1 Introduction

Accounting fraud cases are frequently and globally occurring events causing extensive financial and non-financial damage to employees, businesses, investors, and society.Footnote 1 The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (2020) estimates that fraud damages for organizations amount to 5% of total revenue or $4.5 trillion yearly, with financial statement fraud being the rarest but most costly fraud.Footnote 2 Timely accounting fraud detection to mitigate the associated costs would be valuable to investors, regulators, and auditors (Bao et al. 2020).Footnote 3 However, detecting accounting fraud is challenging (Bao et al. 2020). First, due to the severe class imbalance between detected fraud and non-fraud cases (Beneish 1999) and “partial observability of fraud" (Wang et al. 2010, p. 2256), there is a need for substantial sample sizes. Second, aggregated financial information does not fully reflect information asymmetry related to organizational behavior (Campbell and Shang 2022).

While the vast majority of accounting fraud detection studies have mainly considered predictors based on financial information, scant empirical studies address non-financial information. Although the associations between non-financial characteristics and financial misconduct have been theoretically and empirically established (e.g., Beasley 1996; Dechow et al. 1996; Johnson et al. 2009; Troy et al. 2011; Wahid 2019; Zahra et al. 2005), only a few studies have considered such characteristics for machine learning-based accounting fraud detection (Bertomeu et al. 2021; Fanning and Cogger 1998; Kim et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2018, 2020). However, none of them primarily focus on CEO characteristics, whereas we aim at improving predictions by studying the joint predictive power of these predictors and raw financial data.Footnote 4

We specifically investigate CEO-related data for three reasons. First, we look for alternative predictors, as aggregated financial information can be altered to disguise underlying firm-related manipulations (Lewis 2013). Second, while the CEO and CFO represent top managers likely to be associated with a firm’s accounting outcomes (e.g., Gupta et al. 2020; Troy et al. 2011), the literature typically considers the CEO as the most powerful character of a firm. Moreover, studies suggest that CEO power influences the interaction with CFOs, as they find a CEO to hold power over the CFO’s accounting behavior (e.g., Feng et al. 2011; Friedman 2014) and that pressure constitutes a primary cause for earnings management by CFOs (Dichev et al. 2013). Lastly, various CEO characteristics have been established concerning outcomes related to accounting fraud. Because upper echelons theory suggests that the top management team’s characteristics have predictive power on organizational decisions (Hambrick and Mason 1984; Hambrick 2007), we consider CEO-related information. The latter is theoretically motivated and empirically associated with financial misconduct by previous literature (e.g., Ali and Zhang 2015; Bhandari et al. 2018; Dechow et al. 1996; Ho et al. 2015; Huang et al. 2012; Troy et al. 2011; Zahra et al. 2005).

Moreover, prior machine learning-based detection studies focused on prediction improvements but lacked interpretability. While prediction and explanation are two distinct research goals (Shmueli 2010), understanding the drivers behind a model’s predictive power is paramount for financial applications (Sigrist and Hirnschall 2019). Consequently, we introduce state-of-the-art model-agnostic techniques to the accounting fraud detection literature, opening the black box surrounding model prediction. In particular, we rely on the permutation-based feature importance (Breiman 2001) and SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) dependence plots (Lundberg and Lee 2017).

We use five established machine learning algorithms to assess and disentangle the CEO characteristics’ out-of-sample predictive power for accounting fraud in isolation and a novel combination with raw financial data items. We expect that the inclusion of literature and theory-derived CEO characteristics captures and adds additional non-financial, and latent firm-related insights, resulting in models that outperform a no-skill benchmark and solely data-based financial models, respectively. Guided by Schnatterly et al. (2018) and the well-established fraud triangle framework (Cressey 1950), we derive CEO characteristics that reflect pressure, opportunity, and rationalization to commit fraud. Our reasoning is similar to recent literature that constitutes the additional value of complementing accounting with other firm-related information for predicting firm outcomes (e.g., Bertomeu et al. 2021; Cheynel and Levine 2020). Further, we specifically investigate the contribution of the variables toward the prediction, their marginal effects, functional form, and interactions to understand the drivers behind the predictive performance.

Following prior literature (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Beasley 1996; Brown et al. 2020; Cecchini et al. 2010; Dechow et al. 2011; Perols et al. 2017; Purda and Skillicorn 2015), we use material accounting misstatements published in the SEC’s Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases (AAERs) and provided by Dechow et al. (2011) as binary fraud measure. While established accounting fraud detection literature uses human expert-identified financial ratios to predict accounting fraud (e.g., Beneish 1999; Cecchini et al. 2010; Dechow et al. 2011), we instead incorporate their underlying raw financial data items directly. Thus, we follow recent empirical evidence of the predictive superiority of raw financial data items over financial ratios (Bao et al. 2020). Our sample covers publicly listed U.S. firms for 2000–2018 and contains matched financial and CEO data of 30,178 firm-years, including 198 fraudulent firm-years.

Consistent with our expectations, we find empirical evidence that suggests a robust predictive performance of machine learning models based on CEO characteristics over a no-skill benchmark for accounting fraud detection. Further, we show the additional predictive value of CEO characteristics combined with raw financial predictors compared to isolated models across all classifiers. Interestingly, nonlinear models such as random forest (RF) and extreme gradient boosting (XGB) predominantly outperform their linear counterparts, suggesting more complex associations between CEO and financial data and accounting fraud. With CEO Network Size, CEO Age, and CEO Duality, we find half of the considered CEO characteristics included in the top 10 essential features. Consistent with our superior nonlinear models, our results indicate a U-shaped association between CEO Age, an L-shaped association for CEO Network Size, and a weak L-shaped relationship between CEO Tenure and accounting fraud. Lastly, we extend the literature’s knowledge by visualizing interactions between essential features. The results suggest that older CEOs not simultaneously serving as chairman and CEOs with a network of up to 2500 connections and high inventory are more likely to be associated with accounting fraud.

This study complements previous accounting fraud detection literature in various aspects. First, to our knowledge, we are the first to focus on both CEO characteristics and assess the joint predictive power of CEO characteristics combined with raw financial data items in machine learning models for out-of-sample accounting fraud detection. Second, we address the shortage of empirical research investigating nonlinear relationships between corporate governance and financial misconduct (Velte 2021). Third, we follow the call by Doornenbal et al. (2021) that invoked research to incorporate more (interpretable) machine learning techniques to uncover currently hidden and more complex associations and allow for future theory advancements. Our results suggest future research's potential to address more complex relationships between CEO Age, CEO Network Size, CEO Tenure, and accounting fraud.

2 Theoretical background and research questions development

Our study draws on two literature streams. Firstly, our research relates to the sub-stream of accounting fraud literature that develops out-of-sample accounting fraud detection models. Secondly, we draw on literature about fraud antecedents on the individual level of corporate governance—the CEO (Velte 2021). The first literature stream can be separated into explanatory and predictive approaches (Shmueli 2010). While many studies focused on investigating causal relationships between financial and non-financial firm-specific characteristics as antecedents of accounting fraud (e.g., Beasley 1996; Brazel et al. 2009; Dechow et al. 1996; Schrand and Zechman 2012), the rise of technological development initiated a transition towards more predictive approaches. Thus, having established associations of relevant antecedents for accounting fraud, many studies started to employ regression- or machine learning-based approaches to predict accounting fraud. Regression-based models appear to be the most frequently applied technique for accounting fraud detection within the accounting and information systems literature (Albizri et al. 2019). Among others, Beneish (1999) constructed a probit model to predict the likelihood of accounting fraud based on accounting variables. They showed that the model could identify about 50% of firm-years with manipulated earnings before public disclosure (Beneish 1999). Another well-known example is the study of a logit model developed by Dechow et al. (2011), which investigated financial information of about 16,000 firm-years including 2190 AAERs, and predicted misstating firms with an overall accuracy of 63.7% and a recall of 68.6%. This study is still considered a competitive model and is used as a benchmark for more recent algorithms (Bao et al. 2020).

While many studies have included regression-based models for accounting fraud detection (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Craja et al. 2020; Larcker and Zakolyukina 2012), a shift toward more advanced machine learning approaches has occurred along with technical developments. Thus, the majority of studies investigated the predictive power of random forests (RF) (e.g., Bertomeu et al. 2021; Craja et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020; Whiting et al. 2012), support vector machines (SVM) (e.g., Bertomeu et al. 2021; Cecchini et al. 2010; Craja et al. 2020; Perols et al. 2017; Purda and Skillicorn 2015), and neural networks (NN) (e.g., Craja et al. 2020; Fanning and Cogger 1998; Green and Choi 1997; Ravisankar et al. 2011). Recently, ensemble methods like RUSBoost (Bao et al. 2020), extreme gradient boosting (XGB) (Craja et al. 2020), or gradient boosted regression tree (Bertomeu et al. 2021) have been introduced.

Prior studies deployed financial ratios identified by experts and empirically shown to be associated with accounting fraud or material misstatements (e.g., Beneish 1997, 1999; Cecchini et al. 2010; Dechow et al. 2011). For instance, Beneish (1999, pp. 26–28) considered “Days’ sales in receivables index”, “Gross margin index”, “Asset quality index”, “Sales growth index”, “Depreciation index”, “Sales, general, and administrative expenses index”, “Leverage index”, and “Total accruals to total assets”. Similar categorizations have been established by Dechow et al. (2011). They categorized financial characteristics into “Accrual quality”, “Performance”, “Nonfinancial measures”, “Off-balance-sheet activities”, and “Market-related incentives” (Dechow et al. 2011, pp. 34–41). However, Bao et al. (2020) recently deviated from including the predominantly used financial ratios and empirically showed the superior performance of the underlying raw financial data items. In particular, they derived a combined set of 28 underlying raw financials from well-established financial ratios utilized by Cecchini et al. (2010) and Dechow et al. (2011). Among others, the variables included stock information, such as “Common Shares Outstanding” or “Price Close—Annual”, balance-sheet information like “Current Assets—Total”, “Account Payable—Trade” or “Cash and Short-Term Equivalents”, as well as income information, such as “Depreciation and Amortization” or “Net Income (Loss)” (Bao et al. 2020, p. 229).Footnote 5 Robustness checks with different raw financials validated the predictive power of the identified 28 financials (Bao et al. 2020).

Only a few machine learning-based studies employed prediction models using non-financial predictors. An exception is the sub-stream of literature that investigates text-based predictors either in isolation or in combination with financials (e.g., Brown et al. 2020; Craja et al. 2020; Hobson et al. 2012; Larcker and Zakolyukina 2012; Purda and Skillicorn 2015). However, besides this literature stream, hardly any study either combines financial and non-financial predictors, such as board characteristics (Fanning and Cogger 1998; Wang et al. 2020), executive compensation (Kim et al. 2016), governance, audit or business data (Bertomeu et al. 2021) or builds their model solely on non-financials, such as board data (Wang et al. 2018). Interestingly, several studies exist that investigate non-financial antecedents related to accounting fraud but are widely neglected by prior machine learning-based prediction approaches (e.g., Ali and Zhang 2015; Dechow et al. 1996; Huang et al. 2012; Troy et al. 2011; Schrand and Zechman 2012).

The second literature stream we draw on focuses on accounting fraud-related antecedents at the CEO level, which has been widely neglected within machine learning-based accounting fraud studies. Inspired by Schnatterly et al. (2018), we consider six CEO characteristics derived from prior literature and categorize them within the well-established fraud triangle framework (Cressey 1950; Dorminey et al. 2012; Trompeter et al. 2013), common in the audit literature (Dorminey et al. 2012): pressure (CEO Tenure, CEO Network Size), opportunity (CEO Duality), and rationalization (CEO Age, CEO Gender, CEO MBA).Footnote 6

According to the fraud triangle, these three interacting antecedent groups precede fraud, where higher interaction and manifestation of these elements result in higher fraud risk (Dorminey et al. 2012).

Pressure (or Incentives). Pressure (or incentives) represents the perceived motivation that forces (incentivizes) the actor to behave fraudulently (Dorminey et al. 2012). CEOs’ perceived pressure (or incentives) to misbehave can originate from various sources, such as career concerns. Thus, Ali and Zhang (2015) argue that CEO and firm performance are linked (Fama 1980) and that the CEO has an interest in optimizing her future career perspectives, such as “compensation, reappointments or managerial autonomy” (Ali and Zhang 2015, p. 61). Therefore, the external labor market needs to perceive the CEO as a well-performer (e.g., Fama 1980). However, especially at the beginning of a CEO’s tenure at a firm, the market is likely uncertain about a CEO’s ability (Gibbons and Murphy 1992) due to a lack of historical CEO performance information (Ali and Zhang 2015). As unfavorable market valuations of the CEO’s ability could hamper her career perspectives, the CEO is incentivized to improve the market’s perception of her abilities in the early years (Ali and Zhang 2015). Consistent with this argumentation, Ali and Zhang (2015) find earnings overstatements to be greater in CEOs’ early years than in the later years of their tenure. However, the horizon problemFootnote 7 suggests that departing CEOs have incentives to behave opportunistically in their final years of tenure to boost their short-term compensation (Dechow and Sloan 1991). Ali and Zhang (2015) consistently find that earnings are overstated in the CEO’s final years when controlling for early year overstatements.

Similarly, social psychology suggests that human behavior is driven by social norms and the expected judgment of one’s behavior by others (Cialdini et al. 1991). Corporate misconduct could result in reputational damages that mitigate future career prospects (Karpoff 2011). Thus, anticipated social capital losses may result in a disincentive to misbehave (Atanasov et al. 2012). Based on this reasoning, Bhandari et al. (2018) find the number of CEO connections negatively associated with earnings management and financial restatements.

Opportunity. Opportunity describes the perceived possibility of the actor committing fraud without fearing detection or punishment (Dorminey et al. 2012). CEO power is typically considered the main characteristic of fraud opportunity on the CEO level (Schnatterly et al. 2018), commonly measured by CEO duality (Velte 2021). Particularly, Jensen (1993) theorizes that if a CEO simultaneously serves as chairman of the board, the oversight of the management is reduced. Based on this argument, Dechow et al. (1996) find firms with CEO duality to show a higher likelihood of receiving SEC AAERs, consistent with the prior expectations.

Rationalization. Lastly, rationalization embodies the actor’s integrity to internally justify the fraudulent act as morally reasonable (Dorminey et al. 2012). According to Schnatterly et al. (2018), individuals try to resolve a moral trade-off between their fraudulent behavior and societal ethics (e.g., Cressey 1950; Trompeter et al. 2013). Thus, a CEO’s ethical socialization is likely important for rationalizing fraudulent behavior. CEO age, gender, and business education (MBA) may be associated with ethical processes and, in turn, fraudulent acts (Schnatterly et al. 2018).

First, Troy et al. (2011) argue that prior literature suggests negative associations between age and unethical (e.g., Hunt and Chonko 1984; Kelley et al. 1990) or risk-taking behavior (e.g., Brouthers et al. 2000; Hambrick and Mason 1984; Markóczy 1997). The authors further suggest that older individuals behave less risky, as they are more likely to adhere to organizational rules (Child 1974), are more morally developed (Kelley et al. 1990), construe a code of conduct more strictly (Serwinek 1992), and are less likely to succumb to external pressures (Daboub et al. 1995; Price and Norris 2009). Based on these findings, Troy et al. (2011) posit that older CEOs are less likely to rationalize the costs of the risk and the respective consequences of being discovered than their younger counterparts. Consistently, the literature finds CEO age negatively related to accounting fraud (Huang et al. 2012; Troy et al. 2011).

Second, different socializations between genders contribute towards diverging individual ethical values (e.g., Mason and Mudrack 1996; Weeks et al. 1999), which can result in more ethical decision-making at work (Dawson 1995). In particular, female practitioners are more ethically sensitive and risk-averse than their male counterparts (e.g., Weeks et al. 1999). Following these studies, Ho et al. (2015) find female CEOs positively associated with accounting conservatism. Building on this, Schnatterly et al. (2018) propose an association between CEO gender and financial misconduct.

Lastly, Troy et al. (2011) draw on prior literature that indicates positive associations between education and moral development (Freeman and Gilbert 1988; Rest and Thoma 1985), information processing (Wiersema and Bantel 1992), and better decision-making (e.g., Fiske and Taylor 1991). The authors follow the “preponderance of literature” (Troy et al. 2011, p. 265) and Barker and Mueller (2002), who suggest that business education establishes analytical skills that avoid negative business consequences. Based on this argumentation, Troy et al. (2011) argue that the findings on education levels can be extended to business education, which establishes fundamental knowledge of accounting and the potential negative consequences of misbehavior. This is, in turn, expected to result in CEOs being less likely to rationalize accounting fraud (Troy et al. 2011). Consistent with this reasoning, Troy et al. (2011) find significant negative associations between firms with CEOs holding business degrees and accounting fraud.

Grounded in upper echelons theory (Hambrick and Mason 1984) and the proposed individual predictive value of the CEO characteristics on accounting fraud, we argue that the combination of CEO characteristics could reveal a large share of a CEO’s underlying values and cognitive processes linked to accounting fraud behavior. Therefore, we explore if machine learning models based on these characteristics perform better in separating fraudulent from non-fraudulent firm-years than a random guessing threshold. Hence, the first research question can be stated as follows:


Do machine learning models for accounting fraud detection based on CEO characteristics achieve a predictive performance superior to random guessing?

Bao et al. (2020) suggest that although most accounting fraud detection literature relies on human expert-identified financial ratios, raw financial data items capture a superior predictive value compared to financial ratios. However, following the argumentation of Campbell and Shang (2022), aggregated financial information only partially reflects the company’s inner workings, including behavioral patterns and values, which are likely associated with misconduct. Similarly, Bertomeu et al. (2021) propose that accounting variables add predictive value to their accounting fraud detection model, primarily through their complementary effect with other information sources. Following this line of reasoning, we fit in the scant but growing accounting fraud prediction literature, which suggests that complementing accounting information with non-financial data (e.g., business, text, corporate governance data) leads to superior predictive models (e.g., Bertomeu et al. 2021; Craja et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020).Footnote 8 We argue to incorporate additional latent firm-specific information associated with accounting fraud and neglected by financial predictors. This information increase likely results in higher predictive performance for accounting fraud detection, which is essential to detect and reduce costs on time. Following this reasoning, in combination with raw financial data items, we posit that CEO characteristics deliver superior predictive performance than financial and CEO models in isolation. Hence, the second research question can be stated as followsFootnote 9:


Do machine learning models for accounting fraud detection based on a combination of raw financial and CEO information (CEO + FIN) outperform isolated approaches (CEO, FIN)?

Predictive performance and causal inferences are two distinct objectives within machine learning (Shmueli 2010). While the vast body of the accounting fraud detection literature focuses on incorporating machine learning models to improve predictive performance, hardly any study also sheds light on variable-specific insights (Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020). This, however, is of particular interest to researchers and practitioners alike, as understanding the drivers for predictions is considered paramount for financial applications (Sigrist and Hirnschall 2019). Thus, we follow these studies and a recent call for interpretable machine learning techniques by Doornenbal et al. (2021) and investigate the model’s feature importance.

However, we deviate from prior studies that performed impurity-based feature importance (e.g., Bao et al. 2020) and rely on permutation-based feature importance developed by Breiman (2001). This practice delivers more robust results (Strobl et al. 2007) and was recently proposed by Doornenbal et al. (2021). Following the previously established argumentation of the importance of CEO characteristics for the predictive power of accounting fraud detection, we investigate the feature importance of our best-performing model, with a particular focus on the newly incorporated CEO characteristics. Thus, the third research question can be framed as follows:


How influential are individual CEO characteristics for accounting fraud detection within the best CEO +  FIN model?

Furthermore, our study aims to open the black box of accounting fraud detection beyond feature importance, providing insights into functional forms, directions, and main effects of CEO-related predictors. We introduce the novel SHAP dependence plot by Lundberg and Lee (2017) to the accounting fraud literature to disentangle these associations. We are interested in how CEO characteristics contribute to the model predictions and whether the associations comply with previous literature or diverge in structural complexity. Thus, we state the following research question:


How do the individual CEO characteristics contribute toward accounting fraud detection within the best CEO + FIN model?

Interaction effects complement our analysis to disentangle feature importance beyond main effects. Consequently, the interdependencies of CEO characteristics and financial information are particularly interesting for machine learning-based accounting fraud detection. As before, we rely on SHAP dependence plots and visualize the interaction between two of the most crucial CEO characteristics and raw financials. This extends current knowledge towards the associations around CEO and financial information within accounting fraud detection models. The related research question can be formulated as follows:


How do the essential CEO characteristics interact with each other and raw financials within the best CEO + FIN model?

3 Modeling approach

3.1 Algorithms

This study uses five prediction models. Besides the traditional logistic regression (LR), more advanced machine learning techniques, including SVM, RF, XGB, and NNs, are employed. LR is often considered a benchmark model for more advanced machine learning approaches (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Craja et al. 2020). Besides its application for predictions, the LR allows for inferences of the partial effects of X on Y. More advanced machine learning models often face limitations in interpretation (Zhao and Hastie 2021). Therefore, interpretability is commonly understood as an advantage of LR.

The SVM developed by Cortes and Vapnik (1995) is a more advanced prediction model. The underlying idea of SVM is rooted in a maximum margin hyperplane that perfectly separates training data into two classes by constructing a hyperplane within a p-dimensional feature space (James et al. 2021). The algorithm chooses the function coefficients to maximize the margin to the closest observed training data (James et al. 2021). A support vector classifier allows some observations to be incorrectly linearly classified, regulated by the C’s tuning parameter (James et al. 2021).Footnote 10 The function varies in linear, polynomial, or radial form. A support vector classifier with a nonlinear kernel is known as SVM (James et al. 2021).

RF, introduced by Breiman (2001), is a popular ensemble learning technique that delivers a competitive predictive performance (Hastie et al. 2009). They address decreased generalizability caused by overfitting, which is the main challenge of a predictive model (Shmueli 2010), by various randomization elements. Contrasting the previously described models, ensemble learning models represent a more complex machine learning technique that combines various base estimators. Specifically, the RF incorporates multiple classification and regression trees (CART) (Breiman et al. 2017). For classification problems, base learner classification trees typically conduct each split to minimize the impurity of the resulting nodes, as measured by the Gini index (Breiman et al. 2017).Footnote 11 To compute the RF’s predictions, it trains these multiple decision trees individually and averages over each tree’s results (Hastie et al. 2009).

Moreover, the RF adds randomization by training the base models on bootstrapped training data samples (James et al. 2021). The RF incorporates its multiple decision trees with additional random feature selection of a subset m of features p for splitting the nodes as base models (Breiman 2001).Footnote 12 RFs are relatively robust against outliers and noise while being faster than similar algorithms (Breiman 2001). Another advantage is partial explainability which allows for variable importance estimations based on the algorithm’s inherent splitting procedure (Breiman 2001).

Another tree-based algorithm that has been considered in a wide range of prediction tasks is the recently developed XGB algorithm by Chen and Guestrin (2016). Boosting algorithms, including XGB, are among the best-performing learning methods (Hastie et al. 2009). Like RF, they draw on an ensemble of multiple decision trees (James et al. 2021). However, boosting algorithms do not produce bootstrapped samples but sequentially add newly grown small decision trees to the currently fitted model to update the model’s residuals and slowly progress toward a more accurate prediction (James et al. 2021). Thus, each new tree heavily depends on the previous ones (James et al. 2021). The algorithm draws on Friedman’s (2001) established gradient boosting algorithm and extends it in scalability (Chen and Guestrin 2016). Thus, the algorithm is computationally more efficient than Friedman's (2001) original gradient boosting algorithm (Climent et al. 2019). For boosting algorithms, the number of trees, also called iterations, the learning rate, and the decision trees’ complexity are typically considered for model tuning (James et al. 2021).

Lastly, NNs represent another class of established algorithms for accounting fraud detection. NNs are rooted in the seminal work about perceptrons by Rosenblatt (1958), who developed a probabilistic model of information processing within the brain. The basic idea of NNs can be explained with a single-layer neural network that takes p inputs as vector X = {\({X}_{1}\), \({X}_{2}\), …, \({X}_{p}\)}, called the input layer (James et al. 2021). A hidden layer follows the input layer. It consists of K hidden nodes that each receive all inputs from the input layer, sum the weighted inputs, and add a bias term (James et al. 2021). Next, it transforms these linear functions into probability values between 0 and 1 using nonlinear activation functions g(z) (James et al. 2021). Three main function types exist: the sigmoid function, the hyperbolic tangent, and the rectified linear unit (ReLu). Afterward, activations \({A}_{k}\) are passed on to the output layer (James et al. 2021). In a single-layer NN, the function’s parameters and weights are typically estimated by minimizing the log loss for a qualitative response or the squared-error loss for a quantitative response (James et al. 2021). More recent NNs typically extend this structure by consisting of multiple hidden layers through which a chain of transformations is performed, similar to the outlined approach (James et al. 2021).Footnote 13

3.2 Evaluation metrics

Following the vast majority of related research (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Cecchini et al. 2010; Craja et al. 2020; Larcker and Zakolyukina 2012; Perols et al. 2017), we assess the models’ predictive out-of-sample performances mainly using the AUC. Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) highlight that alternative, cutoff-dependent measures rely on determining a cutoff value to classify probabilities into binary classes. When chosen ambiguously, this could result in the misclassification of observations (Larcker and Zakolyukina 2012), a challenge within accounting fraud due to the uncertainty about actual misclassification costs (Bao et al. 2020). Additionally, these measures are sensitive to class distributions (Larcker and Zakolyukina 2012). Relying on the AUC mitigates such limitations while simultaneously establishing some comparability with recent literature.Footnote 14 The AUC numerically describes the integrated area under a curve depicting the relationship between the true positive rate (TPR) (y-axis) and the false positive rate (FPR) (x-axis) in a two-dimensional feature space ranging from 0 to 1 on each axis (Fawcett 2006). Following Bradley (1997, p. 1146), the AUC can be computed using the trapezoidal integration as follows: \(\sum_{i}\{\left(1-{\beta }_{i}*\Delta \alpha \right)+ \frac{1}{2}[\Delta \left(1-\beta \right)*\Delta \alpha ]\}\), with \(\alpha\)= P(FP) = FPR and \(1-\beta\)= P(TP) = Sensitivity = TPR.Footnote 15 The benchmark AUC for random guesses is 0.5, where any model exceeding this threshold outperforms random models, and a perfect model yields an AUC of 1 (Fawcett 2006).

However, we follow prior studies and complement this metric to provide additional insights into the models’ overall predictive performance. We consider sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy as additional metrics (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Cecchini et al. 2010; Craja et al. 2020). Sensitivity measures the correctly classified minority firm-years (here fraud; TP) of all investigated firm-years (TP + FP) as \(\frac{\mathrm{TP}}{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FP}}\). Specificity, measured as \(\frac{\mathrm{TN}}{\mathrm{TN}+\mathrm{FP}}\), displays the correctly identified non-fraudulent firm-years (TN) as a ratio out of all negative firm-years (TN + FP). Additionally, we report the models’ accuracy, defined as \(\frac{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{TN}}{\mathrm{TP}+\mathrm{FP}+\mathrm{TN}+\mathrm{FN}}\), to display the overall correct classifications. While we acknowledge the limited validity of this measure within imbalanced data settings, we report it to present a complete overview of the overall performance.

4 Sample and research design

4.1 Sample

We follow previous literature in constructing our sample from three distinct primary sources. First, we collect the 28 raw financial data items Bao et al. (2020) utilized for all publicly listed U.S. firms through COMPUSTAT from 2000 to 2018 and find 202,529 firm-year observations. We limit these observations beginning in 2000, as some CEO characteristics from BoardEx are only available from that year onwards. Second, consistent with a vast body of accounting fraud literature (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Brown et al. 2020; Cecchini et al. 2010; Craja et al. 2020; Dechow et al. 2011; Perols et al. 2017), we use material accounting misstatements published in the SEC’s Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases (AAERs) as binary fraud measure. We obtain the AAERs from 1982 to 2018 from Dechow et al. (2011) and match them to the firm-year observations from 2000 to 2018 using CIKs. AAERs can span over multiple firm-years, representing several consecutive materially misstated years. We follow most prior accounting detection literature and consider all misstated years within our sample. Following Wang et al. (2020), we argue that the CEO and the firm could have intervened at any time.Footnote 16 Lastly, we gather CEO data from BoardEx from 2000 to 2018. Inspired by Gupta et al. (2020), we identify CEOs by only considering observations with role titles, including “CEO” or “Chief Executive Officer”. We matched the CEO and financial data items. Following previous literature (e.g., Brown et al. 2020; Dechow et al. 2011, 2012; Perols et al. 2017; Purda and Skillicorn 2015), we exclude financial services firms due to structurally missing financial items.

Due to mismatches in company and director identifiers, duplicates, and non-CEO data, the final unbalanced sample consists of 30,178 firm-years, including 198 firm-years for which AAERs have been issued. Table 1 depicts an overview of the sample selection process. Typical for accounting fraud research, the number of SEC identified misstatement years within our sample is small. This could lead to limitations through algorithmic over-specification, which should be considered when interpreting our results. However, our sample’s absolute number of fraud cases is comparable to that of previous studies (e.g., Cecchini et al. 2010; Craja et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020) and corresponds to 0.66% of all included firm-years, which is consistent with prior literature (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Beneish 1999; Bertomeu et al. 2021). The data constitute 4281 unique, publicly-traded U.S.-located firms and 6,581 distinct CEOs.

Table 1 Sample selection overview

Variables. The combined final data set includes 35 variables. The dependent dummy variable misstate is coded as 1 if an AAER has been issued for a firm-year and 0 otherwise. The considered 28 raw financial data items identified by Bao et al. (2020, p. 229) are “Common Shares Outstanding”, “Current Assets—Total”, “Sale of Common and Preferred Stock”, “Property, Plant and Equipment—Total”, “Account Payable—Trade”, “Cash and Short-Term Investments”, “Price Close—Annual—Fiscal”, “Retained Earnings”, “Inventories—Total”, “Common/Ordinary Equity—Total”, “Debt in Current Liabilities—Total”, “Depreciation and Amortization”, “Receivables—Total”, “Cost of Goods Sold”, “Assets—Total”, “Long-Term Debt Issuance”, “Income Before Extraordinary Items”, “Long-Term Debt—Total”, “Interest and Related Expense—Total”, “Income Taxes—Total”, “Current Liabilities—Total”, “Sales/Turnover (Net)”, “Income Taxes Payable”, “Investment and Advances—Other”, “Liabilities—Total”, “Short-Term Investments—Total”, “Net Income (Loss)”, and “Preferred/Preference Stock (Capital)—Total”. Additionally, this study includes six CEO-related variables established as antecedents of accounting fraud. CEO Gender represents an indicator variable, coded as 1 for male and 0 for female CEOs. CEO MBA has been operationalized as a dummy variable representing 1 if a CEO obtained an MBA and 0 otherwise. CEO Duality is operationalized through a binary dummy variable with 1 representing a CEO who also holds the chairperson position and 0 otherwise. CEO Age describes the age of the CEO at the beginning of a given firm-year. CEO Tenure describes the number of years the CEO has been in the position as CEO at the beginning of a given firm-year. Following prior literature, we consider these two variables at the beginning of the respective firm-year (e.g., Karpoff et al. 2008).Footnote 17CEO Network Size represents the number of overlaps from the respective CEO's education, work, and further activities.Footnote 18

Table 2 represents selected summary statistics for the variables of particular interestCEO characteristics.Footnote 19 Precisely, Panel A of Table 2 displays the descriptive statistics for the entire sample and shows the average firm-year to have a CEO of about 54 years of age, a network of 1311 social contacts from work, education, or other activities, serving the company in his current position for about 4 years, be male (96%), without MBA (36%) and not serving as a chairman of the board (46%). Overall, these results appear in line with prior literature.Footnote 20

Table 2 Descriptive statistics for CEO-characteristics

Panel B of Table 2 represents the univariate differences in CEO characteristics between the fraudulent and non-fraudulent firm-year groups. We apply students t tests and the more robust Welch’s tests for differences in unequal samples and variances. Accordingly, we find significantly smaller CEO Age, CEO Network Size, and CEO Tenure in fraudulent firm-years, while the ratio of firm-years with CEO Duality is significantly higher. This descriptive evidence is consistent with prior literature (e.g., Ali and Zhang 2015; Bhandari et al. 2018; Dechow et al. 1996; Huang et al. 2012; Troy et al. 2011). No statistically significant differences can be found for CEO MBA and CEO Gender. However, the mean value of CEO MBA is similar to the descriptive result of accounting fraud firms in Koch-Bayram and Wernicke (2018). The higher rate of male CEOs in fraudulent firm-years is in line with prior literature suggesting more conservative accounting behavior by firms led by female CEOs (Ho et al. 2015).

4.2 Research design

This study performs a research design similar to Craja et al. (2020) and Doornenbal et al. (2021). Thus, consistent with Craja et al. (2020), we apply five distinct classification models to detect accounting fraud out-of-sample. We perform various models to establish robustness across multiple prediction approaches and allow for potential insights into the complexity of the association. This argumentation is similar to Doornenbal et al. (2021), who employ a linear and more complex RF model to assess the degree of nonlinearity within the leadership-trait paradigm. Specifically, the models considered within this study are LR, SVM, RF, XGB, and a NN. Following Craja et al. (2020), we train and test the selected models incorporating different groups of variables.Footnote 21 While we only consider CEO-related variables within the selected models to answer RQ1a, we perform the detection models on the isolated CEO (CEO) and financial variables (FIN) as well as on the combined set of features (CEO + FIN) to answer RQ1b. Referring to prior studies, we perform permutation-based feature importance (e.g., Doornenbal et al. 2021) to rank the features by importance for model building and introduce the novel SHAP dependence plots by Lundberg and Lee (2017) on the best performing model. We assess the feature ranking, the direction of the association, functional form, and main and interaction effects to investigate RQ2a to RQ2c. Following previous literature, we mainly use the AUC to evaluate the models’ capability to separate fraudulent and non-fraudulent firm-years correctly (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Craja et al. 2020).

Model Development. This study conducts an extensive model development process, including data pre-processing, hyperparameter tuning, and resampling. To address the potential spurious effects of outliers which could significantly influence outlier-sensitive models (LR, NN), we follow previous studies and winsorize financial variables at the 1% and 99% levels (Beneish 1999; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Dechow et al. 2011; Green and Choi 1997).Footnote 22 Consistent with Craja et al. (2020), we perform a random and stratified sample split to keep a constant fraud-to-nonfraud ratio across training and test samples.Footnote 23 Following common machine learning practice, we split the data to reach a training set of 70% (21,124, incl. 139 fraud-years) and a hold-out test set of 30% (9054, incl. 59 fraud-years) of the total firm-year observations. We normalize the data sets to address potential scaling biases across LR, SVM, and NN features. As tree-based methods are insensitive to different scales, we follow Sigrist and Hirnschall (2019) and do not scale the RF and XGB models. To prevent our models from potentially misidentifying fraud years caused by an imbalanced data bias, we follow recent literature (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Craja et al. 2020) and address the severely imbalanced data using random under sampling (RUS). RUS randomly removes majority class observations (i.e., nonfraud) to reach a targeted nonfraud-to-fraud ratio. While this approach could result in a biased majority class sample,Footnote 24 van Hulse et al. (2007) demonstrate the improved predictive performance of resampled models, with RUS performing best in most experimental settings, including settings relying on the AUC. As our data constitute a similar absolute fraud number to Craja et al. (2020), we follow them and target a nonfraud-to-fraud ratio of 4:1.Footnote 25 This reduces the severe imbalance and keeps a reasonable training size that allows for proper model training while still acknowledging non-fraudulent observations as the majority class (Craja et al. 2020).Footnote 26

We apply all models to the isolated (CEO, FIN) and combined feature sets (CEO + FIN). Because different models are based on various meta-parameters that can be tuned to optimize their predictive power on out-of-sample testing, we apply the well-established grid-search algorithm to find each model’s optimal values. The algorithm utilizes fivefold cross-validation to establish robustness in predictive performance over five varying training and validation set combinations to prevent the trained model from overfitting. Overall, the algorithm repeatedly runs through a grid of specified parameter values to train and validate the model on all potential combinations of parameters and identifies the parameter combination that results in the best AUC averaged over the five left-out validation sets.

Following this procedure for the CEO + FIN data, we find the optimal parameters for the SVM to incorporate a complexity parameter C = 10 and polynomial degree d = 2. For the RF model, we find the number of trees M = 100, the maximum number of features m = 2, and tree depth T = \(\infty\).Footnote 27 We find the final XGB model to include M = 500 boosting iterations, a maximum depth T = 10, and a learning rate v = 0.1, and the NN consists of h = 100, a = “relu”, s = “adam”, and l2 = 0.05. Following prior literature (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Perols 2011), the LR has not been tuned. We follow an equivalent approach for the isolated (CEO, FIN) models. See Appendix A for details on the selection of the tuning parameters.Footnote 28 An overview of the model development and testing process is visualized in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overview of model development and testing process

5 Results

5.1 Performance evaluation


Do machine learning models for accounting fraud detection based on CEO characteristics achieve a predictive performance superior to random guessing?

Having found optimal hyperparameters, we assess the predictive power of these models on unseen test data. We follow prior literature and use the AUC to evaluate the models’ predictive power. Model comparison primarily relies on the AUC differences in magnitude rather than statistical differences (e.g., Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021; Cecchini et al. 2010; Craja et al. 2020).

Table 3 Panel A displays the prediction results for the final models based solely on CEO data (CEO). Our results indicate that all models exceed the benchmark AUC for no-skill models of 0.5 by a large margin. Even the weakest model, the LR, outperforms the random benchmark by about 11%-points. The strongest predictive model, the XGB, even outperforms the benchmark by 31%-points, closely followed by the RF with 29%-points. These results suggest robust empirical evidence of CEO characteristics’ joint predictive power toward firm-year accounting fraud detection across various prediction models.

Table 3 Out-of-sample performance comparison of different feature models

Interestingly, we also find superior tree-based models, suggesting a nonlinear relationship between CEO characteristics and accounting fraud. We find the XGB as the most sensitive model when considering the other metrics. It correctly identifies TPs out of all investigated firms (TP, FP) in about 85% of firm-years. However, compared to the RF model, the XGB performs weaker in correctly identifying non-fraudulent firm-years (TN) out of all non-fraudulent firm-years (0.6819), also resulting in lower accuracy (0.6830). The LR and especially the SVM models appear to have difficulties achieving high sensitivity.


Do machine learning models for accounting fraud detection based on a combination of raw financial and CEO information (CEO + FIN) outperform isolated approaches (CEO, FIN)?

In addition to assessing CEO-based models, we compare the models for CEO data combined with raw financial data items drawn from Bao et al. (2020) and expect superior predictive performance. Table 3 Panel C shows the results for the combined model (CEO + FIN). We find that the RF outperforms the other models with a test AUC (sensitivity) of 0.9285 (0.8644), followed by the XGB with a score of 0.9018 (0.7458). The weakest prediction model, the LR, achieves an AUC score (sensitivity) of 0.7590 (0.6610). Thus, the strongest model outperforms the weakest by a large AUC margin of about 17%-points. Related to specificity (0.8987) and accuracy (0.8977), the XGB outperforms all other models. Again, the tree-based models strongly exceed the performance of the other models when considering the AUC. This is consistent with Craja et al. (2020), who found that the RF and XGB models outperformed the LR, SVM, and NN models for finance data. Again, this provides empirical evidence for a potential nonlinear relationship between these predictors and accounting fraud. Further, Panel B of Table 3 presents the results of the isolated financial (FIN) models for comparison.

When comparing the results of the combined models (CEO + FIN) with equivalent models on the isolated data (CEO, FIN), we find the combined data models to outperform these separated approaches across all models. While the AUC deltas are higher for the isolated CEO models than the isolated FIN models, we still find relevant increases in prediction results for the combined models over the FIN models. Thus, especially among the weaker performing models (LR, NN, SVM), the added predictive power of the combined models on out-of-sample data reaches an increase of 7%-points for the LR, 6%-points for the NN, and about 5%-points for the SVM. While the added predictive value appears smaller for the RF and XGB models (about 2%-points each), this still represents an economically significant improvement, as prior studies find similar improvement ranges. The most similar study by Craja et al. (2020) finds the combination of financial and textual models to outperform models based on a combination of financial and linguistic data by 2%-points of AUC for RF and 3% for XGB.Footnote 29 Despite more diverging data pre-processing, models, and testing approaches, Bao et al. (2020) show the combination of the novel RUSBoost model and raw data to outperform the financial ratio-based LR model by Dechow et al. (2011) by 5.3%-points as measured by an average AUC score on unseen test data. They also show a predictive improvement of the LR and RUSBoost models by 2%-points and 6%-points for changing from 14 financial ratios to 28 raw financials (Bao et al. 2020).

Overall, the results suggest the added predictive power by combining CEO and raw financial data items compared to equivalent models based on their isolated predictors (CEO, FIN). The results appear to be robust across all tested prediction models.Footnote 30

5.2 Model interpretability


How influential are individual CEO characteristics for accounting fraud detection within the best CEO + FIN model?

Interpretability is relevant to identifying the main drivers behind an algorithm classifying firm-years into fraudulent and non-fraudulent. Consequently, many feature-importance techniques have been proposed (see Molnar (2022) for an introduction). We follow recent literature (e.g., Doornenbal et al. 2021) and apply the permutation-based feature importance to our best performing CEO + FIN model, the RF.Footnote 31 We do so rather than following prior accounting fraud literature (Bao et al. 2020; Bertomeu et al. 2021) since Strobl et al. (2007) showed empirical evidence for the superiority of the permutation-based approach. According to Strobl et al. (2007), impurity-based feature importance can lead to more unreliable feature importance estimates than permutation-based ones. Specifically, as the importance of impurity-based features systematically discriminates against lower-cardinality features (Strobl et al. 2007), we would expect the impurity-based feature importance to strongly bias the importance against the low-cardinality variables CEO Duality, CEO MBA, and CEO Gender. While this would limit the accurate interpretation of the variables’ importance,Footnote 32 applying the permutation-based approach mitigates this potential bias.

Permutation-based feature importance was developed by Breiman (2001) to provide a relative ranking of the contributions of a model’s features toward its prediction. The technique shows the total feature importance, including main and second-order effects (Molnar 2022). The idea is to introduce noise by permuting a feature’s values, kee** the other features constant, and measuring the increase in the model’s prediction error (Molnar 2022). The higher the difference in prediction error after permutation, the more the model depends on this (permuted) feature and vice versa (Molnar 2022). However, we would like to point out that the ranking is not linked to the variables’ statistical significance (Shmueli 2010). Features that are not significantly associated with the target might still be necessary for the out-of-sample predictive performance of a model (Gow et al. 2016).

We follow Doornenbal et al. (2021) and employ the permutation-based feature importance with 200 feature permutations on the test set. However, while Doornenbal et al. (2021) based their feature importance method on the regression-based root mean squared error (RMSE), we consider the decrease in AUC for our imbalanced classification setting. This seems reasonable, as the AUC is used to find the best model. Panel A of Table 4 visualizes the permutation feature importance and the respective mean AUC decrease.

Table 4 Feature importance of the best performing RF Model on CEO + FIN test data

Columns 1 and 3 of Panel B of Table 4 compare our RF model’s top 10 most essential features on CEO + FIN and Bao et al. (2020). Following Bao et al. (2020), we investigate the 10 most essential features. For the best performing RF model on the test sample, our results suggest Inventories—Total, CEO Network Size, CEO Age, Receivables—Total, Investment and Advances—Other, Liabilities—Total, Property, Plant, and Equipment—Total (Gross), Cash and Short-Term Investments, CEO Duality and Interest and Related Expense—Total as the essential features, ranked from highest to lowest.Footnote 33 Interestingly, this implies two of the three most important features to be CEO characteristics. Mainly, CEO Network Size contributes second most towards the predictions, followed by CEO Age. When permuting the most critical variables, CEO Network Size and CEO Age decrease the mean AUC by about 1.8 and 1.2%-points.

Additionally, with CEO Duality, a third CEO variable ranks within the top 10 most essential features. Thus, half of the CEO variables enter the top 10 despite their strong numerical inferiority compared to the incorporated raw financials. This suggests the strong predictive power of some CEO characteristics in the novel combination with raw financials for accounting fraud detection. However, the remaining CEO characteristics only rank 19 (CEO Tenure), 21 (CEO MBA), and 30 (CEO Gender). This result suggests the rather mediocre importance of CEO Tenure and CEO MBA and the weak contribution of CEO Gender towards the model’s predictive power. Especially when introducing noise to CEO Gender while kee** the other variables’ values constant, it has nearly no effect on the AUC. Consistent with similar literature (e.g., Bertomeu et al. 2021), our relatively low mean AUC decreases indicate that the final model heavily draws on the combinations of variables rather than a few strongly predictive ones.Footnote 34

Inspired by Bao et al. (2020), we relate those findings to prior literature. For CEO Network Size, Bhandari et al. (2018) suggest a negative association between CEO connections and accounting fraud. Concerning the importance of CEO Age for accounting fraud, Troy et al. (2011) argue and empirically show that younger CEOs rationalize accounting fraud significantly stronger than older CEOs. Similarly, Huang et al. (2012) investigate financial reporting quality and CEO Age and found a positive association. Considering the association between CEO Duality and accounting fraud, we assume this variable to be important as the power of the CEO strongly increases when also serving as chairman of the board, which in turn results in higher earnings management and financial misconduct (e.g., Dechow et al. 1996; Yang et al. 2017).

Consequently, this literature suggests a positive relationship between CEO Duality and accounting fraud. However, further empirical evidence in this study’s setting would be required to validate this expectation. While these CEO characteristics are suggested to contribute significantly to the model’s overall prediction, we also find that some characteristics appear relatively irrelevant. Interestingly, CEO Gender shows a neglectable contribution to the prediction despite previously found empirical evidence for a significant association between gender and accounting fraud (e.g., Gupta et al. 2020; Ho et al. 2015; Wahid 2019). We assume that the small absolute and relative number of female CEOs in our data set partially explains this finding. Only 1135 (3.8%) of the included firm-years represent observations with female CEOs.

Additionally, we find no statistically significant difference in means between fraudulent and non-fraudulent firm-years for CEO Gender in Sect. 4.1. This suggests that firm-years do not significantly differ in female CEO ratios within our sample. Noteworthy, within the top 10, half of the remaining raw financials have been identified among the 10 most essential features by Bao et al. (2020). In particular, Inventories – Total, Property, Plant and Equipment – Total (Gross), and Cash and Short-Term Investments overlap with Bao et al. (2020).Footnote 35 This suggests that our best-performing RF model identifies a similar pattern for raw financials as Bao et al. (2020).


How do the individual CEO characteristics contribute toward accounting fraud detection within the best CEO + FIN model?

While feature importance rankings allow for interpretations of the overall influences of variables towards the prediction outcome, they do not further open the features’ total importance. Thus, they lack information on the structural form, direction of the association, and main and second-order effects between \({X}_{i}\) and f(\({X}_{i}\)). The SHAP dependence plot is a state-of-the-art interpretable technique that disentangles the association of a prediction model’s features (Lundberg and Lee 2017). SHAP dependence plots are a novel visualization alternative to the primarily used Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs) by Friedman (2001) and the more recent Accumulated Local Effect (ALE) plots by Apley and Zhu (2020) (Molnar 2022). Similar to PDP and ALE plots, SHAP dependence plots estimate and visualize the structural relationship between a feature and the prediction without assuming a functional form a priori. Like PDPs, they can identify more complex associations. However, they deviate from PDPs and ALE plots in additionally displaying prediction variance (Molnar 2022) and their interpretation of the main effect. SHAP aims to explain a prediction by calculating every feature’s contribution to the prediction (Molnar 2022) based on the game-theoretic Shapley values (Shapley 1953). Molnar (2022) describes the approximation of Shapley values by Štrumbelj and Kononenko (2014) as follows:

$${\widehat{\varnothing }}_{j}= \frac{1}{M}\sum_{m=1}^{M}(\widehat{f}({x}_{+j}^{m})- \widehat{f}({x}_{-j}^{m})),$$

where \(\widehat{f}({x}_{+j}^{m})\) is x’s prediction with a random amount of predictor values. Lundberg and Lee (2017, p. 4) use the “Shapley values of a conditional expectation function of the original model” as SHAP values. They estimate the features’ marginal contributions to a prediction f(\(x\)) as the differences between the conditional expectations using the respective feature and the observation’s unconditional expectation E[f(z)] (Lundberg and Lee 2017).Footnote 36 SHAP dependence plots could be considered the most intuitive global interpretation plot as it plots the feature instances’ values on the x-axis and their respective Shapley values on the y-axis (Molnar 2022). We employ SHAP dependence plots and visualize the main effects of our CEO characteristics using SHAP values in Fig. 2.Footnote 37

Fig. 2
figure 2

SHAP dependence plots visualizing the main effects of CEO characteristics

For CEO Age, our results suggest a tendency of a U-shaped association with accounting fraud. While the accounting fraud likelihood is the highest with low CEO Age, the predicted accounting fraud probability decreases with CEOs becoming older, up to about 60 years. Beyond this age, the likelihood of accounting fraud increases to around 70 and stabilizes after that.Footnote 38 This result is partly consistent with previous literature (Huang et al. 2012; Troy et al. 2011). Troy et al. (2011) find a significant difference in CEO Age between fraudulent and non-fraudulent firms, with younger CEOs being related to a higher accounting fraud likelihood. These results are supported by Huang et al. (2012) who suggest a positive (negative) relationship between CEO Age and accounting quality (financial restatements).

However, while they also tested for a potentially curvilinear relationship between CEO Age close to retirement and reporting quality, they found no statistically significant coefficient for distinguishing between CEO Age under and beyond 62 (Huang et al. 2012). In contrast to this finding and in line with their reasoning and prior literature that suggests a potential increase in the likelihood of earnings management shortly before retirement (e.g., Davidson et al. 2018). However, this does not explain why accounting fraud likelihood somewhat stabilizes at high levels of social connections and why the decrease does not seem to be strictly linear.

CEO Tenure shows the highest contribution toward a higher accounting fraud likelihood in concise years of service, which decreases toward about 3–4 years and stabilizes beyond with high variance.Footnote 39 This indicates a nonlinear, somewhat L-shaped association. Consistent with previous literature, one potential explanation for our results could be the uncertainty surrounding the CEO’s ability in the early years, which might lead the CEO to manipulate financial statements in the CEO’s favor (Ali and Zhang 2015). Thus, Ali and Zhang (2015) found that earnings overstatement is higher in CEO’s early years, up to 3 years. Although this study investigates the magnitude rather than the likelihood of earnings management, it might partly provide evidence for the observed association. This could explain the relatively high accounting fraud likelihood in the early years and the stabilization close to 10 years of service.

Additionally, the horizon problem suggests that CEOs engage in extraordinary earnings overstatement in their final years when controlling for early year overstatement (Ali and Zhang 2015). While the high variance requires caution when interpreting our results, this could partly explain the minor increase and positive outliers at about 5–10 years but does not explain the weak negative and stabilization tendency in accounting fraud likelihood beyond this tenure.

Concerning binary features, our results indicate that the essential CEO Duality variable exhibits a positive association, consistent with prior literature that suggests firm-years with CEOs serving as chairman have a higher accounting fraud likelihood (e.g., Dechow et al. 1996; Yang et al. 2017). Thus, a CEO’s high power over the board received through the combination of two important management positions could lead to ineffective monitoring (Jensen 1993) and, hence, a higher opportunity which could explain the higher accounting fraud likelihood (Dechow et al. 1996).

Consistent with Troy et al. (2011), who find business education to reduce the likelihood of accounting fraud, our results suggest no clear but if at all a weak negative association between CEO MBA and accounting fraud.

Interestingly, Fig. 2 suggests a tendency of a weak positive association between female CEOs and the likelihood of accounting fraud. This contrasts with prior literature that provided empirical evidence of firms with female CEOs conducting more conservative accounting than male-led firms (Ho et al. 2015). However, this result can only be interpreted with caution, as there is only a small amount of data and a high variance for the female class (here, # 795 or 3.8%).

Overall, our results indicate nonlinear relationships for the nonbinary features, suggesting a more complex relationship between these CEO characteristics and the likelihood of accounting fraud. This is consistent with our findings, which showed that the nonlinear, tree-based models outperform the linear ones.


How do the essential CEO characteristics interact with each other and raw financials within the best CEO + FIN model?

We also analyze interaction effects, introducing SHAP dependence plots by Lundberg and Lee (2017) to the accounting fraud literature for visualizing feature interactions. As a state-of-the-art alternative to PDP and ALE, SHAP also allows separating interaction from main effects (Molnar 2022). Inspired by Sigrist and Hirnschall (2019), we analyze feature interactions for two exemplary essential feature combinations. The results for two interaction effects of CEO Duality with CEO Age and CEO Network Size with Inventories—Total are visualized in Fig. 3. The graphs illustrate the SHAP values for accounting fraud likelihood on the combination of two variables simultaneously (Molnar 2022).Footnote 40

Fig. 3
figure 3

SHAP dependence plots visualizing interaction effects

Concerning the interaction effect of CEO Duality and CEO Age, our findings suggest a counterintuitive interaction. We find older CEOs who are not the chairman of a firm to show a higher likelihood of accounting fraud as compared to younger CEOs. For CEOs who are also the chairman of a company, however, younger CEOs are more likely to be associated with accounting fraud. While the overall finding is consistent with prior literature that suggests CEO Duality be positively associated with accounting fraud likelihood (e.g., Dechow et al. 1996), CEO Age does not seem to mitigate this association equally for both scenarios as suggested by the literature (Huang et al. 2012).

Investigating the interactions of CEO Network Size and Inventories—Total, we find a relatively small CEO Network Size associated with minor Inventories—Total. Notably, for CEOs with connections around 1000–2000, the accounting fraud likelihood is highest for higher inventory firm years. Given a specific network size, higher inventories appear to be associated with medium to higher accounting fraud likelihood.

5.3 Alternative feature importance evaluation

The previous results of permutation feature importance are based on the best performing CEO + FIN RF only. However, as we noted, correlated features could lead to a different ranking for diverging prediction models. Thus, we follow Bertomeu et al. (2021) and test the robustness of our feature importance ranking by comparing it with other tree-based models, here the second-best performing model, XGB.

Table 4 Panel B compares the permutation feature importance of the top 10 most important features across the RF and XGB models. Further, the RUSBoost model of Bao et al. (2020) is provided as a benchmark. Comparing the most essential RF and XGB models' features, we find substantial overlap in feature inclusions while the order changes slightly in many instances. Thus, both models overlap in 7 of 10 variables. This includes all essential CEO characteristics, providing further evidence of the strong importance of these characteristics toward the models’ predictive performance.

Additionally, we find a substantial overlap with raw financials, also identified as necessary by Bao et al. (2020). This especially holds for the XGB model, which shows even more substantial overlap with 5 of 7 raw financials identified by Bao et al.’s (2020) RUSBoost model. While this result could be rooted in the more similar nature of algorithms drawing on boosting, it further suggests a similar detection pattern to our models and validates these raw financials’ importance for accounting fraud detection.

6 Limitations and research recommendations

Our work is not without limitations. Although not unique to our research, this study utilizes published SEC AAERs as accounting fraud proxy. This has two main disadvantages. First, it assumes a perpetrator’s intention that can hardly be verified. However, the assumption of intention seems reasonable, as the SEC is mainly expected to investigate and publish cases they believe in proving intention for in a court of law (Dechow et al. 1996; Feroz et al. 1991). Second, AAERs only reflect detected and enforced cases by the SEC, likely resulting in a significant fraction of hidden fraud cases (Dechow et al. 2011; Karpoff et al. 2017). While predominantly used within the prediction literature, future research might consider complementing their findings with other financial misconduct metrics to increase validity. Karpoff et al. (2017) suggest alternative proxies from the Governmental Accounting Office, Audit Analytics, and Stanford Securities Class Action Clearinghouse to complement SEC AAERs. However, while they might mitigate some limitations at the expense of introducing others, limitations inherent to the research field of accounting fraud, such as the small number of fraud observations, prevail.

Our sample covers publicly listed U.S. firms. While generalizability to other contexts is limited, recent European financial scandals (e.g., Carillion, Wirecard) and the subsequent audit and corporate governance reform initiatives by the EU Commission suggest the potential interest of our research to stakeholders from other regions, as well. The recently adopted European Single Access Point (ESAP), which aims at providing centralized financial information on EU companies, might improve research on European companies. Additionally, few studies consider non-financial predictors, such as CEO characteristics, control-, risk management-, and internal audit systems, for machine learning-based accounting fraud detection (e.g., our study and Bertomeu et al. 2021). Interestingly, the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 highlighted the importance of internal governance systems. Similarly, related antecedents of sustainability and compliance information might also represent an interesting future research avenue.Footnote 41

We particularly acknowledge limitations in the algorithms’ black-box character regarding machine learning-based research. While we address this caveat by incorporating model-agnostic methods, interpretations should be considered cautiously. In particular, causality can hardly be established. Consistent with our results suggesting multiple research opportunities of complex relationships between CEO characteristics and accounting fraud, we strengthen recent calls for advanced interpretable machine learning (Doornenbal et al. 2021) and complexity-driven research (Velte 2021). To summarize, we encourage research in the European context that focuses on non-financial factors, interpretable and non-linear relationships.

7 Conclusion

This study investigates five predictive models based on well-established raw financial data items and CEO characteristics in isolation (CEO, FIN) and a novel combination of these predictors (CEO + FIN). We consider the CEO instead of other top executives, such as the CFO, as the literature typically considers the CEO to be a firm’s most powerful character and to hold additional power over the CFO’s accounting behavior (e.g., Feng et al. 2011; Friedman 2014). Various CEO characteristics have been established concerning outcomes related to accounting fraud. Consistent with this line of argumentation, we find all isolated CEO models to outperform random guesses by a large AUC margin. For all combined data models (CEO + FIN), we find them to outperform the isolated models by large margins, with RF performing the best. These results suggest the complementary predictive value of CEO characteristics within machine learning-based accounting fraud detection. We confirm prior empirical evidence by Craja et al. (2020) that showed the superiority of tree-based models, suggesting nonlinear relationships between financial predictors and accounting fraud, and extend it to CEO characteristics.

While we rely on research design elements of similar studies (Bao et al. 2020; Craja et al. 2020), we diverge from these studies in various ways. Thus, to our knowledge, we are the first to focus on the predictive power of CEO characteristics in isolation and combination with raw financials for machine learning-based accounting fraud detection. Additionally, diverging from most prior literature, we address the typical issue of black-box models and introduce model-agnostic techniques to gain feature-related insights. Thus, we disentangle the novel combination models’ predictive performance drivers utilizing permutation-feature importance and introduce SHAP dependence plots to the accounting fraud detection literature. Our results suggest that CEO Network Size, CEO Age, and CEO Duality are among the top 10 most substantial contributors to the model’s predictions. Robustness checks confirm these results. We are also the first to extend these findings and show the L-shaped, U-shaped, and L-shaped main effects of CEO Network Size, CEO Age, and CEO Tenure within machine learning models, respectively. We suggest strong, weak, and neglectable main effects for CEO Duality, CEO MBA, and CEO Gender. Moreover, we indicate complex interactions between CEO Duality and CEO Age and CEO Network Size and Inventories—Total. Thus, older CEOs not serving as the chairman and CEOs with a network of up to 2500 and high inventory are more likely to be associated with accounting fraud.

Our study extends current knowledge of CEO characteristics and accounting fraud detection in multiple ways. First, we indicate that CEO characteristics effectively detect accounting fraud within machine learning models in isolation and complement raw financial data items. Second, opening the black box, we find empirical evidence for nonlinear relationships between nonbinary CEO characteristics and accounting fraud and complex interactions, suggesting future research potential to advance theories and develop novel hypotheses.

Our research also has practical implications. Stakeholders interested in detecting accounting fraud, such as auditors and authorities, might incorporate or improve predictive models, including CEO characteristics, to reduce detection time. CEO-based models could also be used for widely excluded firms (e.g., the financial industry) with diverging financial statement requirements. Incorporating SHAP also allows for explaining predictions, which is essential for applying such models in practice. Novel insights into CEO characteristics' functional form and interactions on accounting fraud likelihood might provide ground for new policy directions or research theories.