
Creation and manipulation of manybody quantum states are crucial for develo** advanced technologies in quantum computation, communications, security, and sensing1,2,3,4. Individual atomic-scale defects in a solid material provides one of the ideal candidates for generating localized quantum states due to the introduction of symmetry breaking, degeneracy lifting and scattering sources in the vicinity of the defects5,6,7,8,9,10,11. The atomically precise engineering of bound states has been realized in the vacancies of a few material platforms such as insulating film12,13,14, diamond15, graphene16, hBN17 and twodimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides18, which is appealing for practical quantum applications. However, so far, the engineering of defect bound states is limited to a few material platforms due to the challenges in modifying the atomic defects of complex lattice.

Topological quantum materials have recently attracted considerable attention due to their fascinating symmetry-protected band structures and cooperative effects involving the interplay of multiple degrees of freedom (charge, spin, orbital, lattice)19,20. The interactions of multiple degrees of freedom in quantum materials are dynamically intertwined with each other, which results in exotic quantum states21,22. In recent years, the transition-metal kagome lattice materials which host Dirac points and nearly flat bands that naturally promote topological and correlation effects23,24 are discovered, providing exciting opportunities for exploring frustrated, correlated, and topological quantum states of matter25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33. Remarkably, quantum states including the magnetic polarons have been discovered in magnetic transition-metal kagome shandites, which provides a promising way to engineer bound states for dilute magnetic topological materials and kagome–latticebased devices34,

Fig. 1: Atomically precise engineering of vacancies at S–terminated surface of Co3Sn2S2.
figure 1

a Schematics of tip-assisted atomically precise vacancy engineering at a S surface over the kagome layer, showing that the vacancies with various shapes are transformed into the ones with well-organized geometries. b,c STM images showing the topography before (b) and after (c) vacancy repairing, demonstrating the filling of S atom. The red arrow indicates the position of tip pulse for the vacancy repair. d Schematic showing the filling of S atom from bottom S layer. e, f STM images showing the topography before (e) and after (f) vacancy creation, demonstrating the removal of S atom at surface. The black cross indicates the position of tip pulse for the vacancy creation. g Schematic showing the removal of S atom from top S layer to fill the vacancy at the bottom S layer. h Series of STM images showing that a long vacancy chain is gradually shortened by the vacancy repairing method. i Series of STM images showing that a cross-shaped vacancy consisting of four S absences leads to the formation of a triangular vacancy. The red arrows in (b), (h) and (i) mark the position of tip pulse during the vacancy repairing process. The black cross in (e) denotes the position of tip pulse during the vacancy creation process. STM scanning parameters for (b, c), (e, f) and (h, i): Sample bias Vs = −400 mV; Current setpoint It = 500 pA.