1 Introduction

The advent of the optical frequency comb, featuring equidistant frequency components, has spurred revolutionary sciences in optoelectronics [1]. This innovation has led to a multitude of advancements, including the development of optical clocks for frequency-time calibration [2], precise spectrometers for biochemical detection [3], and coherent distributed detection systems for deep-sea oil and gas exploration [4]. Notably, microcombs, which leverage the Kerr effect in microresonators, open a way for integrating frequency combs and have emerged as a foundational element of modern photonic technology [5], demonstrating significant potential in areas such as frequency metrology [6], data transmission [7], photonic logic operation [

Fig. 1
figure 1

Sub-comb formation dynamics in a graphene-silica microresonator for gas sensing. a Schematic diagram shows sub-comb are generated in a graphene-sensitized microsphere, and self-beating of the sub-comb produces a radio frequency signal for gas detection. In this device, gas-graphene interaction leads to frequency shift of this beat note. b Microscopic pictures of the device. Diameter of the silica microsphere is ≈ 600 μm (left panel), and the graphene nanolayer is deposited on the microsphere, with a position 20° away from the resonant equator. Size of the graphene monolayer is 50 μm × 20 μm (right panel). c Simulated electric field distribution of the fundamental mode in the WGM microresonator. d Generation of primary combs with a frequency distance Δ due to degenerate FWM (gray arrows) and non-degenerate FWM (blue arrows). e Generation of sub-combs with equal frequency distance δ in each bunch. f Merging state of sub-combs. In the overlap region of adjacent bunches, more than one comb lines reside in one resonance, with interval Δξ. g Frequency offset of three bunches in the dashed box in f. Darker color represents higher comb line power. h Beating signals before and after gas absorption. The gas adsorption on graphene introduces a frequency shift Δf

Figure 1d schematically depicts the generation of primary comb sidebands. When pump is injected into the cavity, parametric gain is produced via modulational instability (MI) [22]. When MI gain overcomes the intracavity loss in the cavity, the first pair of oscillating bands would grow from noise [23]. In this energy conservation process, frequency relation between pump and sidebands can be described as 2ωp = ωi + ωs, where ωp, ωi, and ωs are angular frequencies of the pump, the idler, and the signal, respectively. In this case, the two oscillating frequencies are symmetrically distributed on each side of the pump, with a spectral distance Δ. This process is termed as parametric oscillation or degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM), shown as gray arrows. The distance Δ is usually greater than one FSR and can be mathematically expressed as [24]

$$\Delta = \sqrt {\frac{{4{\uppi }n_{{\text{g}}} (f_{{\text{p}}} - N\delta n_{{\text{g}}} /n_{0} )}}{{\beta_{2} c}} - \frac{{4\gamma P_{{\text{in}}} }}{{\beta_{2} }}} .$$

In Eq. (1), n0 is refractive index, ng is group refractive index, γ is nonlinear coefficient, Pin is launch-in pump power, c is speed of light, β2 is GVD, δ is the FSR at pump mode, N is longitudinal mode number, which can be calculated by N = f0n0/δng, where f0 is center frequency of the pum** resonance, and fp is pump frequency.

Then, non-degenerate FWM process commences, which can be described by ω1 + ω2 = ω3 + ω4. The pump and first sidebands act as photon donors, deliver optical energy to other comb lines (blue arrows) with the same spacing Δ, forming primary combs. Since MI gain usually covers several FSRs, with intracavity pump power enhanced ulteriorly, secondary comb lines are generated around primary sidebands, forming several comb bunches (Fig. 1e). This state is termed as sub-comb, or bunched comb [25]. Although these bunches reside at spectral positions with different FSRs, their comb lines are natively spaced, with a spacing equal to δ. This can be explained as FWM imposing the same time-dependent refractive index modulation to all the modes [26]. When the intracavity pump power further increases, parametric growth of new frequency components would be spurred under the synergy of degenerate and non-degenerate FWM. As a result, the comb bunches spread out and finally overlap with each other (Fig. 1f). At this moment, more than one comb line might reside in the resonance among the superimposed region [27]. Frequency components in each bunch are deviate from an equidistant frequency grid with spacing δ to the origin at pump frequency. Therefore, the offset of i-th comb line belonging to the bunch j can be written as

$$\xi_{i,j} = (f_{{\text{p}}} - f_{i,j} ) - \left\lfloor {\frac{{f_{{\text{p}}} - f_{i,j} }}{\delta }} \right\rfloor \delta ,$$

where fi,j is frequency of a comb line and the bracket represents floor operation. Owning to the natively spaced nature, comb lines in the same bunch share identical offsets, so that offset of bunch n can be expressed as

$$\xi_{n} = n\Delta - \left\lfloor {\frac{n\Delta }{\delta }} \right\rfloor \delta .$$

Therefore, frequency distance between the merging comb lines in one resonance can be calculated from the offset difference of adjacent bunches

$$\Delta \xi = |\xi_{n} - \xi_{n - 1} | = \Delta - \left\lfloor {\frac{\Delta }{\delta }} \right\rfloor \delta .$$

This behavior is visualized in Fig. 1g, where offsets of three bunches (in the dashed box of Fig. 1f) are plotted relative to their mode numbers. When sending the sub-comb into a PD, inter- and intra-resonance beating would result in frequency components residing at higher and lower frequency, respectively (upper panel of Fig. 1h). At lower frequency region, beat-note Δξ and its harmonics can be observed, while at higher frequency region, beat-notes are symmetrically situated around δ, with the same spacing Δξ.

When consider adsorption of polar gases, which accept electrons (such as or H2S, NO2 and SO2) or offer electrons (such as NH3) to form π-π bonds with graphene. This variation of electron number of graphene will lead to change of its carrier density, modify graphene’s Fermi level [28], and interfere its conductivity [29]. This would further lead to change of permittivity and effective refractive index, then sequentially modifies GVD of graphene, and finally results in the alteration of Δ [30]. Although both ng and β2 have impact on Δ, the contribution of β2 is dominant, since it is in the denominator, as shown in Eq. (1). In addition, slight change of β2 would bring about significant variation of Δ, which has been experimentally demonstrated in previous work [30]. Due to the aforementioned relation between Δ and beat-note Δξ in Eq. (4), gas adsorption can be eventually reflected by the frequency shift Δf of the RF signal (or the sub-comb self-beating note), as shown in lower panel of Fig. 1h. As for non-polar gases, such as CO2, the interplay process is very similar. The only difference is that the bond they form with graphene is less stable, therefore response for them would be slightly less sensitive [18].

The comb dynamics and field evolution can be described succinctly by using the Lugiato-Lefever equation (LLE) [31],

$$t_{{\text{R}}} \frac{\partial E(t,\tau )}{{\partial t}} = [ - \frac{\kappa }{2} - {\text{i}}\delta \omega_{0} - {\text{i}}L\frac{{\beta_{2} }}{2}(\frac{\partial }{\partial \tau })^{2} + {\text{i}}\gamma L|E(t,\tau )|^{2} ]E(t,\tau ) + \sqrt \theta E_{{{\text{in}}}} .$$

Here, tR represents the roundtrip time, and E(tτ) is the intracavity electrical field with t and τ representing slow and fast time, respectively. On the right side of equation, κ is the total intracavity power loss, δω0 is phase detuning, expressed as δω0 = ω0ωp, ω0 and ωp are angular frequencies of the pum** resonance and the pum** laser, respectively. L is the cavity length, β2 is the GVD, here higher-order dispersions are neglected. γ is the nonlinear coefficient, θ represents the coupling power loss, θ = 0.5κ when critical coupling is considered, and Ein is the electrical field of the launched-in pump.

To delve the sub-comb dynamics and corroborate the sensing principle, we set the parameters based on our microsphere aforementioned. The FSR is set to be 100 GHz, Q = 5 × 108, β2 =  − 20 ps2/km, γ = 1.79 × 10−2 W−1m−1 [32], and the launched-in pump power is set to be 20 mW. To have a better understanding of sub-comb formation process, we simulate the spectral evolution with respect to frequency detuning from − 10 to − 9.4 MHz (Fig. 2a). Since the long lifetime of photon in the high Q cavity leads to a slow field evolution, a Turing field is injected into the cavity at the beginning, to initiate the process and reduce the roundtrips for field build-up. It is evident that with detuning reduced (absolute value), secondary sidebands appear around primary lines, meanwhile comb bandwidth is broadened. The optical spectrum of comb state at detuning of − 9.5 MHz is demonstrated in Fig. 2b, and manifests itself as a sub-comb. After that, detuning is fixed at − 9.5 MHz, and intracavity power trace is recorded over 100 μs (1 × 107 roundtrips) after intracavity field reaching stationary, as shown in Fig. 2c. The temporary trace shows a period ΔT ≈ 11.5 μs. After zoom-in, it displays a local period Δt ≈ 0.4 μs (Fig. 2d). Through Fourier transform, corresponding RF spectrum can be obtained (Fig. 2e). The beating signal and its harmonics, rising from merging, spaced with an interval of 2.35 MHz. Besides, smaller sidebands reside around these peaks with 0.8 MHz spacing are also observed, whose generation can be attributed to the incoherence nature of sub-comb. These frequency components correspond to different periods in temporary domain. To unveil the impact of the change in β2 (which is related to ng), the peak at 2.35 MHz is selected as the probe. Another 108 roundtrips are applied to calculate the RF spectrum, which ensures frequency resolution down to 1 kHz. By tuning GVD from − 20 to − 20.1 ps2/km, position of the probe shifts from 2.347 to 2.361 MHz. Their correlation is shown in Fig. 2f. Through linear fitting, the slope of the fitted trace is found to be 0.1453 MHz/(ps2/km), revealing that the merging signal could be sensitive to external gas adsorption.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Numerical simulation. a Spectral evolution, here we scan the pump detuning from − 10 to − 9.4 MHz. Color bar: intracavity comb power. b Simulated sub-comb spectrum when the detuning is − 9.5 MHz, this spectrum is indicated by using the white dashed line in a. c Intracavity power trace over 100 μs when the detuning is fixed at − 9.5 MHz, showing a period of 11.5 μs. d Zoom-in of the intracavity power trace in c, it reveals structure with a smaller period of 0.4 μs. e Radio frequency spectrum at the repetition frequency, calculated from the intracavity power trace recorded over 107 roundtrips, based on FFT. The sub-comb merging produces a signal with 2.5 MHz offset and small sidebands with frequency offset about 0.8 MHz, corresponding to the fast and slow oscillating periods, respectively. The peak in the shaded region is exploited as probe for sensing. f Correlation between the probe’s frequency offset and the GVD intracavity. To enhance the frequency resolution, intracavity power over 108 roundtrips are recorded, enabling a resolution down to 1 kHz. Linear fitting is conducted, revealing slope equal to 0.1453 MHz/(ps2/km)