
Nitrogen (N) is the main limiting nutrient for photosynthetic processes and growth-development of crops1. Excessive use of N fertilizer leads to low N recovery efficiency, also denoted as N use efficiency (NUEr where r is added to indicate the link to recovery)2, and elevated N losses to air and water with related impacts on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems3. Global food production needs to increase by 50% to feed the world population projected for 20504, according to the World Resources Institute. For global food security and environmental benefits, there is an urgent need to implement optimal agricultural management strategies to further increase the current mean global NUEr (48%)5,6.

Optimized agricultural management strategies increase NUEr and cover a combination of nutrient, crop, and soil management practices. Nutrient management includes fertilizer strategies to increase NUEr by synchronizing crop demand and nutrient availability7,8, using the right fertilizer type, with the right rate, at the right time, and at the right place9,19, use of cover crops9,20 and recycling of crop residues21,Full size image