1 Introduction

In recent years we have witnessed a rising paradigm shift in the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) landscape, since an ever-increasing number of technologies and devices are migrating from a traditional mechanical or electrotechnical often closed system, landing to integrated modern control systems. The new generation of ICS is based on a tight connection among components, made possible by the spread of both commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products and open protocols, as well as by the price reduction of the hardware components needed for the development of these architectures. However, if on the one hand, the interconnection and the remote availability of ICS led to a reduction of the costs for industrial operators and to an increased efficiency, on the other hand, the growing complexity is coupled with an increasing attack surface (Manadhata and Wing 2010) and on a change in the profile of the attacker, who is no more necessarily an insider, but can be an external actor exploiting the remote functionalities of the system. The rising damage due to cyberattacks hit 6 trillion dollars in 2021 (Morgan 2020), doubling the amount recorded in 2016. The need for efficient solutions that can help to protect sensitive information and devices is more topical than ever and led to concerns in the security community due to the potential impact on safety if the attacks are conducted against critical infrastructures (Johnson 2012; Kornecki and Zalewski 2010; Aven 2007).

The high number of software components generate an endless stream of data of a different nature, ranging from network captures to application logs, from hardware monitoring logs to user interaction, and so on. The analysis of the generated data represents a task of primary importance because it often allows to thwart attacks even before they happen (Babbin 2006). However, for this to occur, we cannot rely only on the ability of system administrators and domain experts of noticing relevant actions in huge software logs, but we need automated techniques able to analyze in a fast and reliable way all the information available (Jang-Jaccard and Nepal 2014; Ianni and Masciari 2022; Zikopoulos et al. 2011).

Critical infrastructures represent nowadays an extremely attractive target for criminals, as demonstrated by recent attacks (e.g. Stuxnet and Flame) and talks or academic papers (Apa and Penagos 2013; Meixell and Forner 2013). The attacks target various kinds of ICS or SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems, including industrial sectors such as automotive (Koscher et al. 2010; Checkoway et al. 2011), aerospace (Bieber et al. 2012; Cockram and Lautieri 2007), electricity (Lee and Brewer 2009; Gumaei et al. 2020), oil and gas (Grøtan et al. 2007; Johnsen 2012), to cite a few. Due to the peculiar nature of the systems, it is straightforward to note that traditional approaches based on blacklisting (or whitelisting) activities are likely to fail, because, even if we are able to enumerate all malicious activities, we may incur in attacks that are the combination of several different actions that, when analyzed individually, are not considered menaces at all. There is a lot of information that can be inferred by the correct analysis of a log, and this knowledge can help to provide a roadmap to the origin of a specific threat, to identify the agents involved and even to predict future unauthorized behaviors, both from inside attackers and external ones (Schultz 2002; Kent and Souppaya 2006).

In this paper, we focus on the analysis of logs related to industrial systems from a security viewpoint. Our goal is to provide a novel approach to label malicious activity in logs and even predict potential future attacks. Our approach is based on Marked Temporal Point Processes (MTPPs), a probabilistic stochastic framework which showed its effectiveness in different domains (Yan et al. 2019), such as earthquake prediction, aftershocks, healthcare, financial trends, activity daily living prediction (Fortino et al. 2020, 2021) and so on, but that has found less attention than it deserves in security oriented scenarios. We highlight that the technique proposed in this paper can be applied to a wider scientific area, for both the prediction and the classification of what kind of event will take place at what time in the future. Our approach has the following contributions:

  • A rigorous formalization of MTTPs to classify and predict malicious actions, by interpreting the actions described by different kinds of logs as discrete stochastic processes of asynchronous events.

  • The dynamics of the processes do not follow a predetermined process model, but it is learned by the use of Neural Networks (NN), thus providing an unsupervised framework that is able to learn from logs.

  • An experimental activity, carried out on a dataset related to gas pipelines shows the effectiveness of the approach.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 discusses the relevant literature in the field of malicious activity detection and prediction, Sect. 3 is an introduction to the theoretical foundations of MTTP and to two different techniques based on NNs. In Sect. 5 we describe the proposed approach and evaluate it. Lastly, in Sect. 6 we draw our conclusions and shed light on the perspectives of our future work.

2 Related work

The task of identifying relevant information which does not adhere to an expected behavior is referred to as anomaly (or outlier) detection and it has been studied, in statistics communities, since the 19th century (Edgeworth 1887). The problem gained attention with the passing of time and it has been tackled with different techniques and applied to a plethora of different domains, ranging from novelty detection (Markou and Singh 2003a, b) to noise removal (Chen et al. 1990). One of the domains where anomaly detection has been more useful is, without any doubt, cybersecurity, with application to intrusion detection (Kumar 2005; Guzzo et al. 2020), fraud identification (Aleskerov et al. 1997), assisted surveillance (even military surveillance), vulnerability discovery, exploitation of software flaws, and so on. The literature about anomaly detection is wide since it includes a great number of techniques and application domains. Historically, among these techniques, clustering (Jain and Dubes 1988; Ianni et al. 2020) is of particular importance. At first sight, clustering and anomaly detection seem to be poles apart, but looking more in detail, they are tightly connected, since most of the clustering-based anomaly detection algorithms are based on the assumption that malicious activities represent a small amount of data different by “normal” activities, thus not belonging to any cluster. Examples of algorithms based on this assumption are DBSCAN (Ester et al. 2003).

Clustering-based approaches, however, are likely to fail when the anomalies in the data form clusters by themselves. To overcome this issue, many algorithms based on the density of the clusters have been proposed (Pires and Santos-Pereira 2005; Otey et al. 2003; Mahoney and Chan 2003; Jiang et al. 2001).

Apart from clustering, many other approaches, based on artificial intelligence, have been extensively adopted to identify malicious patterns in data logs and predict future menaces. Among them, in the early stages of research, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms played an important role. In Dilek et al. (2017a) presented an extension of **ao et al. (2017b), adopting a multi-dimensional point process model where for each type of event a different intensity function is generated. The authors also added an attention mechanism to the network architecture, making the prediction model and the relational mining among the event dimensions easier to read. To our best knowledge, there are no other works in literature proposing TPP based techniques for the identification and prediction of attacks to Industrial Control Systems. In this work we present a learning framework whose components employ architectures proposed by Du et al. (2016) and **ao et al. (2017b). Our thinking is that the convenient representation of event streams, the knowledge inferred by attack information and the resulting assessment of the efficacy can be appealing to further research.

3 Marked temporal point process prediction

Marked Temporal Point Process (shortly MTPP) are generative models for sequences of events with variable length in continuous time. These models allow to make predictions, find anomalies and learn useful representations of the data, based on the history of past events. In this section, we provide a formal background: the theoretical basis upon which we can use MTPP for the identification and prediction of Attacks to Industrial Control Systems.

3.1 Theoretical foundations

A Marked Temporal Point Process is a stochastic process modeling the occurrence of a sequence of events, each one belonging to a specific category and taking place in a given time. MTPP is an evolution of the traditional TPP, in the sense that MTPP extends the notion of event point, by adding a mark \(a_j\) which can embed domain related additional information. For example, in the earthquake prediction scenario, we can use marks to hold some additional information with the goal of improving the accuracy of the prediction model when forecasting the position and the magnitude of a seismic event. In fact, the mark can embed not only the prediction label, but any other information of interest associated to the event. In our case we make use of marks in Temporal Point Processes in order to build a more realistic and accurate model by taking into account the available information about the attacks targeting an ICS.

More formally, a MTPP is a generative model for a sequence of events \(e_j=(t_j, a_j)\), with \(t_j \in \mathcal {R}^+\), \(j \in \mathcal {Z}^+\) and \(a_j \in \mathcal {A}\) where the domain of \(\mathcal {A}\) is application dependent. We denote as history \(H_t\), the list of events, up to time t. Our conditional density function is defined as the probability that the next event will happen in the infinitesimal interval \([t,t+\mathrm {d}t]\) conditioned by the past history \(H_t\). Formally, we define \(f^*(t,a) = f(t,a|H_t)\) with mark a, where \(*\) from (Daley and Vere-Jones 2003) means that the density is conditional on the past (right up to but not including the present) rather than writing explicitly that the function depends on the history.

To define the full distribution of MTPP, we specify the density functions \(f((t_1,a_1),\dots ,(t_j,a_j))\) one by one, starting in the past, and we can derive the distribution of all events times and maker pairs by the joint density:

$$\begin{aligned} f(\{(t_j,a_j)\}^n_{j=1}) =\prod _{j}f(t_j, a_j | H_{t_{j-1}})= \prod _{j}f^*(t_j, a_j) \end{aligned}$$

However, in place of using different conditional distributions, a different way of characterizing a marked temporal point process is based on the use of the conditional intensity function that could be specified by the conditional density \(f(t,a|H_{t_n})\) and its corresponding cumulative distribution function \(F(t,a|H_{t_n})\) for any \(t > t_n\).

Formally, the conditional intensity function is defined by:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda ^*(t,a)=\frac{f(t,a|H_{t_n})}{1-F(t,a|H_{t_n})} \end{aligned}$$

The conditional intensity function can be interpreted heuristically by considering an infinitesimal interval around t, i.e. \([t, t+\mathrm {d}t]\) and the number of points falling in it, N:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda ^*(t,a)\mathrm {d}t\mathrm {d}a=E[N(\mathrm {d}t\times \mathrm {d}a)|H_t] \end{aligned}$$

that is, the mean number of points in a small time interval dt with the mark in a small interval \(\mathrm {d}t\).

To suitably model the event times of a temporal point process, different formulations of conditional intensity function have been proposed, aiming at capturing the phenomena of interest that better characterize the application scenarios in the given domain (Yan et al. 2019)

Traditionally, the most common formulation, the homogeneous Poisson process, rely on the assumption that \(\lambda\) is fixed over time and it is independent from the history of the events \(H_t\). Many real life scenarios are well described by the homogeneous Poisson process, e.g. customers arriving at a store, arrival of phone calls in a call center, and so on.

Differently, in non homogeneous Poisson processes formulation, \(\lambda (t)\) is a function of time and does not depend on the history of past events. Examples of real life processes modeled by a non homogeneous Poisson process are the daily measurements of ozone gas or of the exposure to high levels of noise.

Another formulation adopts Hawkes processes (Hawkes 1971), where the conditional intensity function is exponential, thus simulating that the occurrence of an event point increases the probability for it to be followed, immediately after, by other points. This is the case of earthquakes, where a seismic event is likely to be followed, after a short period of time, by other similar events. Another example is the modeling of preferential attachment when analyzing interactions in social networks.

In Self-correcting processes (Isham and Westcott 1979) the probability of arrival of new points decreases after an event point appears, as in the case of terrorist attacks.

Over the past decade many different works adopted parametric forms of the intensity functions, with the purpose of embedding the historical sequence of events. However, several limitations emerged from these approaches. It is straightforward to note that a crucial role is played by the approximation of the conditional intensity function (CIF): in order to achieve good performances in the accuracy of the modeled process the choice of the CIF family is fundamental.

It is important to underline that the aforementioned conditional intensity function families require strong assumptions on the functional forms of the generative processes, and usually these assumptions may be initially unknown or, in most of the cases, may not correspond to real world scenarios. Based on these considerations, recent studies exploited the state of the art deep learning algorithms in order to model, in a flexible and efficient way, complex behaviors. Recurrent Neural Networks have been successfully applied to TPPs, and it has been proved to be more effective in defining a conditional intensity function, w.r.t. predetermined parametric forms.

4 Problem formulation and modeling approach

In this section we provide a modeling for the identification and the prediction of attacks to Industrial Control Systems using the MTPP framework. Differently from other application domains, for example earthquake forecasting, in which it is possible to make a priori assumptions on the distribution of the events, in our case each a priori assumption could introduce a dangerous bias in the predictive model. We then advocate the idea of using Neural Networks in order to approximate the stochastic generation process. Furthermore, differently from the traditional unmarked approach, MTTPs introduce a further element of complexity (and accuracy) in the specification of the model. To identify the appropriate architecture for the application context, it was essential to focus on the following research questions:

  1. RQ1:

    which type of neural network is more suitable as prediction model?;

  2. RQ2:

    is it worthwhile to jointly learn mark and time? or does considering distributions separately lead to better results?

Problem definition: Given a stream S of temporal events, \(S=\{ e_1=(t_1, a_1), \dots e_m=(t_m, a_m\}\), each one represented by a pair of an attack label its corresponding timestamp and such that if two events \(e_i\)and \(e_j\)with \(i>j\),we have that \(t_i\ge t_j\) Considering the stream up to the j-th observation, our problem is to predict the next observation (j+1), i.e. both the type of the attack and the timestamp in which the attack will take place.

4.1 Choosing a model to support multivariate sequence prediction

In the MTPP formulation, the most common way to learn a general representation that approaches the unknown dependence structure on the events of the sign and time throughout history relies on the use of RNNs. Indeed, finite-dimensional recurrent neural networks with sigmoidal activation units can simulate an universal Turing machine, which is able to perform an extremely rich family of computations. To answer RQ1, in our model formulation, we use, in place of a standard RNN, a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), since it is known to be able to learn complex nonlinear relationships and, in addition, to be able to better discover long range temporal relationships thanks to the use of memory cells. LSTM are therefore the most successful type of Recurrent Neural Network capable of directly supporting multivariate sequence prediction problems.

4.2 Recurrent marked TPP to model mark of an event and its occurring time

To answer RQ2, we chose to implement and compare two different approaches: RMTPP (Du et al. 2016) and ERPP (**ao et al. 2017b). Both of them make use of RNNs to model and automatically learn the conditional intensity function \(\lambda\), without any particular prior assumptions. RMTPP (Du et al. 2016) is the seminal work demonstrating that TPP based-RNN approach achieve better prediction performances w.r.t. classical TPP models (e.g. Point, Hawkes or Self-correcting processes).

In the RMTPP formulation, \(\lambda ^*(t) = \exp (w^t(t -t_j) + v^Th_j + b^t)\), with \(v^T\) a column vector and \(w^t\), \(b^t\) scalars learned during the training of the network and \(h_j\) a vector embedding the history of the events. The exponential function is used as a non-linear transformation and guarantees that the intensity is positive.

Going beyond the analytic expression, the core idea in such a formulation is that \(\lambda\) summarizes three contributions:

  1. 1.

    \((w^t(t -t_j)\) emphasizes the influence of the current event j;

  2. 2.

    \(v^Th_j\) represents the accumulative influence of the past events, i.e. the history;

  3. 3.

    \(b^t\) gives a base intensity level for the occurrence of the next event.

The general formulation leaves room for some implementation choices that mostly depend on the application domain. For example, the embedding of the history can be done considering the timestamp or inter-event time \(\tau\) or its logarithm \(\log \tau\). Mark embedding can be different, categorical marks are usually encoded with an embedding layer, while real marks are directly fed into the NN.

Another milestone in the use of RNNs in temporal point process modeling is ERPP (**.

4.3 Identification and prediction of attacks to ICS with RMTPP and ERPP

In order to model, using Marked Temporal Point Processes, the events related to ICSs, malicious activities are defined as marks, therefore we use an embedding layer for malicious activities and related attributes. At this point the two approaches adopt different learning strategy: in RMTPP the feature vector of marks is merged with the temporal features and the resulting vector is inserted in the recurring level of an RNN. In RMTPP, model prediction is based on a unified representation of history dependence and a direct formulation 2 of the conditional intensity function \(\lambda ^ * (t_j + 1)\) which captures both time information from past events and event indicators. Since the prediction of marks also depends, in a non-linear way, on past temporal information, an unified approach can improve the performance of the model prediction when both times and events are correlated.

In ERPP, instead, timing vector and features marks are kept separate and fed into two different RNNs, meaning that we want to predict time and malicious activity separately. For both approaches the recurring level learns a \(h_j\) representation that incorporates and summarizes the nonlinear dependency of the event history. Then, on the basis of the learned representation \(h_j\), the learned model outputs the forecast for the next marker \(a_ {j + 1}\) and the timing \(t_ {j + 1}\) to calculate the respective loss functions (Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1
figure 1

RMTPP architecture

Fig. 2
figure 2

ERPP architecture

5 Experimental analysis

As discussed in Morris et al. (2015), currently there are very few data logs related to ICS well suited for intrusion and anomaly detection research. Most of the literature is based on data logs obtained by attacking locally owned systems. The logs resulting from those attacks are usually not shared publicly, thus making hard any comparison between different approaches. The most used dataset for IDS research is the 1999 DARPA dataset, however, despite its historic importance, this dataset is not a great choice for training and testing classifiers, since it was found to contain unintended patterns which made easier the task of learning differences among scenarios (McHugh 2000).

The dataset used in our experimental evaluation is a set of data logs, described in Morris et al. (2015), obtained from a virtual gas pipeline, including normal activities and 35 different types of cyber-attacks. The authors of the dataset previously captured data from a laboratory scale gas pipeline system discussed in Morris et al. (2011) obtaining the dataset discussed in Morris and Gao (2014). The dataset has been lately restructured after finding unintended patterns related to unrealistic behaviours that lead to overly optimistic accuracy in the classification tasks.

Every line of the dataset contains six different features, as shown in Fig. 3:

  • a ModbusFootnote 1 Frame;

  • two integers representing the categorization (see Table 1) and the specific attack (see Table 2);

  • the Source and the Destination of the frame;

  • a time stamp.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The six different features of the dataset

Table 1 Macro categories
Table 2 Cyber attacks

5.1 Performance evaluation

The evaluation of the performances of our approach has been conducted by asking to the algorithm when the next event is going to happen and to which cyberattack class it belongs. It is straightforward to note that basically the same approach can be adopted for both identifying and classifying past unlabeled activities and to predict future ones. This is because we can simply think about past activities as future ones by simply shifting in the past our notion of present and trying to predict the cyberattack class of the following events. The evaluation has been performed using both RMTPP and ERPP on the dataset, trying first to classify and predict the eight attack categories (7 attack classes, plus normal traffic). The very good results obtained with the attack categories identification and prediction motivated a new set of experiments, performed taking into account the full set of 35 cyberattacks (plus normal traffic) listed in Table 2. For a detailed description of each attack please refer to Morris et al. (2015). The results of both sets of experiments are shown in Tables 3 and 4 .

We based our implementation of RMTPP on the paper: Du et al. (2016). In the case identification of the attack categories, RMTPP obtains an F1 score of 0.948 whereas, considering the full set of cyber attacks the F1-score drops to 0.888, still a consistent result that proves the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

The implementation of ERPP is based on the article (**ao et al. 2017b). We use a single layer LSTM of size 32 with Sigmoid gate activations and tanh activation for hidden representation. It is important to underline that, as previously pointed out, for both RMTPP and ERPP, no prior knowledge about the hidden functional forms of the latent temporal dynamics is needed.

As shown in Table 3 and in Table 4, ERPP achieves better results w.r.t. RMTPP in all the metrics taken into account.

Table 3 Performance results macro categories
Table 4 Performance results detailed cyber attacks

The results shown in Tables 3 and 4 clearly show the effectiveness of our approach. We can observe that the two proposed architectures achieve very similar performances on both sets of experiments. This lead to the consideration that using two separate neural networks for time and cyber attacks does not necessarily lead to an improvement in accuracy metrics. Our view is that this phenomena can be explained by the peculiarity of the application domain. In ICS attacks, in fact, the timestamp of a malicious activity and the activity itself are strictly correlated, suggesting that the strategy of learning them separately in the ERPP has marginal effect. The quality of the results can also be appreciated by observing the confusion matrices. In Figs. 4 and 5 we can analyze the results of our performance evaluation related to the attack categories, where the labels are the ones listed in Tables 3 and 4 . The results of the detailed experimental analysis, related to the full set of attacks, can be observed in Figs. 6 and 7 . In all four scenarios the confusion matrices are very dense on the diagonal, thus highlighting the quality of the classification obtained by means of both the proposed approaches.

Fig. 4
figure 4

RMTPP considering only the eight macro categories

Fig. 5
figure 5

ERPP considering only the eight macro categories

Fig. 6
figure 6

RMTPP considering the full set of cyber-attacks

Fig. 7
figure 7

ERPP considering the full set of cyber-attacks

The reason that the use of deep learning algorithms turns out to be outperforming for solving prediction problems in different application domains is that it manages to capture and express complex dependencies between data better than traditional approaches.

6 Conclusions and future work

In this work, we proposed the use of MTPP, and, more in detail ERPP and RMTPP in order to express the sequence of actions contained in logs or live stream data from Industrial Control Systems. The approach proposed has proved to be an effective and efficient choice in the task of identifying malicious activities and even predict future threats. The techniques discussed have been applied to a dataset coming from a gas pipeline, identifying and predicting a small set of attack categories and even a detailed list of specific cyber attacks. Results obtained clearly show the effectiveness of the approach, with very good values of accuracy and recall.

Note that, although the effectiveness of the method is evaluated on the log of a gas pipeline system, the formulation of the MTPP problem is general and, eventually, can be applied to different types of ICSs, when the logs extracted from these systems are mapped as sequences of temporal events, including a label identifying them as normal traffic or as attack traffic with the designated attack class.

As future work, we are going to include additional features in our architecture taking into account different measurements and values gathered by the ICS. By using this approach, we trust that the temporal dependency will be modeled in a more precise way and the dynamics that govern the generation process of the activity events would be better embedded.