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FSODv2: A Deep Calibrated Few-Shot Object Detection Network

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Traditional methods for object detection typically necessitate a substantial amount of training data, and creating high-quality training data is time-consuming. We propose a novel Few-Shot Object Detection network (FSODv2) in this paper that aims to detect objects from previously unseen categories using only a few annotated examples. Attention RPN, Multi-Relation Detector, and Contrastive Training strategy are central to our method (Fan et al., in: CVPR, 2020), which exploit similarity between few shot support set and query set to detect novel objects while suppressing false detection in the background. We also contribute a new dataset, FSOD-1k, which contains 1000 categories of various objects with high-quality annotations to train our network. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first datasets designed for few-shot object detection. This paper improves our FSOD model through well-designed model calibration in three areas: (1) we propose an improved FPN with multi-scale support inputs to calibrate the multi-scale support-query feature matching by exploiting multi-scale features from the same support image with different input scales; (2) we introduce a support classification supervision branch to calibrate the support feature supervision, aligning to the query feature training supervision; (3) we propose backbone calibration to preserve prior knowledge while alleviating backbone bias toward base classes by employing classification dataset to help our model calibration procedure, where such dataset has previously only been used for pre-training in other related works. Besides, we propose a Fast Attention RPN to improve evaluation speed and save computational memory during inference. Once trained, our few-shot network can detect objects from previously unseen categories without further training or fine-tuning, resulting in new state-of-the-art performance on different datasets in the few-shot setting. Our method is general in scope and has numerous potential applications. The dataset link is https://github.com/fanq15/Few-Shot-Object-Detection-Dataset.

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Fig. 10

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  1. The fine-tuning stage benefits from more ways during the multi-way training, so we use as many ways as possible to fill up the GPU memory.

  2. Since Feature Reweighting and Meta R-CNN are evaluated on MS COCO, in this subsection we discard pre-training on Lin et al. (2014) for fair comparison to follow the same experimental setting as described.

  3. We also discard the MS COCO pretraining in this experiment.


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This work is supported in part by the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong SAR under Grant 16201420, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62306183, and the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under Grant 2024A1515010194.

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Fan, Q., Zhuo, W., Tang, CK. et al. FSODv2: A Deep Calibrated Few-Shot Object Detection Network. Int J Comput Vis (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-024-02049-z

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