
Cytoplasmic genomes are maternally inherited in most eukaryotes1,2. It is generally believed that the uniparental inheritance of organelles and their genomes makes them asexually reproducing genetic systems3,4,5. Lack of sexual recombination is expected to lead to the eventual mutational meltdown of organellar genomes, a phenomenon widely known as Muller’s ratchet6,7,8. This is due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations that cannot be separated from (only rarely occurring) beneficial mutations and can be considered as a case of ‘genetic hitchhiking’9. While there must be evolutionary forces that explain the strong prevalence of uniparental inheritance, there must also be compensatory mechanisms that allow organellar genomes to escape mutational meltdown.

In plants, the two organellar genomes (plastids and mitochondria) have lower mutation rates than nuclear genomes10,1) were analysed in Model 3 ( = 13 harvests, ~2.65 million seedlings; Extended Data Tables 1 and 2). Black horizontal bars show mean rates per genotype/treatment combination. Rates per experimental group were estimated (coloured horizontal lines) with CI95s (coloured boxes). Dashed lines depict the basal plastid paternal transmission (grey) and the theoretical maximum (black). Effect estimates were tested by simultaneous two-tailed Wald z-tests: dpd1 genotype (P = 6.22 × 10−35), chilling treatment (P = 2.20 × 10−126) and the interaction between both factors (P = 3.17 × 10−10) were significant. ***P < 0.001, α = 0.05. f, Visualization of paternal plastid transmission by spectinomycin selection (Experiments 2 and 3; Table 1). Blue arrowheads indicate green sectors (paternal plastids). Insets show magnified examples.