unknown.


GRP20 encodes a predicted non-classical RNA-binding protein

Glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) are important for seed germination, root development, stress response and pollen development34,35. Two hnRNP (heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins)-like GRPs, GRP7 and GRP8, were found to bind to RNAs and affect the AS of nearly 100 transcripts using RT (reverse transcription)-PCR36. GRP7 also regulates the splicing of its own pre-mRNA in feedback control associated with the circadian clock37 and promotes AS of FLM to control flowering time38. These observations suggest that other GRPs might function in RNA binding and splicing. Our early transcriptomic analyses identified GRP20 as expressed in all tissues tested and more highly in flowers (Fig. 1a), suggesting a role in the flower and possibly other processes. Moreover, the similar expression levels in leaves between GRP20 and a constitutively expressed gene EF1α (Supplementary Fig. 1a) suggest that the level of GRP20 expression in leaves is not very low, just much lower than its level in flowers. To obtain clues about the molecular functions of GRP20, we examined the domain organization of GRP20. GRP20 has a putative nuclear localization signal (NLS, residues 12 to 25; Fig. 1b); however, there were no annotated domains in the C-terminal region. We used the catRAPID and RNAbindPlus programs to investigate whether GRP20 could potentially bind to RNA (Extended Data Fig. 1a). The two programs predicted GRP20 as an RNA-binding protein, with a predicted RNA-binding domain (RBD; residues 92 to 115; Fig. 1b,c and Extended Data Fig. 1b,d), and probably belonging to a non-classical type of RNA-binding protein (Extended Data Fig. 1c). We further used two other programs (DRNApred and PPRInt) to identify likely core amino acid residues for RNA binding (Extended Data Fig. 1a) and identified several aromatic (W/Y) and charged (K/R/D) amino acids as potentially having higher affinities for RNA (Extended Data Fig. 1e–g). Moreover, we annotated a highly disordered region (HDR, residues 119 to 153) in the C-terminal region of GRP20 (Fig. 1b). The relatively high floral expression and multiple predicted protein domains (Supplementary Fig. 1b–d), as well as preliminary mutant phenotypes, suggested that GRP20 is an excellent candidate for functional investigation.

Fig. 1: Pre-mRNA splicing events in WT and grp20.
figure 1

a, Relative expression levels of GRP20 in several Arabidopsis organs and structures: stage 1–5 flowers (including the inflorescence meristem), stage 6–11 flowers, stage 12–14 flowers, stems, roots, siliques, rosette leaves and cauline leaves. GRP20 is generally expressed in multiple tissues. The data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. from three biological replicates. b, The GRP20 protein domain structure, with an NLS, an RBD and an HDR. c, A Venn diagram of overlap for genes with splicing defects in flowers and/or leaves. d, GO category analysis of genes with defective transcripts in flower-specific, flower and leaf overlap**, and leaf-specific groups. The GO categories are shown for those with FDR < 0.05 (Mann–Whitney U test with 95% confidence intervals). GO enrichment is ranked 1–9 from yellow to red. Red indicates higher enrichment. aCategories highly enriched in the flower: histone and DNA modification enzymes, transcription factors for flower development, cell-division-related genes, ABCDE floral homeotic genes (MADS-box and AP2 family genes), LOB domain genes and lipid synthesis. bCategories highly enriched in the leaf: genes for signal transduction and for drought and immune stress response. cCategories highly enriched in both the leaf and flower: transcription factors for leaf development, DNA replication, RNA splicing, flowering time, ground tissue development, starch synthesis, lipid binding proteins and protein ubiquitination and those that broadly respond to temperature, hormone, osmotic stress, salt stress and lipids. TF, transcription factor.

GRP20 regulates splicing of genes for development and response

The putative RNA-binding domain suggests that GRP20 might regulate RNA processing. To test a possible role of GRP20 in RNA splicing, we used two T-DNA (transfer-DNA of the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens) insertional grp20 alleles (Extended Data Fig. 1h,j) with greatly reduced GRP20 expression (Extended Data Fig. 1i). We examined possible effects of grp20-1 on RNA splicing in flowers and leaves by transcriptomic analyses and identified 839, 508 and 685 genes with various defects in splicing detected only in the flower, in both the flower and leaf, and only in the leaf, respectively (Fig. 1c). For convenience, the most abundant transcript detected in the wild type (WT) is referred to as the ‘typical transcript’, whereas other transcripts are referred to as alternative transcripts (sometimes also called ‘defective transcripts’ if detected only in the grp20 mutant). Gene Ontology (GO) category analyses revealed that categories for chromatin modification and organization, cell cycle regulation, flower organ formation, phospholipid and pigment synthesis, and response to auxin and heat are highly enriched in defective transcripts found only in flowers (Fig. 1d). In addition, categories of biosynthesis and metabolism, transcriptional regulation, circadian rhythm and RNA metabolism are enriched in defective (alternatively spliced) transcripts detected in both flowers and leaves (Fig. 1d). Furthermore, signal transduction and diverse environmental response including response to temperature (heat and cold), osmotic, salt, light, drought, lipid and immune stresses are enriched in transcripts showing defects only in leaves (Fig. 1d). Therefore, GRP20 is an important splicing regulator of genes that probably play roles in plant growth and environmental responses.

Our analyses indicate that there were five types of alternative transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 2a) in flowers (Fig. 2a, Extended Data Fig. 2b,d and Supplementary Table 1) and leaves (Fig. 2b, Extended Data Fig. 2c,d and Supplementary Table 1). In particular, increased floral transcripts in grp20 with exon skip** were detected for several MADS-box genes (AP1, AP3, AG, STK and SEP4) and AP2 (Figs. 1d and 2c, and Extended Data Figs. 2e–g and 3), suggesting the importance of GRP20 in the splicing of flower transcripts. Also, splicing changes were observed for genes regulating cell division, such as CYCH;1 (exon skip** (ES)) and HOBBIT (alternatively spliced intron (ASI); Fig. 1d and Extended Data Fig. 3), and for epigenetic regulation, such as LHP1 (alternative 3′ splicing sites (A3SS)) and SUVH9 (ES) in flowers (Figs. 1d and 2c, and Supplementary Table 1). Moreover, genes related to hormonal signalling and stress responses, including auxin responsive factors and heat shock proteins, were enriched among genes with increased alternative transcripts in both grp20 flowers and leaves (Figs. 1d and 2c), whereas transcripts of housekee** genes, such as meristem stem cell regulator WUS, were similar to the wild type in flowers, suggesting that GRP20 regulates proper splicing of a specific subset of florally expressed pre-mRNAs. Notably, alternatively spliced transcripts with ES, ASI, A3SS and alternative 5′ splicing site (A5SS) were observed in leaves for genes that are responsive to diverse stresses, such as AP2 family genes for abiotic stresses, NPR4 for disease response and others (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Table 1), suggesting that GRP20 has a broad impact on splicing of genes involved in environmental responses. Moreover, notably increased numbers of reads for alternatively spliced transcript were detected in grp20 leaves compared with the WT for epigenetic regulators and those of flowering time, such as HDT4 and MADS-box genes (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Table 1). In addition, alternative transcripts were detected in grp20 leaves, but not in the WT, for genes in circadian rhythm and protein ubiquitination (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Table 1). The differences in splicing of transcripts of crucial genes in grp20 indicate that GRP20 is a novel regulator of RNA splicing for genes important for development and predicted for environmental responses. Transcriptional regulatory genes are generally affected in both grp20 flowers and leaves. Among 1,717 annotated transcription factors in 58 gene families, distinct families are enriched among those with alternative transcripts in the flower and/or leaf (Extended Data Fig. 2f). In addition to MIKC-type MADS-box genes, LOB (lateral organ boundaries) domain genes related to reproduction were highly enriched in the grp20 flower (Extended Data Fig. 2f,g). However, stress-responsive and leaf developmental factor genes including WRKY (WRKYGQK heptapeptide) and NAC (an acronym of NAM, ATAF1-2 and CUC2) family members were enriched among genes with alternative transcripts in the grp20 leaf (Extended Data Fig. 2f,h). Moreover, MYB-related, bHLH, bZIP and AP2 family members were observed with alternative transcripts in both flowers and leaves (Extended Data Fig. 2f,i), supporting the idea that GRP20 affects the splicing of transcripts for multiple regulators of transcription (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b). We then estimated the levels of the typical transcripts for MADS-box genes, AP2 and LOB domain gene AS2 using RT-qPCR (RT-quantitative PCR) and found that they were reduced significantly in the grp20 flower to about 40–60% of the WT levels (Figs. 2e and 3a). In addition, the levels of typical transcripts in the grp20 leaf for ING2, WRKY and RHC1A genes were also reduced to about 50–80% of the WT levels (Fig. 2f), supporting the changes in splicing observed in transcriptomic analyses.

Fig. 2: Splicing events in WT and grp20 flowers and leaves.
figure 2

a,b, Number of genes whose transcripts had pre-mRNA splicing defects (ES, A3SS and A5SS) in grp20 flowers (a) and leaves (b). Flower specific, different transcripts found only in flowers. Flower and leaf, different transcripts found in both flower and leaf. Leaf specific, different transcripts found only in leaves. c, ΔPSI of alternative transcripts in grp20 and WT flowers, for floral homeotic genes (MADS-box genes and AP2), AP2 family genes, LOB domain genes, histone-binding genes, DNA and histone writers, and stress-responsive genes. Data are shown as the absolute value of ΔPSI (ABS (ΔPSI)) in c and d. P values for all transcripts in c and d are <0.05. The ΔPSI and P value of each affected transcript are shown in Supplementary Table 1. ES, A3 (A3SS), A5 (A5SS) and AI (ASI) at the bottom represent the splicing type in the transcripts. Type indicates the corresponding splicing defective category: ES, A3SS, A5SS and ASI. d, ΔPSI of alternative transcripts in grp20 and WT leaves, for histone and DNA modification genes, WRKY and NAC transcription factors, MADS-box genes, circadian rhythm genes, protein ubiquitinating genes and genes that respond to ABA and light. e,f, Relative levels of wild-type transcripts of skipped exons of floral homeotic genes in grp20-1 flowers (e), and WRKY family genes, histone methylation binding gene ING2 and protein ubiquitination gene RHC1A in grp20-1 leaves (f). P (AG) = 0.0033; P (STK) = 0.00018; P (AP3) = 0.0055; P (PI) = 0.0017; P (AP2) = 0.0013; P (SEP4) = 0.0081; P (AP1) = 0.00078; P (ING2) = 0.0031; P (WRKY20) = 0.0097; P (WRKY26) = 8.27 × 10−5; P (RHC1A) = 0.00301. The primers are listed in Supplementary Table 7. The data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. from three biological replicates for e and f. **P < 0.01, two-sided Student’s t-test in e and f.

Source data

Fig. 3: Micro- and small-exon skip** in grp20 flowers and leaves, and RNA expression of floral homeotic and LOB domain genes.
figure 3

a, Relative levels of alternative floral transcripts with affected exons of floral homeotic genes and AS2 in different genotypes (shown as mean ± s.e. from three biological replicates). The P value is shown in the following order (from left to right) in a and j by two-sided Student’s t-test, **indicate P < 0.01 and NS indicates not significant: WT versus GRP20, WT versus grp20-1, WT versus GRP20 (RBDm) and WT versus GRP20ΔHDR. For AP1, P = 0.13, 1.9 × 10−5, 0.0005 and 0.0026; for SEP4, P = 0.16, 0.00017, 0.003 and 0.0013; for AG, P = 0.37, 0.002, 0.024 and 0.00056; for STK, P = 0.12, 0.00058, 0.0029 and 0.00017; for AP3, P = 0.32, 0.0003, 0.0064 and 3.5 × 10−5; for PI, P = 0.09, 0.0039, 0.0081 and 0.00037; for AP2, P = 0.11, 0.00041, 3.4 × 10−5 and 0.0017; for AS2, P = 0.92, 0.0028, 0.0027 and 0.00086. For primer information, see Extended Data Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 7. b,c, The length distribution of skipped exons and all exons in the genes in flowers (b) and leaves (c), with two-sided Student’s t-test. The lower bound, maxima, minima, centre and upper bound of box plots (from left to right) are shown as follows: for skipped exon in b: 40, 2,131, 2, 48 and 88.5; for all exons in b: 48, 2,131, 2, 151.56 and 247.26; for skipped exon in c: 61, 2,757, 5, 83 and 131; for all exons in c: 93, 2,757, 5, 169.29 and 286.13. d,e, Venn diagrams for overlaps for 238 skipped exons in grp20 flowers (d) or 265 skipped exons in grp20 leaves (e), with exons of various size ranges. f, The enrichments were indicated by two asterisks as the fraction of skipped exons larger than twice the corresponding referenced exons. Fractions of exon numbers in various size ranges to total exons (reference) and skipped exons in various size ranges to total skipped exons in grp20 flowers and leaves. g, Two asterisks indicate enrichments that the fraction is larger than 0.0025. Fractions of skipped exon numbers to total exons in various size ranges in grp20 flowers and leaves. h, GO category analysis of genes with affected micro-exon skip** in grp20 flowers and leaves, shown for those with P < 0.05 (Mann–Whitney U test with 95% confidence intervals). i, Illustrations of AP3, AP2 and LBD2 gene structures with positions of forward (F) and reverse (R) primers for qRT-PCR of specific transcripts. Blue boxes, exons; thin lines, introns; orange boxes, wild-type micro exons; red boxes, skipped micro exons in AP3 and AP2. A green box in LBD2: an alternative extra exonic region (A5SS) in LBD2. The red dotted boxes below gene structures are enlargements of the affected regions of AP3 and AP2; dashed lines, introns and the skipped micro exons; thick pink line below each gene structure, the region as control for amplifying both wild-type and alternative transcripts. j, Relative expression of AP3 and AP2 transcripts with micro-exon skip**, or alternative 5′ site in LBD2, in flowers by RT-qPCR. For AP3, P = 0.83, 4.14 × 10−6, 0.00041 and 6.4 × 10−6; for AP2, P = 0.9, 3.31 × 10−5, 8.01 × 10−6 and 3.46 × 10−7; for LBD2, P = 0.22, 0.00083, 0.0011 and 5.49 × 10−5. The data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. from three biological replicates for a and j.

Source data

We also investigated the differential gene expression level between WT and grp20 stage 1–12 flowers and leaves with three biological replicates (Extended Data Fig. 4c and Supplementary Table 2), allowing the identification of 217 downregulated genes including GRP20 and 493 upregulated genes (Extended Data Fig. 4d) (~2% of total genes, 710 of 35,000) in flowers. Specifically, the expression levels of known homeotic genes and other MADS-box genes, LOB domain genes and other flower developmental genes were not significantly different between the wild-type and grp20 flowers (Extended Data Fig. 4e). Thus, the grp20 mutation does not affect the mRNA levels of most floral regulatory genes, but specifically affects RNA splicing. However, about 2,800 downregulated genes including GRP20 and 1,600 upregulated genes were identified in grp20 leaves (Extended Data Fig. 4f and Supplementary Table 2). It is possible that splicing defects for various environmental stress-responsive genes in leaves led to feedback on gene expression and greater numbers of the differentially expressed genes in the leaves than in the flowers.

GRP20 regulates micro-exon and small-exon splicing

To assess the parameters of GRP20-targeted transcripts for ES, we examined the lengths of affected exons in grp20 flowers and leaves. The results indicated that the average length of affected exons was 50 nucleotides in both flowers and leaves, much shorter than that of all exons in flowers and leaves (Fig. 3b,c) and below the average exon length of 180 nucleotides in plants. The Arabidopsis genome contains 150,204 exons in 23,910 genes with more than one exon and 12,867 genes without an intron. Among 150,204 exons, as mentioned before, >8,000 are micro exons found in ~6,000 genes; in addition, 39,025 small exons (51–100 nucleotides) are present in 12,525 genes (Fig. 3d,e and Extended Data Fig. 5a,b). Among the Arabidopsis micro exons, 185 (in 183 genes) have fewer than 10 nucleotides, 1,132 (999 genes) have 10–25 nucleotides and 6,745 (4,962 genes) have 26 to 50 nucleotides (Fig. 3d,e, Extended Data Fig. 5a,b and Supplementary Table 3). As a further test for map** efficiency of the transcriptome datasets, we examined the results for additional micro exons with ≤25 nt. Among 1,186 genes with 1,317 annotated micro exons of ≤25 nt, 863 genes showed expression in flowers with detected reads. The reads for 851 genes were mapped to gene regions including micro exons, resulting in the detection of 922 micro exons, whereas reads for 12 genes were mapped to regions lacking micro exons. In the grp20 mutant flowers, reads for 839 genes were mapped to regions including micro exons (reads for 24 genes were in regions lacking micro exons), with detection of 912 micro exons, although no additional micro exons had notable difference in splicing between WT and grp20. These results indicate that nearly all micro exons with ≤25 nt of florally expressed genes were detected in both WT and grp20 transcriptome datasets.

We found that 238 exons were skipped in 211 grp20 floral transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 5), including 59% (140 of 238) micro exons (120 with 26–50 nucleotides) and 20% (48 of 238) small exons (51–100 nucleotides; Fig. 3d,f and Supplementary Table 3). In addition, 265 exons were skipped in 226 leaf transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 5), with 26% (69 of 265) and 53% (140 of 265) being micro exons and small exons, respectively (Fig. 3e,f and Supplementary Table 3). Among exons of different sizes in the genome, the skipped micro exons in flowers and both the skipped micro and small exons in leaves were enriched (Fig. 3g). Only small numbers of micro exons and small exons were skipped in both floral and leaf transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 5c,d). These results indicate that GRP20 preferentially promotes proper retention of micro and small exons with largely distinct sets of targets in flowers and leaves. To obtain additional clues regarding the functions of affected transcripts with missing micro or small exons, we identified several enriched GO categories (Fig. 3h and Supplementary Table 3) including floral organ identity, meiosis, transcriptional regulation, RNA modification and metabolism for floral transcripts, and transcriptional regulation, stomatal opening, autophagy, cell differentiation, cell death and environmental responses for leaf transcripts (Fig. 3h and Supplementary Table 3). The results suggested that GRP20 is a major regulator for micro-exon and small-exon splicing for genes involved in or annotated for plant growth and environmental responses. Moreover, other exons affected by GRP20 are in genes also implicated in normal development and predicted for response to environment (Supplementary Table 3).

As GRP20 is expressed at lower levels in the leaf than in the flower, it is possible that leaf transcripts might show micro-exon skip** more frequently. To test this idea, we compared 20,810 genes expressed in both the WT flower and leaf and detected reads supporting skip** of 23 micro exons in the leaf and skip** of 21 other micro exons in the flower. It is possible that the regulation of micro-exon retention in the leaf might involve other unknown factors.

Micro exons with 10 to 50 nucleotides (Fig. 3d) are enriched in floral homeotic genes in flowers, and some of them had alternative transcripts with skipped micro exons in grp20 flowers (Fig. 3h), including a micro exon encoding a part of the K domain in several floral homeotic MADS-box genes (AP1, SEP4, SEP3, AG, STK and AP3). In addition, a micro exon encoding a part of the AP2 domain in AP2 and TOE2 was skipped in some grp20 floral transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 3). In particular, 5–22% reads for MADS-box and AP2 transcripts lacking the micro exons were detected in grp20, but not in the WT (Extended Data Fig. 3). Also, transcripts lacking micro exons were observed for genes regulating cell division, such as CYCH;1 (Extended Data Fig. 3). The levels of alternative transcripts showing micro-exon skip** in AP3 and AP2, and A5SS in LBD2, were found to significantly increase in grp20 relative to that in WT (Fig. 3i,j). The increased production of such alternative transcripts in grp20 flowers missing an exon and containing other splicing differences might have caused a reduction of the annotated WT protein level and activity.

Identification of putative GRP20 homologues among plants

As a first step to learn whether GRP20 function in RNA splicing might be conserved among plants, we retrieved the sequences of putative GRP20 homologues from 14 representative angiosperms. Earlier in this study, we described three GRP20 functional domains, NLS, RBD and HDR (Fig. 1b). A comparison of GRP20 with its putative homologues indicates that the GRP20 RBD exhibits sequence similarity to corresponding regions in the GRP20 homologues (Fig. 4a). Moreover, the putative GRP20 homologues also have predicted NLS with positively charged amino acid residues (Fig. 4a), suggesting that they might also be nuclear proteins. Although the GRP20 HDR, by its disordered nature, does not require a specific sequence for function, we analysed the corresponding regions of putative GRP20 homologues for their disordered propensity by using a computational program with Vmodel and βmodel, which supported the C-terminal region of each of the 14 putative GRP20 homologues with disorder characteristics (Vmodel < 0.56 and βmodel > 0.9; Fig. 4a).

Fig. 4: Identification of putative GRP20 homologues among plants.
figure 4

a, The alignment of NLS (residue 12 to 25, red box), the putative RBD (residue 90 to 114, blue box) and highly disorder region (residue 119 to 153, green box) in GRP20 homologues from 15 angiosperm species, including 9 eudicots (in the top clade of the tree), 4 monocots (in the second clade), water lily (Nymphaea colorata) and Amborella (A. trichopoda, sister to other angiosperms). The positively charged amino acids, the R, K and H region (residue 12 to 17), in NLS are highlighted in light red. The residues in GRP20 RBD predicted to bind RNA are indicated with asterisks above the GRP20 amino acid sequence: 103W, 105Y, 106K, 107K, 110G and 111R. Specifically, 103W, 105Y, 106K and 107K (red asterisks) were altered in a mutant construct to test for RNA binding, as shown in Fig. 7 and Extended Data Fig. 8. The disorder confidence scores along HDRs and whether HDRs can undergo condensation formation of putative GRP20 homologues are shown by Vmodel and βmodel (β-turn propensity). The ParSe program was used in this prediction. Vmodel < 0.56 and βmodel > 0.9 indicate that the domain is intrinsically disordered and prone to undergo condensation formation or fold to a stable conformation. b,c, The heat maps of copy number with affected micro exons in grp20 flowers (b) and leaves (c) among 13 angiosperms (Arabidopsis to Amborella). The orthogroups including MADS-box genes and AP2 family genes (including nearly all floral homeotic genes), cell cyclin genes (NOT9B, CYCH;1 and Rcd1L), transcription factors (homeodomain-like gene GT-1 and homeobox gene ATML1), epigenetic regulators (H3K4 methylation reader ING2, chromatin remodeler BSH and histone methyltransferase), proteosome-degradation genes (MATH-BTB domain genes BPM1, BPM2 and BPM3), acclimation of photosynthesis to environment gene APE1 and other essential genes are indicated in the right panel of the flower heat map. Orthogroups including transcription factors (MADS-box gene AGL42), epigenetic regulators (NAP1;2), protein ubiquitination genes (RING/U-box genes), ABA responsive genes (ERA1), protein chaperons (DnaJ genes), splicing factors (SR33 and SR1) and protein kinases are indicated in the right panel of the leaf heat map.

A crucial function of GRP20 is to promote micro- and small-exon retention; thus, we examined the orthogroups including genes with affected micro exons and small exons. Among the orthogroups with at least one gene that has a micro exon affected in grp20, a majority have only 1–5 genes (61 of 90 flowers and 33 of 63 leaves; Fig. 4b,c, Extended Data Fig. 5e and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4); this pattern is also found for orthogroups containing genes whose small exons are affected (Extended Data Fig. 5e and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). Specifically, affected micro exons were present in MADS-box gene (ABCE genes and others) and AP2 gene family members (AP2, TOE2 and WRI4) and are conserved (Fig. 4b and Extended Data Fig. 5f), suggesting that these transcripts also needed to be properly spliced for normal function in other plants. In addition, other conserved genes affected by micro-exon skip** include cell division and differentiation genes (CYCH;1, NOT9B and Rcd1L), epigenetic factor, transcription factors and others (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). Moreover, drought-responsive proteins, epigenetic factor and meiotic gene are among the genes with small-exon skip** in flowers (Supplementary Table 3). On the other hand, genes with leaf transcripts affected by micro-exon skip** are those for transcriptional regulation, hormone response and splicing (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4); for genes affected by small-exon skip** in the leaf, the implicated functions include response to hormone and stresses, leaf morphology, induction of cell death and poly-pyrimidine tract binding (Supplementary Tables 3 and 4).

GRP20 is required for normal floral organ development

The effects of GRP20 on floral RNA splicing, especially micro-exon retention of crucial floral homeotic MADS-box and AP2 genes (Figs. 3a,j and 4b, and Extended Data Fig. 3), suggest that GRP20 might be involved in flower development. Thus, we investigated flower development of the grp20 mutants (Extended Data Fig. 1h). Compared with wild-type flowers (Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 6a), about 30% of grp20 flowers showed organ defects, including altered numbers of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels (Fig. 5a,b, Extended Data Fig. 6a,b and Supplementary Table 5); the total number of grp20 floral organs also varied from 12 to 20 (Fig. 5c and Supplementary Table 5). Other grp20 floral organ abnormalities included reduced petal length and angle between the distal margins, stamens with fused filaments or anthers, abnormally large anther with a shorter filament and others (Extended Data Fig. 6c,d). Moreover, organ identity defects were found in grp20 flowers, including chimeric (fused) organs with petal-like and stamen-like portions, stamen–carpel portions and sepal–carpel parts (Fig. 5d and Extended Data Fig. 6e–g); finally, floral meristem defect was also infrequently seen with a complete floral bud occupying the position of the sepal (Extended Data Fig. 6a, bottom left panel), resembling an ap1 mutant flower. To verify that the defects were caused by the grp20 mutation, we introduced a fusion of the GRP20 promoter with its coding region into the grp20 mutant background (Extended Data Fig. 6h) and found that flowers of transgenic plants were normal (Fig. 5b,c and Extended Data Fig. 6a,c,d). Therefore, GRP20 is required for normal flower development and affects organ patterning.

Fig. 5: Floral phenotypes in the wild type and grp20 mutants.
figure 5

a, The floral phenotypes in the WT and grp20 mutants. The yellow letters and numbers at the top right of each panel indicate the corresponding organ and number in the flower. P, petal; S, stamen. In WT flowers, there were four petals and six stamens; in grp20-1 flowers, four to five petals and five to eight stamens; and in grp20-2 flowers, one to five petals and four to seven stamens. Yellow arrows and asterisks indicate extra organs (petal or stamen, arrows) and chimeric organs (fusion of petal and stamen tissues, asterisks), respectively. White arrows indicate abnormal carpels. Scale bar = 1 mm. b, Number of floral organs in flowers of different genotypes (flower counts: WT, 80; grp20-1, 85; grp20-2, 90; comple., 95). In grp20 mutants, there were three to five sepals, two to six petals, two to eight stamens and two to four carpels whereas the wild type had four sepals, four petals, five to six stamens and two carpels. Data are presented as the fraction (ratio) of the floral organ number to the total organ count in b and c, and detailed flower counts are shown in Supplementary Table 5. For examples, all 80 flowers of the WT have 4 sepals; therefore, the fraction of 4 in the WT is 1 (80/80). However, among 85 flowers of grp20-1, 74, 9 and 2 flowers have 4, 5 and 6 sepals, respectively. Therefore, the fractions of 4, 5 and 6 sepals in grp20-1 are 0.870 (74/85), 0.106 (9/85) and 0.024 (2/85), respectively. The P values are shown in the following order (from left to right) in b and c: WT versus grp20-1, WT versus grp20-2 and WT versus complementation. For ‘Sepal’, P = 0.0167 and 0.01; for ‘Petal’, P = 0.0063 and 0.0082; for ‘Stamen’, P = 0.0014 and 0.0045; for ‘Carpel’, P = 0.013 and 0.018. c, The total organ number in a WT flower, grp20 mutants and the complementation line (flower counts: WT, 60; grp20-1, 75; grp20-2, 48; comple., 66); 35% and 28% of the flowers in grp20-1 and grp20-2, respectively, showed abnormal organ numbers. From left to right, P = 0.007 and 0.0025. In b and c, ‘Comple.’ is the complementation line with ProGRP20::GRP20-YFP in the grp20-1 background. Data are presented as mean ± s.d. for indicated flower counts; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, two-sided Student’s t-test. d, The floral organ identity phenotypes of grp20 mutants. The normal petal and stamen in the WT are shown in the first two panels. Chimeric organs between the petal–stamen, stamen–carpel and sepal–carpel in the grp20 mutants are shown in the other four panels. Scale bars = 500 μm. The yellow asterisks point to specific fused organs.

To further test whether the grp20 floral defects were related to the reduced function of floral regulatory genes exhibiting splicing defects, we generated relevant double mutants and examined their floral phenotypes. For example, the grp20-1 pi-1 double mutant showed a relatively reduced number of sepal-like organs in the second whorl (Fig. 6a,b and Supplementary Table 5), consistent with the idea that a part of grp20 defects was due to reduced PI WT transcript. In addition, the grp20-1 pi-1 flower produced unfused carpels with more than four stigmata, more severe than pi-1 single mutants (Fig. 6a,b and Supplementary Table 5), in agreement with the observation that genes other than PI also were alternatively spliced in grp20 flowers. Similarly, the grp20-1 ag-1 double mutant also showed floral defects different from those of ag-1, including a decreased number of first-whorl sepals (Fig. 6a,b and Supplementary Table 5). Double mutants of grp20-1 and as2-1 reduced the number of stamens and flower (organ) size compared with single mutant as2-1 (Fig. 6a,b and Supplementary Table 5). In addition, double mutants of grp20-1 with mutations in other floral homeotic and LOB domain genes including ap1, ap2 and lbd7 also showed more severe defects than the corresponding single mutants in some aspects of floral organ identity and morphology (Extended Data Fig. 6i), supporting the idea that GRP20 regulates flower development, at least in part by affecting the splicing of some homeotic genes and organ boundary genes (Extended Data Fig. 4a).

Fig. 6: RBD is required for flower development.
figure 6

a, The flower phenotypes of grp20-1 pi-1, grp20-1 ag-1 and grp20-1 as2-1 double mutants. Scale bar = 1 mm. The yellow arrows indicate the stronger phenotypes in double mutants compared with single mutants: more stigmatic tissues in grp20-1 pi-1 and shorter petals in grp20-1 as2-1. The asterisk indicates an abnormal chimeric organ. The yellow letters and numbers at the top right of each panel indicate corresponding organs and numbers in the flower. P, petal; S, stamen; St, stigmatic tissue. b, Number of floral organs in flowers of single and double mutants. The number of sepal-like organs in the second whorl and stigmatic tissues in pi-1 and grp20-1 pi-1 (flower counts: pi-1, 19 for sepal-like organs and 14 for stigmatic tissues; grp20-1 pi-1: 19 for sepal-like organs and 19 for stigmatic tissues). The number of first-whorl sepals in ag-1 and grp20-1 ag-1 (flower counts: ag-1, 19; grp20-1 ag-1, 19). The number of stamens in as2-1 and grp20-1 as2-1 (flower counts: as2-1, 20; grp20-1 as2-1, 21). From left to right, P = 0.041, 5.24 × 10−6, 0.015 and 8.74 × 10−4. ce, Analyses of transgenic plants expressing GRP20 proteins with normal or mutant RBD (RBDm), as shown in Extended Data Fig. 9a. c, Relative protein expression levels in transgenic plants. Anti-histone 3 was used as a loading control. d, Mature flowers in transgenic plants. Yellow letters at the top right of each panel indicate the organ and corresponding number. Scale bars = 1 mm. e, Floral organ numbers in transgenic plants. Flower counts: ProGRP20::GRP20-YFP grp20, 25; ProGRP20::GRP20 (RBDm)-YFP grp20, 25; and grp20-1, 25. From left to right, for ‘Sepal’, P = 0.042 and 0.043; for ‘Petal’, P = 0.0024 and 2.08 × 10−5; for ‘Stamen’, P = 0.0085 and 0.0022; for ‘Carpel’, P = 0.033 and 0.027. For b and e, data are presented as mean ± s.d. for indicated flower counts; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, two-sided Student’s t-test.

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To further test whether the grp20 floral defects were related to the skip** of micro exons in transcripts of floral regulatory genes, we generated transgenic plants that contain fusions of the native promoter to the normal floral gene coding complementary DNA (cDNA; containing micro exons) for one of the A, B and E functions, including (1) A function, AP1 and AP2; (2) B function, AP3 and PI; and (3) E function, SEP3 and SEP4, in the grp20-1 background (Supplementary Fig. 2a–c). These transgenic plants produced flowers with partially restored phenotypes consistent with the increased levels of one of the ABE functions, including floral organ number and morphology compared with those of grp20 (Supplementary Fig. 2e,f), suggesting that they are able to partially rescue the defects in grp20 mutants. As controls, transgenic plants were also generated expressing the corresponding transgenes (AP1 and AP2, AP3 and PI, SEP3 and SEP4) lacking the micro exons. Although these transgenes were expressed at similar levels (Supplementary Fig. 2c,d), the transgenic plants showed flower defects similar to those of the grp20 mutants (Supplementary Fig. 2e,f). These results indicate that the function of GRP20 in flower development is at least in part dependent on micro-exon (and small exon) splicing of floral regulatory genes.

Similarly, we introduced transgenes for either the full-length AS2 coding sequence (CDS) or a 5′ alternatively spliced AS2 transcript into the grp20-1 background (Supplementary Fig. 2a,b,d). We found that the defects of size and morphology are partially rescued in transgenic plants with full-length AS2 CDS (Supplementary Fig. 2e), but the transgenic plants with the 5′ alternatively spliced AS2 transcript showed similar flower size and morphology to those of grp20-1 (Supplementary Fig. 2e). The results further support the idea that proper splicing regulated by GRP20 is important for normal flower development.

As the floral homeotic genes encode transcription factors, we wondered whether some of the genes differentially expressed in grp20 flowers were due to the defects in homeotic genes. Hence, we searched 9,279 potential target genes of ABCE MADS-box proteins (usually activators) and 1,703 potential target genes of the AP2 protein (a known repressor) supported by public ChIP–seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing) results (Extended Data Fig. 7a–d and Supplementary Table 6)39,40 and found 87 downregulated genes (40%) among putative MADS-box protein targets and 59 upregulated genes (12%) among putative AP2 targets (Extended Data Fig. 7e,f and Supplementary Table 6), suggesting that the splicing defects in these floral regulatory genes might have in turn caused differential expression of some of their target genes in grp20 flowers. Therefore, GRP20 probably affects floral organ patterning by regulating splicing of nearly all ABCE floral homeotic genes. Moreover, as floral homeotic genes and GRP20 are highly conserved among flowering plants, it is possible that the role of GRP20 in the regulation of RNA splicing and flower development is conserved among at least some angiosperms.

To test the above hypothesis, we transformed grp20-1 with fusions of the Arabidopsis GRP20 promoter to cDNAs of GRP20 homologues from cabbage (Brassica rapa, BrGRP20), soybean (Glycine max, GmGRP20), rice (Oryza sativa, OsGRP20) and Amborella (Amborella trichopoda, AmGRP20; Supplementary Fig. 3a,b). The GRP20 homologues showed slightly lower expression levels compared with that of AtGRP20 (Supplementary Fig. 3c); nevertheless, the BrGRP20 transgenic plants showed almost normal flowers, and GmGRP20 transgenic plants showed less severe defects in floral organ number and morphology when compared with grp20 (Supplementary Fig. 3d,e), supporting the idea that BrGRP20 is able to rescue the floral defects of the grp20 mutant and that GmGRP20 could partially replace the function of AtGRP20. However, we did not observe obvious rescue of floral defects in OsGRP20 and AmGRP20 transgenic plants. Furthermore, we tested whether the BrGRP20 homologue could rescue grp20 phenotypes in transcript splicing of floral homeotic genes using RT-qPCR in the above transgenic plants. The levels of transcripts of AP1, AP3, SEP3 and AP2 are similar in AtGRP20 and BrGRP20 flowers (Supplementary Fig. 3f). In addition, GmGRP20 transgenic plants showed significantly decreased levels of transcripts lacking micro exons compared with those in grp20 (Supplementary Fig. 3f). These results suggest that the GRP20 function in flower development and RNA splicing of floral regulatory genes is probably conserved between Arabidopsis and cabbage.

GRP20 binds to purine-rich motifs in micro and small exons

To learn how GRP20 regulates flower development and RNA splicing, we tested whether the predicted RBD (Fig. 1b) is important for GRP20 function in flower development and splicing. In RBD, the W, Y, and K residues are highly conserved among angiosperms and predicted to be important for RNA binding (Fig. 3a); we generated a mutant GRP20 coding sequence (RBDm) with changes at these and other conserved residues (Extended Data Fig. 8a). We transformed the grp20-1 mutant with a fusion of the native promoter to the GRP20 cDNA with the RBD mutation (ProGRP20–GRP20–RBDm), with the wild-type GRP20 transgene (ProGRP20–GRP20) as a positive control (Extended Data Fig. 8a). Although both GRP20 and GRP20–RBDm transgenic plants showed similar protein expression levels (Fig. 6c), the ProGRP20–GRP20–RBDm transgenic plants showed flower defects similar to those of the grp20 mutants, unlike the ProGRP20–GRP20 transgenic plant with normal flower organs (Fig. 6d,e and Supplementary Table 5), indicating that RBD is crucial for flower development. Furthermore, we tested whether RBD is needed for RNA splicing using RT-qPCR for specific transcripts in plants carrying the ProGRP20–GRP20 or ProGRP20–GRP20–RBDm transgenes in the grp20-1 background. The levels of transcripts containing the relevant exons for several floral homeotic genes (for example, AG, SEP4, AP1, AP2 and others; Fig. 5a) and LOB domain genes (AS2) were found to be reduced in transgenic plants with defective RBD, but similar to the WT in the ProGRP20–GRP20 transgenic plants (Fig. 3a), indicating that the RBD-defective transgene was not able to rescue the grp20 phenotype of ES and alternative 5′ site transcript. In addition, the ProGRP20–GRP20–RBDm transgenic plants exhibited a significant increase of AP3 and AP2 transcripts with micro-exon skip** and also alternative LBD2 transcript with A5SS similar to those in grp20 (Figs. 3i,j and 7a). These results indicate that the GRP20 RBD is required for flower organ patterning and RNA splicing of floral regulatory genes.

Fig. 7: RNA consensus motifs, binding of GRP20 to GA-rich consensus and the regulation of micro-exon splicing in floral homeotic genes.
figure 7

a, An illustration of the micro exons in MADS-box and AP2 family genes. The micro exons and their sizes in MADS-box and AP2 family genes are shown in the table on the left. X indicates the absence of the micro exon. The affected micro exons are highlighted in red in gene structure diagrams on the right. The other micro exons are shown in orange, whereas other exons are shown as open boxes. Illustrations of gene structures, transcripts and reads for these floral homeotic genes and other flower developmental genes are shown in Extended Data Fig. 3. b, The consensus motifs and percentages found in defective transcripts, with ES and ASI defects. ES_C1 and ASI_C1 correspond to RNA probe 1, used for RNA binding. ES_C1 and ASI_C1 are the two most frequent consensuses; ASI, alternatively spliced intron. c, The presence of micro exons in close functional homologues (orthologues) of AP1, AG, AP3 and AP2 in several angiosperms. The number indicates the gene copy in this species. Y and N indicate the presence and absence of micro exons in each copy, respectively. As examples, the gene structures, including micro exons, of AP1 and AP2 homologues are shown in Extended Data Fig. 5h. Am, A. trichopoda; Os, O. sativa; Hv, Hordeum vulgare; Sl, Solanum lycopersicum; At, A. thaliana; Gm, G. max. d, An in vitro EMSA binding experiment using recombinant GRP20 proteins and synthetic consensus P1, as shown in Extended Data Fig. 8a. His–SUMO was used as a negative control. The mutations in the RBD and deletion of RBD were selected based on the predicted RNA-binding domain and residues shown in Extended Data Fig. 1.

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To investigate whether the regulation of splicing by GRP20 is related to sequence characteristics (motifs) in affected floral and leaf transcripts, we examined the regions of pre-mRNAs that exhibit altered splicing from 50 nucleotides upstream to 50 nucleotides downstream of the affected region (including the affected region), according to the splicing types (Extended Data Fig. 2a). The results revealed that a GA-rich consensus (poly-purine motif) was found in 45% of the skipped exons and 44% of the ASIs (Fig. 7b and Extended Data Fig. 8b), higher than the other motifs including GA-rich and A-rich motifs in introns, GAU-rich motif in exons, AU-rich motif in 3′ regions and A-rich motif in 5′ regions (Fig. 7b and Extended Data Fig. 8b), suggesting that the exonic poly-purine motifs (poly(R)) might be important for regulating splicing by GRP20. As most of the skipped exons in grp20 flowers and leaves were micro and small exons, we examined their sequences and found that 74% of micro exons and 69% of small exons skipped in grp20 flowers have the GA-rich motifs (Extended Data Fig. 8c). In addition, the GA-rich consensus was also found in 70% of micro exons and 11% of small exons skipped in grp20 leaves (Extended Data Fig. 8c). To further test whether the GA-rich motif is enriched in the putative targets of GRP20, we performed an enrichment test between the affected exons in grp20 and all annotated exons. The significant enrichment with a P value of 2.3 × 10−84 supports the idea that the poly-purine motifs are important for regulating exon retention by GRP20. In particular, the binding of GRP20 to poly-purine motifs in exons might be crucial for micro- and small-exon retention. In any case, the RBD is required for the wild-type level of transcripts containing the micro exon for MADS-box genes and AP2 (Figs. 3a and 7a), whereas increased levels of the transcripts lacking the micro exons in AP3 and AP2 (Figs. 3i,j and 7a) were observed in grp20 and RBD-defective transgenic plants. Furthermore, the affected micro exons in floral homeotic genes all contain one to two GA-rich motifs (Fig. 7a,c and Extended Data Fig. 8d,e), suggesting that the GA-rich motifs can mediate GRP20-dependent splicing of a subset of micro exons (and small exons) in floral transcripts.

To test whether the GRP20 protein with a putative RBD (Fig. 1b) can bind to RNA, including the GA-rich motif, we used an RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) with the recombinant GRP20 to show that it could bind to the AP3 pre-mRNA weakly (Extended Data Fig. 8g), but not to the ACTIN7 pre-mRNA (Extended Data Fig. 8h). Further RNA EMSA tests indicated that GRP20 could bind to four synthetic RNA probes, with relatively high affinity for one (P1) with the GA-rich consensus (Extended Data Fig. 8i,j), similar to sequence motifs found in defective transcripts (Extended Data Fig. 8i,j). To test whether the in vitro RNA binding is dependent on the RBD, we expressed recombinant wild-type and mutant GRP20 proteins (Extended Data Fig. 8a) and tested their binding to the GA-rich probe (P1). The results showed that deletion of RBD or a mutation in the RBD blocked RNA binding by GRP20, indicating that the RBD is required for GRP20 to bind to the poly-purine motif (Fig. 7d). However, the GRP20 with deletion of the HDR could still bind to the GA-rich probe, suggesting that this domain is not crucial for RNA binding by GRP20 (Fig. 7d). The in vivo binding of GRP20 to micro-exon-containing regions of the AP1, AP3, SEP3 and AP2 transcripts was also confirmed by RNA immunoprecipitation (Supplementary Fig. 4a). In addition, we tested the in vitro binding of GRP20 with the GA-rich motif of the AP1 transcript and found that GRP20 is able to bind to the AP1 GA-rich motif, but not a mutant version with changes of three G’s to three U’s, further supporting the specific recognition between GRP20 and GA-rich RNA motifs (Supplementary Fig. 4b). The presence of one or more of the GA-rich motifs in the affected transcripts supports the hypothesis that 65% of ES and various amounts of other defects in grp20 floral transcripts are caused by the lack of GRP20 binding directly to these transcripts; however, other defective transcripts lacking such motifs might be regulated indirectly via additional factors, such as SR1, SR33 and SmB (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein core protein), which are also affected in grp20 (Supplementary Table 1).

GRP20 is able to form condensates

GRP20 contains an HDR (Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 9a), which is annotated by the disorder confidence program, rich in proline and alanine residues and highly hydrophilic41. To investigate the role of the HDR in vivo for flower development and RNA splicing, the transgenic plants were generated that contain a fusion of the GRP20 promoter to the GRP20 cDNA lacking the HDR (GRP20ΔHDR) in the grp20 background (Extended Data Fig. 9b). Although the GRP20ΔHDR transgenic plants expressed the GRP20 protein at a level higher than that in the wild type (Extended Data Fig. 9c), they showed floral phenotypes similar to those of grp20 (Extended Data Fig. 9d,e and Supplementary Table 5), suggesting that the HDR is needed for normal flower development. In addition, the GRP20ΔHDR transgenic plants in the grp20 background showed the reduced levels of transcripts containing the relevant exons for several floral homeotic genes (for example, AG, SEP4, AP1, AP2 and others) and LOB domain gene (AS2), similar to those in grp20 and the GRP20 (RBDm) transgenic line (Fig. 3a). Moreover, the GRP20ΔHDR transgenic plants also exhibited a significant increase in the level of AP3 and AP2 transcripts lacking the relevant micro exon and also the alternative LBD2 transcript with A5SS similar to those in grp20 (Fig. 3j). These results further suggest that the HDR is also important for RNA splicing during flower development.

HDRs have been linked to liquid–liquid-phase separation (LLPS)42, which involves the formation of condensates of proteins or other macromolecules43 and can be visualized as punctate signals in the cell44, leading to the hypothesis that GRP20 can also form condensates. We found that the GRP20–YFP (yellow fluorescent protein) fusion protein formed condensates in Arabidopsis petal cells and tobacco epidermal cells (Extended Data Fig. 9f,g). Then, we showed that the GRP20–YFP condensates could be restored following photo bleaching (Extended Data Fig. 9h,i). Moreover, a fusion protein of the HDR with YFP also formed condensates, which was restored after the photo bleaching (Extended Data Fig. 9h,i). In addition, the observations of condensate formation of GRP20 (RBDm)–YFP (Extended Data Fig. 9j) and RNA binding of GRP20ΔHDR (Fig. 7d) support the idea that RNA binding and condensate formation are separate activities of GRP20.

GRP20 interacts with the U5 subunits of the spliceosome

Our results suggest that GRP20 can bind to some micro exons and small exons in pre-mRNAs in part through poly-purine motifs and probably recruits specific pre-mRNAs for splicing. To test whether known components of spliceosome machinery and regulators can bind to GRP20, we performed immunoprecipitation–mass spectrometry with a GRP20–YFP protein expressed in plants. Among putative interactive proteins, spliceosome U5 components Prp18, Snu114 and CLO were identified (Extended Data Fig. 10a). Importantly, U5 is a highly conserved core subunit of the spliceosome7. The physical interaction between GRP20 and Prp18 was further confirmed in vitro by a GST pull-down assay (Fig. 8a), by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) in tobacco cells (Fig. 8b and Extended Data Fig. 10b) and by co-immunoprecipitation in Arabidopsis plants (Extended Data Fig. 10c). To investigate which part of GRP20 is required for interaction with Prp18, we generated truncated proteins (Extended Data Fig. 8a) and found that deletion of the HDR completely disrupted the interaction with Prp18 and that the HDR could bind to Prp18 weakly (Fig. 8c and Extended Data Fig. 10d), suggesting that HDR is crucial for the interaction. Furthermore, we obtained co-localization of GRP20 and Prp18 in the tobacco nucleus. The co-localization signals were particularly strong in the nuclear condensates (Fig. 8d and Extended Data Fig. 10e), and the stronger YFP signals were also observed in nuclear condensates from the interaction between GRP20–YFPn and Prp18–YFPc (Extended Data Fig. 10f). Such interactions among GRP20, the spliceosome and pre-mRNAs, especially those containing micro and small exons, probably facilitate splicing of these RNAs.

Fig. 8: The interaction of GRP20 and spliceosome in vitro and in vivo, and a model showing the mechanism of GRP20 in RNA splicing.
figure 8

a, Detection of GRP20 and Prp18 interaction by GST pull-down assay in vitro. The full-length Prp18 was tagged with GST, and GRP20 was tagged with SUMO–His. His–SUMO and GST were used for negative controls. Input and GST pull-down samples were analysed by western blot using antibodies against His and GST, respectively. b, Examination of GRP20 and Prp18 interaction in tobacco leaves by BiFC. Co-expression of a fusion of the YFP-N-terminal region (YFPn) with GRP20 and that of the YFP-C-terminal region (YFPc) with Prp18 resulted in strong YFP fluorescence (green in the left row) in the nucleus similar to the positive control, indicating a positive interaction between GRP20 and Prp18 in vivo. Co-expression of GRP20 or Prp18 with blank YFPc or YFPn was performed as the negative control. The nuclei are indicated by DAPI (second row). The third panel (cyan) merges DAPI (blue) with YFP (green). BF, bright field. Scale bars = 20 μm. c, Examination of truncations of GRP20 and Prp18 by His pull-down assay. The truncations of GRP20 (GRP20ΔHDR and HDR) were tagged with His–SUMO. Input and GST pull-down samples were analysed by western blot using antibodies against His and GST, respectively. The interaction of GRP20 and Prp18 was dependent on HDR. d, The co-localization of GRP20–YFP and Prp18–RFP in nuclear condensates in tobacco leaf cells. The nuclei were stained with DAPI. The yellow arrows indicate the condensates in the nuclei. Scale bars = 10 μm. e, In WT cells (left), GRP20 RBD interacts with a GA-rich motif (red star) in some micro and small exons of specific pre-mRNAs, such as floral homeotic transcripts. Furthermore, the C-terminal portion of GRP20 interacts with the spliceosome to promote retention of micro and small exons during RNA splicing, thereby supporting normal flower development. In grp20 cells (right), the recognition of micro and small exons and spliceosome interaction is reduced owing to the absence of GRP20, leading to an increase of transcripts lacking the micro and small exons. However, unknown factors might bind to pre-mRNAs and deliver pre-mRNAs to the spliceosome for splicing; therefore, in the absence of GRP20, both typical and alternatively spliced transcripts are produced. The reduced levels of floral homeotic transcripts lead to abnormal flower development. Panel e was created with and Microsoft PowerPoint 2021.

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To examine whether the interaction between GRP20 and Prp18 is important for GRP20 function in flower development and proper retention of micro exons in floral homeotic genes, we generated a GRP20 deletion mutant (GRP20Δ143–153) lacking the C-terminal 11 amino acid residues and a mutant GRP20 cDNA (HDRm) with changes at lysine and proline residues (Supplementary Fig. 5a). These mutant GRP20 proteins failed to interact with Prp18 (Supplementary Fig. 5b). In contrast, both mutant GRP20 proteins could still form condensates (Supplementary Fig. 5c), providing a means to test the role of GRP20 interaction with Prp18 without affecting condensate formation. We transformed the grp20-1 mutant with a fusion of the native promoter to the GRP20 cDNA with the HDR mutation (ProGRP20–GRP20–HDRm), with the wild-type GRP20 transgene (ProGRP20–GRP20) as a positive control (Supplementary Fig. 5a,d). Although both GRP20 and GRP20–HDRm transgenic plants showed similar protein expression levels (Supplementary Fig. 5d), the ProGRP20–GRP20–HDRm transgenic plants showed flower defects similar to those of the grp20 mutants, unlike WT plants (Supplementary Fig. 5e,f), indicating that the interaction to Prp18 (component of U5 of the spliceosome) is crucial for GRP20 function in flower development. Furthermore, we tested whether the interaction to the spliceosome is needed for RNA splicing using RT-qPCR for specific transcripts in plants carrying the ProGRP20–GRP20–HDRm transgene in the grp20-1 background. The ProGRP20–GRP20–HDRm transgenic plants exhibited significantly increased levels, compared with the WT, of AP1, AP3 and AP2 transcripts lacking the micro exons that were skipped in the grp20 mutant, similar to those in grp20; also, the levels of alternative AS2 transcript with A5SS were similar in ProGRP20–GRP20–HDRm transgenic plants and grp20 (Supplementary Fig. 5g). These results indicate that the interaction between GRP20 and the spliceosome is required for flower organ patterning and RNA splicing of floral regulatory genes.

On the basis of results here, we propose a model with specific mechanisms of GRP20-mediated micro-exon (and small-exon) retention (Fig. 8e). GRP20 specifically binds to micro-exon-containing regions of floral homeotic transcripts and facilitates the proper retention of the micro exons by interacting with Prp18, a component of the U5 portion of the spliceosome. Furthermore, the observations that micro exons of floral homeotic genes were retained, albeit at reduced levels, in grp20 mutants and that most micro exons were retained indicate that there are probably other factors for micro-exon (and small-exon) splicing (Fig. 8e).


Pre-mRNA splicing depends on interactions with the spliceosome, splicing factors and regulators45. For most introns, the GU-AG nucleotides at the ends of the intron are involved in spliceosome binding and promote accurate splicing; also, the sequence information in typical exons with an average length of 150 nucleotides in vertebrates and 180 nucleotides in plants facilitates the binding of general splicing factors6,17. However, micro exons usually lack sequence motifs for binding by general splicing factors and probably require additional factors. In this study, we identified a highly conserved RNA-binding protein, GRP20, in angiosperms that functions in RNA splicing, including the proper splicing of micro and small exons. GRP20 can bind to RNAs containing GA-rich and other motifs in micro and small exons and other exons of pre-mRNA through an RBD recognized here, thereby facilitating the proper splicing of subsets of genes that are expressed in the flower and/or leaf. This is the first report of a specialized splicing regulator of genes with known or predicted functions in plant development and environmental responses. Furthermore, GRP20 interacts with specific pre-mRNAs through its RBD and with the spliceosome involving its C-terminal portion; GRP20 might coordinate with the spliceosome machinery and pre-mRNAs to promote typical RNA splicing (Fig. 8e). Moreover, GRP20 is the first identified eukaryotic regulator of micro-exon and small-exon splicing with a newly recognized domain for binding to exonic poly-purine motifs and likely interaction with the spliceosome component. Overall, our results provide new mechanistic insights into the regulation of plant gene expression, at the level of RNA splicing, for genes important for flower development and possibly other processes.

In Arabidopsis, mutants defective in the splicing factors SC35 and SR45 genes encoding SR proteins exhibit intron retention defects in many transcripts and ES in fewer transcripts19. Therefore, a single or a few nucleotide changes between purine and pyrimidine might lead to RNA splicing defects, resulting in mutant proteins, providing an explanation for alternative RNA splicing associated with SNPs.

In Arabidopsis, ~5.5% of exons (8,118 of 150,240) are micro exons and ~25.9% (39,025 of 150,240) are small exons (Fig. 2d); moreover, ~16.3% of Arabidopsis genes (5,693 of 35,000) contain micro exons and ~35.8% (12,525 of 35,000) contain small exons (Extended Data Fig. 5). In addition, ~23% of rice genes possess micro exons26. These data support the idea that micro and small exons are important gene-structural elements in plants, as proposed for micro exons in humans23. The gene structures of AP1, AP3, AG and AP2 homologues in diverse angiosperms, including the early-divergent Amborella, monocots barley and rice, and eudicots tomato and soybean, all contain the micro exons corresponding to those that are skipped in grp20 floral transcripts (Fig. 7c and Extended Data Fig. 5h), suggesting that the proper splicing of these micro exons is conserved and probably important for flower development across angiosperms. The combination of GRP20 and micro exons in floral homeotic genes might be a key component in the regulatory programme for flower development during angiosperm evolution.

Arabidopsis has other GRPs related to GRP20; to test whether some of them also have some functions similar to those of GRP20, in flower development and RNA splicing, we investigated closely related GRP20 paralogs GRP17, GRP19 and GRP21, and a more distant gene GRP7 (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 6), using their corresponding T-DNA insertion mutants (Supplementary Fig. 6a). Although the RNA expression levels of each gene were significantly decreased in the corresponding mutant (Supplementary Fig. 6b), the mutants showed similar floral phenotypes to the WT (Supplementary Fig. 6c,d). In addition, the AP1, AP3, SEP3 and AP2 transcripts lacking the micro exons affected in the grp20 mutant were not detected in grp17, grp19, grp21 and grp7 flowers, unlike the floral and splicing phenotypes of grp20 (Supplementary Fig. 6e–h). These results and the differences in protein domains suggest that GRP17, GRP19, GRP21 and GRP7 probably do not play similar roles to GRP20 in flower development and RNA splicing.

Furthermore, nearly all of the micro exons in MIKC-type MADS-box genes encode a part of the K domain27, which allows the formation of multimeric complexes of MADS-box proteins as the molecular basis for the floral quartet model49. The crystal structure and biochemical studies of SEP3 showed that the N- and C-terminal regions of the second amphipathic helix encoded by the two micro exons in SEP3 are essential for dimerization and tetramerization, respectively29. In our study, all affected micro exons in ABCE family genes encode the C-terminal region of the second helix, similar to that in SEP3, and share leucine and isoleucine residues for tetramer formation (Extended Data Fig. 8f), suggesting that the proper retention of the micro exons is essential for the multimeric complex, an essential aspect of the quartet model for flower development. It was found that a circular RNA containing the second micro exon of SEP3 increased the level of the splicing variant without the second micro exon30, and the overexpression of this SEP3 splicing variant induced changes in petal and stamen number similar to those of grp20 (ref. 30), supporting the idea that the micro exon is important for normal floral organ patterning. Although GRP20 is crucial for proper retention of micro exons in floral developmental genes, GRP20 affects a portion of micro and small exons in floral and leaf transcripts (Fig. 3d,e), suggesting that other factors are needed to regulate splicing of other micro and small exons and biological processes. In addition, GRP20 also promotes the retention of longer exons and affects 5′ and 3′ splicing junctions in some transcription factor family genes, LOB domain genes and other developmental and responsive genes. These splicing defects might also contribute to abnormal organ shape, blue dots on petals and other abnormal floral phenotypes in grp20 flowers. Further studies are required to investigate the possible role of GRP20 in other plant development and response processes. We showed that GRP20 can form condensates and that the HDR of GRP20 is required for condensate formation, suggesting that GRP20-dependent splicing might involve LLPS. Condensate formation and LLPS have been implicated in RNA metabolism including splicing43 and regulation of gene expression50; such processes have also been suggested to involve LLPS in plants51,52. Our results here on GRP20 and the general presence of micro and small exons in plant genes suggest that splicing regulators specialized for micro and small exons are probably important for normal gene expression.


Plant materials and growth conditions

The Arabidopsis thaliana mutants used in this study were obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center and are as follows: grp20-1 (SALK_134093), grp20-2 (SALK_026077), ap1-1 (CS127), ap2-1 (CS148), pi-1 (CS77), ag-1 (CS25), as2-1/lbd6-1 (CS3117), lbd7-1 (SALK_075629), grp17-1 (SALK_133589), grp19-1 (SALK_034288), grp19-2 (CS923713), grp21-1 (SALK_032127), grp21-2 (SALK_127070) and grp7-1 (SALK_039556). The single mutants were crossed with Col-0, and the genotypes were identified by PCR using corresponding primers listed in Supplementary Table 7. The double mutants were generated by relevant crosses and identified in the F2 generation by PCR. Arabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana were grown in a plant growth room at 21 °C, with a 16 h light and 8 h dark photoperiod and 60% humidity.

Bioinformatic analyses of GRP20 protein domain

The predictions of potential RNA-binding ability and RNA-binding regions in GRP20 were conducted by using the software catRAPID53 and RNAbindPlus54. The category of RNA-binding protein for GRP20 was also predicted by using the catRAPID signature program. The putative RNA-binding residues were identified by using two programs: DRNApred55 and PPRInt56. The cut-off values for catRAPID, RNAbindPlus, DRNApred and PPRInt were 0.5, 0.1, 0.05 and −0.2, respectively.

The protein disordered confidence analysis was performed using Phyre2 with structure prediction. The cut-off in this program for the protein disordered confidence was 0.6. The ‘ParSe: Predict Phase-Separating Protein Regions from the Primary Sequence’ program57 ( was used in the prediction for the LLPS of GRP20 homologues among angiosperms. The disorder confidence scores along HDRs and whether HDRs can undergo LLPS of GRP20 homologues are shown by Vmodel and βmodel (β-turn propensity). Vmodel < 0.56 and βmodel > 0.9 indicate that the domain is intrinsically disordered and prone to undergo LLPS or fold to a stable conformation.

Plant phenotypic analyses

Flowers from WT, mutants and transgenic lines were examined. Six T3 lines were characterized for the complementation experiment. The number of flowers for various statistical analyses of phenotypes is indicated in the figure legends. The chimeric organs and other defects were shown as examples of mutant phenotypes. Petal morphology including length, top angle and width was measured in the same way for WT, mutants and transgenic plants. Flower photographs were obtained using a Nikon microscope (SMZ-U) and an AmScope microscope digital camera (catalogue number MU1803-HS); the numbers of flower organs were counted using the same Nikon microscope, in four whorls. The chimeric organs of the petal and stamen in the second whorl were counted as petals, whereas the chimeric organs of the petal and stamen in the third whorl were counted as stamens. For scanning electron microscope observations, a fresh unopened single flower was prepared, and the sepals were removed using needles. The scanning electron microscope photographs were taken using a variable-pressure detector in a Zeiss SIGMA VP-FESEM under 10 kV.

Confocal image analyses

For the observation of YFP protein and other confocal images, stable transgenic lines were used to provide fresh whole flowers or organs including petals, sepals and anthers, which were then used for confocal imaging (LSM880, Zeiss). DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, catalogue number 14285; 0.05 mg ml−1) was used for nuclear staining. For transient transformation and protein expression, leaves of 4- to 6-week-old N. benthamiana were infiltrated by Agrobacterium GV3101 containing corresponding plasmids and grown in the dark for 24 h and then in the light for the following 24 h. The images of bottom (abaxial) epidermal cells were obtained using a Zeiss LSM880 confocal microscope or an Olympus FV1000 confocal microscope. The DAPI and YFP signals were captured, respectively, under 405 nm and 514 nm lasers in similar gain settings.

Transcriptomic analyses and qRT-PCR

For each of three biological replicates, Arabidopsis stage 1–12 flowers were collected separately from Col-0 and grp20. The RNA extraction and analyses were executed as described previously58. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was conducted using an Illumina NextSeq 2000 instrument with 2 × 150 bp paired-end outputs. The statistical significance of RNA-seq data was calculated using the q value (an adjusted P value) cut-off <0.05 and |fold-change| ≥ 2 in the DESeq2 package. Upregulated genes in transcriptomic data were categorized using log2(fold change) ≥ 1, q value < 0.05, and downregulated genes were categorized using log2(fold change) ≤ −1, q value < 0.05 in Supplementary Table 2. Venn maps were generated using Venny (version 2.1.0) and R software (version 3.5.2). GO enrichment analysis was conducted using Gene Ontology, and statistics were compiled by FDR (false discovery rate) correction and Fisher’s test. The heat maps and volcano diagrams were generated using Origin (version 2020b) and R (version 3.5.2) software. The primers used for gene expression estimates were designed using qPrimerDB59 and Primer3Plus, and listed in Supplementary Table 7. qRT-PCR was performed as described previously60, with three biological replicates. The GoTaq qPCR and RT-qPCR systems (catalogue number A6010, Promega) were used for reverse transcription and qPCR. The qRT-PCR experiments were performed using Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus real-time PCR systems (catalogue number 4376600, ThermoFisher) with standard PCR procedure.

Analyses of RNA splicing and detection of affected transcripts by RT-qPCR

RNA splicing analyses were conducted based on multivariate analysis of transcript splicing assay (rMATS version 4.1.1)61, and the results were verified manually in Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV version 2.9.4). RNA-seq data from WT and grp20 stage 1–12 flowers with three replicates were used in the analyses. The Hisat2 program is used to map reads for the analyses of splicing as referenced in plants25,26,27 and animals62. In our analyses, 2 × 150 bp paired-end read sequences were used and the average usable read length is 130 bp after removing the adaptor sequences. In addition, the annotated Arabidopsis gene structures were used as a reference in the map** process, such that annotated micro exons and small exons in the transcript reads have a low probability of being not detected bioinformatically. The read maps and counts were illustrated based on the IGV output. The reference for gene structures used as the input in IGV was the TAIR10 GFF3 file, which was downloaded from the TAIR website ( For P value calculation as referenced61,63, the rMATS program was used with a hierarchical framework to simultaneously account for estimation uncertainty in individual replicates and variability among replicates (3i and Supplementary Table 7. The definition of micro exon (<51 nucleotides) is based on a previous study24, and the small exon (51–100 nucleotides) is defined in this study as it is larger than micro exons and smaller than average exons. The short exons (<101 nucleotides), including micro exons (<51 nucleotides) and small exons (51–100 nucleotides), were identified by searching the Arabidopsis genome (TAIR10) and categorized into four groups by size: 1–9 nucleotides, 10–25 nucleotides, 26–50 nucleotides and 51–100 nucleotides.

Although the rMATS program can detect statistical significance in AS between WT and grp20, it is not very sensitive in detecting intron retention; therefore, to obtain additional evidence for intron retention, we analysed our datasets using the SUPPA2 tool64. In flowers, 3,712 genes were found to have intron retention by the SUPPA2 tool, including 887 genes detected by the above analyses and 2,825 additional genes (see details in Supplementary Table 1).

RNA motif analyses, RNA binding using EMSA and RNA immunoprecipitation

RNA motif analyses were carried out using the MEME program (version 5.4.1)65 for transcripts with different types of splicing defects. The sequences from 50 nucleotides upstream to 50 nucleotides downstream of the affected regions (including the affected region) in the flower-specific group of transcripts according to the splicing types were included as inputs for consensus detection. Single-strand RNA probes corresponding to consensus motifs were synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologies. The RNA powder was diluted in RNase-free water to 200 fmol μl−1. EMSA for RNA binding was performed as previously described66. To transcribe full-length pre-mRNA for EMSA, the DNA templates of AP3 and ACTIN7 were amplified using PCR with the Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerases (catalogue number M0491, New England BioLabs), with Arabidopsis genomic DNA and one of the primers fused to the promoter for T7 phage polymerase (TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGAGA). The Arabidopsis genomic DNA was extracted using the CTAB assay and further purified using a genomic DNA clean and concentration kit (catalogue number D4010, ZYMO RESEARCH). The DNA templates of AP3 and ACTIN7 were recovered from agarose gel using a NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean‑up kit (catalogue number 740609, MACHEREY-NAGEL). The primers are listed in Supplementary Table 7. The AP3 and ACTIN7 pre-mRNAs were transcribed in vitro with the corresponding DNA template using the T7 phage polymerase and other reagents in the MAXIscript SP6/T7 transcription kit (catalogue number AM1322, ThermoFisher). The RNA transcripts were treated with DNase I and purified using an RNA clean and concentration kit (catalogue number 1015, ZYMO RESEARCH). Purified GRP20 (1 mg or 2 mg) was incubated with 500 ng purified pre-mRNA in 1× EMSA buffer (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, 3 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 10% glycerol, 1 mM PMSF) at room temperature for 30 min, respectively. Binding to RNA probe using EMSA was conducted using an EMSA kit (catalogue number E33075, Molecular Probes), including incubation of 400 fmol RNA probes and 17 μg GRP20 proteins in 1× binding buffer at room temperature for 30 min. The total samples with the RNA EMSA loading buffer were loaded onto a 5% polyacrylamide native gel, after a pre-run of 1 h at 45–60 V. The gel was run for about 1 h at 6–15 mA and then was stained using SYBR Green EMSA nucleic acid gel stain (1:10,000 dilution in 0.5× TBE (RNase-free water)) in the EMSA kit (catalogue number E33075, Molecular Probes), and the stained RNA was detected and recorded using a ChemiDoc image system (Bio-Rad).

RNA immunoprecipitation was performed as referenced67. The whole inflorescences and leaves were collected from ProGRP20::GRP20-eYFP and Pro35S::eYFP transgenic plants. The nuclei of the samples were preliminarily obtained with extraction buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5% Triton X-100, 10% glycerol, 0.5 mM DDT, 2 mM PMSF and 20 U ml−1 RNase inhibitor) including RNase inhibitor (catalogue number AM2696, Invitrogen). The anti-GFP antibody (mAb: catalogue number AE012, ABclonal, 1:50) and protein G magnetic beads (catalogue number S1430S, New England BioLabs) were added into the total nuclear RNA lysis for overnight. The protein A/G magnetic beads were washed at least three times with washing buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2% Triton X-100, 10% glycerol, 0.5 mM DDT, 1× protease inhibitor cocktail and 20 U ml−1 RNase inhibitor) and dilution buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 10% glycerol, 1 mM PMSF and 20 U ml−1 RNase inhibitor). The precipitated complexes were resuspended by protease buffer and treated with RNase inhibitor and proteinase K. Homogenization buffer (100 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 5 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 100 mM NaCl, 0.5% SDS and 0.01 volume β-ME) was added to the precipitated complexes, and RNA was extracted using the phenol–chloroform–isoamyl alcohol method. cDNA was synthesized with purified RNA and ABScript III RT master mix for qPCR with a gDNA remover kit (catalogue number RK20429, ABclonal). Then, qPCR was performed as described previously60, with three biological replicates. The 2× Universal SYBR green fast qPCR mix systems (catalogue number RK21203, ABclonal) were used for qPCR. The qRT-PCR experiments were performed using Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus real-time PCR systems (catalogue number 4376600, ThermoFisher) following the instructions.

Recombinant protein purification

The CDSs of GRP20, GRP20ΔHDR (residue 1 to 118), HDR (residue 119 to 153) and GRP20Δ143-153 (residue 1 to 142) were cloned into pSUMO (pET28a–SUMO) vector between the BamHI and XhoI restriction sites. The coding sequences of GRP20ΔRBD (deletion of residue 92 to 115), GRP20 (RBDm) (M102A, W103A, Y105A, K106A and K107A) (m, mutation with indicated amino acid changes) and GRP20 (HDRm) (K143A, P144A, P147A, K150A and P151A) were also cloned into pSUMO (pET28a–His–SUMO) and then mutated using a Q5 site-directed mutagenesis kit (catalogue number E0552S, New England BioLabs). The CDSs of the primers for the mutagenesis experiment were designed using NEBaseChanger (New England BioLabs) and listed in Supplementary Table 7. The plasmids were transformed into Escherichia coli Rosetta (DE3). The positive strains were grown at 37 °C to OD = 0.6, then transferred to 18 °C for further growth for 16–20 h. The cells were harvested, resuspended in NEBExpress E. coli lysis reagent (catalogue number P8116S, New England BioLabs) and sonicated gently using a Diagenode Bioruptor (UCD-300, Diagenode). The recombinant proteins including His–SUMO, His–SUMO–GRP20, His–SUMO–GRP20ΔRBD, His–SUMO–GRP20 (RBDm) and His–SUMO–GRP20ΔHDR were purified with Ni-NTA magnetic beads (1:1 mixture of two kinds of beads: catalogue number S1423S, New England BioLabs, and catalogue number 786-910, G-Biosciences) and ÄKTA Pure 150L FPLC and Frac-950 Fraction Collector (GE Healthcare) with a HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200-pg column (GE Healthcare). Protein concentration was quantified using a Pierce BCA protein assay kit (catalogue number 23225, ThermoFisher).

In vivo and in vitro interaction assay

For the BiFC experiment, full-length CDSs of GRP20 and Prp18 were cloned into the pXY104 (YFPn) and the pXY106 (YFPc) vectors, respectively. Then, the constructs were co-transformed into Agrobacterium cells (GV3101) for subsequent infiltration into N. benthamiana leaves as referenced68. The transformed leaves were analysed using LSM880 confocal microscopy (Zeiss, Germany). The co-transformations of pXY104–GRP20 and pXY106, pXY104 and pXY106–Prp18, and pXY104 and pXY106 were used as the negative controls. The co-infiltration of pXY104–MMD1 and pXY106–JMJ16 was used for a positive control. His pull-down assay or GST pull-down was performed as previously described69. The recombinant full-length GRP20 (residue 1 to 153), truncated GRP20ΔHDR (residue 1 to 118), HDR (residue 119 to 153), truncated GRP20Δ143–153 (residue 1 to 142) and mutated GRP20 (HDRm) proteins, fused with an N-terminal 6× histidine plus SUMO tag (His–SUMO), were purified from E. coli using Ni-NTA magnetic beads (catalogue number S1423S, New England BioLabs). The recombinant full-length Prp18 protein fused with an N-terminal GST tag (GST) was expressed in E. coli and purified using the Pierce glutathione purification beads (catalogue number 78601, Thermo Scientific). His–SUMO and GST proteins were also purified for negative controls. The concentration of purified proteins was determined by A280. The pull-down proteins were incubated with GST magnetic beads or Ni-NTA magnetic beads and detected using western blot with anti-His (mAb, 1:3,000 dilution, catalogue number MA1-21315, Invitrogen) and anti-GST (mAb, 1:5,000 dilution, catalogue number AE001, ABclonal) antibodies. Co-immunoprecipitation was conducted as described70; the CDS of Prp18 was cloned into pCAMBIA1306 with the 35S promoter and transformed into the transgenic plants Pro35S::GRP20-YFP and Pro35S::YFP. The IP was incubated with protein G magnetic beads (catalogue number S1430S, New England BioLabs) and anti-GFP antibody (rabbit Ab, pAb, catalogue number AE011, ABclonal, 1:100), and the proteins were eluted using 5× SDS-PAGE loading buffer. The input and IP (immunoprecipitation) samples were detected using western blot with anti-GFP (pAb, catalogue number AE001, ABclonal, 1:1,000) and anti-FLAG (mAb, catalogue number AE005, ABclonal, 1:1,000) antibodies. For co-localization, full-length CDSs of GRP20 and Prp18 were cloned into the pGWB441 (YFP-tag) and pH7RWG2 (RFP-tag) vectors, respectively. The constructs were co-transformed into Agrobacterium cells (GV3101) for subsequent infiltration into N. benthamiana, and the co-localization was analysed using LSM880 confocal microscopy (Zeiss) by YFP and RFP channels.

Plant protein extraction and western blot

Protein extraction and western blot analysis were performed as described previously69. Total protein and nuclear protein were extracted using protein extraction buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 300 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 10% glycerol, 1 mM PMSF and 1× protease inhibitor cocktail (catalogue number 11836170001, Roche)) from flower buds. The nuclei were passed through a 40 μm cell strainer (catalogue number 76327-098, VWR) and centrifuged at 3,500 rpm at 4 °C for 30 min. Antibodies (GST tag (mAb): catalogue number AE001, ABclonal, 1:1,000; His tag (mAb): catalogue number MA1-21315, Invitrogen, 1:1,000; GFP tag (pAb): catalogue number AE011, ABclonal, 1:1,000) were used in western blotting. Goat anti-rabbit secondary antibodies (catalogue number 31460, Invitrogen, 1:2,000) or goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies (catalogue number 62-6520, Invitrogen, 1:2,000) were used against the primary antibodies. Signals were visualized with a ChemiDoc image system (Bio-Rad). Anti-β-tubulin (pAb, catalogue number AC008, ABclonal, 1:1,000 dilution) and anti-histone 3 (pAb, catalogue number AS10710, Agrisera, 1:2,000 dilution) antibodies were used as the loading controls.

Constructs for complementation and GRP20 mutant domains

The GRP20 CDS was cloned into Pro35S::pGWB441 (eYFP tag, enhanced YFP) by Gateway BP Clonase II Enzyme mix (catalogue number 11789100, ThermoFisher) and Gateway LR Clonase II Enzyme mix (catalogue number 11791020, ThermoFisher). The GRP20 CDS was also cloned into Pro35S::pCAMBIA1306 (FLAG tag) by KpnI/BamHI. The 35S promoter in Pro35S::GRP20-pGWB441 was replaced by the GRP20 promoter by digestion with MfeI/XbaI and ligation. The 35S promoter in Pro35S::GRP20-pCAMBIA1306 was replaced by the GRP20 promoter by digestion with EcoRI/KpnI and ligation. The 35S-driven GRP20–eYFP, 35S-driven GRP20–FLAG, GRP20-driven GRP20–eYFP and GRP20-driven GRP20–FLAG were transformed into WT and grp20-1, respectively. The background for transgenic plants was grp20-1 for most experiments in this study and is referred to as grp20, unless otherwise indicated. The expression of GRP20-driven GRP20–eYFP was confirmed by western blotting with anti-GFP antibody (catalogue number AE011, ABclonal, 1:1,000 dilution) and anti-FLAG antibody (catalogue number AE005, ABclonal, 1:1,000 dilution).

Mutagenesis was conducted using a Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (catalogue number E0552S, New England BioLabs). The primers for mutagenesis were designed based on NEBaseChanger and are listed in Supplementary Table 7. The mutant GRP20 plasmids were transformed into Agrobacterium GV3101, including GRP20-driven GRP20 (RBDm)–eYFP, GRP20-driven GRP20ΔHDR–eYFP, 35S-driven GRP20ΔHDR–eYFP, 35S-driven HDR–eYFP, 35S-driven GRP20 (RBDm)–eYFP and GRP20-driven GRP20 (HDRm)–eYFP (m, mutation). The mutant constructs were transformed into WT and grp20-1. The expression of mutant GRP20 was confirmed by western blotting. At least five individual transgenic lines were analysed for each construct.

The normal CDSs of floral regulatory genes (AP1, AP2, AP3, PI, SEP3, SEP4 and AS2) were cloned into Pro35S::pGWB441 (eYFP tag, enhanced YFP) by Gateway reactions or Pro35S::N1-cYFP vector by enzymatic digestion and ligation. Then, the 35S promoter in these constructs was replaced by native promoters of floral regulatory genes by enzymatic digestion and ligation. The deletion of micro exons that were affected by GRP20 in floral homeotic genes was constructed through the Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit. The alternative 5′ site fragments of AS2 were amplified from the grp20-1 flower cDNA library and then inserted into Pro35S::N1-cYFP. The 35S promoter of this construct was then replaced by the native promoter of AS2. For each transgenic line, at least two individual lines were obtained.

The cDNA of GRP20 homologues (B. rapa, G. max, O. sativa and A. trichopoda) was amplified from the cDNA library of B. rapa or genomic DNA of G. max, O. sativa and A. trichopoda, and then inserted into ProAtGRP20::N1-cYFP vectors. The complementation constructs of ProAtGRP20::BrGRP20, ProAtGRP20::GmGRP20, ProAtGRP20::OsGRP20 and ProAtGRP20::AmGRP20 were transformed into GV3101 and induced into Arabidopsis with grp20-1 background. For each transgenic plant, at least two individual lines were obtained.

The similar expression levels of GRP20, GRP20 (RBDm) and GRP20ΔHDR proteins in transgenic plants (Fig. 6c and Extended Data Fig. 9b) and in E. coli (Supplementary Fig. 7a) suggest that normal and mutant GRP20 proteins are translated with similar stability. In addition, the predicted protein structures were not affected by the amino acid changes (Supplementary Fig. 7b), using structure prediction71 and simulation ( These results suggest that the folding of the mutant protein was probably not drastically affected by the amino acid substitutions.

Protein condensates, fluorescent photo bleaching and the corresponding constructs

The protein condensates were observed as described51 in sepals and petals of Arabidopsis transgenic plants (ProGRP20::GRP20–eYFP; grp20) and also in epidermal cells of tobacco leaves with one of the following constructs: Pro35S::eYFP, Pro35S::GRP20–eYFP, Pro35S::GRP20ΔHDR (residue 1 to 118)–eYFP, Pro35S::HDR [GRP20 (residue 119 to 153)]–eYFP, Pro35S::GRP20 (RBDm)–eYFP, Pro35S::GRP20Δ143–153 (residue 1 to 142)–eYFP and Pro35S::GRP20 (HDRm)–eYFP. DAPI (0.05 mg ml−1) was used to stain the nuclei of Arabidopsis and tobacco cells. Fluorescent bleaching was conducted as described previously72 and in the Zeiss manual. The full-length GRP20 (Pro35S::GRP20 (residue 1 to 153)–eYFP), GRP20 without HDR (Pro35S::GRP20 (residue 1 to 118)–eYFP), HDR alone (Pro35S::GRP20 (residue 119 to 153)–eYFP), Pro35S::GRP20Δ143-153 (residue 1 to 142)–eYFP and Pro35S::GRP20 (HDRm)–eYFP) were transiently transformed into the bottom surface of N. benthamiana leaves. Protein condensates were bleached, and the intensity of fluorescence was calculated using confocal microscopy and an associated computational tool (Zeiss) following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Protein domain alignment, conservation analyses and orthogroup searching

The evolutional relationship of representative angiosperms was derived from published phylogeny73. The relationship among ABCE family genes was obtained from previous studies74. The protein sequences of Arabidopsis GRP20 and its homologues from other species were downloaded from Phytozome ( and Uniprot (, with a threshold of similarity ≥60%, to focus on the close homologues. The protein alignment of GRP20 homologues was conducted using Muscle in MEGA 7 (ref. 75). The protein sequences encoded by micro exons of ABCE genes were obtained from Uniprot, and the alignment was conducted using Muscle in MEGA 7. The illustrations of gene structures of ABCE family genes were generated using Gene Structure Display Server (version 2.0)76 and TBtools77. The GFF3 file was downloaded from TAIR ( The CDSs and genomic sequences were downloaded from Phytozome. The orthogroup searching and copy number identification for 13 angiosperms (Arabidopsis, papaya, grape, poplar, tomato, lettuce, carrot, rice, sorghum, quinoa, pineapple, water lily and Amborella) and one gymnosperm (Ginkgo) were performed as referenced78. The whole Arabidopsis genes were used as queries to search for 1 gymnosperm and 13 high-quality angiosperm genomes using BLASTP with a strict E-value threshold of less than 1 × 10−5 and a minimal amino acid sequence identity of 30%.

Statistics and reproducibility

Three experiments were repeated independently with similar results for micrographs in Figs. 6c, 7d and 8a,c; Extended Data Figs. 6h, 8g,h,j, 9c and 10c; and Supplementary Figs. 4b, 5b,d and 7a. For flower images or cell images in Fig. 8b,d; Extended Data Figs. 6b,e–g, 9f,g and 10f; and Supplementary Fig. 5c, three observations were repeated independently with similar results in 20 individual flowers or 25 individual cells. The statistical test used for GO annotations in Supplementary Table 3 and for differential expressed genes in Supplementary Table 6 is the Mann–Whitney U test with 95% confidence intervals and FDR correction, and Fisher’s test with 95% confidence intervals, respectively.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.